The Negro in the United States; a selected bibliography. Compiled by Dorothy B. Porter :: INDEX
This is primarily an author and subject index. Numbers refer to entries. References to books about persons or associations are preceded by the word "about," to distinguish them from books by those persons or associations.
Abbott, Martin, 883
Abbott, Robert S., about, 134, 261
Abolitionists, 764, 778, 824, 843, 860, 945
biography (collective), 100
biography (individual), 158, 161, 189, 205, 215, 242, 266
See also Antislavery movements
Abrahams, Roger D., 673, 1375
Abrahamson, Julia, 1
Abrams, Charles, 493- 494
Abramson, Doris E., 948
Achille, Louis T., 799
Actors, 140, 184, 247, 667- 669, 672, 1615.
Adams, C. C., 1656
Adams, Edward C. L., 674
Adams, John Quincy, about, 251
Adams, Russell L., 98
Adams, Walter, 604
Adler, Mortimer J., ed., 770
Adoff, Arnold, comp., 995, 1228
Adoption, 1747
Aerospace industries, 476
Africa, 783, 869
bibliography, 14, 34, 63
biography (collective), 98
colonization, 787, 1000, 1003- 1004
history, 758
music, 1355
relations with the U.S., 329
See also Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 81, 1687, 1693, 1701
biography (collective), 81, 149
biography (individual), 284, 303, 306
Ahmann, Mathew H., ed., 996, 1661
Aikin, Charles, ed., 1402
Airmen, 1318, 1338
Alabama, 684, 1609, 1613a, 1625
civil rights, 201, 270, 322, 1501
economic conditions, 409, 553
education, 540, 553, 556, 601, 652
folk-lore and folk-tales, 684
politics, 195, 1425, 1447, 1449
bibliography, 13
slavery, 155, 857, 863
Bureau of Educational Research, 540
Bureau of Public Administration, 1446
Albany Institute of History and Art, 82
Alcohol, 1720
Aldridge, Ira F., about, 140, 247
Aldridge, William, 246
Alexander, Albert A., 4
Alexander, Charles, 1315
Alexander, Richard D., 435
Ali, Muhammad, 1772
Allen, Alexander J., 1747
Allen, Elizabeth L., ed., 72
Allen, James E., 1592
Allen, James S., 884
Allen, Richard, Bishop, about, 303
Allen, Walter C., 151
Allen, William F., comp., 1344
Allport, Gordon W., 1682
Alpha Phi Alpha, 1397
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, 27
American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, 1463- 1464
American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass., 630
American Baptist Publication Society, 1658
American Civil Liberties Union, 494
American Colonization Society, about, 787
American Council of Learned Societies Devoted to Humanistic Studies, Committee on Negro Studies, 3, 24
American Council on Education, American Youth Commission, 40, 1719
American Council on Race Relations, 494
American Folklore Society, 26, 698, 703
American Historical Association, 458, 749, 875, 877a
American Institute for Marxist Studies, 809- 810
American Jewish Committee, Institute of Human Relations, 1570, 1762
American Library Association, Library Administration Division, 603
American Management Association, 451
American Missionary Association, 559a
American Negro Academy, Washington, D.C., 731, 1403, 1415
American Reform Tract and Book Society, Cincinnati, 155
American Revolution, 117, 765, 1329- 1330, 1342- 1343
American Society of African Culture, 978
Ames, William C., 309
Amistad (Schooner), 854
Amistad Research Center, 20
Anderson, Archibald W., ed., 566
Anderson, Harry H., 1628
Anderson, Howard R., ed., 795
Anderson, James K., 450
Anderson, Margaret, 541
Anderson, Marian, 152, 1347
about, 118, 140, 145, 259
Anderson, William T., 1315
Andrews, Benny, illus., 1228
Andrews, Sidney, 884a
Angelo, Frank, 182
Annuals, 74- 75, 1701
Anthologies, 975- 994, 1275
plays, 1209, 1221, 1223- 1224
poetry, 1228- 1230, 1234, 1240, 1244, 1251, 1255, 1258, 1264, 1268- 1272, 1274- 1275
short stories, 1051, 1068, 1109
Anti-Defamation League, 365, 507, 509, 568, 593, 1013
Antisemitism, 1518, 1524
Antislavery movements, 185, 269, 300, 812, 819, 826- 827, 830, 833, 839, 846, 851, 861- 862, 864, 877, 882
bibliography, 10, 35
See also Abolitionists, Emancipation, Underground railroad
Aplin, Norita, 711
Apprentices, 462, 466, 471, 488
Aptheker, Herbert, 713- 714, 808- 810, 1312
Archives, 3, 24
Arctic exploration, 218
education, 544, 551, 559, 635, 652, 1508
folk-lore and folk-tales, 690, 692
Armour, Alexander W., 705
Armstrong, Henry, 153
Armstrong, Louis ("Satchmo"), about, 140
Art, 56, 82- 97, 955
Arter, Rhetta M., 495
Artists, 82, 85, 87, 90- 93, 96- 97, 951- 952, 1372
Ashby, William M., 1044a
Ashe, Arthur, 154
Ashmore, Harry S., 542, 1404, 1465
Associates in Negro Folk Education, 86- 87, 410, 954
Associates of Doctor Thomas Bray for Founding Clerical Libraries and Supporting Negro Schools, 630
Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, 137, 427, 442, 452- 453, 492, 671, 802- 803, 924- 925, 1302, 1340, 1372, 1390, 1398
Associations. See Organizations
Aswell, James R., ed., 710
Athletes, 101, 150, 1773- 1774, 1777 - 1780.
See also Sports, names of sports, e.g., Football
Atkins, James A., 1466
Atkins, Simon G., about, 132
Atkinson, Carolyn, 1629
Atlanta, 193
Atlanta University, 9, 403, 430, 577- 578, 1291, 1665, 1758
Attaway, William, 1045
Attucks, Crispus, about, 120
Aukofer, Frank A., 1593
Austin, Frank E., 1467
Authors, 950- 952, 956- 957, 965- 966, 978, 983, 991
biography (individual), 175, 180, 225- 226, 252, 302, 305
See also Literature, ——history and criticism; Playwrights, Poets
Autobiography. See Biography and autobiography
Automobile industry and trade, 477
Avins, Alfred, comp., 931
Badger, Henry G., 543
Bailey, Harry A., ed., 1405
Bailey, Pearl, 156
Baker, Augusta, 2, 42
Baker, George, about, 262
Baker, Josephine, about, 140
Baker, Newton D., 1332
Baker, Ray S., 1468
Balcolm, Lowell L., illus., 1099
Baldridge, Cyrus L., illus., 1055
Baldwin, James, 996- 997, 1046- 1050, 1205- 1206, 1469- 1470, 1484
Ball, Charles, 157
Ball, Edward D., ed., 638
Ballowe, Hewitt L., 675
Baltimore, 1418, 1622, 1627
Commission on Human Relations, 618- 619, 1622
education, 618- 619
Baltimore Afro-American , 1051
Baltimore Urban League, 1627
Bancroft, Frederic, 811
Banfield, Edward C., 518, 1406
Banks and banking, 406, 408, 427
Banneker, Benjamin, about, 120, 207
Banton, Michael P., 1471
Baptist Foreign Missionary Convention of the U.S., 1680
Baptists, 293, 307, 1671, 1680- 1681
education, 1678, 1695
missions, 1656
sermons, 1658, 1680a
Barber, Carroll G., 20
Barbour, Floyd B., comp., 310
Bardolph, Richard, 99
Barndt, Joseph R., 1702
Barnes, Gilbert H., 812
Barnett, Moneta, illus., 769
Barrett, Janie P., about, 114, 134
Barth, Ernest A. T., 521
Bartlett, Irving H., 158, 1594
Barton, Rebecca C., 99a
Baseball, 150, 174, 245, 249- 250, 275- 276, 278, 1776, 1778
Basketball, 1781
Bates, Daisy G., 544
Beam, Lura, 545
Beardwood, Roger, 415
Beasley, Delilah L., 1595
Becker, Gary S., 436
Beckwourth, James P., 159
Bede, Brother, 546
Bedichek, Roy, 680
Belafonte, Harry, 97
Belasco, David, 279
Belfrage, Sally, 311
Bell, Inge P., 1382
Bell, Malcolm, illus., 708
Bell, Muriel, illus., 708
Bell, Thomas F., about, 220
Bell, William K., 396
Bellegarde, Dantes, 799
BenÉt, Stephen Vincent, 1280
Bennett, Elaine C., 3
Bennett, Hal, 1052
Bennett, John, 676
Bennett, Lerone, 100, 160, 715- 716, 998, 1472
Bent, Michael J., 1295
Bentley, George R., 885
Berger, Morroe, 932
Berman, Daniel M., 547
Bernard, Jacqueline, 161
Bernard, Jessie S., 1763
Bernstein, Abraham A., 548
Bernstein, Barton J., ed., 999
Berry, A. W., 1419
Berry, Brewton, 1703
Berson, Lenora E., 1570
Bethune, Mary J. McLeod, about, 114, 118, 222
Bibb, Henry, 162
Bibliographies, 1- 63, 68, 74, 517, 749, 756, 960- 961, 965, 979
Bicknell, Marguerite E., 64
Biggers, John T., illus., 680
Bigman, Stanley K., 1289
Billingsley, Amy T., 1764
Billingsley, Andrew, 1764
Billington, Ray A., 580, 1352
Biographical dictionaries, 69, 73, 78- 80, 121, 131
Biography and autobiography, 98- 308
collective biography, 71, 81, 98- 150, 459, 591, 656, 723, 731, 746, 829, 831, 944, 1407, 1424, 1445, 1460, 1592, 1603, 1773- 1774
individual biography, 151- 308.
See also under specific subjects, e.g., Jazz musicians ——biography (individual); Slavery, ——biographies and narratives
Birmingham, Ala., 556, 1625
Bishops, 149, 173, 199, 303.
Bittle, William E., 717
Bivins, Horace W., 1315
Bivins, S. Thomas, 383
Black Muslims, 237a, 1026- 1627, 1469, 1498, 1682- 1683, 1689
Black power, 195, 310, 318, 320, 348, 362, 381, 716, 1500, 1694, 1702
Black Star , 364
Blair, Gertrude, 386
Blair, Lewis H., 397
Bland, James A., about, 181
Blaustein, Albert P., 549- 550
Bleiweiss, Robert M., 163
Blood, Robert O., 437
Blood banks, 211, 237
Bloomfield, Neil J., ed., 372
Blossom, Virgil T., 551
Blues. See Jazz music
Blythe, LeGette, 177
Boas, Frank, 697
Boggs, James, 1704
Boles, Robert, 1053
Boley, Okla., 717
Bolling v. Sharpe, 547
Bond, Frederick W., 665
Bond, Horace M., 552- 553, 1244
Bone, Robert A., 949
Bonger, Willem A., 1755
Bonner, T. D., ed., 159
Bontemps, Arna W., 7, 101- 103, 718, 1054- 1056a
comp., 1230
ed., 210, 696, 1229, 1258
Booker, Simeon, 1705
Borders, William H., about, 193
Boston, 1604, 1648
Bosworth, William, 1057
Botkin, Benjamin A., ed., 677, 829
Botume, Elizabeth H., 886
Bouma, Donald H., 554
Bowdoin College, Museum of Fine Arts, 83
Bowerman, Charles E., 564
Bowers, Lessie, 384
Boxing, 153, 194, 239, 254- 255, 265, 308, 1225, 1772- 1773, 1775
Boyar, Burt, 184
Boyar, Jane, 184
Boyd, Malcolm, 1473
Boykin, James H., 719
Boyle, Sarah P., 1474- 1475
Brackett, Jeffrey R., 813
Braden, Anne, 1476
Bradford, Amory, 398
Bradford, Perry, 1345
Bradford, Roark, 677a- 678, 1207
Bradford, Sarah E. H., 164
Bradley, Mary H., 235
Bradshaw, Clifford A., 113
Bragg, George F., 1657
Braithwaite, William S. B., 1231- 1233, 1263
Branch, Hettye W., 165
Brawley, Benjamin G., 104, 166, 951- 952
Brawley, E. M., ed., 1658
Bray, Douglas W., 450
Brazos Valley, Tex., 682
Breitman, George, ed., 1026
Brenford, Robert J., 26
Brewer, John Mason, 680- 683, 1407
comp., 679
ed., 1234
about, 172
Brickman, William W., ed., 555
Briggs, Vernon M., 462
Bright, Jean M., ed., 972
Brink, William J., 313, 1477
Brock, William R., 887
Broderick, Francis L., 167
Brogan, Denis W., 1408
Bronz, Stephen H., 953
Brooke, Edward W., 1409
Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 405
Brooks, Alexander D., 4
Brooks, Charles H., 1383
Brooks, Gwendolyn, 1058, 1235- 1236
Brooks, John C., ed., 1650
Brooks, Maxwell R., 1457
Broom, Leonard, 721
Brotz, Howard, 1659
Brown, Aaron, ed., 631
Brown, Arthur M., 1315
Brown, Charles A., 556
Brown, Charlotte H., about, 114
Brown, Claude, 168
Brown, Earl L., 1313
Brown, Frank L., 1059
Brown, Hallie Q., comp., 105
Brown, Hugh V., 557- 558
Brown, Ina C., 722
Brown, James N., 1771
Brown, John (abolitionist), about, 189, 861
Brown, John (slave), about, 169
Brown, Lawrence, 1359- 1360
Brown, Lloyd L., 1060
Brown, Oliver, appellant, 579
Brown, Robert R., Bishop, 559
Brown, Roscoe C., comp., 77
Brown, Samuel Joe, 1385
Brown, Sterling A., 954, 1237
Brown, Warren H., 5
Brown, William G., 1409a
Brown, William W., 106, 723, 1061, 1314
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 547, 579
Browning, Colleen, illus., 117
Brownlee, Frederick L., 559a
Bruce, Blanche Kelso, about, 120
Bruce, John E., comp., 107
Bruce, Kathleen, 814
Bruce, Philip A., 888
BruÈre, Martha B., illus., 707
Bryan, Ashley, illus., 305
Bryant, Lawrence C., 108- 109
Buckle, Richard, ed., 170
Buckler, Helen, 171
Buckmaster, Henrietta, pseud., 815, 889
Bullock, Henry A., 399, 560
Bullock, Ralph W., 110
Bunche, Ralph J., 1478
Buni, Andrew, 1410
Burck, Gilbert, 415
Burckel, Christian E., 69
Bureau of National Affairs, Washington, D.C., 314
Burgess, Margaret E., 1596
Burke, Inez M., 1223
Burnham, Louis E., 258
Burns, William H., 315
Burroughs, Margaret T., illus., 195
Burroughs, Nannie H., 523
Business, 427- 434, 1459a
Business education, 433
Businessmen, 427, 429- 433, 447, 1459a
Butcher, Margaret J., 955
Byrd, Harry F., 181
Byrd, James W., 172
CORE. See Congress of Racial Equality
CROSS-TELL. See Communicating Research on the Urban Poor
Cable, George W., 316- 317, 1563
Cade, John B., 173
Cain, Alfred E., 113
Caldwell, Dista H., 561
Caldwell, Erskine, 1479
California, 221, 1595, 1597, 1635
Arts Commission, 89
Dept. of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research, 1597
education, 606
employment, 488
Governor's Commission on the Los Angeles Riots, 1571- 1572
housing, 513
race relations, 398
riots, 1571- 1575
State Fair Employment Practice Commission, 1597
University Bancroft Library, 1595
Institute of Governmental Studies, 1635
Institute of Industrial Relations, 480
Survey Research Center, 1518
University at Los Angeles
Art Galleries, Dickson Art Center, 89
Dept. of Journalism, 1456
Institute of Government and Public Affairs, 413
University, Davis, 89
Caliver, Ambrose, 562- 563
Callis, Myra C., 452
Calverton, Victor F., ed., 976
Calvin, Mich., 690, 692
Camden Co., N.J., 549
Campanella, Roy, 174
Campbell, Angus, 1586
Campbell, Charles, 230a
Campbell, E. Simms, illus., 1237
Campbell, Ernest Q., 564
Campbell, Tunis G., 385
Campbell, Will D., 1660
Canada, 774, 907
Cannon, Alice, 693
Cape Fear River Valley, N.C., 900
Carawan, Candie, 1346
Carawan, Guy, 1346
Carleton, William G., 1440
Carmer, Carl L., 674, 684
Carmichael, Bennie, 638
Carmichael, Stokely, 318
Carnegie Institution of Washington, Division of Historical Research, 820
Caroline Co., Va., 705
Carruth, Eleanore, 415
Carter, Dan T., 1756
Carter, Hodding, 890, 1480
Carter, Wilmoth A., 319, 429
Carver, George Washington
about, 118, 134, 191, 221
bibliography, 12
Cashin, Herschel V., 1315
Cass, Donn A., 1384
Cass Co., Mich., 1613
Cate, Margaret D., 1653
Catholic authors, bibliography, 45
Catholic Church, 119, 199, 229, 375, 546, 1661, 1664, 1672
Catholic Interracial Council, 229
Catterall, Helen H. T., ed., 933
Cattle trade, 165
Caughey, John W., 725
Cayton, Horace R., 438, 1607
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 344, 1481
Center for Urban Education, 22
Central State College, Wilberforce, Ohio
about, 1617
Library, 18b
See also Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio
Chamberlain, Bernard P., 1757
Chambers, Bradford, comp., 320
Chambers, Herbert A., ed., 1347
Chambers, Lucille A., ed., 726
Chamerovzow, Louis A., ed., 169
Chaney, James E., about, 124
Chapel Hill, N.C., 1608a
Chapman, Abraham, 6
Chappell, Louis W., 685
Charleston, S.C., 676, 847
Charleston, W. Va., 537
Charlottesville, Va., 1759a
Charters, Ann, illus., 1238
Charters, Samuel B., 1238, 1348
Chase, Lucy, 923
Chase, Sarah, 923
Chastain, Thomas, 1062
Cherokee Indians, 246
Cherry, Gwendolyn, 111
Chesler, Mark A., 601
Chesnutt, Charles W., 1063- 1067
Chesnutt, Helen M., 175
Chi Eta Phi Sorority, 1390
Chicago, 1395, 1420, 1579, 1598, 1607, 1643, 1663, 1686
housing, 497, 503, 510, 518
Illinois National Half-Century Exposition, 1617
Mayor's Commission on Human Relations, 497
Office of Housing and Redevelopment Coordination, 1598
Plan Commission, 1598
riots, 1579
University Center for Policy Study, 1580
Chicago Community Inventory, 503, 1598
Law School, 935
Population Research and Training Center, 528
The Chicago Defender , about, 261
Chicago Historical Society, 1012
Chicago Urban League, 1395
Child, Lydia M. F., 112
Child Rearing Study of Low Income Families in the District of Columbia, 1752, 1767
Child Welfare League of America, 1747
Children, 1745-54, 1767.
See also Family; Socially handicapped children, Youth
Children's literature. See Juvenile literature
Children's writings, 609- 610
Christensen, Mrs. A. M. H., 686
Christian, Kathryn, 727
Christian, Malcolm H., 176
Christmas, Walter, ed., 113
Church. See Religion and the church.
Church and race problems, 229, 321, 375, 498, 510, 529, 559, 1016, 1491, 1552, 1660- 1661, 1675, 1679, 1686, 1690, 1697.
See also Segregation ——religious aspects; Slavery, ——and the church
Cincinnati, 1603
Cities and towns, 344, 355, 381, 415, 419, 879, 1715, 1738- 1739, 1744
bibliography, 55
education, 548, 569, 588, 608, 633, 645, 663
politics, 1406
race relations, 1482
Citizens' Councils, 1480
City University of New York, 90
Civil disobedience, 325a, 1014, 1444, 1591
Civil Liberties Educational Foundation, 4
Civil rights, 309- 982, 397, 486, 761, 931- 932, 937, 1340, 1400, 1414, 1434, 1447, 1450, 1463, 1507- 1508, 1511, 1516, 1590, 1704, 1732, 1761
bibliography, 4, 52
biography and autobiography, 135, 145, 187, 201, 208, 229, 244, 256, 270, 354
essays and addresses, 310, 323, 347, 720, 1001, 1005, 1007, 1013, 1015, 1017, 1022- 1023, 1025- 1026, 1033, 1036, 1038, 1041, 1456
history, 315, 319- 320, 353, 373
humor, 1201
pictorial works, 337
Southern States, 326, 340, 356, 360, 369, 374, 380, 575, 1401, 1608a
Civil Rights Act of 1964 , 314, 330, 1022
Civil rights workers, 124, 356
Civil service, 454, 461, 467, 478.
See also Government officials and employees
Civil War, 288, 763- 764, 893, 908, 915, 923, 1312, 1331
causes, 859
fiction, 1184
Kentucky, 730, 791
Maryland, 796
Middle West, 794
Negro troops, 1285, 1314, 1316- 1317, 1320, 1337, 1340- 1343
New York (City), 833
sources, 751
Clark, Alexander G., 1385
Clark, Alfred T., 725
Clark, Dennis, 1482
Clark, Henry, 498
Clark, Kenneth B., 565, 636, 1001, 1483- 1484, 1570, 1745, 1749
Clark, Mary T., 321
Clark, Peter W., 1599
Clark, Septima P., 177
Clarke, Jacquelyne J., 322
Clarke, John H., ed., 1002, 1068, 1600
Claspy, Everett, 1601
Clay, Cassius Marcellus, about, 1772
Clayton, Edward T., 1411
Cleaver, Eldridge, 1485- 1486
Cleaves, Mary W., 19
Cleghorn, Reese, 1452
Clemons, Lulamae, 1706
Clergymen, 1042, 1667
autobiography, 217, 274, 284, 306, 848
biography (collective), 80- 81, 119, 149
biography (individual), 173, 193, 199, 303.
See also King, Martin Luther, about
Cleveland, 377, 1454
Clift, Virgil A., ed., 566
Clough, Benjamin C., 1594
Clowes, Richard M., 725
Cobb, William Montague, 1286- 1288
Cobb, Price M., 1293
Coffin, Levi, 816
Cogley, John, 1481
Cohen, Haskell, 239
Cohen, Irving S., 760
Cohen,Jacob, 329
Cohen, Jerry, 1573
Cohn, David L., 1707
Colby, Clinton E., 21
Cole, Nathaniel (Nat "King"), about, 140
Coleman, Edward M., ed., 1269
Coleman, James S., 567
Coleman, John Winston, 817
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel, about, 120
Coles, Robert, 568, 1746
College Entrance Examination Board, 584
Colleges. See Universities and colleges
Collins, Charles W., 934
Collins, Mary E., 502
Collins, Winfield H., 1487
Colonization, 717, 774, 787, 1000, 1003- 1004
Columbia University
Conservation of Human Resources Project, 583
Council for Research in the Social Sciences, 43, 1719a
Graduate School of Business, 407, 428
Teachers College, 563, 574, 598, 627, 664
Bureau of Publications, 530, 608, 615, 663, 1748
Institute of Higher Education, 615
Comedians, 140, 184, 208, 279, 335
Commager, Henry S., comp., 323
Commission on Race and Housing, 499, 505, 508, 514, 524
Communicating Research on the Urban Poor, 1752
Communism, 1038, 1389, 1394, 1419, 1434, 1442
Community leadership, 349, 1427, 1596, 1732
Conant, James B., 569
Concklin, Seth, about, 857
Condition of slaves, 133, 828- 829, 831, 845, 858, 875
Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems
4th, Atlanta, 1899 , 430
5th, Atlanta, 1900 , 577
8th, Atlanta, 1903 , 1665
9th, Atlanta, 1904 , 1758
10th, Atlanta, 1905 , 9
11th, Atlanta, 1906 , 1291
12th, Atlanta, 1907 , 403
16th, Atlanta, 1911 , 578
Conference of Community Leaders on Equal Employment Opportunity, Washington, D.C., 1962 , 439
Conference of Negro Writers, 1st, New York, 1959 , 978
Conference on Discrimination and the Law, University of Chicago, 1963 , 935
Conference on Jewish Social Studies, 1488
Conference on Negro-Jewish Relations in the United States, New York, 1964 , 1488
Congaree River, 674
Congress of Racial Equality, 329, 1382
The Congressional Globe , 931
Congressional Quarterly Service, Washington, D.C., 324
Congressional Record , 931
Congressmen. See Legislators
Connecticut, 488, 873, 1618a, 1648b
Commission on Civil Rights, 440, 500- 501, 1489
housing, 500- 501
segregation, 1489
University, Center for Real Estate and Urban Economic Studies, 517
Connelly, Marcus C., 695, 1207
Connery, Robert H., ed., 1589
Conot, Robert E., 1574
Conrad, Earl, 177a, 729
Conroy, Jack, 102
Consumers, 399, 404, 412
Converts, 246, 1664, 1669
Cook, C. C., 1403
Cook, James G., 1490
Cook, James T., 21
Cooke, Paul P., 325
Cookery, 383- 395
Coombs, A. G., 1758
Cooper, Anna J., 600
Cooper, Mary U., 389
Cooperative movement, 403, 418
Cope, Myron, 1771
Cornell-Tompkins County Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Fayette County, Tennessee, 1412
Cornely, Paul B., 1289
Cornish, Dudley T., 1316
Corwin, Edward H. L., 1290
Cotner, Robert C., 212
Cotter, Joseph S., 1068a, 1208
Cotton, Ella E., 178
Cottrell, John, 1772
Couch, William, comp., 1209
Coulter, Ellis M., 730, 891, 1413
Council of Social Welfare, Oklahoma City, 1626
Countryman, Vern, ed., 935
Courlander, Harold, 687, 1349
Covarrubias, Miguel, illus., 697, 1353- 1354
Cowboys, 240, 443
Cox, Archibald, 325a
Cox, John H., 1414
Cox, LaWanda C. F., 1414
Cox, Oliver C., 1717
Craig, Tom, 1585
Crain, Robert L., 570
Craven, Avery O., 892
Cregar, Ralph, 1491
Crichlow, Ernest, illus., 213, 288
Crime and delinquency, 1540, 1723, 1754- 1762
Crime and the press, 325a
Crogman, William H., 70
Cromwell, John W., 88, 731, 1415
Cromwell, Otelia, ed., 979
Cronon, Edmund D., 179
Crow Indians, 159
Crowe, Charles R., ed., 893
Crum, Mason, 1602
Crummell, Alexander, 1003- 1004
Crump, Paul, 1069
Crump, Spencer, 1575
Cruse, Harold, 1708
CuffÉ, Paul, about, 120
Cullen, Charles, illus., 1239, 1242
Cullen, Countee, 1070- 1071, 1239, 1241- 1243
ed., 1240
about, 953, 958
Culp, Daniel W., ed., 980
Cultural Exchange Center, Los Angeles, 94
Culver, Dwight W., 1662
Cumberland Co., N.J., 1644
Cummings, John, 1733
Cunard, Nancy, comp., 981
Cuney, Norris W., about, 212
Cuney, Waring, ed., 1244
Cunningham, Virginia, 180
Current, Richard N., ed., 894
Curry, Jesse E., 1492
Curtin, Thomas J., 633
Cushing, Richard J., Cardinal, 119
Cuthbert, Marion V., 571
Dabbs, James M., 1493
Dabney, Lillian G., 572
Dabney, Wendell P., 1603
Dade Co., Fla., 538
Daedalus , 1005
Daly, John J., 181
Daly, Victor, 1071a
Damerell, Reginald G., 573
Dancing, 170, 190, 955
Dancy, John C., 182
Daniel, Bradford, ed., 1006
Daniel, Sadie I., 114
Daniel, Vattel E., 1663
Daniel, William A., 1744
Daniels, John, 1604
Daniels, Jonathan, 1566
Dannett, Sylvia G. L., 115
David, Jay, comp., 116
Davidson, Bruce, illus., 1005
Davie, Maurice R., 732
Davis, Allison, 1709
Davis, Arthur P., ed., 975
Davis, Christopher, 1072
Davis, David B., 818
Davis, Edwin A., 183
Davis, Harry E., 1386
Davis, John P., ed., 65
Davis, L. D., 1758
Davis, Lawrence A., 1448
Davis, Ossie, 1210
Davis, Robert E., 400
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 184
Davis, William R., 574
Day, Helen C., 1664
Day, Richard E., 575
Daykin, Jon J., 441
Dayton, Ohio, 1391
Dees, Jesse W., 1494
Degrees, academic, 587
De Jong, Gordon F., 1605
De Knight, Freda, 386
De Land, Clyde O., illus., 1067
Delany, Martin R., 733
education, 652
housing, 530
DeLay, H. S., illus., 1079
Delta Sigma Theta, 1396a
Demby, William, 1073- 1074
De Mond, Albert L., 401
Dennett, John R., 895
Dennison, Tim, 1350
Dentists, 1292
Derbigny, Irving A., 576
De Santis, Vincent P., 1416
Des Moines, Public Schools, 727
Detroit, 182, 1606, 1648a
Detroit Urban League, 182
Dett, Robert N., ed., 1351
Detweiler, Frederick G., 1458
Deutsch, Morton, 502
Dewey, Donald, 469
Dexter, Charles, 1778
Dickinson, Donald C., 7
Dickson Art Center, 89
Diggs, Charles C., 432
Diggs, E. Irene, 68
Dill, Augustus G., ed., 578
Dillard, James H., 1284a
Dillon, Merton L., 819
Diplomats, 231, 292
Direct action, 341, 1382
Directories, 66, 76, 131, 802, 1459a
Discrimination. See Race discrimination, Segregation
Dissertations, academic, bibliography, 25, 40
District of Columbia, 148, 1610, 1614
civil rights, 368
Dept. of Public Welfare, 402
education, 546, 572, 652
employment, 452, 454, 488
housing, 511, 532
slavery, 942
See also Washington, D. C.
Divine, Father, about, 262
Dobbin, Donald D., 1648
Dobie, James Frank, 682
Dobler, Lavinia G., 117
Dodds, Barbara, 8
Dodson, Owen, 1075, 1245
Dogan, M. W., 70
Dollard, John, 1710
Donald, David, 1422
Donald, Henderson H., 442, 896
Donnan, Elizabeth, ed., 820
Donohugh, Agnes C. L., 68
Donovan, Frank R., 821
Doriot, George F., 435
Dorman, Michael, 326
Dorson, Richard M., comp., 690
Douglas, Aaron, illus., 722, 1221, 1240, 1266
Douglas, William O., 822
Douglass, Frederick, 185- 186, 1007, 1460
about, 120, 200, 269, 952
bibliography, 17
Douglass, Joseph H., 424
Douty, Esther M., 187
Dover, Cedric, 84
Dover, Maureen, 84
Dowd, Douglas F., ed., 1412
Doyle, Bertram W., 1495
Drake, Merci L., 472
Drake, St. Clair, 1607, 1719
Drama, 665, 670, 672, 948, 1209
Drawings, 97
Dreer, Herman, 956
Drew, Charles R., about, 211, 237
Drew Theological Seminary, 1667- 1668
Drewry, William S., 823
Drimmer, Melvin, comp., 1008
Drisko, Carol F., 897
Drotning, Phillip T., 734
Duberman, Martin B., 332, 1211
DuBois, William E. B., 188- 189, 425, 712, 825, 898, 1009- 1010, 1076- 1080, 1496, 1608
ed., 9, 68, 403, 430, 577- 578, 1291, 1522, 1665, 1758
about, 118, 127, 134, 167, 280- 281, 952, 966
bibliography, 188
Ducas, George, ed., 770
Duckett, Alfred, 276
Dudley, James B., about, 132
Dumas, Alexandre, pÈre, about, 120
Dummett, Clifton O., ed., 1292
Dumond, Dwight L., 10, 327, 826- 827
Dunbar, Alice M. See Nelson, Alice R. M. D.
Dunbar, Ernest, 1711
Dunbar, Paul L., 1081- 1086, 1246- 1248
about, 120, 166, 180, 952
Dunbar High School, Washington, D.C., 600
Duncan, Beverly, 503, 1598
Duncan, Eula G., 693
Duncan, Otis D., 444, 503, 1598
Duncan, S. E., 629
Duncan, Thelma M., 1223
Dunham, Katherine, 190
Dunning, William A., 899
Durden, Robert F., ed., 1439
Durham, Philip, 443
Durham, N.C., 1425
D'Usseau, Arnaud, 1212
Dykeman, Wilma, 1497
Dykes, Eva B., ed., 979
Eason, Warren, 1554
East St. Louis, Ill., 1584
Eastman, George, 1492
Eaton, Isabel, 1608
Ebony , 67, 1011
Eckard, E. W., 469
Economic conditions, 396- 539, 1037, 1597, 1607
bibliography, 40
See also Business; Employment; Housing, under names of places and regions, e.g., Southern States ——economic conditions
Edmonds, Helen G., 1417
Edmonds, Randolph, 1213- 1215
Edmonson, Munro S., ed., 1309
Education, 114, 131- 132, 426, 433, 440, 450, 540- 664, 746, 980, 1039, 1290, 1298
bibliography, 37a, 53, 59
statistics, 543, 567, 639
See also Educators, Race discrimination ——in education; Segregation ——in education; Teachers and teaching, Universities and colleges
Educational Foundation of the National Council of Negro Women, 495
Educators, 132, 222, 227, 257, 597.
See also Teachers and teaching
Edwards, Gilbert Franklin, 444
Edwards, Paul K., 404
Edwin, Ed, 219
Egypt, Ophelia S., 831
Ehle, John, 1608a
Eichenberg, Fritz, illus., 693
Eichner, Alfred S., 1505
"80 John," about, 165
Einstein, Charles, 249- 250
Eisenhower, Dwight D., about, 256
Eisenstadt, Murray, 735
Elections, 1418, 1425, 1432.
See also Gerrymander, Voting
Elinson, Howard, ed., 1031
Elkins, Stanley M., 828
Elks of the World, Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of, 1398
Ellington, Duke, about, 140
Elliott, Lawrence, 191
Ellis, Ethel M. V., comp., 11, 37a
Ellison, Ralph, 957, 1087
Ellison, Virginia H., 4
Emancipation, 764, 796, 803, 864, 882, 930
Emancipation Proclamation, 821, 904, 921, 1015
Emanuel, James A., 192
Embree, Edwin R., 118
Emilio, Luis F., 1317
Emmett, Daniel D., about, 1369
Emond, Norma J., 1648
Employment, 407, 410, 413, 416, 428, 432, 434- 492, 898, 1313, 1704, 1719a, 1743
Encyclopedias, 68
English, James W., 193
Entertainment, 665- 672.
See also Drama; Jazz music, Music;
biography (collective), 140.
See also Actors; Comedians, Jazz musicians, Minstrels, Musicians
Episcopalians, 1657, 1700
Eppes, Susan B., 1712
Epps, Archie, ed., 1027
Eppse, Merl R., 736- 737
Epstein, Lenore A., 420
Essays and addresses, 995- 1044, 1404, 1485, 1504, 1661.
See also under subjects, e.g., Civil rights, ——essays and addresses
Essien-Udom, Essien U., 1498
European War, 1914-1918 , 1319, 1327- 1328, 1332
economic aspects, 489
fiction, 1071a
music, 1370
Evans, William McKee, 900
Evers, Medgar W., about, 127, 1499
Evers, Mrs. Medgar, 1499
Expatriates, 1711
Explorers, 218, 253
FEPC. See U.S. Committee on Fair Employment Practice
Facts on File, New York, 328, 370
Fager, Charles E., 1500
Faggett, Harry L., ed., 1051
Fahey, William A., 136
Falls, C. B., 1266
Faltermayer, Edmund K., 415
Family, 1763- 1770.
Fanshel, David, 1747
Farmer, James, 329, 1014
Farr, Finis, 194
Father Divine, about, 262
Faubus, Orval E., about, 1556
Faulkner, William, about, 970
Fauset, Arthur H., 1666
Fauset, Jessie R., 1088- 1090
Fax, Elton, illus., 687
Fayette Co., Tenn., 1412
Federal Writers' Project, 829
Feelings, Tom, illus., 115, 845
Fein, Rashi, 405
Feldman, Eugene P. R., 195
Felton, Ralph A., 1667- 1668
Ferguson, Blanche E., 958
Ferguson, Clarence C., 550
Ferman, Louis A., 445
Ferris, William H., 738
Ficklen, John R., 901
Fiction, 1044a- 1199
bibliography, 4, 61, 960
history and criticism, 949, 954, 959- 960, 963
Fields, Uriah J., 1501
15th amendment
about, 931, 1415
bibliography, 57
Filler, Louis, 830
1st amendment, about, 346
Fishel, Leslie H., 739
Fisher, ——, 157
Fisher, Dorothy C., 305
Fisher, Elijah J., about, 196
Fisher, Miles M., 195, 1352
Fisher, Paul L., ed., 1013
Fisher, Rudolph, 1091- 1092
Fisher, Walter, 217
Fisk University, Nashville, about, 563
Social Science Institute, 831, 1669
Fitzgerald, Ed, ed., 204
Fitzhugh, George, 832
Fitzhugh, H. Naylor, ed., 432
Fleischer, Nathaniel S., 1773
Fleishman, Stanley, 330
Fleming George J., 69, 1418
Fleming, Walter L., 406
Fletcher, Tom, 666
Flipper, Henry O., 197- 198
Florida, 209, 228, 488
Attorney General, 579
education, 579, 652
folk-lore and folk-tales, 697
housing, 538
politics, 1440
Reconstruction, 916, 926
State University, Tallahassee, 916
Fogelson, Robert M., 1586
Foley, Albert S., 119, 199
Foley, Eugene P., 447
Folk-lore and folk-tales, 172, 673- 710
Folk-songs. See Songs
Foner, Philip S., 200, 833
Fontaine, William T., 1501a
Foote, Nelson N., 504
Ford, James, ed., 523
Ford, James W., 1419
Ford, Nick A., 959
Foreman, Paul B., 51
Forman, James, 201, 354
Forten, Charlotte L., 580
Forten, James, about, 187
Fortune, Amos, about, 243
Fortune, T. Thomas, 1502
Fortune , 415
Foster, William Z., 740
Fountain, William A., 81
14th amendment
about, 363, 496, 654, 931, 934, 945
bibliography, 57
Fowler, Julian S., ed., 35
Francis, Charles E., 1318
Frank, Waldo, 1159
Franklin, Charles L., 448
Franklin, John H., 315, 725, 741- 743, 904- 905, 1012
Frazier, Edward Franklin, 744, 1504, 1670, 1714, 1765- 1766
Frederick, John T., 992
Fredrickson, George M., ed., 837
Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, Washington, D. C., 406
Freedmen, 241, 594, 642, 759, 896, 903, 912, 923
biography (collective), 112
Florida, 916
Maryland, 1654
North Carolina, 741
Virginia, 458
Freedmen's Bureau, about, 241, 883, 885, 903
Freedom of Information Conference, 8th, University of Missouri, 1965 , 1013
Freemasons, 1384- 1386, 1396, 1399
Freidel, Frank B., 745
Friedman, Leon, comp., 332
Frontier and pioneer life, 159, 198, 240
Fugitive slaves, 815- 816, 834, 848, 866, 872.
See also Slavery, ——biographies and narratives; Underground railroad
Fuller, Meta V. W., about, 134, 952
Fuller, Thomas O., 746, 1671
Furman, Abraham L., 1158a
Furness, William H., 857
Furr, Arthur, 1327
Gallagher, Buell G., 581
Gangs, 1619
Gara, Larry, 834
Gardner, Burleigh B., 1709
Gardner, Gordon A., 1706
Gardner, Mary R., 1709
Garfinkel, Herbert, 449
Garrison, Lucy M., comp., 1344
Garvey, Amy J., 202
Garvey, Marcus, 203,
Gaskins, Ruth L., 387
Gass, Gertrude Z., 484
Gates, Robbins L., 582
Gauerke, Warren E., 585
Gay, William T., 1609
Geis, Gilbert, 717
Geismar, Maxwell, 1486
Genovese, Eugene D., 835
Georgetown, D.C., 942
Georgia, 1413, 1653
biography and autobiography, 147, 193, 234
Commission on Education, 1389
crime, 1758
Dept. of Law, 936
education, 597, 623, 643, 652
folk-lore and folk-tales, 701, 708
Laws, statutes, etc., 936
politics, 1413, 1451a
Reconstruction, 884a, 1413
segregation, 936
slavery, 157, 169, 841, 862
University, about, 643
Georgia Historical Quarterly , 1413
Gerrymander, 1447
Gewecke, Clifford G., 154
Ghana, 717
Gibson, Althea, 204
Gibson, Gertrude, illus., 1204
Gibson, John S., 633
Gibson, John W., 70
Gilbert, Ben W., 1576
Gilbert, Olive, 205
Gillard, John T., 1672
Gillogly, David K., 538
Ginzberg, Eli, 428, 450, 456, 583, 1505
Glazer, Nathan, 1766
Glenn, Norval D., 721
Gloster, Hugh M., 960
Goff, Regina M., 1748
Goldblatt, Harold S., 506
Golden, Harry L., 177, 333, 1491, 1532
Goldston, Robert C., 747
Goldwin, Robert A., comp., 1014
Gomillion, Charles G., about, 1447
Gonzales, Ambrose E., 694- 694a
Goodman, Andrew, about, 124
Goodman, Mary E., 1749
Goodman, P., 1014
Gordon, Edmund W., 584
Gordon, Joan, 1629
Gosnell, Harold F., 1420
Gouldtown, N.J., 1644
Gourlay, Jack G., 451
Government officials and employees, 454, 461
biography (collective), 113, 459
biography (individual), 256
See also Civil service
Gow, James, 1212
Graham, Frank P., 1536
Graham, Hugh D., 1459
Graham, Lorenz B., 1093
Graham, Shirley, 206- 207, 1094- 1095
Grant, Joanne, comp., 334
Grantham, Dewey W., 1468
Gray, Alma L., 19
Gray, Thomas R., 878
Greater Minneapolis Interfaith Fair Housing Program, 529
Green, Constance M., 1610
Green, Donald R., 585
Green, Elizabeth L., 961
Green, John M., ed., 1623
Green, Paul, 674, 1227
Green, Robert L., 586
Green, William T., 1628
Greenberg, Jack, 595, 937
Greene, Ellen F., 1295
Greene, Harry W., 587
Greene, Lorenzo J., 452- 453, 748
Greene, Mary F., 588
Greensboro, N.C., 515
Greenville, S.C., 1427
Greer, Scott A., 1715
Gregory, Dick, 208, 335, 1200- 1201
Gregory, Montgomery, ed., 1221
Grier, Eunice S., 507- 509, 520, 1526
Grier, George W., 507- 509, 520, 1526
Grier, William H., 1293
Gries, John M., ed., 523
Griffin, Appleton P. C., 57- 58
Griffin, John A., 638
Griffin, John H., 1716
Grigg, Charles, 349
Griggs, Sutton E., 1096- 1096a
Grigsby, William G., 524
Grimke, A. H., 1403
Grimke, Angelina W., 1216
Grimke, Francis J., 1016- 1017, 1403
Groppi, James E., about, 1593
Gross, Milton, 265
Gross, Seymour L., ed., 962
Gross, Theodore L., comp., 982
Grossack, Martin M., ed., 1294
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry, Committee on Social Issues, 589
Guilford Co., N.C., 1554
Guinn, Dorothy C., 1223
Gula, Martin, 1750
Gullahs, 694, 707, 1602, 1651.
See also Sea Islands, S.C.
Gulledge, Ola L., 1375
Gunner, Frances, 1223
Gurin, Patricia, 590
Guzman, Jessie P., 12, 591- 592
Haber, Alan, ed., 1713
Hadley, James S., 1494
Haiti, fiction, 1056
Halasz, Nicholas, 836
Haley, Alex, 237a
Haley, James T., comp., 71
Hall, Charles E., 1736
Hall, Woodrow W., 13
Hallock, Robert, illus., 136
Hamer, Fannie L., 374
Hamilton, Charles V., 318
Hammon, Briton, 209
Hammon, Jupiter, 1281
Hammond, Jabez D., ed., 251
Hampton, Wade, about, 1423
Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va., 1351
about, 227
Collis P. Huntington Library, 14
Handbooks, 67, 77
Handler, M.S., 237a
Handlin, Oscar, 336, 1584, 1611
Handy, William C., 210, 1618b
Hansberry, Lorraine, 337, 1217
Hansen, Carl F., 593
Hardwick, Richard, 211
Hardy, John E., ed., 962
Hare, Maud C., 212, 1223, 1355
Hare, Nathan, 1717
Harkey, Ira B., 1506
Harlan, Louis R., 281, 749
Harlem, New York (City), 1600, 1615, 1631- 1633
education, 609- 610
history, 95
poetry, 1276
riots, 1583
social conditions, 168, 1483, 1612, 1629, 1640
Harlem Cultural Council, 90
Harlem Globetrotters, 1781
Harlem Hospital, 1290
Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited, New York, 1612
Harmon, John H., 427
Harmon Foundation, 85
Harper, Frances E. W., 1097
Harrington, Michael, 1713
Harrington, Ollie, illus., 1203
Harris, Abram L., 408, 486
Harris, Fred R., 1293
Harris, Jacqueline L., 163
Harris, Janet, 338, 1507
Harris, Joel Chandler, 695
Harris, Louis, 313, 1477
Harris, Theodore D., ed., 198
Harrison, Deloris, 213
Harrison, William P., 1673
Hart, Albert B., 866
Hartshorn, William N., ed., 750
Haskell, Daniel C., 21
Hatch, John D., 82
Hatcher, Andrew D., 367
Hausrath, Alfred H., 1321
Hawkins, Hugh, ed., 214
Hawkins, William G., 215
Hawley, Langston T., 469
Hayden, James J., 933
Hayden, Robert E., 1249- 1250, 1252
Hayden, Thomas, 1577
Hayden, William, 216
Hayes, Laurence J. W., 454
Hayes, Roland, 1356
Hayes, Rutherford B., 594
Haynes, Elizabeth R., 120
Haynes, George E., 455
Haynes, Leonard L., 1674
Hays, Brooks, 1508
Haywood, Charles, 15
Headley, Madge, 1744
Health. See Medicine and health
Healy, James A., Bishop, about, 199
Heaps, Willard A., 1578
Heard, Alexander, 1421, 1426
Heartman, Charles F., 16, 46
Heartman Negro Collection, 49
Hedgeman, Anna A., 339
Hefner, Hugh M., 1200
Height, Dorothy I., 1509
Helper, Hinton R., 837, 1563
Henderson, Edwin B., 1774
Henderson, George W., 1098- 1099
Henderson, Mary, 18a
Henkle, Henrietta. See Buckmaster, Henrietta, pseud.
Henning, John F., 456
Henry, Robert S., 906
Henry, Waights G., 409
Henson, Josiah, 217
Henson, Matthew A., 218
Hentoff, Nat, 1510
Henton, Comradge L., 1751
Herskovits, Melville J., 1718
Herzog, George, 1367
Hesseltine, William B., ed., 751
Hesslink, George K., 1613
Heyward, Dorothy H. K., 1218
Heyward, Du Bose, 1218
Heywood, Chester D., 1319
Hickey, Neil, 219
Hiestand, Dale L., 456
Higbee, Jay A., 938
Higginson, Thomas W., 918, 1320
Hill, Clifton T., illus., 1272
Hill, Herbert, 595
Hill, John H., 1100
Hill, Joseph A., 1733
Hill, Robert B., 1586
Hill, Roy L., 121, 1018
Hill, Samuel E., 474
Hill, Timothy A., 410
Hillery, George A., 1605
Himes, Chester B., 1101- 1107
Hirshson, Stanley P., 1422
Historians, 790
Historical Records Survey, District of Columbia, 17
Historiography, 749, 790, 999
History, 99, 102, 309, 320, 327, 341, 351, 362, 366- 367, 372, 711- 930, 1472, 1500, 1505, 1507, 1535a, 1567, 1578, 1591, 1632, 1643, 1694, 1724
bibliography, 19, 30, 44, 48, 749, 756
chronology, 786
essays and addresses, 65, 785, 798- 799, 995, 1008, 1018, 1029, 1043
pictorial works, 726, 746, 753
sources, 712, 720, 724, 735, 739, 751, 755, 769, 795, 820, 881, 972, 1529, 1595
See also Reconstruction; Slavery, ——names of wars, e.g., Civil War, under names of subjects, places, and regions, e.g., Virginia ——history
Hobson, Julius W., 1507
Hodges, Carl G., comp., 752
Hoffman, James, 554
Hogan, William R., 183
Holdredge, Helen O., 220
Holland, Annie W., about, 132
Hollander, Barnett, 838
Holley, Joseph W., 596- 597
Hollitz, Erwin, 1706
Holmes, Dwight O. W., 598
Holmes, Eugene C., ed., 1019
Holmes, Hamilton, about, 643
Holmes, Samuel J., 411
Holsey, Alban L., 70
Holsey, Lucius H., Bishop, about, 173
Holt, John, 609
Holt, Len, 340
Holt, Rackham, 221- 222
Home Missions Council of North America, 1691
Homer, Dorothy R., 33
Hope, John, 469, 1403
Hopkins, Thomas A., 347
Horne, Lena, 223
Horney, Helen, 752
Horowitz, Benjamin, 97
Horton, David S., 1038
Hough, Joseph C., 1675
Housing, 465, 493- 539, 1533, 1553, 1593, 1624
bibliography, 55, 517
statistics, 528, 534
Houston, Tex., 399
Hoving, Thomas P. F., 95
Howard, James, ed., 853
Howard, Oliver O., about, 241
Howard University
Gallery of Art, 92
Graduate School, 454, 799
Division of the Social Sciences, 1019
Library, Moorland Foundation, 11, 18
Howe, Mark D., 325a
Howells, William D., 1246
Hoyt, Edwin P., 224
Hubbard, Geraldine H., comp., 35
Hughes, Carl M., pseud. See Hughes, John M. C.
Hughes, Everett C., 1607
Hughes, John M. C., 963
Hughes, Langston, 122- 123, 225- 226, 667, 753, 985, 1108, 1110- 1115, 1219, 1244, 1253- 1257, 1259- 1261, 1387
ed., 696, 1109, 1202, 1244, 1258
about, 7, 118, 134, 192, 252
bibliography, 7
Hughes, Louis, 1628
Hughes, William H., ed., 227
Huie, William B., 124, 228
Hull, Marie, illus., 1204
Hullfish, Henry Gordon, ed., 566
Humor, 1200- 1204.
Humphrey, Hubert H., ed., 599
Humphrey, Norman D., 1581
Hundley, Mary G., 600
Hunt, B. H., 1563
Hunter, Charlayne, about, 643
Hunter, Jane E., about, 114
Hunter, Kristin, 1116- 1117
Hunter, Thomas L., 705
Hunton, George K., 229
Hurst, John F., Bishop, 1148
Hurston, Zora N., 697, 1118- 1119
Huson, Carolyn F., 457
Hussey, Edith L., 18a
Hyman, Harold M., comp., 908
Chicago Commission on Race Relations, 1579
Emancipation Centennial Commission, 752
history, 752
riots, 1584
University, 907
See also Chicago
Imari, Brother, 341
Imes, Nella. See Larsen, Nella
Income, 525, 636
Indexes, 18b, 37a
Indiana, 1621, 1646
Indiana Co., Pa., 871
Indiana Historical Bureau, 1646
Indians of North America, captivities, 209, 246
Industrial relations, 435, 473
Industrial Relations Counselors, 473
Industry, 415, 433
Inger, Morton, 570
Ingram, Tolbert R., ed., 1676
Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Va., 754, 1330
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (University of Michigan—Wayne State University), 490
Institute of Race Relations, 315
Institute of Social and Religious Research, 539, 1685, 1744
Insurance, 421, 427
Integrated Education , 602, 658
Integrated Education Associates, 59, 602
Integration. See Segregation
Intellectual life, 789, 1708
International Research Associates, 603
Iowa, 727, 1385
Isaacs, Edith J. R., 668
Isaacs, Harold R., 342
Ishmael, Woodi, illus., 705
Isom, Mary E., illus., 393
Jackson, Bruce, comp., 698
Jackson, Clyde O., 1357
Jackson, George P., 1358
Jackson, Joseph H., 343
Jackson, Luther P., 458- 459, 1752
Jackson, Mahalia, 230
Jackson, Miles M., 19
Jackson, Robert G., illus., 610
Jackson, Wagner D., 530
Jackson, Walter C., ed., 1284a
Jacobs, Paul, 344
Jacobson, Julius, ed., 460
Jaffa, Harry V., 1014- 1015
Jaffe, Abram J., 604
Janowitz, Morris, 1580
Jarrell, Hampton M., 1423
Jarrette, Alfred Q., 1424
Jazz music, 1345, 1348, 1353- 1354, 1361- 1364, 1366, 1368, 1374, 1376, 1381
bibliography, 26, 41
discography, 1364, 1366, 1368, 1381
Jazz musicians, 1348, 1363, 1368, 1374, 1381
biography (collective), 144
biography (individual), 151, 210, 271, 1345, 1364
Jeffers, Camille, 1767
Jefferson, Isaac, 230a
Jefferson, Thomas, about, 230a, 251
Jenkins, William S., 839
Jernegan, Marcus W., 839a
Jerome, Victor J., 669
Jews, 842, 1488, 1524, 1659
John Dewey Society, 566
John F. Slater Fund, New York, 594
John Henry, about, 685, 700
Johns Hopkins University, Operations Research Office, 1321
Johns Island, S.C., 1346
Johnson, Andrew, about, 911
Johnson, Charles S., 516, 523, 605, 1545, 1559, 1613a, 1719
Johnson, Clifton H., 20
Johnson, Edward E., 1751
Johnson, Frank R., 840
Johnson, Georgia D., 1262- 1263
Johnson, Guion, 68
Johnson, Guy B., 699- 700, 708, 1371
Johnson, Haynes B., 1614
Johnson, James W., 231, 1120, 1265- 1266, 1511, 1615
ed., 1264, 1359- 1360
about, 134, 292, 952- 953
Johnson, John A. (Jack), about, 194, 1225, 1772
Johnson, John Rosamond, 1359
Johnson, Joseph T., 412
Johnson, Lyndon B., 785, 1005, 1020, 1481
Johnson, Mordecai W., about, 118, 134
Johnson, Philip A., 510
Johnson, Roger M., 995
Johnson, T. J., ed., 131
Johnson, William, 1616
Johnston, Ruby F., 1677
Joiner, William A., comp., 1617
Joint Health Education Committee, Nashville, 1295
Joint Survey Commission of the Baptist Inter-convention Committee, 1678
Jones, Butler A., 164
Jones, Charles C., 701
Jones, Elizabeth O., illus., 1378
Jones, Eugene K., about, 134
Jones, Everett L., 443
Jones, Howard Mumford, 1320
Jones, Howard O., 1679
Jones, Joseph C., illus., 706
Jones, LeRoi, 1021, 1121- 1122, 1220, 1267, 1361- 1362
comp., 987
ed., 988
about, 966
Jones, Scipio A., about, 134
Jones, Thomas J., 651a
Jones, William H., 511
Jordan, Lewis G., 1680
Jordan, Winthrop D., 754
Joseph, Donald, 675
Journal of Negro Education , index, 37a
Journalists. See Press— biography
Jubilee Singers, 1055
Julius Rosenwald Fund, 1, 72, 1295
Just, Ernest E., about, 134
Justice, administration of, 354, 1761
Juvenile literature, 101, 111, 117, 122- 123, 139- 140, 187, 213, 268, 702, 711, 768, 805, 897, 921, 1230, 1507, 1578
bibliography, 2, 19, 22, 29, 42, 51
Kahn, Tom, 345
Kaiser, Inez Y., 388
Kalven, Harry, 346
Kansas, 579
Kaplan, Louis, 21
Kardiner, Abram, 1296
Karon, Bertram P., 1297
Katz, Daniel, 590
Katz, Shlomo, ed., 1524
Katz, William L., 240, 756
Kauffer, Edward McKnight, illus., 1259- 1260
Kaufman, William I., 389
Kay, Barry, 530
Keckley, Elizabeth H., 232
Keech, William R., 1425
Keeler, Miriam, 472
Keil, Charles, 1363
Kelley, Ann, illus., 710
Kelley, William M., 1123- 1125
Kellogg, Charles F., 1388
Kemble, Frances A., 841
Kendall, Robert, 606
Kendall College, Evanston, Ill., 1037
Kennedy, John F., 361, 378
Kennedy, Louise V., 43, 1719a
Kennedy, Robert F., 347
Kenney, John A., 1298
Kentucky, 1299, 1476, 1605
education, 620, 652
history, 730, 791
slavery, 162, 791, 817, 857
University, 620
Dept. of Rural Sociology, 1605
Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, Public Affairs Conference Center, 1014
Kephart, William M., 1759
Kerlin, Robert T., 1268, 1512
Kerner Commission. See U.S. National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
Key, Valdimer O., 1426
Killens, John O., 1126- 1128, 1513
Killian, Lewis M., 348- 349
Kilpatrick, James J., 607
Kilpatrick, William H., 581
King, Donald B., ed., 1022
King, Glen D., 1492
King, Martin Luther, 124, 350- 352, 354, 1014, 1023- 1024, 1411, 1484, 1680a
about, 125, 127, 160, 163, 213, 238, 248, 268, 270
Kinzer, Robert H., 431
Kirkeby, W. T. E., 1364
Kirsch, Robert, 1573
Kitt, Eartha, 233
Kleiner, Robert J., 1305
Knapp, Robert B., 608
Knight, Charles L., 512
Knights of the White Camelia, 903
Knoxville, Tenn., 1536
Koblitz, Minnie W., 22
Koger, Azzie B., 1681
Kohl, Herbert R., 609- 610
Konvitz, Milton R., 353
Korey, William, ed., 368
Korn, Bertram W., 842
Kornbluh, Joyce L., comp., 446
Kornhauser, Stanley H., 611
Kozol, Jonathan, 612
Kraus, Henry, 513
Krehbiel, Henry E., 1365
Krislov, Samuel, 461
Ku Klux Klan, 903, 1539
Kunstler, William M., 354
Kvaraceus, William C., 633
Kytle, Elizabeth L., 234
Labor and laboring classes, 438, 448, 455, 477a, 486, 832, 839a, 1704.
See also Slave labor, Trade-unions
Ladd, Everett C., 1427
Lader, Lawrence, 843
Lake, Verge, ed., 941
Lancaster, Emmer M., 23
Lancaster, H. Carrington, 1269
Lane, Lunsford, about, 215
Laney, Lucy, about, 114, 134
Langhorne, Orra H. M. G., 1618
Langston, John M., about, 120
Lanusse, Armand, comp., 1269
Larer, Marian L., illus., 181
Larkins, John R., 1720
Larsen, Nella, 1129- 1130
Larsson, Clotye M., ed., 1721
Latham, Frank B., 844
Latin America, 788, 799, 907
Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, New York, 802
Laurenti, Luigi, 514
Lauter, Sylvia, 1523
Law enforcement, 1492, 1759, 1760- 1761. See also Police
Lawrence, Jacob, illus., 1256
Lawson, James, 345
Lawyers, 146, 354, 492, 944
Lead Belly, about, 1367
Leaman, Samuel H., 515
Leckie, William H., 1322
Ledbetter, Huddie, about, 1367
Lee, Alfred M., 1581
Lee, Frank F., 1618a
Lee, George W., 1131, 1618b
Lee, Irvin H., 1323
Lee, L. Tennent, ed., 540
Lee, Reba, pseud., 235
Lee, Ulysses G., 1324
Legal status, 376, 378, 575, 822, 913- 947, 1015
LeGette, Blythe, 177
Legislators, 1413
biography (collective), 108- 109, 128, 1407, 1445
biography (individual), 195, 219, 236, 242
Lehrer, Stanley, ed., 555
Leighton, Frances S., 264
Leighton, George R., 1313
Leinwand, Gerard, comp., 355
Leland, Charles G., 702a
Leskes, Theodore, 353
Lessing, L., 415
Lester, Julius, 1514
Levene, Helene H., comp., 752
Levin, Arthur J., 522
Levitt, Arthur, 1592
Levy, Charles J., 356
Lewinson, Paul, 24, 1428
Lewis, Anthony, 357
Lewis, Claude, 236
Lewis, Hylan, 1619, 1722, 1767
Lewis, John, about, 145
Liberia, 801
Libraries, 603
Lichello, Robert, 237
Liebow, Elliot, 1619
Lief, Harold, 1309
Lightfoot, Claude M., 1515
Lightfoot, Philip M., about, 1447
Lightfoot, Robert M., 1759a
Lincoln, Abraham, about, 148, 232, 791, 821- 822, 910, 1012
Lincoln, Charles Eric, 757, 1025, 1682- 1683
Lincoln, Mary Todd, about, 232
Lincoln University, Chester Co., Pa., American Studies Institute, 39
Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo., School of Journalism, 5
Lindsay, Arnett G., 427
Lipsyte, Robert, 208
Liston, Sonny, about, 308
Literature, 948- 1285
bibliography, 6- 8, 16, 18, 18b, 21, 28, 34, 36- 37, 45- 46, 56, 61, 961, 965, 979
history and criticism, 6, 8, 948- 974, 1238, 1615, 1637
Little, Malcolm, 237a, 758, 1026- 1027, 1484
Little Rock, Ark., 544, 551, 559, 635, 1508
Littlejohn, David, 964
Litwack, Leon F., 759, 1563
Lloyd, Arthur Y., 846
Locke, Alain L., 82, 86- 87, 99a, 955, 1366
ed., 989, 1221
bibliography, 1019
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 726
Loescher, Frank S., 1684
Lofton, John, 847
Logan, Frenise A., 1620
Logan, Rayford W., 185, 760- 762, 799
Loggins, Vernon, 965
Loguen, Jermain W., 848
Lokos, Lionel, 238
Lomax, Alan, 1346
Lomax, John A., ed., 1367
Lomax, Louis E., 125, 359
Long, Herman H., 516
Los Angeles, 606, 1571- 1575
Lott, Albert J., 1299
Lott, Bernice E., 1299
Louis, Joe, 239, 1775
Louisiana, 389, 393, 1309, 1381, 1587, 1599, 1637, 1732
cookery, 389, 393
education, 652
employment, 457
folk-lore and folk-tales, 675, 697
housing, 519
Militia, 1325
poetry, 1269
Reconstruction, 901
riots, 1587
slavery, 865, 876
Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, Baton Rouge, Dept. of Psychology, 1751
State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1325
Louisiana Historical Association, 876
Louisville, Ky., 1476
L'Ouverture, Toussaint. See Toussaint Louverture, FranÇois D.
Love, John L., 1403
Love, Nat, 240
Love, Rose L., ed., 702
Lovejoy, Owen, about, 242
Lowe, Richard, illus., 679
Lowenstein, Ralph L., ed., 1013
Lubell, Samuel, 1516
Lucas, John, 1368
Lufkin, Raymond, illus., 718
Lundy, Benjamin, about, 819
Lyda, John W., 1621
Lyford, Joseph P., 1481
Lyle, Jack, ed., 1456
Lynch, John R., 909, 1460
Lynching, 1487, 1540, 1561
Lynk, Miles V., 1300
Mabry, William A., 1430
McCall, Dan, 967
McCann, Gerald, illus., 122
McCarthy, Charles H., 910
McCauley, Patrick, ed., 638
McCollum, Ruby, 228
McCone Commission, 1575
McConnell, Roland C., 1325
McCoo, Edward J., 1223
McCord, Charles H., 1723
McCord, William M., 1621a
McCulloch, Margaret C., 64
McDonald, Erwin L., 1491
McEntire, Davis, 514
MacEÓin, Gary, 229
McFeely, William S., 241
McGill, Ralph, 541
McGinnis, Frederick A., 613- 614
McGrath, Earl J., 615
McGraw, James R., 335
McGuinn, Henry J., 1744
Macguire, Robert R., illus., 1070
Mack, Raymond W., 1028
McKay, Claude, about, 953
McKitrick, Eric L., 911
McLoughlin, William G., 812
McManus, Edgar J., 850
McMillan, Lewis K., 616
McNamee, Lawrence F., 25
Macon Co., Ala., 1613a
McPherson, James M., 763- 764
McQuade, Walter, 415
McWhiney, Grady, ed., 912
McWilliams, Carey, 1517
McWorter, Gerald A., 570
Madden, Martin B., 196
Maddox, Harry, illus., 1204
Magdol, Edward, 242
Magoun, F. Alexander, 243
Mahammitt, Sarah H. T., 390
Mahier, Edith, illus., 1273
Major, Clarence, comp., 1270
Majors, Monroe A., 126
Malcolm X. See Little, Malcolm
Malcolm X Society, Detroit, 341
Mallery, David, 617
Mallory, Edward J., ed., 1775
Malvin, John, 244
Malzberg, Benjamin, 1301
Mandelbaum, David G., 1326
Manes, Isabel C., ed., 317
Mangum, Charles S., 939
Mann, Arthur W., 245, 1776
March on Washington Movement, 449, 1023
Marfuggi, Joseph R., 163
Margolies, Edward, 966
Market surveys, 399
Marrant, John, 246
Marriage, 1763
Marshall, F. Ray, 462- 464, 474
Marshall, Herbert, 247
Marshall, Paule, 1132
Marshall, Thurgood, about, 127, 145
Martin, Robert E., 1019
Marx, Barbara, 18a
Marx, Gary T., 1518
Mary Peter, Sister, 375
Maryland, 1622, 1627, 1654, 1681
Commission on Interracial Problems and Relations, 618- 619, 1622
education, 546, 618- 619, 652
employment, 488
politics, 1418
slavery, 157, 185- 186, 267, 298, 796, 813, 1654
Mason, Charles N., ed., 368
Mason, Julian D., ed., 1282
Mason, Monroe, 1327
Massachusetts, 1317, 1604, 1648
Commission Against Discrimination, 465
education, 612
slavery, 852
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for International Studies, 342
Mather, Frank L., ed., 79
Matheus, John, 1223
Matlack, Lucius C., 162
Matthews, Brander, 1265
Matthews, Donald R., 1431
Matthews, Joseph B., 1389
May, Ernest R., 725
May, Samuel J., 851
Mayfield, Julian, 1133- 1135
Mayhew, Leon H., 465
Mays, Benjamin E., 160, 968, 1685
Mays, Willie, 249- 250
Mazyck, Walter H., 765
Medal of Honor, 1323
Medicine and health, 858, 1286- 1311.
See also Nurses, Physicians
Medico-Chirurgical Society of the District of Columbia, about, 1286
Meece, Leonard E., 620
Meier, August, 766- 767, 769
Melbourn, Julius, 251
Meltzer, Milton, 252, 667, 753, 768- 769
Memphis, Tenn., 1618b
Mendelsohn, Jack, 360
Mental illness, 1301, 1305
Merchant marine officers, 258
Meredith, James H., 621
Merriam, Alan P., 26
Messner, Stephen D., 517
Metcalf, George R., 127
Methodist Church (United States)
Jurisdictional Conferences, Central, 1662
Woman's Division of Christian Service, 941
Methodists, 1662.
See also African Methodist Episcopal Church
Mexico, 198
Meyer, Gladys E., 622
Meyer, Sylvan, 1462
Meyers, Sandra G., 604
Meyerson, Martin, 518
Micheaux, Oscar, 1136
Michigan, 182, 1601, 1606, 1613, 1623, 1648a
folk-lore and folk-tales, 690- 692
Freedmen's Progress Commission, 1623
riots, 1581, 1585
State University, East Lansing, College of Education, 586
Bureau of Industrial Relations, 475
Survey Research Center, 590
Middle classes, 583, 1714
Middle West, 794
Midstream , 1524
Migration, 102, 442, 1719a, 1742
Military service, 197, 765, 1312- 1343
Millea, Thomas V., 1686
Miller, Abie, 1724
Miller, Elizabeth W., 27
Miller, Floyd, 253
Miller, Helen S., 1390
Miller, Herman P., 413
Miller, Joe A., comp., 446
Miller, Kelly, 1030, 1328, 1403
Miller, Loren, 940
Miller, Margery, 254
Miller, May, 1223
Miller, Warren, 1137
Milwaukee, 1628, 1630
Milwaukee County Historical Society, 1628
Ministers. See Clergymen
Minneapolis, 529
Minnesota, 1642
bibliography, 48
employment, 437
Governor's Human Rights Commission, 1624
housing, 529, 1624
Minorities, 505, 1028, 1490, 1517, 1635
Minstrels, 666, 1369
Miscegenation, 1546, 1721
Missions, 1673
Mississippi, 183, 1451, 1480, 1506, 1519, 1616, 1641, 1652
civil rights, 124, 311, 340, 374, 1621a
education, 621, 652, 661
Reconstruction, 909
slavery, 875
social conditions, 1707, 1728
University, 621
Mississippi Valley, folk-lore and folk-tales, 677
education, 652
folk-lore and folk-tales, 702a
freemasons, 1385
University, Freedom of Information Center, 1013
Mitchell, George S., 438
Mitchell, Loften, 670
Mitchell, Roland, 350
Mitchell Co., Tex., 165
Momboisse, Raymond M., 1582
Monroe, N.C., 380
Montgomery, Ala., 270, 1501, 1609
Monticello, Va., 230a
Moody, Anne, 1519
Moon, Bucklin, 1520
Moon, Henry L., 1432
Moore, Archie, 255
Moore, George H., 852, 1625
Moore, Geraldine H., 1625
Moore, Peter W., about, 132
Moore, Richard B., 1725
Morais, Herbert M., 1302
Morgan, John W., 623
Morin, Relman, 638
Morris, Richard B., 850
Morrow, Everett F., 256
Morsbach, Mabel, 728
Morton, Richard L., 1433
Moseley, J. H., 128
Motley, Willard, 1138- 1141
Moton, Robert R., 70, 257, 1521
Mott, Abigail F., comp., 129
Moving pictures, 140, 669
Moy, Seong, illus., 695
Moynihan, Daniel P., 1768- 1769
Moynihan Report, 1768- 1769
Muhammad Ali, 1772
Muhammad Mosque of Islam No. 2, 1689
Mulzac, Hugh, 258
Murphy, Beatrice M., ed., 1271- 1272
Murphy, Raymond J., ed., 1031
Murphy, William S., 1573
Murray, Daniel A. P., 28
Murray, Florence, ed., 74
Murray, Freeman H. M., 88
Murray, Lindley, 129
Murray, Pauli, 130
Muse, Benjamin, 362, 624
Music, 685, 688- 689, 698- 700, 955, 1344- 1381
bibliography, 15
See also Jazz music, Songs
Musicians, 951, 1348, 1355, 1361, 1366, 1368, 1372, 1374, 1381
autobiography, 152, 156, 223, 230, 233, 283, 1345
biography (collective), 123, 140, 1380
See also Jazz musicians, Minstrels
Myers, Phineas B., 1391
Myrdal, Gunnar, 1483, 1726, 1730- 1731
Nabrit, James M., 1022
Names, 1725
Nash, Paul, 547
Nast, Bernhard, illus., 1108
Natchez, Miss., 183, 1616
Nathan, Hans, 1369
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 494, 1287- 1288, 1522
about, 304, 535, 1387- 1389, 1394, 1400
Education Dept., 29
Labor Dept., 466
National Association of Dramatic and Speech Arts, about, 672
National Association of Independent Schools, Committee on Educational Practices, 617
National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials, 368
National Baptist Convention of the United States of America, Foreign Mission Board, 1656
National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice, 996, 1661
National Collection of Fine Arts, 96
National Conference on Equal Employment Opportunity, Washington, D.C., 1962 , 467
National Conference on Small Business, Washington, D.C., 1961 , 432
National Council of Negro Women, 391
National Council of Teachers of English, 8, 42
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America,
Dept. of Racial and Cultural Relations, 18a
Division of Christian Education, 30
National Dental Association, 1292
National Education Association of the United States, Research Division, 625
National Industrial Conference Board, 468
National Medical Fellowships, 1303
National Opinion Research Center, 457, 570
National Planning Association, Committee of the South, 469
National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students, 565, 626, 632
National Urban League, 414, 986, 1392- 1393, 1523
Community Relations Project, 1626
Dept. of Research and Community Projects, 31, 470, 1627
Neal, Larry, comp., 987
Needham, Maurice D., 519
Negro Bibliographic and Research Center, 3a
Negro Culinary Art Club of Los Angeles, 392
Negro Health Survey, Pittsburgh, 1304
Negro-Jewish relations, 1488, 1524
Negro Publication Society of America, 857
Negroes in art, 83, 86- 89, 95, 665, 955, 1215, 1221, 1224
Negroes in literature, 86- 87, 665, 670, 952, 954- 955, 957, 959- 962, 969- 970, 974, 1215, 1221, 1223- 1224
bibliography, 6, 22, 29, 42
Nell, William C., 1329
Nelson, Alice R. M. D., ed., 1032
Nelson, Bernard H., 363
Nelson, John H., 969
Nelson, Truman J., 1583
Neshoba Co., Miss., 124
Nevins, Allan, 926
New England, 843
slavery, 748
See also Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island
New Haven, Conn., 1648b
New Jersey, 1568, 1644
bibliography, 32
education, 549, 573, 664
employment, 488
housing, 527
riots, 1577
New Jersey Library Association, Bibliography Committee, 32
New Orleans, 519, 1309, 1381, 1599, 1732
New South (Atlanta), 1525
New York (City), 1483, 1611, 1631- 1633, 1639, 1659
Board of Education, 771
Office of Intergroup Education, 611
City University of New York, 90
education, 588, 622
employment, 448, 455
Harlem Hospital, 1290
housing, 495
Interdepartmental Neighborhood Service Center, 1629
medicine and health, 1290, 1311
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 95
police, 1583
Practising Law Institute, 372
Public Library, 2, 33, 41, 1632
Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature, 18b, 34
segregation, 1481
See also Harlem, New York (City)
New York (State), 1592
employment, 471, 488
housing, 506, 520
mental illness, 1301
race discrimination, 938
race relations, 1526
slavery, 289, 850
State Commission for Human Rights, 471, 520
State Council on the Arts, 95
Temporary Commission Against Discrimination, 471, 1526
See also New York (City)
New York Times , 357
New York Urban League, 90
Newark, N.J., 527, 1568, 1577
Newbold, Nathan C., ed., 132
Newby, Idus A., 1526a- 1527
Newman, Dorothy K., 416
Newman, Shirlee P., 259
News Year , 328
bibliography, 5, 38
directories, 66, 1459a
Nichols, Charles H., 133
Nichols, James L., 70
Nichols, Mary D., ed., 1412
Nicholson, Joseph W., 1685
Nicol, Helen O., 472
Niles, Abbe, 210, 1353- 1354
Niles, John Jacob, 1370
Niles, Walter L., 1290
Nilon, Charles H., 970
Nipson, Herbert, ed., 1011
Noble, Jeanne L., 627
Nolan, William A., 1434
Nolen, Claude H., 1528
Nonviolence, 1382
Norfleet, Marvin B., 628
Norfolk, Va., 564
Norgren, Paul H., 473- 474
Norris, John Franklyn, about, 293
North Carolina, 215, 418, 429, 1620, 1650, 1754
civil rights, 380, 575, 1608a
Division of Negro Education, 629
education, 132, 557- 558, 575, 629, 652
folk-lore and folk-tales, 683
history, 719, 741
housing, 515
politics, 1417, 1425, 1427, 1430
Reconstruction, 884a, 900
segregation, 1554
slavery, 155, 251
Institute for Research in Social Science, 564
School of Public Administration, 1754
North Carolina Mayors' Co-operating Committee, 1650
Northrup, Herbert R., 476- 477a
Northwood, Lawrence K., 521
Nowlin, William F., 1435
Nunn, William C., 913
Nurses, 484, 487
Nutrition, 653
Nye, Russel B., 363a
Oak, Vishnu V., 1459a
Oakland, Calif., 398
Oberlin College, Library, 35
Occupational training, 398
Odd Fellows, Grand United Order of, in America, 1383
Odum, Howard W., 1371
Ogden, Frederic D., 1436
O'Grady, Janine G., 1648
O'Hanlon, Thomas, 415
Ohio, 244, 1341, 1391, 1603, 1617, 1634a
Central State College, Wilberforce
about, 1617
Library, 18b
See also Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio
education, 613, 652
freemasons, 1399
politics, 1454
slavery, 816
Ohio Historical Society, 1341
Oklahoma, 1626, 1649
colonization, 717
education, 652
Oklahoma City, 1626
Olbrich, Emil, 1437
Oliver, Joseph ("King" Joe), about, 151
Olmsted, Frederick L., 853
Olsen, Jack, 1777
Olsen, Otto H., 260
Olson, Frederick J., 1628
Operation Crossroads Africa, 274
Orations, 1018, 1032, 1044
Orden, Bob, ed., 1200
O'Reilly, Charles T., 1630
Organizations, 421, 1382- 1401
Osofsky, Gilbert, 1529, 1631
O'Sullivan, Tom, illus., 1275
Ott, Eleanore, 393
Ottley, Roi, 261, 772, 1142, 1632- 1633
Ovesey, Lionel, 1296
Ovington, Mary W., 134
Owen, Juliette A., illus., 702a
Owen, Mary A., 702a
Owens, William A., 854
Pain, William, 364
Paintings, 83, 85, 93
Palfi, Marian, illus., 103
Pancoast, Elinor, 619
Park, Robert E., 1530, 1551
Parker, Charles C. (Charlie "Bird"), about, 271
Parker, Donald F., 717
Parker, Robert A., 262
Parker, Seymour, 1305
Parks, Gordon, 263, 1142a
Parks, Lillian R., 264
Parks, Rosa L., about, 127, 145
Parsons, Elsie W. C., ed., 703
Parsons, Talcott, ed., 1005
Passow, A. Harry, ed., 663
Pattee, Richard, 799
Patterson, Caleb P., 1633a
Patterson, Floyd, 265
Patterson, Frederick D., ed., 227
Patterson, Lindsay, comp., 671, 1372
Pauli, Hertha E., 266
Payne, Daniel A., 1687
Paynter, John H., 478, 1143
Peary, Robert E., 218
Pease, Frederick H., 773
Pease, Jane H., 774
Pease, William H., 774
Peck, James, 1531
Penn, Irvine G., 1460
Penniman, George W., ed., 750
Pennington, Edgar L., 630
Pennington, James W. C., 267, 775
Pennsylvania, 187, 871, 1461, 1608, 1666
education, 652
folk-lore and folk-tales, 673
housing, 524, 539
public health, 1304
riots, 1570
slavery, 877a
University, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce
Industrial Research Unit, 476- 477, 482
Labor Relations Council, 475
bibliography, 74
directories, 66
indexes, 18b, 37a
Perry, Jennings, 1438
Pershing, John J., 1332
Peskin, Allan, ed., 244
Peterkin, Julia M., 1727
Peters, Paul, 1222
Peters, Phillis. See Wheatley, Phillis
Peters, William, 1499, 1532
Petersen, William, ed., 1533
Petry, Ann L., 1144- 1146
Pettet, Zellmer R., 1736
Pettigrew, Thomas F., 27, 365, 1306
Peyton, Thomas R., 1307
Pharr, Robert D., 1147
Phelps-Stokes Fund, 68, 631, 651a, 1534, 1691
Philadelphia, 187, 1461, 1608, 1666
folk-lore and folk-tales, 673
housing, 524, 539
riots, 1570
Phillips, Ulrich B., 417, 855- 856
Phillips, Wendell, about, 158
Photographers, 263
Physicians, 171, 211, 237, 492, 1298, 1300, 1303, 1307, 1311
Pickard, Kate E. R., 857
Pickens, William, 1148
Piech, Paul P., illus., 1020
Pierce, Joseph A., 433
Pike, James S., 1439
Pine Bluff, Ark., 690, 692
Pinkney, Alphonso, 776
Pipes, James, 1273
Pipes, William H., 1033, 1688
Pippin, Horace, about, 93
Pitts, Elsie W., ed., 1650
Pitts, Nathan A., 418
Pittsburgh, 1304
Pittsburgh Courier , about, 282
Plans for Progress, 76, 632
Plantation life, 417, 855, 858, 1613a, 1712, 1727, 1741
Planter (Steamer), 288
Plato, Ann, 991
Plaut, Richard L., 632
Plays, 1205- 1227
Playwrights, 225- 226, 948, 1209
Pleasant, Mary E., about, 220
Ploski, Harry A., comp., 77
Plotkin, Lawrence, 565
Poetry, 971, 974, 1228- 1285
bibliography, 37, 46
history and criticism, 1238
Poets, 1234, 1240, 1268
biography (collective), 139
biography (individual), 166, 180, 192, 225- 226, 231, 252, 292
Pointe de Sable, Jean B., fiction, 1094
Poitier, Sidney, about, 140
Police, 372, 441, 1492, 1580, 1583, 1759, 1760- 1761
Polite, Carlene H., 1149
Political parties, 1409, 1416, 1421.
See also Republican Party
Politics, 318, 374, 419, 898, 943, 1402- 1455
bibliography, 13, 57
biography. See Legislators
Poll tax, 1436, 1438
Pollard, Edward A., 914
Pool, Rosey E., ed., 1274
Poole, Elijah, 1689
Poor People's Campaign, 1576
Pope, Liston, 1535
Port Royal, S.C., 1636
Porter, Dorothy B., 36- 37a
Porter, James A., 91- 92, 97
Porter, Mrs. M. E., 394
Posey, Thomas E., 1634
Postell, William D., 858
Potomac Institute, Washington, D.C., 522
Potter, David M., 417
Poverty, 413, 480, 526, 633, 1640, 1713, 1752, 1767
Powdermaker, Hortense, 1728
Powell, Adam Clayton, 777
Powledge, Fred, 1535a
Practising Law Institute, 372
Preaching, 1688
Prejudice, 1016, 1518, 1564, 1745
President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership, Washington, D.C., 1931 , 523
Presidents, U.S., 264.
See also names of individual Presidents
Press, 325a, 1013, 1429, 1456- 1462
biography (collective), 121, 1460
biography (individual), 261, 263, 282, 1506
See also Newspapers, Periodicals
Preston, Edward, 268
Price, Arthur Cooper, 1753
Price, Daniel O., 564
Price, Hugh D., 1440
Price, Leontyne, about, 140
Price, Margaret W., 1441
Price, Thomas, 277
Pride, Armistead S., 28, 1456
Priest, Madge H., 539
Priests. See Clergymen
Prince Edward Co., Va., 586, 637
Princeton University, Program in American Civilization, 39
Prints, 94
Private schools, 585, 617, 651a
Proctor, H. H., 1758
Proctor, Samuel D., 366
Professions, 444, 492
Progressivism, 371
Protestant churches, 1674, 1684, 1690.
See also names of individual denominations, e.g., Baptists, Methodists
Prothro, James W., 1431
Proudfoot, Merrill, 1536
Psychology, 381, 568, 589, 789, 1293- 1294, 1296- 1297, 1299, 1306, 1309, 1486, 1513
Public Affairs Committee, 531, 1313, 1731
Public opinion, 1404, 1497, 1554
Public schools, 570, 578, 648
Arkansas, 544, 551, 635
Maryland, 618- 619
Massachusetts, 612
New England, 839a
New Jersey, 549, 573
North Carolina, 575, 629
Southern States, 646, 649, 839a
Virginia, 564, 637
Washington, D.C., 600
Puckett, Newbell N., 704
Puerto Ricans, 296, 745, 1611, 1640
Pushkin, Aleksandr S., about, 120
Putnam, Carleton, 1537
Quarles, Benjamin, 739, 778- 779, 1330- 1331
Quick, Charles W., ed., 1022
Quillin, Frank U., 1634a
Quint, Howard H., 1538
Race, 1503- 1504, 1530, 1548, 1729, 1755
Race awareness, 1745, 1749
Race discrimination, 313, 321, 729, 932, 935, 946, 1522, 1527, 1549, 1564
bibliography, 52
in education, 565, 612, 615, 636, 647
in employment, 436- 437, 439, 445, 456, 460, 463, 465- 467, 474- 475, 480- 481, 483, 485, 488, 490
in housing, 493, 496, 498- 499, 505, 507, 509- 510, 520- 522, 524, 528- 530, 532- 535
in sports, 1778
law and legislation, 353, 937- 938, 941
Michigan, 1648a
South Dakota, 1338
Southern States, 1525, 1528
See also Segregation
Race relations, 64, 135, 176, 349, 359, 381, 943, 994, 1306, 1463- 1591, 1608, 1660, 1683- 1684, 1698, 1703, 1714, 1721, 1745, 1749, 1760
Alabama, 201, 1501
and education, 581, 628
and employment, 486
anthologies, 994
bibliography, 1, 4, 50
California, 398, 1635
Connecticut, 1489, 1618a
directories, 72
District of Columbia, 1610
drama, 1211
essays and addresses, 323, 785, 997- 998, 1003, 1006- 1007, 1018, 1021, 1026- 1028, 1031, 1035, 1037, 1043, 1503
in literature, 959
Kentucky, 1476
Maryland, 1622
Michigan, 182, 1581, 1585
Mississippi, 1480, 1506, 1641
New Jersey, 1577
New York (State), 1481, 1526
Pennsylvania, 1608
South Carolina, 1439
Southern States, 316, 919, 1422, 1428, 1479, 1490- 1491, 1493, 1495, 1497, 1502, 1525, 1532, 1555, 1566, 1569a
study and teaching, 611
Virginia, 1655
See also Church and race problems, Civil rights,, Race discrimination, Segregation
Raim, Ethel, 1346
Rainwater, Lee, 1768
Raleigh, N.C., 429
Ramsey, Frederic, 1373
Ranch life, 165
Randall, James G., 915
Randel, William P., 1539
Randolph, Asa Philip, 446, 1472
Randolph, John, about, 251
Range, Willard, 634
Ransom, Reverdy C., Bishop, 81
Raper, Arthur F., 1540
Rapid City, S.D., 1338
Rapier, James T., about, 195
Rapkin, Chester, 524
Ratchford, B. U., 469
Reconstruction, 260, 642, 716, 730, 751, 883- 930, 1334, 1413- 1414, 1439
Record, Jane C., ed., 635
Record, Wilson, 1394, 1442, 1635
Redden, Carolyn L., 62
Reddick, Lawrence D., 270
Redding, Jay Saunders, 135, 770, 780- 782, 971, 1034, 1150, 1203, 1244
Reference sources, 1- 81.
See also Bibliographies; Biographical dictionaries, Directories
Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Elkins Park, Pa., 842
Regimental histories, 1315, 1317, 1319- 1320, 1322, 1333, 1337
Regional studies, 1592- 1655.
See also names of places and regions, e.g., Georgia, Southern States
Reid, Ira De A., 40, 799, 1627, 1678
Reid, Margaret G., 525
Reimers, David M., 1690
Reisner, Robert G., 41, 271
Reitzes, Dietrich C., 1308
Religion and the church, 262, 285, 307, 682, 968, 1207, 1656- 1701, 1741.
See also Church and race problems, Clergymen, Slavery, ——and the church; names of denominations and faiths, e.g., Baptists, Jews
Republican Party, 877, 908, 1409, 1416
Research and Action Associates, 495
Research Analysis Corporation, 1321
Reuter, Edward B., 1541
Rhode Island, 1594
Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, 1333
Richardson, Ben A., 136
Richardson, Clement, ed., 73
Richardson, Harry V., 1691
Richardson, Joe M., 916
Richardson, Willis, 1223
Rickey, Branch, 275, 1776
Riley, Jerome R., 1443
Ringe, Helen H., 479
Riots, 1570- 1591, 1593
Roach, Margaret, ed., 1661
Robb, Bernard, 705
Roberts, Bruce, 1473
Roberts, Owen J., 542
Roberts, Warren E., 683
Robeson, Eslanda G., 272
Robeson, Paul, 273
about, 118, 134, 140, 206, 224, 272
Robinson, James H., 274
Robinson, John R. (Jackie), 275- 276, 1778
Robinson, Louie, 1779
Robinson, Luther (Bill "Bojangles"),
Robinson, Wilhelmena S., 137
Rockhurst College, Kansas City, Mo., 1661
Rodman, Selden, 93
Roelof-Lanner, T. V., ed., 94
Rogers, Elymas P., 848
Rogers, Joel A., 138, 783- 784, 1151, 1542, 1729
Rohrer, John H., ed., 1309
Rollins, Bryant, 1152
Rollins, Charlemae H., 139- 141, 1228
Romero, Patricia W., 1340
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1332
Roper, Moses, 277
Rose, Arnold M., 1726, 1730
Rose, Willie L. N., 1636
Rosen, Alex, 1570
Rosenwein, Sam, 330
Ross, Arthur M., ed., 480
Ross, David P., ed., 98
Ross, Frank A., 43
Ross, Malcolm H., 481
Rossi, Peter H., 1586
RoussÈve, Charles B., 1637
RoussÈve, Numa J., illus., 1599
RoussÈve, Ronald J., 1035
Rowan, Carl T., 278, 1543- 1544, 1642
Rowan, Richard L., 482
Rowland, Mabel, ed., 279
Rozwenc, Edwin C., ed., 859
Rubin, Louis D., ed., 594
Ruchames, Louis, 483
Rudwick, Elliott M., 280- 281, 766, 1584, 1728
Rukeyser, William S., 415
Rumbough, Constance H., 1545
Rural churches, 1667- 1668
Rural life, 1719, 1743, 1770.
Russell, John H., 1638
Rust, Brian A. L., 151
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., Urban Studies Center, 527
Rutledge, Aaron L., 484
Ryan, Orletta, 588
Sable, Jean B. Pointe de, fiction, 1094
Sackler, Howard O., 1225
Sagarin, Edward, 431
St. Helena Island, S.C., 699
Sale, John B., 706
Salk, Erwin A., 44
Salomon, Chester V., 1628
Sam, Alfred C., about, 717
San Diego, Calif., Fine Arts Gallery, 89
San Francisco Bay region, 221, 1635
San Pedro, Calif., 513
Sanborn, Franklin B., 861, 1758
Sandburg, Carl, 148
Sanders, Wiley B., ed., 1754
Sandle, Floyd L., 672
Saperstein, Abe, 1781
Saunders, Doris E., ed., 367
Savoy, Willard W., 1153
Sawyer, Frank B., ed., 66
Scally, Mary Anthony, Sister, 45
Scarborough, Dorothy, 862, 1375
Scarborough, Ruth, 862
Schechter, Betty, 1444
Scheer, Robert, ed., 1485
Scheiner, Seth M., 1639
Schickel, Richard, 223
Schiedt, Duncan P., 1364
Schiltz, Michael E., 457
Schleifer, Marc, ed., 380
Schlein, Irving, ed., 1344
Schoener, Allon, comp., 95
Schomburg, Arthur A., 1283
Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature and History, 18b, 34
Schools. See Private schools, Public schools
Schorr, Alvin L., 526
Schuchter, Arnold, 419
Schulberg, Budd, ed., 993
Schuman, Howard, 1586
Schuyler, George S., 282, 1153a
Schuyler, Philippa D., 283
Schwerner, Michael H., about, 124
Scientists, 191, 207, 211, 221, 237.
See also Explorers, Physicians
Scott, Dred, about, 844
Scott, Emmett J., 1332
Scott, John A., 841
Scottsboro case, 1756
Scruggs, Lawson A., 142
Sculpture, 85, 88
Sea Islands, S.C., 580, 1346, 1602, 1636, 1651
folk-lore and folk-tales, 686, 694a, 699, 703
Seaton, Shirley, 711
Seattle, 521
Segal, Ben D., ed., 368
Segregation, 214, 309, 365, 759, 1308, 1339, 1462, 1464, 1467, 1474- 1476, 1501a, 1513, 1526a, 1531, 1535a, 1545, 1550, 1552, 1562- 1563, 1565, 1746
and mental health, 1294
and the press, 1459
bibliography, 52
Connecticut, 1489, 1618a
Georgia, 936
humor, 1200
in child care, 1750
in education, 555, 585, 589, 595- 596, 599, 608, 624- 625, 628, 633, 645, 648, 650- 651, 1745
Arkansas, 551, 559, 635, 1508
bibliography, 59
case studies, 554, 570
essays and addresses, 602, 658
law and legislation, 542, 547, 550, 579, 592, 654
Maryland, 618- 619
New Jersey, 549, 573
New York (City), 588, 622
Southern States, 541, 564, 568, 582, 601, 607, 637, 639- 640, 643, 646, 649, 659, 1538
Washington, D.C., 593
in housing, 494, 502, 516, 531, 536, 1553
in libraries, 603
in restaurants, 1536
in sports, 1777
in transportation, 270, 1501
Kentucky, 1476
New York (City), 1483
North Carolina, 1554
religious aspects, 1660, 1662, 1676, 1690, 1692
South Carolina, 1538
Southern States, 1474, 1490, 1493- 1494, 1497, 1543, 1555- 1557
Tennessee, 1536
Virginia, 1547
See also Race discrimination
Sellers, James B., 863
Sellers, James E., 1692
Sevareid, Arnold Eric, 1473
Sexton, Patricia C., 636, 1640
Shannon, Alexander H., 1546
Shapiro, Karl, 1276
Shapiro, Nat, comp., 1376
Sharon, Henrietta B., illus., 1230
Shelby, Gertrude M., 707
Shenton, James P., ed., 917
Shepard, Leslie, 1370
Sherlock, P. M., 286
Sherman, George R., 1333
Sherrard, Owen A., 864
Shoemaker, Don, ed., 640
Shogan, Robert, 1585
Short stories, 1049, 1051, 1064, 1067- 1068a, 1082, 1085, 1109- 1110, 1113, 1115, 1122- 1123, 1148, 1166, 1183, 1275
Shugg, Roger W., 865
Shuttlesworth, Fred, about, 145
Siebert, Wilbur H., 866
Sieg, Vera, 47
Sierra Leone, 801
Silberman, Charles E., 1546a
Silver, James W., 1641
Silverman, Martin, ed., 611
Simmons, William J., 143
Simms, William R., ed., 1393
Simpson, George E., 1461
Sinclair, William A., 918
Singers. See Entertainment; Musicians
Singletary, Otis A., 1334
Singleton, George A., 284, 1693
Skaggs, William H., 919
Skin diseases, 1310
Sklar, George, 1222
Slater Fund for Negro Education, 594
Slave insurrections, 808- 809, 823, 836, 840, 847, 854, 878
Slave labor, 814, 855
Slave songs, 1344, 1352
Slave trade, 811, 820, 825, 845, 864, 867, 869
Slavery, 363a, 417, 723, 731, 775, 788, 804- 805, 808- 882, 921, 933, 1312, 1495, 1559
Alabama, 155, 857, 863
and the church, 818, 1673, 1698
bibliography, 17, 973
biographies and narratives, 133, 155, 157, 162, 169, 183, 185- 186, 196, 216, 230a, 232, 243, 251, 267, 277, 289, 298, 300, 829, 845
District of Columbia, 942
fiction, 1100, 1143
Georgia, 157, 169, 841, 862
history, 718, 736- 737, 742, 797, 839a
justification, 832, 839, 846, 849
Kentucky, 162, 791, 817, 857
Louisiana, 865, 876
Maryland, 157, 185- 186, 267, 298, 796, 813, 1654
Massachusetts, 852
Mississippi, 875
New England, 748
New York (State), 289, 833, 850
North Carolina, 155, 251
Ohio, 816
Pennsylvania, 877a
South Carolina, 157, 277, 847
Southern States, 216, 811, 835- 836, 842, 849, 855- 856, 868, 879
Tennessee, 1633a
Texas, 853
Virginia, 230a, 289, 765, 809, 814, 823, 840, 878, 1645
See also Abolitionists, Antislavery movements, Emancipation
Sleeper, Charles F., 1694
Slichter, Sumner H., 477a
Sloan, Irving J., 786
Slums, 527
Smalley, Webster, 1219
Smalls, Robert, about, 288
Smith, Amanda B., 285
Smith, Charles E., ed., 1374
Smith, Charles S., ed., 1687
Smith, Ezekiel E., about, 132
Smith, Henry, 1234
Smith, James Wesley, 1547
Smith, Lillian E., 369
Smith, Myrtle E., 395
Smith, Robert C., 637
Smith, Samuel D., 1445
Smith, Wendell, 275
Smith, William G., 1154- 1156
Smithsonian Institution, National Collection of Fine Arts, 96
Smuts, Robert W., 450
Snethen, Worthington G., comp., 942
Sobel, Lester A., ed., 370
Social conditions, 339, 382, 400, 405, 414, 420, 426, 453, 492, 523, 552, 562- 563, 571, 605, 670- 671, 721, 803, 828, 939, 1290, 1296- 1297, 1306, 1511, 1559, 1672, 1702- 1270
bibliography, 40, 43
Chicago, 1607
Cleveland, 377
essays and addresses, 995, 1000
Minnesota, 1624
Mississippi, 1451
New Haven, 1648b
Southern States, 417, 545, 1495, 1668
Washington, D.C., 511, 1619
West Virginia, 537
Social Democratic Federation, 345
Social Science Research Council, 43, 1719a
Socialist Party (U.S.), 345
Socially handicapped children, 584, 588, 609, 644, 663
Societies. See Organizations
Society for the Advancement of Education, 555
Somerville, John A., 286
Songs, 56, 685, 688, 695, 697, 700, 1344, 1346, 1351, 1353, 1359, 1367, 1369- 1371, 1377
bibliography, 15
history and criticism, 699, 1238, 1348- 1349, 1352, 1355, 1365- 1366, 1375
See also Spirituals
The South. See Southern States
South Carolina, 847, 1427, 1538, 1647
education, 580, 616, 652
Episcopalians, 1700
folk-lore and folk-tales, 674, 676, 694, 707, 709
music, 1346
politics, 108- 109, 1423, 1427, 1439
Reconstruction, 883, 884a, 886, 903, 924, 929, 1439
slavery, 157, 277, 847
social conditions, 1741
State College, Orangeburg, School of Graduate Studies, 108
See also Sea Islands, S.C.
South Dakota, 1338
Southampton Insurrection, 1831 , 809, 823, 840, 878
Southern, David W., 371
Southern Commission on the Study of Lynching, 1540
Southern Education Reporting Service, 638- 640
Southern Regional Council, 585, 601, 1441, 1462, 1525
Southern States, 425, 947, 1373, 1422, 1479, 1491, 1495, 1525, 1528, 1532, 1566, 1569a, 1716, 1719, 1722, 1740
churches, 1668
cities and towns, 879, 1596
civil rights, 316, 326, 356, 360, 369, 1401
cookery, 383- 384, 394
economic conditions, 397, 404, 417, 425, 835, 855- 856, 919, 1502, 1709
education, 541, 545, 560, 568, 581, 604, 615, 631, 638- 640, 646, 649, 659
employment, 469
history, 743, 806- 807.
humor, 1204
Jews, 842
justice, administration of, 354, 1761
police, 441
politics, 906, 919, 1416, 1421, 1426, 1428, 1430- 1431, 1436, 1441, 1452- 1453
press, 1429, 1462
public schools, 839a
Reconstruction, 884a, 891, 893, 895, 906, 917, 922
segregation, 607, 1474, 1490, 1493- 1494, 1497, 1543, 1555- 1557
slavery, 216, 811, 835- 836, 842, 849, 868, 879
social conditions, 417, 856, 919, 1709- 1710
Southern Study in Higher Education, 659
Southwest, New, 165, 198, 688- 689
Sovern, Michael I., 485
Spangler, Earl, 48, 1642
Spanish-American War, 1315, 1335
Sparkman, J. R., 1563
Spear, Allan H., 989, 1643
Spearman, Walter, 1462
Spears, John R., 867
Spellman, A. B., 144
Spellman, Cecil L., 641
Spencer, Gerald A., 1310- 1311
Spencer, Samuel R., 287
Spero, Sterling D., 486
Spingarn, Arthur B., 18
Spirituals, 1347, 1356, 1358- 1360, 1378- 1379
Sports, 1771- 1781.
See also Athletes, names of sports, e.g., Tennis
Stahl, David, ed., 372
Stampp, Kenneth M., 868, 920
Stanton, William R., 1548
Starkey, Marion L., 869
Starling, Marion W., 870
Starr, Isidore, comp., 331
Statistics, 411, 1461, 1605, 1617, 1648, 1701, 1733- 1736.
See also under specific topics, e.g., Housing, ——statistics
Staudenraus, P.J., 787
Staupers, Mabel K., 487
Stearns, Marshall W., 41
Steel industry and trade, 482
Stephenson, Clarence D., 871
Stephenson, Gilbert T., 943
Sterling, Dorothy, 288, 373, 921
Sterling, Philip, ed., 1203
Sterne, Emma G., 145
Sterner, Richard M., 420, 1726
Sternlieb, George, 527
Stetler, Henry G., 440, 500 - 501, 1489
Steward, Austin, 289
Steward, Theophilus G., 1335, 1644
Steward, William, 1644
Stewart, Maxwell S., 1731
Still, James, 290
Still, Lavinia, about, 857
Still, Peter, about, 857
Still, William, 872
Still, William G., about, 118
Stillman, Richard J., 1336
Stillman College, Tuscaloosa, Ala., about, 540
Stock, Mildred, 247
Stokely, James, 1497
Stokes, Anson Phelps, 68, 1534
Stokes, Carl, about, 1454
Stone, Chuck, 1036
Stoney, Samuel G., 707
Storey, Juanita, 711
Storing, H. J., 1014
Stover, William H. M., 1549
Straker, David Augustus, 922
Stribling, Mattie L., 1204
Strickland, Arvarh E., 1395
Strong, Donald S., 1446
Strother, Horatio T., 873
Stuart, Merah S., 421
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 1401
Students, 583, 1431.
See also Universities and colleges ——students
Sturges, Gertrude E., 1290
Styles, Fitzhugh L., 146, 944
Styron, William, about, 1002
Suffrage. See Elections, Voting
Sugarman, Tracy, 374
Suggs, James D., 692
Sussmann, Frederick B., ed., 372
Swint, Henry L., 642
Sydnor, Charles S., 875
Taeuber, Alma F., 528
Taeuber, Karl E., 528
Tales. See Folk-lore and folk-tales, Short stories
Talley, Marshall A., 1656
Talley, Thomas W., comp., 1377
Talmadge, Herman E., 1550
Tannenbaum, Frank, 788
Tanner, Henry O., about, 952
Taper, Bernard, 1447
Tarry, Ellen, 291- 292
Tate, Thaddeus W., 1645
Tatum, E. Ray, 293
Tatum, Elbert L., 1448
Taylor, Alrutheus A., 924- 925
Taylor, Alva W., 317
Taylor, Deems, 283
Taylor, Joe G., 876
Taylor, Susie K., 1337
Teachers and teaching, 611, 642, 644
bibliography, 54
biography (individual), 177, 178, 545, 606, 641
See also Education; Educators, Private schools, Public schools, Universities and colleges
Teaneck, N.J., 573
Ten Broek, Jacobus, 945
Tennessee, 1618b, 1671, 1707
education, 652
employment 488
folk-lore and folk-tales, 710
politics, 1412, 1438
public health, 1295
segregation, 1459, 1536
slavery, 1633a
Tennis, 154, 204, 1779
Terrell, Mary C., 294
Terry, Paul W., ed., 540
Texas, 165
economic conditions, 399
education, 574, 652
folk-lore and folk-tales, 680- 682, 688
poetry, 1234
politics, 212, 1407
Reconstruction, 913
slavery, 853
Southern University, Houston, Library, 49
Texas Folklore Society, 688- 689
Textbooks, bibliography, 29
Theater. See Actors; Drama; Entertainment; Minstrels, Music; Musicians, Plays; Playwrights
Theatre Arts , 668
Theobald, Robert, 1037
13th amendment, about, 56, 931
Thoburn, James M., Bishop, 285
Thomas, Howard E., 375
Thomas, Jesse O., 295
Thomas, Norman, 345
Thomas, Piri, 296
Thomas, Ruby, 111
Thomas, Will, 297
Thompson, Alma M., 50
Thompson, Daniel C., 1309, 1732
Thompson, Edgar T., 50
Thompson, Era B., 297a
Thompson, John, 298
Thompson, William, 1309
Thornbrough, Emma L., 1646
Thorpe, Earl E., 789- 790
Thurman, Howard, 1042, 1378- 1379, 1552
Thurman, Sue B., ed., 391
Thurman, Wallace, 1157- 1158a
Tillman, James A., 529
Tilly, Charles, 530
Tindall, George B., 1563, 1647
Titus, Frances W., 205
Toben, R. L., illus., 683
Tobias, Channing H., 110, 1534
Tolson, Melvin B., 1276- 1278
Tomkins, Silvan S., 1297
Toomer, Jean, 1159
Topeka, Kan., Board of Education, appellee, 579
Toppin, Edgar A., 117, 897
Torrence, Frederic R., 1226
TourgÉe, Albion W., about, 260
Toussaint Louverture, FranÇois D., about, 120
Towler, Juby E., 1760
Townsend, William H., 791
Trade-unions, 438, 448, 460, 463, 470, 477a, 486, 1533
Traill, Sinclair, 1364
Tredegar Company, Richmond, 814
Trefousse, Hans L., 877
Treworgy, Mildred L., 51
Trillin, Calvin, 643
Trottenberg, Arthur D., 1005
Trotter, James M., 1380
Troup, Cornelius V., 147
Trubowitz, Sidney, 644
Truman, Harry S., 1038
Trumbull Park, Chicago, 497
Truth, Sojourner, about, 120, 161, 205, 266
Tuberculosis, 1304
Tubman, Harriet R., about, 120, 127, 164, 177a
Tucker, Sterling, 531, 1553
Tufts University, Lincoln Filene Center for Citizenship and Public Affairs, 633
Tulane University of Louisiana, Urban Life Research Institute, 1309
Tumin, Melvin M., 1554
Turner, Arlin, ed., 316
Turner, Darwin T., ed., 972
Turner, Edward R., 877a
Turner, Lorenzo D., 973
Turner, Lucy M., 1279
Turner, Nat, 809, 840, 878, 1002
Turpin, Waters E., 1160- 1162
Tuskegee, Ala., 201, 1425, 1447
Tuskegee Institute
about, 227, 257, 301, 656
Dept. of Records and Research, 12- 13, 52- 54, 591
Hollis Burke Frissell Library, 62
Tussman, Joseph, ed., 946
Twentieth Century Fund, 485
Twin Cities metropolitan area, 437
Tyms, James D., 1695
Ulmann, Doris, illus., 1727
Underground railroad, 815- 816, 834, 848, 866, 871- 873
United Community Services of Metropolitan Boston, 1648
United Parents Associations of New York City, 622
Advisory Committee on Education, 660
Army Air Forces, about, 1318
Bureau of Education. See U.S. Office of Education
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 416, 422- 423, 479
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, about, 241, 883, 885, 903
Bureau of the Census, 1733- 1736
Business and Defense Services Administration, 23
Children's Bureau, 1750
Commission on Civil Rights, 376- 377, 532- 533, 549, 575, 645- 649, 1449, 1648a, 1761
South Dakota Advisory Committee, 1338
State Advisory Committees Division, 488
Commission to the Paris Exposition, 1900 , 28
Committee on Fair Employment Practice, about, 449, 481, 483
biography, 1445
The Congressional Globe , 931
Congressional Record , 931
history, 887
Committee on Education and Labor, 650- 651
Select Subcommittee on Labor, 792
Select Committee on New Orleans Riots, 1587
1st amendment, about, 346
13th amendment, about, 56, 931
14th amendment, about, 57, 363, 496, 654, 931, 934, 945
15th amendment, about, 57, 931, 1415
Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, 424
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Library, 55
Dept. of Labor
Division of Negro Economics, 489
Office of Policy Planning and Research, 1768- 1769
Dept. of State, 1001
Dept. of the Army, 467
Office of Military History, 1324
Economic Development Administration, about, 398
Housing and Home Finance Agency, Office of Program Policy, 534
Laws, statutes, etc., Civil Rights Act of 1964 , about, 314, 330, 1022
Library of Congress, 28, 56
Division of Bibliography, 57- 58
Division of Music, 1367
Photoduplication Service, 38
Military Academy, West Point, about, 197
National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, 1586, 1588
National Archives, 3, 24
National Center for Educational Statistics, 567
National Commission on Negro History and Culture, about, 792
Office of Education, 543, 562, 567, 651a- 652
Division of Vocational Education, 653
President, 1961-1963 (Kennedy), 378
President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, 439
President's Committee on Equal Opportunity in the Armed Forces, 1339
Social Security Administration, Division of Research and Statistics, 526
Supreme Court, 946
Welfare Administration, 1629
Women's Bureau, 472
United States Committee for the First World Festival of Negro Arts, 96
U.S. Negro World , 66
Universal Negro Improvement Association, 179
Universities and colleges, 565, 581, 590, 598, 604- 605, 615- 616, 623, 634, 652, 659
directories, 76, 626, 632
graduates, 457, 571, 577, 587, 605, 623
statistics, 543
students, 201, 562- 563, 565, 590, 604, 621, 643
Urban League of Dayton, Ohio, 1391
Urban League of Greater New York, 90
Urban League of Greater Providence, 1594
Urban League of Westchester County, 506
Urban renewal, 1715, 1738- 1739
Vander, Harry J., 1450
Vander Zanden, James W., 1555
Van Deusen, John G., 793
Van Doren, Carl, 206
Van Doren, Charles, 770
Van Dyke, Henry, 1163- 1164
Vanecko, James J., 570
Van Ellison, Candice, 95
Van Vechten, Carl, 1261
Varela, Horace, illus., 115, 724
Varner, Clyde F., ed., 711
Vaughan, Curtis M., 1556
Vesey, Denmark, about, 847
Virginia, 458- 459, 1547, 1618, 1638, 1655
Commission on Constitutional Government, 654, 931
crime, 1757, 1759a
education, 564, 582, 586, 637, 652, 654
folk-lore and folk-tales, 705
housing, 512
politics, 1410, 1433
Reconstruction, 888, 925
slavery, 230a, 289, 765, 809, 814, 823, 840, 878, 1645
slavery fiction, 1100
University, Library, Tracy W. McGregor Library, 230a
Voegeli, V. Jacque, 794
Vollmar, William J., 1628
Voodooism, 697, 702a, 704
Voorhis, Harold V., 1396
Vose, Clement E., 535
Voting, 1402- 1403, 1412, 1415, 1425, 1428- 1429, 1432, 1438, 1441, 1443, 1446, 1449, 1451a, 1453, 1533
Vroman, Mary E., 1396a
WINS. See Women's Integrating Neighborhood Services
Wachtel, Dawn, 490
Wade, Richard C., 879, 1563
Wagandt, Charles L., 796
Wagner, Jean, 974
Wain, Louis, illus., 702a
Walker, A. B., illus., 677a
Walker, David, 810, 880
Walker, Maggie L., about, 114, 134
Walker, Margaret, 1165, 1280
Walker, Marion E., ed., 1590
Wallace, Daniel W., about, 165
Wallace, Jesse T., 1451
Wallace, John, 926
Waller, Fats, about, 140, 1364
Walrond, Eric, 1166
Wanless, Julia, 752
War of 1812, 1343
Ward, Samuel R., 300
Ward, Thomas P., 1167
Wardlaw, Ralph W., 1451a
Ware, Charles P., comp., 1344
Warner, Robert A., 1648b
Warner, William L., ed., 1709
Warren, Francis H., comp., 1623
Warren, Robert Penn, 379, 1557
Washington, Booker T., 218, 301, 425, 434, 655, 797, 1039- 1040, 1737
ed., 656
about, 120, 214, 287, 299, 767, 952
Washington, Mrs. Booker T., 70
Washington, Chester L., 239
Washington, Ernest Davidson, ed., 1040
Washington, George, about, 765
Washington, Jennie, illus., 195
Washington, John E., 148
Washington, Joseph R., 1696- 1697
Washington, Josephine T., 142
Washington, Nathaniel J., 1649
Washington (State), 521
Washington, D.C., 1619, 1752, 1767
Dunbar High School, 600
education, 572, 593, 600, 657
Federation of Churches, Interracial Committee, 511
Frederick Douglass Memorial Home, 17
housing, 511, 532
Ordinances, etc., 942
public health, 1289
Reconstruction, 927
riots, 1576
White House, 256, 264
See also District of Columbia
Washington Center for Metropolitan Studies, Washington, D.C., 657
The Washington Post , 1576
Waskow, Arthur I., 1591
Watkins, Sylvestre C., ed., 992
Watters, Pat, 1452
Watts, Calif., 1571- 1575
Watts Writers' Workshop, 993
Waxman, Julia, 1
Waynick, Capus M., ed., 1650
Ways, Max, 415
Weatherby, William J., 1558, 1632
Weatherford, Willis D., 1559, 1698
Weaver, Robert C., 415, 536, 600, 1481, 1738- 1739
Webb, Constance, 302
Webb, Frank J., 1168
Weeks, Stephen B., 1453
Wegelin, Oscar, 1281
Weinberg, Kenneth G., 1454
Weinberg, Meyer, 59
Welch, Norval, 258
Welsch, Erwin K., 60
Wesley, Charles H., 303, 491, 798- 799, 804, 1340- 1341, 1397- 1399, 1429
Wesson, William H., 469
West, Dorothy, 1169
The West, 159, 198, 240, 1322
West Virginia, 1634
Bureau of Negro Welfare and Statistics, 537
education, 652
housing, 537
Westchester Co., N.Y., 506
Westin, Alan F., ed., 1041
Weyl, Nathaniel, 800
Whaley, Marcellus S., 1651
Wharton, Vernon L., 1563, 1652
Wheatley, Phillis, 16, 1282- 1284
bibliography, 16, 46
about, 120, 952
fiction, 1095
White, Charles, 97
White, Newman Ivey, ed., 1284a
White, Ralph, illus., 682
White, Walter F., 304, 1170- 1171, 1290, 1560- 1561
White House, 256, 264
Whiteman, Maxwell, 61
Whiting, Helen A. J., 426
Whyte, James H., 927
Wicker, Tom, 1588
Wiggins, James R., 325a
Wiggins, Samuel P., 659
Wightman, Orrin S., 1653
Wilberforce Negro Colony, Middlesex County, Ont., about, 289
Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio, 614.
See also Ohio, Central State College, Wilberforce
Wiley, Bell I., 1740
Wilkerson, Doxey A., 584, 660
Wilkins, Roy, 229
Williams, Chancellor, 1172
Williams, Daniel H., about, 171
Williams, Daniel T., 62
Williams, Edgar, 1781
Williams, Egbert A. (Bert), about, 140, 279
Williams, Eric, 799
Williams, Ethel L., 80
Williams, George W., 801, 928, 1342
Williams, John A., 1173- 1175
Williams, John G., 1741
Williams, Lacey K., 196
Williams, Martin T., 1381
Williams, O. R., 1562
Williams, Robert F., 380
Williams, R. M., 1563
Williams, Sally, about, 155
Williamsburg, Va., 1645
Williamson, Joel, 929, 1563
Williamson, Margaret T., illus., 1370
Willis, Pauline, 111
Wilmington, Del., 530
Wilson, Charles H., 661
Wilson, James Q., 1406, 1420, 1455
Wilson, Joseph T., 930, 1285, 1343
Wilson, Theodore B., 947
Wiltse, Charles M., ed., 880
Winslow, Eugene, illus., 98
Winston, Ellen E. B., 420
Winston-Salem, N.C., 1427
Wisconsin, 1593, 1628, 1630
employment, 488
Governor's Commission on Human Rights, 1770
State Historical Society, 774
State University, Stevens Point, 6
University, Milwaukee, School of Social Work, 1630
Wish, Harvey, ed., 881, 1043
Wit and humor. See Humor.
Witchen, Elsie, 1304
Wolff, Reinhold P., 538
Wolfgang, Marvin E., 1762
biography (collective), 105, 111, 114- 115, 126, 142
education, 571, 627
employment, 472
Women's Integrating Neighborhood Services, 495
Wood, Forrest G., 1564
Wood, M. S., comp., 129
Woodson, Carter G., 427, 453, 492, 662, 802, 804- 805, 1699, 1742- 1743
Woodward, Comer Vann, 806, 1563, 1565, 1636
Woodward, Joseph H., 1700
Woofter, Thomas J., 539, 1566
Work, F. J., 1617
Work, Monroe N., 63, 1758
Work Conference on Curriculum and Teaching in Depressed Urban Areas, Columbia University, 1962 , 663
Workman, Willie M. C., about, 234
World Festival of Negro Arts, 1st, Dakar, 1966 , 96
World War, 1939-1945 , 1313, 1318, 1324
Wright, Bruce M., ed., 1244
Wright, Charles S., 1176- 1177
Wright, James M., 1654
Wright, John J., 321
Wright, Louis T., about, 134
Wright, Marion M. T., 664
Wright, Nathan, 381, 1567- 1568
Wright, Richard, 305, 1034, 1178- 1183, 1227, 1569, 1607
about, 118, 302, 966- 967
Wright, Richard R., 149, 306
Wright, Stephen J., 996
Writers' Program
Georgia, 708
South Carolina, 709
Tennessee, 710
Virginia, 14
Wylie, Evan M., 230
Wynes, Charles E., 1563, 1655
Wynn, Daniel W., 1400
X, Malcolm. See Little, Malcolm
Yale University, Institute of Human Relations, 1648b
Yancey, William L., 1768
Yates, Elizabeth, 307
Yearbooks, 74- 75, 1701
Yellin, Robert, illus., 1346
Yerby, Frank, 1184- 1199
Yergan, Max, about, 134
Yoder, Don, 699
Young, Andrew S. N. ("Doc"), 150, 308, 1780
Young, Whitney M., 295, 338, 382
Young Women's Christian Association, 1509
Younge, Sammy, about, 201
Youth, 1299, 1612, 1719
bibliography, 40
See also Children; Students
Yulsman, Jerry, illus., 1200 - 1201
Zangrando, Robert L., comp., 312
Zilversmit, Arthur, 882
Zinkoff, Dave, 1781
Zinn, Howard, 1401, 1569a
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