I. | The Hunter Hunted | 9 | II. | Boris Finds a New Friend | 17 | III. | Boris Changes Masters | 25 | IV. | Boris Goes A-sailing | 34 | V. | How Peter the Great was knocked over | 46 | VI. | A Taste of the Knout | 56 | VII. | A Race for Life | 70 | VIII. | Boris and his Fellow-Officers | 84 | IX. | One Sword against Five | 96 | X. | A Night Ambush | 108 | XI. | A Battle against Odds | 120 | XII. | A Perilous Slide | 132 | XIII. | Boris Goes on the War-path | 144 | XIV. | Taken Prisoner | 155 | XV. | An Exciting Escape | 167 | XVI. | Home Again | 181 | XVII. | Off to England | 193 | XVIII. | How Boris threw a Big Dutchman Overboard | 204 | | XIX. | Bad News from Moscow | 215 | XX. | Boris in Disgrace | 228 | XXI. | Nancy and the Big Bear | 243 | XXII. | A Wolf Maiden | 253 | XXIII. | A Notable Day among the Wolves | 266 | XXIV. | With the Tsar Again | 278 | XXV. | Boris has a Narrow Escape | 290 | XXVI. | How Boris Outwitted the Swedish Admiral | 303 | XXVII. | Small Beginnings of a Great City | 315 | XXVIII. | How the Swedes Erected a Gibbet for Boris | 326 | XXIX. | Mazeppa | 340 | XXX. | Russia's Great Day | 353 | XXXI. | Peace at Last | 366 |