Depending on the hard- and software used, not all characters and symbols may display properly or at all. Unusual and inconsistent spellings (including the use of it’s for its) have been retained, except as mentioned under Changes below. The author uses both . and , for decimals and for thousands separator; this has not been changed. The Synopsis does not list all machines described in the text, some machines listed are not described in the book, and some machines are mentioned more than once. There are several discrepancies between the Synopsis and the Table of Contents. Page 127, as 268 is to ...536: the reason for the periods is unclear, they have been left as in the original work. Page 204, horizontal and vertical: the machine in the drawing is horizontal; possibly the words horizontal and vertical should be interchanged. Plate 2: the text on the left-hand bottom reads J.W. inv. (cir. 1770.) & delin. 1899. which is unlikely in a book from 1822. Changes made to the text: Minor obvious punctuation errors have been corrected silently. The various Errata have already been included (including the correction to Plate 19 Fig. 7); the given correction ,99990 was changed to 99990; on page 374, the entire series has been corrected, not only the elements given in the errata; on page 188 the corrections have been made to line 2, not 17 as given in the errata; some errata repeated on last page of errata; some errors reported in errata not present in text). Footnotes have been moved to underneath the text they refer to. Some tables have been re-arranged. Page vi: befal changed to befall Page 21: 18th. figure changed to 18th. figure (Plate 6) Page 24: dfficulty changed to difficulty; clylinder changed to cylinder; equallized changed to equalized as elsewhere Page 26: consitute changed to constitute Page 33: philosohpy changed to philosophy Page 36: as to the the time changed to as to the time; thepocket changed to the pocket Page 38: Lieutenat changed to Lieutenant Page 39: pasing changed to passing Page 51/52: proporportions changed to proportions Page 54-55: w changed to W, z changed to Z as in drawing Page 56: 2,020000 changed to 2020000 (cf. correction of other numbers on page 55, and the written-out number in the next paragraph of the text) Page 58-59: ’“ changed to “’ Page 61: unweildy changed to unwieldy; shut of changed to shut off Page 63: difinitive changed to definitive Page 73: as we llto changed to as well to; theplane changed to the plane Synopsis: parobolico changed to parabolico; second number 78 changed to 79; some page umbers corrected to conform to text Page 90: Opening quotes added before The subject of this paper ... to match closing quotes on page 108 Page 96: indispensible changed to indispensable as elsewhere; whould changed to would; circumferencies changed to circumferences Page 101: circumferencies changed to circumferences Page 102: arces changed to arcs; quantites changed to quantities Page 118: side ways changed to sideways as elsewhere Page 123: once cutting changed to one cutting Page 133: (Plate 17) changed to (Plate 17, fig. 1) Page 134: circumferenceof changed to circumference of; inproportion changed to in proportion Page 137: quote marks added after second and before third paragraph for consistency Page 138: passsing changed to passing; staight changed to straight Page 139: beween changed to between Page 145: penetratration changed to penetration Page 152: reallized changed to realized Page 155: representented changed to represented Page 160: might named changed to might be named Page 161: intead changed to instead Page 170: prouced changed to produced Page 187: opinon changed to opinion; 174.4 changed to 147.4 Page 188: 63 27' changed to 63°27'; y changed to y = Page 191: closing quote added after ... same proportion. Page 200: dependant changed to dependent as elsewhere; Plate 25 changed to Plate 24 Page 203: “tis ... changed to “’tis ... Page 224: Plate 3d changed to Plate 3 Page 286 some times changed to sometimes Page 289 (if changed to if Page 307: analagous changed to analogous; disembarassment changed to disembarrassment Page 311: mens’ changed to men’s Page 317: fig. 3 changed to fig. 2 Page 337: cloged changed to clogged Page 339: ackowledge changed to acknowledge Page 340: preceeding changed to preceding; a pair of of changed to a pair of Page 353: contruction changed to construction Page 357: withold changed to withhold Page 372: esspecially changed to especially Page 387: sherical changed to spherical Table of Contents: some page numbers corrected to conform to text list of subscribers: De Volvic Comte Chabrol changed to De Volvic, Comte Chabrol Plate 36, 43: Engraver added as with other plates. |