- Abel, S. Bury
- Addison, G. W. Huddersfield
- Adshead, James, Stayley Bridge
- Agnew, Robert M. D. Manchester
- Ainger, A. London.
- Ainsworth, G. Stayley Bridge
- Ainsworth. Richard Bolton
- Akroyd, James Halifax
- Akroyd, Jonathan Do.
- Allen, T. & Sons, Huddersfield
- Andrew, James Manchester
- Andrew, Thomas Do.
- Antrobus, P. & Nephew, Bollington
- Appleton, Ogden & Co. Manchester
- Appleton, Plant & Co. Do.
- Armistead, J. & J. Leeds
- Armitage, Cyrus Ashton
- Ashton, Benjamin Hyde
- Ashton, George Manchester
- Ashton, James Hyde.
- Ashton, John Junr. Do.
- Ashton, Joseph Do.
- Ashton, Robert Do.
- Ashton, Samuel Jun. Do.
- Ashwell, James Nottingham
- Aston, William Birmingham
- Atkinson, George Burnley
- Atkinson, Joseph Manchester
- Atkinson, Thomas Do.
- Axon, Charles Stockport
- Aydon, Isaac Wakefield
- Babbage, —— F. R. S. London.
- Bailey, —— Halifax
- Bailey, William Holborn, London.
- Baird, J. & R. Glasgow.
- Baldwin, J. & J. Halifax.
- Barclay, John & Co. Paisley.
- Barge, John & Co. Manchester.
- Barker, —— Do.
- Barnes, John London.
- Bartholomew, J. & Co. Glasgow.
- Barton, H. Manchester
- Bassett, Thomas Bury
- Bates, John Bradford
- Bayley, Abel Stayley Bridge
- Beaumont, Thomas Huddersfield
- Beckton, Joseph Manchester
- Beecroft, Heath & Co. Kirkstall
- Beeston, Thomas Leeds
- Beilby & Knotts, Birmingham, 3 Copies
- Bellhouse, David Manchester
- Bennet, —— H. M. Dock Yard, Chatham
- Bentley, Richard Bolton
- Berthonneau, —— Paris
- Bevan, R. Wigan
- Bewley, —— Manchester
- Binns, A. Stockport
- Binyon, A. Manchester
- Birley, Captain H. H. Do.
- Birley, Richard Do.
- Birtles, —— Do.
- Blackie and Pollock, Glasgow
- Bonsall, Thomas London
- Booth and Co. Park Iron Works, Sheffield
- Booth, John Manchester
- Booth, George Stockport
- Bowes and Kilham, Leeds
- Bowler, James Manchester
- Bowman, James Do.
- Bradbury, J. L. Do.
- Bradley, J. Warwick
- Branthwaite, F. and J. London
- Bramah, Francis Do.
- Bramley, R. Leeds
- Bransome, —— Manchester
- Branthwaite, James Do.
- Brearley, James Bolton
- Briarley, Benj. Blackburn
- Briden, John Birmingham
- Bridson, Ridgway Bolton
- Brindley, —— Rochester
- Brook, Jonas and Brothers Meltham
- Brooke, John Shepley Hall
- Brooke, John and Sons Huddersfield
- Brooke, —— Dewsbury
- Brooks, S. R. American Consul, Manchester
- Broom, Sons and Home, Kidderminster
- Brotherton, J. Salford
- Brown, Baldwin L.L.D. London
- Brown, S. H. Halifax
- Brown, Thomas Barnsley
- Brown, Thomas Manchester
- Buchan, Laurence Do.
- Buchanan, A. Glasgow
- Buckley, John Todmorden
- Burford, D. and Co. London
- Burn, John Manchester
- Burton, George Middleton
- Burton, John Warwick
- Bury, James Manchester
- Bury, John Pendle-hill
- Bury, Thomas London
- Bury, Thomas Salford
- Busk, R. Leeds
- Butterworth, Thomas Oldham
- Carruthers, John Manchester
- Carter, Benjamin Huddersfield
- Carter, John Elland
- Cartledge, Joseph and Sons Halifax
- Casey, Thomas London
- Cawood, John Leeds
- Chadwick, William Oldham
- Challinor, Thomas Manchester
- Chapman, Samuel Ashton
- ChappÉ, Paul Manchester
- Cheetham, Daniel Stockport
- Cheetham, John Ditto
- Cheetham, Joseph Ditto
- Cheetham, Josiah Ditto
- Church, William L. L. D. London
- Clare, Peter Manchester
- Clark, John Jun. and Co. Glasgow
- Clark, Richard Shalford, Surrey
- Clayton, D. Poynton
- Clement, —— Paris
- Clogg, R. Manchester
- Clunie, John L. L. D. Pendleton
- Clymer, George London
- Cocker, Jonathan Salford
- Cogger, Thomas London
- Colden, D. C. New York
- Collinge, Charles London
- Colman, J. M. Norwich
- Colquhoun, James Sheffield
- Compton, Joseph Manchester
- Cook, James Glasgow
- Cooke, Thomas Dewsbury
- Cooper, Thomas Willis London
- Copley, Barrow & Co. Manchester
- Cort, & Co. Leicester
- Cottam, George London
- Coupland, R. & F. Leeds
- Cousen, James & Sons Bradford
- Cowan, John Bolton
- Cox, James Manchester
- Cox, Robert Do.
- Craig, William Do.
- Crawshaw, Jonathan Wakefield
- Crighton, J. & T. Manchester
- Crossley, John & Sons, Do.
- Cryer, Jonathan Bolton
- Cussons, Thomas Oldham
- Cutfield, —— H. M. Dock Yard, Chatham
- Dacca Twist Company, Manchester
- Daglish, John Orrell, near Wigan
- Daglish, Robert Do.
- Dalton, John F. R. S. President of the Manchester Philosophical Society.
- Darwell, —— Wigan
- Darwin, —— Soho Rolling Mills, Sheffield
- Day, George Wandsworth
- Dean, John Bolton
- Denison, Samuel Leeds
- De Volvic Comte Chabrol, Paris
- Dewer, Robert London
- Dewhirst, William Halifax
- Dickinson, —— New York, 3 Copies
- Dickson, Jonathan London
- Dimbleby, William Liverpool
- Dobson, J. & B. Bolton
- Dockray, David Manchester
- Dollond, G. London
- Donkin, Bryan London
- Douglas, John Manchester
- Drew, James Do.
- Dugdale, A. Do.
- Dunlop, James & Sons, Glasgow
- Dunn, William Do.
- Dutfoy, —— Paris
- *Dyer, I. C. Manchester, 2 Copies
- Dyson, Joseph Halifax
- Dyson, William Leeds
- Eccles, Bannister & Co. Blackburn
- Eckersley, J. & W. Wigan
- Edge, Thomas London
- Edington, James Glasgow
- Edwards, John Manchester
- Elliot, Thomas Do.
- Elsworth, William Preston
- Embden, S. London
- Escher, —— Switzerland
- Evans, John London
- *Ewart, Peter Manchester
- Ewing, John Glasgow
- Fairbairn, —— Manchester.
- Fairweather, John Do.
- Farey, Joseph, jun. London.
- Farrer, John Halifax
- Fauld & Woodiwiss, Barnsley
- Faulkner, John Manchester
- Fawcett, Richard Bradford
- Fawcett, William Liverpool
- Fenton & Murray, Leeds.
- Fielden, Brothers, Todmorden
- Fielding, H. & Brothers, Manchester
- Fishwick and Sons Burnley
- Flackton, Joseph Do.
- Fletcher, Benjamin Wigan.
- Fort, Richard London.
- Fowden, William Man
Pl. 1. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 1 (260 kB) Pl. 2. J. W. inv. (cir. 1770.) & delin. 1899 Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 2 (181 kB) Pl. 3. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 3 (352 kB) Pl. 4. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 4 (376 kB) Pl. 5. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 5 (302 kB) Pl. 6. J. White Inv. et del. Engd by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 6 (241 kB) Pl. 7. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 7 (393 kB) Pl. 8. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 8 (333 kB) Pl. 9. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 9 (304 kB) Pl. 10. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 10 (390 kB) Pl. 11. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 11 (312 kB) Pl. 12. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 12 (341 kB) Pl. 13. J. White inv. et del. Eng.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 13 (300 kB) Pl. 14. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 14 (332 kB) Pl. 15. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 15 (377 kB) Pl. 16. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 16 (401 kB) Pl. 17. J. White inv. et del. Eng.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 17 (324 kB) Pl. 18. J. White inv. et del. Eng.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 18 (349 kB) Pl. 19. J. White inv. et del. Eng.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 19 (260 kB) Pl. 20. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 20 (353 kB) Pl. 21. J. White inv. et del. Engraved by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 21 (300 kB) Pl. 22. J. White inv. et del. Eng.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 22 (154 kB) Pl. 23. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 23 (314 kB) Pl. 24. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 24 (419 kB) Pl. 25. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 25 (386 kB) Pl. 26. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 26 (332 kB) Pl. 27. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 27 (421 kB) Pl. 28. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 28 (460 kB) Pl. 29. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 29 (371 kB) Pl. 30. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 30 (291 kB) Pl. 31. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 31 (342 kB) Pl. 32. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 32 (305 kB) Pl. 33. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 33 (305 kB) Pl. 34. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 34 (365 kB) Pl. 35. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 35 (332 kB) Pl. 36. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 36 (391 kB) Pl. 37. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 37 (402 kB) Pl. 38. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 38 (355 kB) Pl. 39. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 39 (317 kB) Pl. 40. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 40 (451 kB) Pl. 41. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 41 (425 kB) Pl. 42. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 42 (451 kB) Pl. 43. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 43 (411 kB) Pl. 44. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 44 (304 kB) Pl. 45. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 45 (270 kB) Pl. 46. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 46 (388 kB) Pl. 47. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 47 (441 kB) Pl. 48. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 48 (375 kB) Pl. 49. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 49 (384 kB) Pl. 50. J. White inv. et del. Engr.d by Leech & Cheetham. Larger image Plate 50 (374 kB) |