PAGE | Chapter | I. | Introduction; the Ethics of the Subject | 1 | „ | II. | History: Ancient and Modern | 7 | „ | III. | Notable Suicides: Ancient, of the Middle Ages, and Modern | 17 | „ | IV. | Origin of the Name; Classic Authors, examples of the Literature of Suicide, English and Foreign | 29 | „ | V. | Jurisprudence; Suicide as a Crime in England, and abroad | 43 | „ | VI. | Jurisprudence; Suicide and Life Assurance; in respect to Marriage, and to Wills | 51 | „ | VII. | Present Rate, and Increase, in Europe | 58 | „ | VIII. | Causation in general, Classification | 65 | „ | IX. | Effect of Race, Climate, &c. | 75 | „ | X. | Effect of Education, Religion, and Morality | 81 | „ | XI. | Effect of Urban and Rural Life, and Employment; the effect of Military, Naval, and Prison Life | 93 | „ | XII. | Effect of Times and Seasons | 102 | „ | XIII. | Effect of Age, Sex, and Social State | 107 | „ | XIV. | Mental Diseases | 116 | „ | XV. | Epidemic Suicide, and Suicide from Imitation, and for Notoriety | 129 | „ | XVI. | Effect of Bodily Diseases, Alcoholism, Want of Sleep; Hereditary influence, and Spiritualism | 135 | „ | XVII. | Effect of TÆdium VitÆ, the Passions, Misery, and Despair | 141 | „ | XVIII. | The Means of Suicide, their relative frequency at home, and abroad | 144 | „ | XIX. | Suicide compared to Crime in General; Attempted Suicide, its relative amount | 154 | „ | XX. | Suicide in British India | 161 | „ | XXI. | The Prevention, and Treatment of the Suicidal tendency | 166 | „ | XXII. | The Suicide of Animals | 174 | Appendix, Rules of Assurance Companies | 180 | Bibliographical Index | 182 | General Index | 187 |