files@43075@43075-h@43075-h-3.htm.html#Page_122" class="pginternal">122, 149 Elgin, Earl of, 284 Eliott, Mr. L., 213 Elliott, Sir C., 224 English, Mr. A. E., 297 Eyre, Colonel G. S., 106, 123, 259 Fenwick, Major, 129 Ferrars, Mr. M. H., 34 Fforde, Mr. T. F., 5, 123, 166 ffrench-Mullen, Major J. W. L., 272 Finlay, Sir C. K., 304 Fleming, Mr. A. S., 106, 123, 218, 237 Football, 59 Forde, Brigadier-General, 105 Forest Department, 6 Fowler, Mr. E. O., 221 Fraser, Major F. J., 306 Fryer, Sir F. W. R., 156, 218, 235, 237, 256 Gambling, 57-59 Gastrell, Colonel E. T., 159 Gates, Sir F. C., 218, 306 George, Mr. E. C. S., 242, 245, 251, 271, 272, 277, 298 Gordon, Mr. R., 51 Grant, General U. S., 32 Grey, Colonel W. F. H., 86 Gyaw, Maung Tin, 261, 263, 264 Gyi, Gaung, 260 Hall, Mr. Fielding, 217 Hamilton, Sir I., 138 Harvey, Mr. W. L., 289 Hassan, Prince, 152, 210 Henzada, 10, 261 Hertz, Mr. H. F., 213, 274 Hertz, Mr. W. A., 305 Hildebrand, Mr. A. H., 9, 176, 179, 226, 227, 233 Hill, Captain A. F. S., 306 Hindus and Mahomedans, 27 et seq., 100, 109, 125, 148, 149, 166, 169, 180, 216 Mingin, Wun of, 111-113 Minhla, 106, 114, 123 Ministers, Council of, 145-146 Minto, Earl of, 149, 287, 293 Minto, Countess of, 287 Missions, 49, 50 MobÔn, 75 Mogaung, 213, 250 MogÔk, 177, 204, 205, 252, 298, 299 Momien, 214 MÖÑgmit (Momeik), 298 Monks, Buddhist, 161, 183 et seq. Morley, Viscount, 293 Morrison, Dr., 214 Morton, Captain B., 245 Moulmein, 10 Myanaung, 95 et seq. Myaung-my?a, 40, 73 MyedÈ, 74 et seq. Myelat, 225, 231, 233 Myingun, Prince, 96, 125, 148 Myingyan, 106, 114, 123, 129, 184, 259, 303 Myitkyina, 10, 242, 249, 250, 305, 306 Myotha, 132-133 Myothugyis, 153 Namkham, 177, 298 Ngapi, 38, 62 Ngathaing-gyaung, 88, 167, 224 Tuck, Mr. H. N., 221 Tucker, Mr. A. H., 258 Tucker, Mr. H. St. G., 156 Tun, Maung, 216 Twomey, Mr. D. H. R., 218, 221 U, Hla, 161 Vaccination, 216 Victoria Point, 300 Village Law, 219 WakÈma, 40 Wales, T.R.H. the Prince and Princess of, 181, 233, 287 Wales, H.R.H. Prince Albert Victor of, 224 Wallace, Sir D. M., 138 Warry, Mr. W., 272 White, Sir G. S., 105, 143, 159, 170, 182 Wilkinson, Mr. C. J., 5 Women, Burmese, 68 et seq. Wood carving, 65 Wuntho, 211, 217, 221, 239, 252 YamÈthin, 259 Yan, Shwe, 161 Yanaung Mintha, 30, 126 Yatsauk, 179 Yenangyaung, 304 Yenangyaung Mingyi (1), 126 Yenangyaung Mingyi (2), 124, 125, 126 Yunnan, 210, 214, 274 Yunnan-fu, 224 Zan, Maung Aung, 25, 252, 294 Zibingale, 176-177 Zibingyi, 254 Zinath Mahal, Begam, 208-209 Zinaw, 248 BILLING AND SONS, LTD., PRINTERS, GUILDFORD. Transcriber's notes: The following is a list of changes made to the original. The first line is the original line, the second the corrected one. illustrious of pure Bhuddist shrines, dominating the illustrious of pure Buddhist shrines, dominating the I spent in the office eleven years a period surpassed only, I spent in the office eleven years, a period surpassed only, Two days earlier the King of Burmah issued a proclamation Two days earlier the King of Burma issued a proclamation into Divisions, and Commissioners were appointed, In June, into Divisions, and Commissioners were appointed. In June, he was noosed and tied up in the Keddah, and the he was noosed and tied up in the Kheddah, and the At Sadagaung it was found that all the servants, At Sagadaung it was found that all the servants, Their son and daughter, Mirza JamshÍd Bakht and Ronak Begam, Their son and daughter, Mirza JamshÍd Bakht and Ronak Begam, In the morning the valleys were covered with a vale of mist; In the morning the valleys were covered with a veil of mist; Some of these officers are Arakenese, one a Talaing; Some of these officers are Arakanese, one a Talaing; the very able and distinguished Deputy Commmissioner of Myitkyina, the very able and distinguished Deputy Commissioner of Myitkyina, myo-Ôk-gavaw = Myo-Ôk's wife. my?o-Ôk-gavaw = My?o-Ôk's wife. myo-thu-gyi = head of a myo or circle. my?o-thu-gyi = head of a my?o or circle. |