Baldwin, James. The amen corner; a play. New York, Dial Press, 1968. xvii, 91 p. PS3552.A45A8 Baldwin, James. Blues for Mister Charlie, a play. New York, Dial Press, 1964. xv, 121 p. PS3552.A45B5 Connelly, Marcus C. The green pastures, a fable, suggested by Roark Bradford's southern sketches, "Ol' man Adam an' his chillun." New York, Farrar & Rinehart [c1929] xvi, 173 p. PS3505.O4814G7 1929 [TR: Connelly, Marc] In dramatic form, with cast of characters as presented at the Mansfield Theatre, New York, 1930. Attempts "to present certain aspects of a living religion in the terms of its believers ... thousands of Negroes in the deep South."—p. xv. Cotter, Joseph S. Caleb, the degenerate, a play in four acts; a study of the types, customs, and needs of the American Negro. Louisville, Ky., Bradley & Gilbert Co., 1903. 57 p. port. PS3505.O862C3 1903 Couch, William, comp. New black playwrights, an anthology. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press [1968] xxiii, 258 p. PS634.C684 Davis, Ossie. Purlie victorious; a comedy in three acts. New York, S. French [c1961] 90 p. PS3507.A7444P8 Duberman, Martin B. In white America, a documentary play. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1964. 112 p. PS3554.U25I5 D'Usseau, Arnaud, and James Gow. Deep are the roots. New York, Scribner, 1946. xxvi, 205 p. plates. PS3507.U925D4 Edmonds, Randolph. The land of cotton, and other plays. Washington, Associated Publishers [c1942] 267 p. PS3509.D56L3 Contents.—The land of cotton.—Gangsters over Harlem.—Yellow death.—Silas Brown.—The High court of Historia. Edmonds, Randolph. Shades and shadows. Boston, Meador Pub. Co., 1930. 171 p. PS3509.D56S5 1930 Contents.—The devil's price.—Hewers of wool.—Shades and shadows.—Everyman's land.—The tribal chief.—The phantom treasure. Edmonds, Randolph. Six plays for a Negro theatre. Foreword by Frederick H. Koch. Boston, W. H. Baker Co. [c1934] 155 p. PS3509.D56S6 1934 Contents.—Bad man.—Old man Pete.—Nat Turner.—Breeders.—Bleeding hearts.—The new window. Grimke, Angelina W. Rachel, a play in three acts. Boston, The Cornhill Co. [c1920] 96 p. PS3513.R744R3 1920 Hansberry, Lorraine. A raisin in the sun; a drama in three acts. New York, Random House [1959] 142 p. illus. (A Random House play) PS3515.A515R3 Heyward, Dorothy H. K., and DuBose Heyward. Mamba's daughters, a play. Dramatized from the novel Mamba's daughters by Du Bose Heyward. New York, Farrar & Rinehart [c1939] 182 p. plates. PS3515.E97M3 1939 Hughes, Langston. Five plays. Edited with an introduction by Webster Smalley. Bloomington, Indiana University Press [1963] 258 p. PS3515.U274A19 1963 Contents.—Mulatto.—Soul gone home.—Little Ham.—Simply heavenly.—Tambourines to glory. Jones, LeRoi. Dutchman and The slave, two plays. New York, Morrow, 1964. 88 p. [PS3519.O4545D8] [TR: PS3552.A583D8 Baraka, Imamu Amiri] Locke, Alain L., and Montgomery Gregory, eds. Plays of Negro life; a source-book of native American drama. Decorations and illustrations by Aaron Douglas. New York, Harper, 1927. 430 p. illus., plates. PS627.N4L6 "Bibliography of Negro drama": p. 424-430. Peters, Paul, and George Sklar. Stevedore, a play in three acts. New York, Covici, Friede [c1934] 123 p. PS3531.E826S7 1934 Richardson, Willis, comp. Plays and pageants from the life of the Negro. Washington, Associated Publishers [c1930] 373 p. illus., plates. PS627.N4R5 Contents.—Plays: Sacrifice, by Thelma M. Duncan. Antar of Araby, by Maud Cuney-Hare. Ti Yette, by John Matheus. Graven images, by May Miller. Riding the goat, by May Miller. The black horseman, by Willis Richardson. The king's dilemma, by Willis Richardson. The house of sham, by Willis Richardson.—Pageants: Two races, by Inez M. Burke. Out of the dark, by Dorothy C. Guinn. The light of the women, by Frances Gunner. Ethiopia at the bar of justice, by Edward J. McCoo. |