- Adam the royal goldsmith, 58
- Æsopus (1485), 185
- Albani Missal, vicissitudes of, 75
- Alchorne (Stanesby), his library, purchased by Lord Spencer, 154
- Allen (Thomas), his library, 144
- Althorpe library purchased by Mrs. Rylands, 16
- Americana, growth in value, 221
- Anacreon, 1554, 185
- Apponyi (Count Louis), his library, 173
- Ariosto (1516), 190
- Aristoteles (1483), 185;
- Arnold’s (Matthew) poems, 256
- “Arthur (King),” 1557, 216
- Ashburnham (Earl of), sale of his library, 174, 176;
- Ashmole’s (Elias) library, 9
- Ashwell (Rev. George), sale of his library, 119
- Askew (Anthony), sale of his library, 138;
- Astle (Edward), his library, 156
- Atkyns’s ‘Gloucestershire,’ 244
- Aubrey’s ‘Surrey,’ 244
- Auchinleck library, 173
- Auction, use of the word, 105
- Auction sales:
- In the seventeenth century, 104-125
- In the eighteenth century, 126-146
- In the nineteenth century, 147-178
- Auctioneer, print of, by Nicholls, 45
- Auctioneers, 37-48
- Augustinus, ‘De Civitate Dei,’ 192
- Aungerville (Richard) = Richard de Bury, 3
- Authors, remuneration of, 2, 14
- Averages of book sales, 177
- Aylesford (Earl of), his library, 171, 176
- Bacon’s Henry VII., price, 94
- Baker (Samuel), auctioneer, 134
- Ballard (Thomas), auctioneer, 128, 130
- Bancroft’s (T.) epigrams (1639), 216
- Barnes’s (Juliana) ‘Treatyse of Fysshynge,’ 216
- Barnfield’s (R.) ‘Lady Pecunia’ (1598), 216
- Barrois collection of MSS., 72
- Bateman (Lord), his library, 174
- Bateman heirlooms, 173
- Beauclerk (Topham), sale of his library, 140
- Beaumont and Fletcher’s works, 221
- Beckford (William), sales (1823) 158, (1882-3) 166, 175
- Bedford Missal, 75
- Bedford (Franci
erg@html@files@40815@40815-h@40815-h-5.htm.html#Page_164" class="pginternal">164, 175
- Dante, 190;
- ‘Divina Commedia’ illustrated by Botticelli, 69
- Davis (Charles), auctioneer, 130
- Davis (Richard):
- ‘Auctio Davisiana,’ 37
- Sale of his stock, 117
- Defoe’s ‘Robinson Crusoe,’ 246
- Delisle (LÉopold), his claim for stolen MSS., 72
- Dent (John), his library, 159, 175
- Deseuil (or Du Seuil), specimens of his binding, 253
- D’Ewes’s (Sir Symonds) MSS. bought by Harley, 11
- Diane de Poictiers, specimen of binding from her library, 251
- Dibdin (Dr. T. F.), 21, 32
- Dickens’s Novels, &c., 255, 261
- Digby (Sir Kenelm), sale of his library, 112
- Dillon (John), his library, 165
- Domville (Sir Cecil), his library, 174
- Dorne’s (John) Day-Book, 84
- Drake’s ‘Eboracum,’ 245
- Drummond of Hawthornden’s ‘Forth Feasting,’ 218
- Du Fresnoy (H. Petit), specimen of binding from his library, 252
- Dugdale’s ‘Warwickshire,’ 245
- Dunsmore (John), 109, 111
- Dunton’s (John) account of the booksellers of his time, 29
- D’Urfey’s (T.) ‘Pills to Purge Melancholy,’ published price, 99
- Dyneley (R. D.), his library, 172
- Dyson (Humphrey), sale of his books, 115
- East, destruction of MSS. in the, 55
- Ebesham (William), 61
- Edwards (James), his library, 149
- Ellis’s (F. S.) stock, sale of, 176
- Evans (Robert H.), bookseller and auctioneer, 34, 154
- Eve (Clovis), specimen of his binding, 253
- Fabyan’s ‘Chronicles,’ 218
- Fagel (Greffier), his library, 148
- Farmer (Richard), D.D., sale of his library, 145
- Fashion in the prices of books, 17
- Fastolfe’s books (1459), 57
- Fielding’s (Henry) library, 135
- Flavel’s (Rev. John) Works, published price, 95
- Fletewode (William), sale of his library, 138
- Folkes (Martin), sale of his library, 135
- Fonthill Abbey sale, 158
- Forbes (Sir Charles Stewart), his library, 174
- Foster (Birket), his library, 173
- Foxe’s ‘Acts and Monuments,’ 218
- Frere (John Tudor), his library, 174
- Frobisher’s ‘Three Voyages,’ 218
- Froissart’s ‘Cronycles,’ 218
- Gaisford (Thomas), his library, 172
- Gardner (Cecil Dunn), his library, 54
- Malone (Edmond), his library, 157
- Manton (Thomas), sale of his library, 108
- Manuscript books, prices of, 49-78
- Manuscripts in public libraries, 67 (note)
- Marche (Richard du), illuminator, 57
- Margaret (St.) of Scotland, her historical mass-book, 77
- Marguerite de Montmorency, specimen of binding from her library, 252
- Marguerite de Valois, specimen of binding from her library, 251
- Marshall (Frank), his library, 172
- Martialis (1471), 188;
- ‘Apud Vindelinum Spirensem,’ sold in Maittaire’s library, 134;
- original MS. copies of epigrams, sold for 3s. 6d., 1
- Mason (George), his library, 145
- Maunsell’s (Andrew) Catalogue of English Books, 90
- Mead (Richard, M.D.), sale of his library, 134, 139
- Meredith’s (George) Poems, 258
- Merly library, 155, 175
- Mezeray, ‘Histoire de France,’ 262
- Middleton (Prof. J. H.) on MSS., 51, 58, 61, 63, 78
- Millington (Edward), auctioneer, 37, 113, 117;
- Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost,’ 219;
- published price, 96;
- ‘Comus,’ 220;
- Poems, 220
- Minsheu’s Dictionary, published by subscription, 100
- MoliÈre’s Works, published price, 99
- Monasteries as producers of books, 2
- Money, change in the value of, as a factor in the prices of books, 50, 63
- Monnier, specimens of his binding, 254
- Moore’s (Bishop) library, 10;
- epigrams on its presentation to Cambridge University, 11
- Moore’s (Thomas) Poems, profitable sale, 96
- More (Sir William) of Loseley, his library, 87
- Morris’s (William) Kelmscott Press publications, 247, 258;
- his collection of illuminated MSS., 73
- Nassau (George), his library, 158
- Niccolo Niccoli, book collector, 64
- Nicholl (J. B.), his library, 165
- Nichols’s ‘Leicestershire,’ 245
- Nicol (George), bookseller, 34
- Noailles (Comte de), his library, 161
- North (John), his library, 158, 175