- 1. The Shawnee's Foe.
- 2. The Young Mountaineer.
- 3. Wild Jim.
- 4. Hawk-Eye, the Hunter.
- 5. The Boy Guide.
- 6. War Tiger of the Modocs.
- 7. The Red Modocs.
- 8. Iron Hand.
- 9. Shadow Bill, the Scout.
- 10. Wapawkaneta, or the Rangers of the Oneida.
- 11. Davy Crockett's Boy Hunter.
- 12. The Forest Avenger.
- 13. Old Jack's Frontier Cabin.
- 14. On the Deep.
- 15. Sharp Snout.
- 16. The Mountain Demon.
- 17. Wild Tom of Wyoming.
- 18. The Brave Boy Hunters of Kentucky.
- 19. The Fearless Ranger.
- 20. The Haunted Trapper.
- 21. Madman of the Colorado.
- 22. The Panther Demon.
- 23. Slashaway, the Fearless.
- 24. Pine Tree Jack.
- 25. Indian Jim.
- 26. Navajo Nick.
- 27. The Tuscarora's Vow.
- 28. Deadwood Dick, Jr.
- 29. A New York Boy Among the Indians.
- 30. Deadwood Dick's Big Deal.
- 31. Hank, the Guide.
- 32. Deadwood Dick's Dozen.
- 33. Squatty Dick.
- 34. The Hunter's Secret.
- 35. The Woman Trapper.
- 36. The Chief of the Miami.
- 37. Gunpowder Jim.
- 38. Mad Anthony's Captain.
- 39. The Ranger Boy's Career.
- 40. Old Nick of the Swamp.
- 41. The Shadow Scout.
- 42. Lantern-Jawed Bob.
- 43. The Masked Hunter.
- 44. Brimstone Jake.
- 45. The Irish Hunter.
- 46. Dave Bunker.
- 47. The Shawnee Witch.
- 48. Big Brave.
- 49. Spider-Legs.
- 50. Harry Hardskull.
- 51. Madman of the Oconto.
- 52. Slim Jim.
- 53. Tiger-Eye.
- 54. The Red Star of the Seminoles.
- 55. Trapper Joe.
- 56. The Indian Queen's Revenge.
- 57. Eagle-Eyed Zeke.
- 58. Scar-Cheek, the Wild Half-Breed.
- 59. Red Men of the Woods.
- 60. Tuscaloosa Sam.
- 61. The Bully of the Woods.
- 62. The Trapper's Bride.
- 63. Red Rattlesnake, The Pawnee.
- 64. The Scout of Tippecanoe.
- 65. Old Kit, The Scout.
- 66. The Boy Scouts.
- 67. Hiding Tom.
- 68. Roving Dick, Hunter.
- 69. Hickory Jack.
- 70. Mad Mike.
- 71. Snake-Eye.
- 72. Big-Hearted Joe.
- 73. The Blazing Arrow.
- 74. The Hunter Scouts.
- 75. The Scout of Long Island.
- 76. Turkey-Foot.
- 77. The Death Rangers.
- 78. Bullet Head.
- 79. The Indian Spirit.
- 80. The Twin Trappers.
- 81. Lightfoot the Scout.
- 82. Grim Dick.
- 83. The Wooden-Legged Spy.
- 84. The Silent Trapper.
- 85. Ugly Ike.
- 86. Fire Cloud.
- 87. Hank Jasper.
- 88. The Scout of the Sciota.
- 89. Black Samson.
- 90. Billy Bowlegs.
- 91. The Bloody Footprint.
- 92. Marksman the Hunter.
- 93. The Demon Cruiser.
- 94. Hunters and Redskins.
- 95. Panther Jack.
- 96. Old Zeke.
- 97. The Panther Paleface.
- 98. The Scout of the St. Lawrence.
- 99. Bloody Brook.
- 100. Long Bob of Kentucky.
THE ARTHUR WESTBROOK CO. Cleveland. U. S. A. Transcriber's Notes The Table of Contents has been added by the transcriber and it is placed in the public domain. Minor punctuation errors have been silently corrected. Page 12: Changed "birth" to "berth." (Orig: He went back to his birth, not to sleep,) Page 19: Changed "Sidney," to "Sydney." (Orig: visit some of them before going into Sidney.") Page 21: Changed "steped" to "stepped." (Orig: Then he steped to the captain's side,) Page 23: Retained "claining," but possibly meant "clinging." (Orig: Vainly Brand, claining to a rope near the mizzenmast,) Page 23: Changed "sevaral" to "several." (Orig: a violence which threw sevaral men off the yard) Page 25: Retained "dextrious", but probably meant "dexterous." (Orig: the old fellow by a dextrious movement,) Page 30: Changed "swarm" to "swam." (Orig: He swarm to a spar near him, and, with the ropes) Page 38: Changed "accomodation" to "accommodation." (Orig: one for the accomodation of the men,) Page 40: Changed "apparrently" to "apparently." (Orig: were audible, apparrently approaching the hut!) Page 42: Retained "from," but probably meant "for." (Orig: Harry now sprang from the raft.) Page 47: Changed "ripling" to "rippling." (Orig: Away it went, ripling the water,) Page 53: Changed "rock," to "rocks." (Orig: firmly wedged in between two rock,) Page 55: Changed "strangly" to "strangely." (Orig: staring eyes, were fixed strangly upon the captain.) Page 59: Changed "decending" to "descending." (Orig: apparently decending towards him with great rapidity.) Page 59: Changed "aditional" to "additional." (Orig: with the fall of aditional lava occurred,) Page 62: Changed "in" to "is." ("This in dang'rous traveling," remarked Turk,) Page 63: Removed duplicate "it." (Orig: the drowned passenger as it it was hastily withdrawn!) Page 68: Changed "rembered" to "remembered." (Orig: bewildered, she soon rembered all.) Page 68: Changed "headed" to "heeded." (Orig: The natives headed not her sufferings.) Page 69: Changed "superstious" to "superstitious." (Orig: The superstious natives are prone to believe weird stories,) Page 69: Changed "eat" to "ate." (Orig: Brand eat heartily, but poor Mary, almost maddened) Page 70: Changed "evntually" to "eventually." (Orig: all possible dispatch, evntually pausing upon a lofty spire,) Page 70: Changed "hight" to "height." (Orig: This spur, rising to a hight of about forty feet) Page 73: Changed "peal" to "peel." (Orig: strips of which were already beginning to peal off.) Page 73: "salle" for "sally," is best guess for unclear word, meaning to rush out, assault. (Orig: do anything in a hurry, which do you see, will salle all.") Page 78: Changed "conditon" to "condition." (Orig: "Name that ere conditon of yours then, quick!") Page 85: Retained "hear" typo, but possibly "heart" or "head." (Orig: was enough to appal a stouter hear than that of Mary)