THE STORY OF NAPOLEON By Harold F.B. Wheeler, F.R.Hist.S. With 16 full-page Illustrations. THE STORY OF NELSON By Harold F.B. Wheeler, F.R.Hist.S. With 16 full-page Illustrations. FAMOUS VOYAGES OF THE GREAT DISCOVERERS By Eric Wood. With 16 full-page Illustrations. THE STORY OF THE CRUSADES By E.M. Wilmot-Buxton, F.R.Hist.S. With 16 full-page Illustrations by M. Meredith Williams. STORIES OF THE SCOTTISH BORDER By Mr and Mrs William Platt. With 16 full-page Illustrations by M. Meredith Williams. The Duke writing his Waterloo Despatch Fr. Lady Burghersh THE STORY OF WELLINGTON BY Harold F.B. Wheeler F.R.Hist.S. MEMBER OF THE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION JOINT-AUTHOR OF ‘NAPOLEON AND THE INVASION OF ENGLAND’ ETC. AUTHOR OF ‘THE MAXIMS OF NAPOLEON’ ‘THE MIND OF NAPOLEON’ ‘THE STORY OF NAPOLEON’ AND ‘THE STORY OF NELSON’ ‘For this is England’s greatest son, He that gain’d a hundred fights, Nor ever lost an English gun’
TENNYSON LONDON GEORGE G. HARRAP & COMPANY 3 PORTSMOUTH STREET KINGSWAY W.C. MCMXII Illustrations by Ballantyne & Co., Ltd., London Printed by Turnbull & Spears, Edinburgh DEDICATED TO C. ALFRED HAMILTON, Esq MY LIFE-LONG FRIEND “Vera amicitia sempiterna est”