Ashby, William M. Redder blood; a novel. New York, Cosmopolitan Press, 1915. 188 p. PZ3.A8234Re [TR: PS3501.S489] Attaway, William. Blood on the forge, a novel. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran, 1941. 279 p. PZ3.A882Bl [TR: PS3501.T59] Baldwin, James. Another country. New York, Dial Press, 1962. 436 p. PZ4.B18An2 [TR: PS3552.A45] Baldwin, James. Giovanni's room; a novel. New York, Dial Press, 1956. 248 p. PZ4.B18Gi [TR: PS3552.A45] Baldwin, James. Go tell it on the mountain. New York, Knopf, 1953. 303 p. [PZ4.B18Go] [TR: PS3552.A45G62 1953] Baldwin, James. Going to meet the man. New York, Dial Press, 1965. 249 p. PZ4.B18Gq [TR: PS3552.A45] Contents.—The rockpile.—The outing.—The man child.—Previous condition.—Sonny's blues.—This morning, this evening, so soon.—Come out the wilderness.—Going to meet the man. Baldwin, James. Tell me how long the train's been gone; a novel. New York, Dial Press, 1968. 484 p. PS3552.A45T4 Baltimore Afro-American. Best short stories by Afro-American writers, 1925-1950, selected and edited by Nick Aaron Ford and H. L. Faggett. Boston, Meador Pub. Co. [1950] 307 p. [PZ1.B23Be] [TR: PZ1.B44684] Bennett, Hal. A wilderness of vines. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1966. 345 p. PZ4.B4696Wi [TR: PS3552.E546] Boles, Robert. Curling, a novel. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1968 [c1967] 259 p. PZ4.B6883Cu Bontemps, Arna W. Black thunder. New York, Macmillan, 1936. 298 p. PZ3.B64442Bl [TR: PS3503.O474] Bontemps, Arna W. Chariot in the sky; a story of the Jubilee Singers. Illustrations by Cyrus Leroy Baldridge. Philadelphia, Winston [1951] 234 p. illus. (Land of the Free series) PZ7.B6443Ch Bontemps, Arna W. Drums at dusk; a novel. New York, Macmillan, 1939. 226 p. illus. PZ3.B64442Dr [TR: PS3503.O474] Bontemps, Arna W. God sends Sunday. New York, Harcourt, Brace [c1931] 199 p. PZ3.B64442Go [TR: PS3503.O474] Bosworth, William. The long search, a novel. Great Barrington, Mass., Advance Pub. Co. [1957] 303 p. PZ4.B7475Lo Brooks, Gwendolyn. Maud Martha, a novel. New York, Harper [1953] 180 p. PZ4.B872Mau [TR: PS3503.R7244] Brown, Frank L. Trumbull Park, a novel. Chicago, Regnery [1959] 432 p. PZ4.B8774Tr [TR: PS3552.R68549] Brown, Lloyd L. Iron City, a novel. New York, Masses & Mainstream, 1951. 255 p. PZ4.B879Ir Brown, William W. Clotel. New York, Arno Press, 1969. 245 p. illus. (Afro-American culture series) [DLC] [TR: PZ3.B8199Cl7; PS1139.B9] Reprint of the 1853 ed. The first novel written by a Negro. Chastain, Thomas. Judgment day. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1962. 213 p. PZ4.C489Ju [TR: PS3553.H3416] Chesnutt, Charles W. The colonel's dream. New York, Doubleday, Page, 1905. 294 p. PZ3.C4253Cl [TR: PS1292.C6] Chesnutt, Charles W. The conjure woman. Ridgewood, N. J., Gregg Press [1968] 229 p. (Americans in fiction) PZ3.C4253C5 [TR: PS1292.C6] Reprint of the 1899 ed. Contents.—The goophered grapevine.—Po' Sandy. Mars Jeem's nightmare.—The conjurer's revenge.—Sis' Becky's pickaninny.—The gray wolf's ha'nt.—Hot-Foot Hannibal. Chesnutt, Charles W. The house behind the cedars. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1900. 294 p. PZ3.C4253H [TR: PS1292.C6] Chesnutt, Charles W. The marrow of tradition. New York, Arno Press, 1969. 329 p. (The American Negro, his history and literature) [PZ3.C425M5] [TR: PZ3.C4253Mar 1969; PS1292.C6] Afro-American culture series. Reprint of the 1901 ed. Larsen, Nella. Passing. New York, Knopf, 1929. 215 p. PZ3.L33Pas [TR: PS3523.A7225] Larsen, Nella. Quicksand. New York, Knopf, 1928. 301 p. PZ3.L33Qu [TR: PS3523.A7225] Lee, George W. River George. New York, Macaulay Co. [c1937] 275 p. PZ3.L5123Ri [TR: PS3523.E324] Marshall, Paule. Brown girl, brownstones. New York, Random House [1959] 310 p. PZ4.M369Br [TR: PS3563.A7223] Mayfield, Julian. The grand parade. New York, Vanguard Press [1961] 448 p. PZ4.M47Gr [TR: PS3563.A9566] Mayfield, Julian. The hit, a novel. New York, Vanguard Press [1957] 212 p. PZ4.M47Hi [TR: PS3563.A9566] Mayfield, Julian. The long night. New York, Vanguard Press [1958] 156 p. illus. PZ4.M47Lo [TR: PS3563.A9566] Micheaux, Oscar. The story of Dorothy Stanfield, based on a great insurance swindle, and a woman! A novel. New York, Book Supply Co., 1946. 416 p. col. front. PZ3.M5809St [TR: PS3525.I1875] Miller, Warren. The cool world, a novel. Boston, Little, Brown [1959] 241 p. PZ4.M65Co [TR: PS3563.I42155] Motley, Willard. Knock on any door. New York, Appleton-Century Co. [1947] 503 p. [PZ3.M8573Kn] [TR: PS3563.O888K6 1947] Motley, Willard. Let no man write my epitaph. New York, Random House [1958] 467 p. PZ3.M8573Le [TR: PS3563.O888] Motley, Willard. Let noon be fair, a novel. New York, Putnam [c1966] 416 p. PZ3.M8573Lg [TR: PS3563.O888] Motley, Willard. We fished all night. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts [1951] 560 p. PZ3.M8573We [TR:PS3563.O888] Ottley, Roi. White marble lady. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux [1965] 278 p. PZ4.O894Wh Parks, Gordon. The learning tree. New York, Harper & Row [1963] 303 p. PZ4.P249Le [TR: PS3566.A73] Paynter, John H. Fugitives of the Pearl. Washington, Associated Publishers [c1930] 209 p. ports. PZ3.P2938Fu [TR: PS3531.A94] "Descendants of Paul and Amelia Edmonson": p. [203]-209. Petry, Ann L. Country place. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1947. 266 p. PZ3.P44904Co Petry, Ann L. The narrows. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1953. 428 p. PZ3.P44904Nar Petry, Ann L. The street. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1946. 435 p. [PZ3.P44904St] [TR: PS3531.E933S75 1946] "A Houghton Mifflin literary fellowship novel." Pharr, Robert D. The book of numbers. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1969. 374 p. [PS3566.H3B6 1969] [TR: PZ4.P536Bo3; PS3566.H33] Pickens, William. The vengeance of the gods, and three other stories of real American color line life. Introduction by Bishop John Hurst. Philadelphia, A.M.E. Book Concern [c1922] 125 p. PZ3.P5853Ve Contents.—The vengeance of the gods.—The superior race.—Passing the buck.—Tit for tat. Polite, Carlene H. The flagellants. New York [Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1967] 214 p. PZ4.P7674Fl [TR: PS3566.O47] Redding, Jay Saunders. Stranger and alone, a novel. New York, Harcourt, Brace [1950] 308 p. PZ3.R246533St [TR: PS3535.E2233] Rogers, Joel A. She walks in beauty. Los Angeles, Western Publishers, 1963. 316 p. PZ4.R727Sh Rollins, Bryant. Danger song. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1967. 280 p. PZ4.R753Dan Savoy, Willard W. Alien land. New York, E. P. Dutton, 1949. 320 p. PZ3.S2695Al |