Barndt, Joseph R. Why black power? New York, Friendship Press [1968] 122 p. E185.615.B35 Berry, Brewton. Race and ethnic relations. 3d ed. Boston, Houghton Mifflin [1965] 435 p. illus. HT1521.B45 1965 Boggs, James. The American revolution; pages from a Negro worker's notebook. New York, Monthly Review Press, 1963. 93 p. E841.B6 Booker, Simeon. Black man's America. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1964] 230 p. E185.6.B76 Clemons, Lulamae, Erwin Hollitz, and Gordon A. Gardner. The American Negro. St. Louis, Webster Division, McGraw-Hill [1965] 138 p. illus., ports. (Americans all series) E185.C6 Bibliography: p. 122-124. Cohn, David L. God shakes creation. New York, Harper, 1935. xvi, 299 p. plates. E185.93.M6C64 At head of title: by David L. Cohn; drawings by Lucian Dent. "Some of the salient features of ... society ... [of the Mississippi] delta."—Foreword. Cruse, Harold. The crisis of the Negro intellectual. New York, Morrow, 1967. 594 p. E185.82.C74 Includes bibliographical references. Davis, Allison, Burleigh B. Gardner, and Mary R. Gardner. Deep South; a social anthropological study of caste and class. Directed by W. Lloyd Warner. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1941] xv, 558 p. diagrs., forms, tables. HN79.A2D3 Dollard, John. Caste and class in a southern town. 3d ed. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1957 [c1949] 466 p. (Doubleday anchor books, A95) F215.D65 1957 Bibliographical footnotes. Dunbar, Ernest. The black expatriates; a study of American Negroes in exile. New York, Dutton, 1968. 251 p. E185.94.D8 Eppes, Susan B. The Negro of the old South, a bit of period history. [Rev.] Macon, Ga., J. W. Burke Pub. Co. [c1941] xvi, 203 p. illus. E443.E64 1941 Ferman, Louis A., Joyce L. Kornbluh, and Alan Haber, eds. Poverty in America; book of readings. Introduction by Michael Harrington. Rev. ed. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press [1968] xxxiii, 669 p. illus. HC110.P6F4 1968 Frazier, Edward Franklin. Black bourgeoisie. With a new preface by the author. New York, Collier Books [1962] 222 p. illus. (Collier books, AS347) E185.61.F833 1962 Greer, Scott A. Urban renewal and American cities; the dilemma of democratic intervention. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [1966, c1965] 201 p. HT175.U6G7 Bibliographical footnotes. Griffin, John H. Black like me. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1961. 176 p. E185.61.G8 The author darkened his skin and traveled as a Negro in the deep South. Hare, Nathan. The black Anglo-Saxons. With an introduction by Oliver C. Cox. [New York] Marzani & Munsell [1965] 124 p. E185.86.H3 Bibliographical references included in footnotes. Herskovits, Melville J. The American Negro; a study in racial crossing. Bloomington, Indiana University Press [1964, c1928] 92 p. (A Midland book, MB61) E185.89A5H5 1964 "Bibliographic appendix": p. 83-87. Johnson, Charles S. Growing up in the Black Belt; Negro youth in the rural South. With an introduction by St. Clair Drake. Prepared for the American Youth Commission, American Council on Education. New York, Schocken Books [1967, c1941] xxvi, 358 p. map. E185.86.J6 1967 Kennedy, Louise V. The Negro peasant turns cityward; effects of recent migrations to northern centers. New York, Columbia University Press, 1930. 270 p. diagr. (Studies in history, economics and public law, no. 329) [H31.C7 no.] 329 E185.8.K35 "Research conducted ... under subsidy by the Social Science Research Council and the Columbia University Council for Research in the Social Sciences." Published also as thesis (Ph.D.), Columbia University. "General bibliography": p. 239-255. Larkins, John R. Alcohol and the Negro: explosive issues. Zebulon, N.C., Record Pub. Co., 1965. 251 p. illus. E185.86.L36 |