Page. | | 1, | line | 27, after System, read of. | 4, | „ | 27, for them, read it. | 10, | „ | 16, for vestuble, read vestibule. | 15, | „ | 10, for parralel, read parallel. | 15, | „ | 13, after centre, read of. | 42, | „ | 7, after was, dele on. | 43, | „ | 1, for Plate 2, read Plate 8. | 49, | „ | 1, after A, read Fig. 4. | 70, | „ | 7, for ionical, read conical. | 100, | „ | 2, after A C for :, read ?. | 102, | „ | 16, for z/a, read z2/a. | 126, | „ | 4, for on it’s surface, read on it’s pitch line. | 126, | „ | 17, for it’s height f g, read the length required. | 129, | „ | 16, for 2 inches, read 4 inches. | 164, | „ | 10, for other two cases in C & E, read in other two cases C & E. | 188, | „ | 17, after b C twice, for :, read ?. | 196, | „ | 20, for fig. 2, read Fig. 4. | 200, | „ | 8, for Plate 25, read Plate 24. | 203, | „ | 11, after heat, read for. | 208, | „ | 6, for is, read are. | 209, | „ | 8, for arrangements, read arrangement. | 246, | „ | 19, after which, read last. | 272, | „ | 23, for wheel, read bevil wheel. | 273, | „ | 21, for axis, read axes. | 287, | „ | 19, for z´, read z. | 289, | „ | 1, after down, read twisted. | 294, | „ | 7, for two, read too. | 311, | „ | 8, for carried, read used. | 335, | „ | 10, for bobbin, read bobbins. | 340, | „ | 8, for edged formed, read wedge formed. | 350, | „ | 8, for Fig. 3, read Fig. 6. | 357, | „ | 18, for light, read double. | 374, | „ | 12, after 1/27 read, 1/81, 1/243, 1/729, &c. | 375, | „ | 20, for 1/14641 read 1/1331. | 387, | „ | 9, for makes, read make. | ? If, in the following List of Names, it has been thought just to mark those of the first promoters of this Work, it has not been to lessen the Author’s obligations to the rest—who, almost uniformly, have given him their Names with the same spontaneous kindness, and thus ensured his lasting gratitude.