- Abdomen, large, its importance exaggerated, 158
- Abdomen, tenderness of, very important, 158
- Acute constitutional diseases, 187
- Aperients, 23
- Artificial feeding, its dangers, 45
- Artificial feeding, rules for, 50
- Artificial feeding, sometimes necessary, 49, 58
- Artificial feeding, substitutes for milk, 59
- Asses' milk best substitute for human, 51
- Asthma, 145
- Atrophy, infantile, 45
- Atrophy, its causes and symptoms, 47
- Atrophy, symptoms essentially different from consumption, 48, 62
- Atrophy, may depend on consumption, 61
- Backwardness, 224
- Bath, warm, management of, 19
- Bath, warm, when to be used in convulsions, 91
- Bed, importance of, in illness, 16
- Bedsores, how to prevent, and treat, 18
- Bedstead, best form of, for children, 17
- Brain, disease of, cry in, 5
- Brain, disease of, proofs of absence of, 10
- Brain and nervous system, mortality from diseases of, 88
- Brain, disease of, convulsions as a sign of, 89
- Brain, congestion of, 95
- Brain, disorder of, from exhaustion, 106
- Brain, inflammation of, 99. See Water on the Brain.
- Brain, disease from disease of the ear, 102
- Brain, disease of, symptoms of, 103
- Brain, disease of, treatment of, 105
- Breathing, frequency of, in health and disease, 8
- Bright's disease of the kidneys, 169
- Bronchitis, 130
- Bronchitis, more serious than pneumonia, 131
- Bronchitis, its symptoms, 131
- Catarrh, 128
- Catarrh, its prevention and treatment, 129
- Chafing, 77
- Chest, cry in disease of, 5
- Chicken-pox, 202
- Childhood, characters of second period of, 85
- Childhood, mental and moral faculties, peculiarities in, 213
- Childhood, difference between child and adult, 213
- Childhood, patience of child, 214
- Childhood, vividness of imagination, 215
- Childhood, phantasms and sounds, 216
- Childhood, sensibility intense, 217
- Childhood, craving for sympathy in, 218
- Children and infants, mortality of, 1; see Mortality.
- Children, diseases of, their
, 50
- Milk, mother's, and that of animals compared, 50
- Milk, substitutes for, 59
- Milk, condensed, inferior to fresh milk, 53
- Moral insanity in childhood, 219-223
- Moral perversion from epilepsy, 114
- Mortality of infants and children, 1
- Mortality, varies in different places and times, 1
- Mortality, causes of, 2
- Mortality, causes of, intermarriage and hereditary taint, 2
- Mortality, causes of, unhealthy dwellings, 3
- Mortality, causes of, unwholesome food, 4
- Mortality, increased during teething, 72 note
- Mother not always good nurse, 12
- Mouth, how to examine, 10
- Mouth, sore, 163
- Mumps, 190
- Napkins, inconvenience of, 18
- Navel, rupture of, 43
- Nettle-rash, 78
- Neuralgia and headache, 124
- Night terrors, 126
- Nose, offensive discharge from, 184
- Notes, importance of keeping in illness, 28
- Ophthalmia of new-born children, 40
- Opiates, 27
- Palsy, 121
- Palsy, form of, peculiar to childhood, 122
- Palsy, its cause, 123
- Palsy, its treatment, 123
- Palsy, cases mistaken for it, 124
- Peritonitis, 158
- Peritonitis, local, often overlooked, 158
- Phantasms in childhood, 215
- Pleurisy, 132
- Pneumonia, 130
- Pneumonia, its symptoms, 131
- Poultices, uses of, 20
- Poultices, how made, 20 note
- Premature birth, 33
- Premature birth, its management, 34
- Pulse, frequency of, in health and disease, 8
- Red-gum, 77
- Respiration, frequency of, in health and disease, 8
- Respiration, artificial, 33
- Rheumatic fever, 188
- Rheumatism, connection of, with St. Vitus's dance, 118
- Rheumatism, chief cause of heart inflammation, 149
- Rickets, 185
- Round-worm, 160
- Rupture of navel, 43
- Scalp-swellings, 42
- Scarlatina, 205