- Advertising, 93
- Agalite, 39
- American Paper & Pulp Assn., 95
- Antique, 55
- Atmospheric Effects, 64
- Bogasse, 21
- Barium Sulphate, 39
- Barratt, Thomas, Water Marking, 7
- Baskerville—first wove paper, 4
- Blanks, 52
- Bleaching, 28
- Bleaching Powder, discovery of, 10
- Blotting, 41
- Boxboard, 52
- Breast-roll, 46
- Bristol boards, 52
- Broom corn, 20
- Brueckmann, Dr., 7
- Bureau of Chemistry, 19
- Bureau of Plant Industry, 19
- Burgess and Watt, 8
- Bursting strength, 73
- Calender defects, 78
- Calenders, sheet, 55, 56
- Calenders, super, 55, 56
- Canson, M. inventor of suction boxes, 7
- Cardboard, 5, 6, 71
- Casein, 81
- Chapman neutralizer, 87
- Chemical Texts, 73, 74
- China Clay, 39
- Coated Papers, 56, 58, 81
- Color, of Paper, 67, 68
- Color, 79
- Combining, 56
- Corn Stalks, 19
- Cotton-hull fiber, 20
- Coucher-man, 44
- Couch roll, 46, 47
- Cover papers, 60
- Crompton, T.B., inventor, 7
- Crop plants, 18
- Cylinder Machine, 7, 47, 52
- Dandy Roll, 7, 47
- Deckle Straps, 47
- Deckle Edges, 47
- De Vinne, 5
- Dickinson, Co., 52
- Dickinson, John, 7
- Didot, FranÇois,