Aikin, Charles, ed. The Negro votes. San Francisco, Chandler Pub. Co. [1962] 377 p. illus. (Chandler publications in political science) DLC-LL [TR: KF4893.A7A35] American Negro Academy, Washington, D.C. The Negro and the elective franchise. A series of papers and a sermon. Washington, 1905. 85 p. (Occasional papers, no. 11) [E184.N3A5] [TR: E185.5.A51 no. 11] Contents.—1. Meaning and need of the movement to reduce southern representation [by] A. H. Grimke.—2. The penning of the Negro (the Negro vote in the States of the revised constitutions) [by] C. C. Cook.—3. The Negro vote in the States whose constitutions have not been specifically revised [by] John Hope.—4. The potentiality of the Negro vote, North and West [by] John L. Love.—5. Migration and distribution of the Negro population as affecting the elective franchise [by] Kelly Miller.—6. The Negro and his citizenship [by] Rev. F. J. Grimke. Ashmore, Harry S. The man in the middle. Columbia, University of Missouri Press [1966] 58 p. (The Paul Anthony Brick lectures, 5th ser.) E846.A8 Bailey, Harry A., ed. Negro politics in America. Columbus, Ohio, C. E. Merrill Books [1967] 455 p. illus., maps. E185.6.B15 Includes bibliographical references. Banfield, Edward C., and James Q. Wilson. City politics. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963. 362 p. illus. (Publications of the Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University) JS331.B28 Bibliographical footnotes. Brewer, John Mason. Negro legislators of Texas and their descendants; a history of the Negro in Texas politics from Reconstruction to disfranchisement, with an introduction by Herbert P. Gambrell. Dallas, Tex., Mathis Pub. Co. [c1935] 134 p. map, ports. E185.93.T4B7 Brogan, Denis W. Politics in America. New York, Harper [c1954] 467 p. JK268.B72 1954a [TR: Brogan, D. W.] Bibliography: p. 436-441. Chapter 3 is on race and politics. Brooke, Edward W. The challenge of change; crisis in our two-party system. Boston, Little, Brown [1966] xviii, 269 p. E743.B77 Bibliography: p. 267-269. Brown, William G. The new politics, and other papers. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914. 234 p. port. JK271.B67 [TR: Brown, William Garrott] Contents.—The new politics.—Prophetic voices about America.—The white peril: the immediate danger of the Negro.—The South and the saloon.—President Taft's opportunity.—Greetings to the presidents. Buni, Andrew. The Negro in Virginia politics, 1902-1965. Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia [1967] 296 p. E185.93.V8B86 Bibliography: p. [271]-285. Clayton, Edward T. The Negro politician, his success and failure. With an introduction by Martin Luther King, Jr. Chicago, Johnson Pub. Co., 1964. xiv, 213 p. E185.6.C637 Cornell-Tompkins County Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Fayette County, Tennessee. Step by step; evolution and operation of the Cornell students' civil-rights project in Tennessee, summer, 1964, by Fayette County Project Volunteers. New York, Published for the Fayette County Fund by W. W. Norton [1965] 128 p. illus. F443.F3C6 Edited by Douglas F. Dowd and Mary D. Nichols. Coulter, Ellis Merton. Negro legislators in Georgia during the Reconstruction period. Athens, Georgia Historical Quarterly, 1968. 209 p. port. E185.93.G4C6 "This book is limited to 250 copies." Contains articles which originally appeared in the Georgia Historical Quarterly. Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. [181]-196). Bibliography: p. [197]-201. Cox, LaWanda C. F., and John H. Cox. Politics, principle, and prejudice, 1865-1866; dilemma of Reconstruction America. [New York] Free Press of Glencoe [1963] 294 p. E666.C84 Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 233-281). Bibliography: p. 283-286. Cromwell, John W. The challenge of the disfranchised; a plea for the enforcement of the 15th amendment. Washington, The Academy, 1924. 10 p. (American Negro Academy. Occasional papers, no. 22) E185.5.A51 no. 22 De Santis, Vincent P. Republicans face the Southern question: the new departure years, 1877-1897. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 1959. 275 p. maps. (The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, ser. 77, no. 1) H31.J6 ser. 77, no. 1 F215.D345 Bibliographical footnotes. |