Abecedarie as a synonym of index, 8. Acrostic as a motto for an index, 85. Adjectives, when to be used as catchwords, 151. Allibone's Dictionary of English Literature alluded to, 87. Alphabet (One) for indexes, 134; Alphabetisation, Want of complete, in indexes, 65. Alphabets, Variety of, in indexes, 69. Annual Register, fourteen alphabets in the index, 70. Antonio (N.), value of his Bibliotheca Hispana, 88. Appendix, objection to the plural appendices, 12. ArchÆological Epistle to Dean Milles, not by Mason, but by Baynes, 82. Arrangement (Bad) in indexes, 64. AthenÆum (The), suggestion of an Index Society in 1877, 209. AthenÆum library catalogue, index of subjects, 117, 124. Athenian Oracle, Index to, 30. Atterbury (Bishop), his connection with the attack upon Dr. Bentley, 40. Authorities quoted or referred to to be indexed, 159. Ayenbite of Inwyt, table of contents to the book, 6. Baillet, his index to the books in the Lamoignon Library, 206. Baret's Alvearie, use of the words "index" and "table" in that book, 8. Baronius, noble index to his Annales Ecclesiastici, 89. Bartlett (John), concordance to Shakespeare, 120. Bayle, his opinion on the need of judgment in the compilation of an index, 132. Baynes (John), his terrible curse, 82. Bellenden (Mary) maligned in an index, 81. Bentham's Works, Good index to, by J. H. Burton, 102. Bentley's Dissertation on the Epistle of Phalaris, attack of the "Wits" upon this book and Dr. King's Index, 36. Best (Mr. Justice), his great mind, 157. Bible, Concordances to the, 119. "Bibliothecar. Chetham.," his contribution to a general index in Notes and Queries, 207. Biglow Papers, Humorous index to, 33. Biographical (British) Society suggested by the Rev. John E. B. Mayor, 214. Biography, Dictionary of National, plan of arranging peers under their surnames instead of their titles, 146. Birdwood's (Sir George) note "On the Indexing of the Names of Eastern People," 164. Blackburn (Charles F.), Hints on Catalogue Titles quoted, 183. "Book Prices Current," General index to, 113. Boswell's Life of Johnson, Boswell's own index, 109. Boyle (Hon. Charles), his attack upon Bentley, 36. "Boyle upon Bentley," 36. Boyle's (Hon. Robert) Considerations touching Natural Philosophy, table of contents called an index, 13. British Association Reports, index in six alphabets, 70. British Museum, collection of indexes in the Reading-room a great boon, 218. Bromley's (William) Travels, ill-natured index made to them by Dr. King, 44; Bruce's (John) edition of Historie of Edward IV., absurd filling up of initials J. C., 78. Brunet (G.) translates White Knight as Le Chevalier Blanc, 77. Buckland (Dr.) said to be the author of a work Sur les Ponts et ChaussÉes, 77. Burton (Hill), Book-Hunter, allusion to the power in the hands of an indexer, 24. Calendar as a synonym of index, 7. Camden Society's publications, Proposed index to, 112. Campbell (Lady Charlotte) maligned in an index, 81. Campbell (Lord) proposed punishment for the publication of an indexless book, 82. Campkin (Henry), plea for index-makers, 92. Canadian Journal, bad index, 56. Capgrave's Chronicle of England, blunder in the index, 66. Cards or separate slips used for indexes, 182. Carlyle (Thomas), he denounces the putters-forth of indexless books, 82, 91. Catalogue as a synonym of index, 7. Catalogues, Indexes to, 123. Chitty (E.), his supposed grudge against Justice Best, 157. Christian Observer, Index to, by Macaulay, 91. Cicero, his use of the word "index," 6, 8. Clark's (Perceval) index to Trevelyan's Life of Macaulay, 95. Clarke (Mrs. Cowden), her Concordance to Shakespeare, 120. Clarke (William) quoted, 118. Classification within the alphabet, Evils of, 58, 67. Cobbett's Woodlands quoted, 72. Coke (Lord Chief Justice) an inaccurate man, 101. Commonplace books, Indexes to, 174. Concordances to the Bible, 119. Concordances to Shakespeare, 120. Contractions, dangers in filling them out, 78. Corpus Christi Guild, York, Incomplete index to The Register of, 122. Crestadoro's Index to the Manchester Free Library Catalogue, 125. Cross (J. Ashton), proposal for a universal index, 208, 209. Cross references not usually popular, 158. Cunningham (Mr.) paid £500 for indexing, 97. Curll's authors, instructions how to find them, 53. Curtis (F. A.) on the best method of constructing an index, 195. Cutter's rule as to the arrangement of peers under their surnames, 146. Cutting up of entries when written on pages of paper, 182. "Da," surnames not to be arranged under this prefix, 141. "Dal" surnames to be arranged under this prefix, 141. Darling's (James) CyclopÆdia Bibliographica, Index, 220. Dashes in printing representing repetition to be of uniform length, 161, 204; "De," French surnames not to be arranged under this prefix, 141; De Quincey on Bentley, 39. "Del," "Della," surnames to be arranged under these prefixes, 141. "Des," surnames to be arranged under this prefix, 141. Dictionary catalogue, its history, 129. Dictionary makers really indexers, 120. Disraeli's (Isaac) Literary Miscellanies quoted, 1. Drayton (M.), his use of the word "index," 11. "Du," surnames to be arranged under this prefix, 141. Dugdale's Warwickshire, the words "index" and "table" both used, 9. Dumas (Alexandre) pÈre et fils, confused with Alexandre pÈre et fils, harmonium-makers, 24. Eadie's Dictionary of the Bible, Cross reference in, 72. Electricity, Indexes of, 123. Ellis's Original Letters quoted, 19. EncyclopÆdia Britannica, Cross references in, 72, 74. Envelopes as safe receptacles for index slips, 182, 189. Erasmus made alphabetical indexes, 7. FÉtis Musical Library, blunder in the index to the catalogue, 24. Flaxman (Dr. Roger) paid £3000 for indexing, 97. Fleming (Abraham), his use of the word "index," 8. Fletcher (William I.), his valuable additions to index literature, 221. Ford's Handbook of Spain, Amusing cross reference in, 76. Forster (Rev. —) paid £3000 for indexing, 97. Fortescue (G. K.) on the proposed subject index to the British Museum library catalogue, 126. Freeman's opinion that foreign names should be Englished, 144. Freemason, bad index quoted, 54. Fuller (Thomas) quoted, 3, 172. Gay's Trivia, humorous index, 32. Gentleman's Magazine, badness of the index of names, 153. Gerarde's Herbal, by Johnson, use of the words "index" and "table" in that book, 9. Giddings (J.), index to The Times, 221. Glanville's (Joseph) Vanity of Dogmatizing quoted, 2. Gough (H.), index to Parker Society's publications, 112. Greenhill (Dr.) on the formation of an Index Society, 207. Gruter's Thesaurus Inscriptionum, index to the book by Scaliger, 88. Gum an unsatisfactory material for laying down slips, 189. Hardy (Sir T. Duffus), remarks on the "Pye-book," 7. Hare's Walks in London, Index to, 152. Harley (Robert, Earl of Oxford), the index to Bromley's Travels attributed to him, 46, 48. Harrison (Robert) proposes the formation of an Index Society in The AthenÆum, 209. Hawkins's Pleas of the Crown, Odd cross references in, 75. Headings, alphabetical arrangement of, 137. Henrietta Maria offended with Prynne's Histrio-Mastix, 18. Heskeths, their change of name, 151. Hetherington's (Miss) opinions on the indexing of periodicals, 59; Hill's (Dr. Birkbeck) admirable indexes, 105-108. Historical collections, need of indexes to these standard works, 91. Homer, poetical index to Pope's translation of the Iliad, 21. House of Commons' Journals, sums paid for the indexes, 97. Hume (David), index to his Essays, 23; Hunt (Leigh), his opinion on index-making, 26. Hutchins's Dorset, Separate indexes to, 69. Hyphen, Use of, in compound names, 149. I and J to be kept distinct, 66, 135. Im Thurn, place of this name in the alphabet, 143. Index, alphabetical order not at first considered essential, 6; Index-learning ridiculed, 2. Index Society, its formation, 210; Indexer, chief characteristics of a good indexer, 116; Indexes, Amusing and Satirical Indexes (chap. ii.), 25-52; India said in the index to Capgrave's Chronicle to be conquered by Judas Maccabeus, 66. Indical, word used by Fuller, 4. Indice, word used by Ben Jonson, 10. Indices, objections to the use of this plural in English, 11. Indicium, the original of the French indice, 10. Initials, Careless use of, 161. Inventory as a synonym of index, 7. J.C., absurd filling out of these initials, 78. Jaggard's (William) index to Book Prices Current, 113. Jeake's Arithmetick Surveighed and Reviewed, Index to, 89. Jevons (Professor Stanley), his suggestion of an Index Society, 208. Jewel's Apology by Isaacson, bad index, 56. Jews generally wore red hats in Italy, but not at Leghorn, 51. Johnson (Dr.), his division of necessary knowledge, 5. Jones (Thomas), his contribution to a general index in Notes and Queries, 207. Jonson (Ben), his use of the word "indice," 10. King (Dr. William), the inventor of satirical indexes, 35. King (Dr. William), his parody of Lister's Journey to Paris, 42. Knowledge, what is true, 1. "La," surnames to be arranged under this prefix, 141. Lamoignon (M. de), his library, indexed by Baillet, 206. Lawyers good indexers, 98. "Le," surnames to be arranged under this prefix, 141. Library Association, Index to Reports, 113. Lister's Journey to Paris parodied by Dr. King, 42. LittrÉ, his derivation of indice, 10. London (George), his name often spelt Loudon, 67. Longman's Magazine, bad index, 63. Loudon (C. J.), the Duke of Wellington mistakes his signature for that of the Bishop of London, 67. Lowell's Biglow Papers, humorous index, 33. "M'" and "Mc" to be arranged as if written "Mac," 145. Macaulay (Lord) an indexer, 91. Maine (Duc de), Duc of Maine, Duke de Maine, or Duke of Maine, 144. Malcolm (E. H.) quoted, 193. Markland (J. H.), remarks on indexing, 82. Mayor's (Rev. John E. B.) collection of biographical references, 214. Michel's (Dan) Ayenbite of Inwyt, table of contents, 6. Minsheu, his use of the word "index," 9. Montaigne's Essays, index to Florio's translation, 12. Moore (Edward) paid £6400 for indexing, 97. More (Hannah), Macaulay's letter to her, 91. Morley (John) protests against indexless books, 84. Morris (William) on an absurd cross reference, 72. Names, authors arranged under their Christian names, 89; North's Lives of the Norths, index to Jessopp's edition, 179. Norton (Thomas), Remembrancer of London, an indexer, 85. Notes and Queries, announcement in its pages of the projected formation of an Index Society in 1854, 207. Noy (Attorney-General) prosecutes Prynne, 15 Numerals, Use of, for series of volumes, 159. Oldys (William) on the need of indexes, 86. Oriental names, Rules for indexing, 163; Oxford (Robert Harley, Earl of) reported to be author of the index to Bromley's Travels, 46, 48. Page, when a division of a, should be marked, 159. Paget (Sir James) pleased to make an index, 23. Paper, saving of, an unwise economy, 176, 187. Parr (Dr.), note on the index to Bromley's Travels, 47. Paste the only material for laying down slips, 189. Peacock (Edward), detection of blunders in Oxford reprint of Whitelock's Memorials, 181. Peers to be arranged under their titles, 145. Penny CyclopÆdia, vague cross references in, 73. Periodicals, transactions, etc., Indexing of, 121; Perkins (F. B.), plan of arranging slips, 185. Philosophical Transactions laughed at by Dr. King, 42. Pineda (Juan de), index to his Monarchia Ecclesiastica, 89. Plays, Prynne's attack upon, 16. Plinie's Natural Historie, by Holland, Use of the word "index" in, 10. Plutarch's Lives, by North, the index called a table, 8. Poole's (W. F.) Index to Periodical Literature quoted, 59; Printing of headings, 160; Prynne, Histrio-Mastix, specimens from the index, 14. Puritans, Prynne's praise of, 17. "Pye" as a synonym of index, 7 (note). "Pye-book," derivation, 7 (note). Ranke's History of England, issue of revised index by the Clarendon Press, 113. Rawlinson (Dr.) on the index to Bromley's Travels, 45. Register as a synonym of index, 7, 8. Remembrancia, Index to, quoted, 85. Repetition, Marks of, in an index, 161, 204; Richardson (S.), index to his three novels, 22. Royal Society attacked by Dr. King, 42. Rules for Alphabetical Indexes (chap. vi.), 132-171. Rules for cataloguing referred to, 133. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera, Index to, 103. Russell (Constance, Lady) points out confusions in indexes, 80. "St." to be arranged in the alphabet as "Saint," 145. Saints to be arranged under their proper names, 145. Scaliger, his index to Gruter's Thesaurus Inscriptionum, 88. Schmidt (Dr. Alexander), Shakespeare Lexicon (1874), 120. "Scholar's (A)" opposition to publication of a subject-index to the British Museum library catalogue, 126. Scientific books, Indexing of, 120. Scobell's Acts and Ordinances of Parliament, the words "index" and "table" both used, 9. Selwyn (George), and his Contemporaries, published without an index, 84. Seneca, his indication of the contents of his books, 6. Shakespeare, his use of the word "index," 11. Shenstone's Schoolmistress, humorous table of contents, 31. Shylock acted by Macklin in a red hat, 51. Sloane (Sir Hans) laughed at by Dr. King, 42. Solly (Edward), calculation of the time wasted in looking up a reference in the index to the Gentleman's Magazine, 153. Spectator, The, Index to, 30. Spectators, Tatlers, and Guardians, general index, 29. Speed's History of Great Britaine, the words "index" and "table" both used, 10. State papers, indexes to the calendars, 97. Statutes of the realm, valuable index to the edition of the Record Commission, 98. Stephen (Sir J. Fitzjames) on a complete digest of the law, 99. Summary as a synonym of index, 7. Swift's Battle of the Books quoted, 38. Syllabus as a synonym of index, 7, 8. Table as a synonym of index, 7, 8, 9. Tatler, The, Index to, 27. Tedder (H. R.), his indexes to Reports of Conference of Librarians and Library Association, 112. Ten Brink, place of this name in the alphabet, 143. Thomas (F. S.), Historical Notes referred to, 219. Thompson (Corrie L.), his criticism of Palmer's index to The Times, 221. Thoms (W. J.) urged the formation of an Index Society, 209. Thring (Lord), his instructions for an index to the Statute Law, 98. Thrub-chandler, Bung of a, 73. Times (The), Indexes to, 221; Translations (French) of titles, 77. Trevelyan's Life of Macaulay, Index to, by Perceval Clark, 95. U and N, Confusion between, 66. U and V to be kept distinct, 66, 135. "Van," foreign names not to be indexed under this prefix, 141. Vergil (Polydore), AnglicÆ HistoriÆ has a good index, 14. "Von," surnames not to be arranged under this prefix, 141. Walford (Cornelius), inquiry for the earliest index, 14. Walpole's Letters, Bad index to, 79; Warton's History of English Poetry, index, 70. Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica, index, 219. Watts (Dr.), his warning against index-learning, 2. Watts (Thomas), his expression of the need for an Index Society, 207. Welch (J. Cuthbert) on the publication of an index to a journal, 211. Wellington (Duke of), amusing misreading of Loudon's letter, 67. Wheatley (B. R.) as a good indexer, 117; White Knights translated as Le Chevalier Blanc, 77. Whitelock's Memorial, Carlyle's condemnation of, 91; Winsor (Justin) advocated the formation of Index Society, 210. Wynford (Lord), previously Sir W. D. Best, 157. York, Register of Corpu Christi Guild, index, 122. Elliot Stock, Paternoster Row, London. PREVIOUS VOLUMES OF Cloth, price 4s. 6d.; Roxburgh Half Morocco, 7s. 6d.; Large Paper, £1 1s. net. How to Form a Library. By Henry B. Wheatley, F.S.A. 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