Berson, Lenora E. Case study of a riot; the Philadelphia story. With commentaries by Alex Rosen and Kenneth B. Clark. New York, Institute of Human Relations Press, American Jewish Committee [1966] 71 p. maps. ([American Jewish Committee. Institute of Human Relations] Pamphlet series, no. 7) F158.9.N3B4 California. Governor's Commission on the Los Angeles Riots. Transcripts, depositions, consultants reports, and selected documents. Los Angeles, 1965. 18 v. illus. (part col.), maps. F869.L8C15 California. Governor's Commission on the Los Angeles Riots. Violence in the city—an end or a beginning? A report. [Los Angeles] 1965. 101 p. plates (part col.), fold. col. map. F869.L8C17 Cohen, Jerry, and William S. Murphy. Burn, baby, burn! The Los Angeles race riot, August 1965. Introduction by Robert Kirsch. New York, Dutton, 1966. 318 p. illus., ports. F869.L8C6 Conot, Robert E. Rivers of blood, years of darkness; the unforgettable classic account of the Watts riot. New York, Morrow, 1968 [c1967] 497 p. F869.L8C66 1968 Bibliography: p. 493-497. Crump, Spencer. Black riot in Los Angeles; the story of the Watts tragedy. Los Angeles, Trans-Anglo Books [1966] 160 p. illus., facsims., maps (part col.), ports. F869.L8C78 "Appendix: The text of the McCone Commission report": p. 125-154. Bibliography: p. 155. Gilbert, Ben W. Ten blocks from the White House; anatomy of the Washington riots of 1968 [by] Ben W. Gilbert and the staff of the Washington Post. New York, Praeger [1968] xix, 245 p. illus., maps. (Praeger paperbacks, P-240) F200.G5 Hayden, Thomas. Rebellion in Newark; official violence and ghetto response. New York, Vintage Books [1967] 102 p. maps. F144.N6H27 Heaps, Willard A. Riots, U.S.A., 1765-1965. New York, Seabury Press [1966] 186 p. [E178.3.H427] [TR: HV6477.H527 1966] Bibliography: p. 174-182. Illinois. Chicago Commission on Race Relations. The Negro in Chicago; a study of race relations and a race riot in 1919. New York, Arno Press, 1968. xxiv, 672 p. illus., maps. (The American Negro, his history and literature) F548.9.N3I2 1968 Janowitz, Morris. Social control of escalated riots. [Chicago?] University of Chicago, Center for Policy Study [1968] 44 p. HV6477.J3 "Prepared for the Center's conference on 'Short Term and Emergency Measures to Avert Urban Violence.'" Bibliographical footnotes. Lee, Alfred M., and Norman D. Humphrey. Race riot, Detroit 1943. With a new introductory essay by Alfred McClung Lee. New York, Octagon Books, 1968 [c1943] xxxiii, 143 p. illus., maps. F574.D4L4 1968 Bibliography: p. 142-143. Momboisse, Raymond M. Riots, revolts, and insurrections. Springfield, Ill., C. C. Thomas [1967] xviii, 523 p. HV8055.M6 Nelson, Truman J. The torture of mothers. Introduction by Maxwell Geismar. Newburyport, Mass., Garrison Press [1965] 121 p. ports. F128.9.N3N37 Experiences related by mothers and children who were subjected to violent treatment at the hands of the police during the Harlem riots of fall 1964. Rudwick, Elliott M. Race riot at East St. Louis, July 2, 1917. Foreword by Oscar Handlin. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press [1964] xvii, 300 p. illus., maps. F549.E2R8 Bibliography: p. 285-291. Shogan, Robert, and Tom Craig. The Detroit race riot; a study in violence. Philadelphia, Chilton Books [1964] 199 p. F574.D4S5 Bibliography: p. 185-188. Supplemental studies for the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. New York, Praeger [1968] 248 p. forms. (Praeger special studies in U.S. economic and social development) E185.61.S94 1968b "The studies were conducted independently of the Commission and of each other by research groups at the University of Michigan, the Johns Hopkins University, and Columbia University." Bibliographical footnotes. Contents.—Racial attitudes in fifteen American cities, by A. Campbell and H. Schuman.—Between white and black; the faces of American institutions in the ghetto, by P. H. Rossi, and others.—Who riots? A study of participation in the 1967 riots, by R. M. Fogelson and R. B. Hill. |