Avins, Alfred, comp. The Reconstruction amendments' debates: the legislative history and contemporary debates in Congress on the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. Richmond, Virginia Commission on Constitutional Government, 1967. xxxii, 764 p. KF4756.A29A9 Selections from the Congressional Globe and the Congressional Record, covering the years 1849 to 1875. Bibliography: p. i-ii. Berger, Morroe. Equality by statute; the revolution in civil rights. Rev. ed. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, 1967. 253 p. KF4757.B4 1967 Bibliography: p. [230]-236. Catterall, Helen H. T., ed. Judicial cases concerning American slavery and the Negro. New York, Octagon Books, 1968. 5 v. KF4545.S5C3 1968 Reprint of the 1926 ed. Vols. 4-5, "with additions by James J. Hayden." Bibliographical footnotes. Contents.—v. 1. Cases from the courts of England, Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky.—v. 2. Cases from the courts of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.—v. 3. Cases from the courts of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.—v. 4. Cases from the courts of New England, the middle States, and the District of Columbia.—v. 5. Cases from the courts of States north of the Ohio and west of the Mississippi Rivers, Canada and Jamaica. Collins, Charles W. The Fourteenth amendment and the States: a study of the operation of the restraint clauses of section one of the Fourteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Boston, Little, Brown, 1912. xxi, 220 p. diagrs., tables. [JK169 14th 1912] [TR: KF4558 14th.C64 1912] Some of these studies "have within recent months appeared, in substantially their present form" in the American Law Review, the Yale Law Journal, the Columbia Law Review, and the South Atlantic Quarterly.—Preface. Conference on Discrimination and the Law, University of Chicago, 1963. Discrimination and the law; [papers] edited by Vern Countryman. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1965] xiv, 170 p. DLC-LL [TR: KF4755.A75C6 1963] Sponsored by the University of Chicago Law School and others. Bibliography: p. 145-152. Georgia. Laws, statutes, etc. Compilation of Georgia laws and opinions of the attorney general relating to segregation of the races. Compiled and edited by State Law Dept. [Atlanta, 1956] 93 p. [DLC-LL] [TR: LAW] Greenberg, Jack. Race relations and American law. New York, Columbia University Press, 1959. 481 p. [DLC-LL] [TR: KF4757.G7] Bibliography: p. [421]-437. Bibliographical footnotes. Higbee, Jay A. Development and administration of the New York State law against discrimination. University, University of Alabama Press [1967, c1966] xxii, 396 p. KFN5697.H5 Bibliography: p. [337]-354. Mangum, Charles S. The legal status of the Negro. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1940. 436 p. [DLC-LL E185.6.M33] [TR: KF4757.M3] "Selected bibliography": p. [425]-426. Miller, Loren. The petitioners; the story of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Negro. New York, Pantheon Books [1966] xv, 461 p. [DLC-LL] [TR: KF4757.M5] Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. [435]-455). Murray, Pauli, ed. States' laws on race and color, and appendices containing international documents, Federal laws and regulations, local ordinances and charts. [Cincinnati, Woman's Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions and Church Extension, Methodist Church] 1950 [i.e. 1951] 746 p. forms. [DLC-LL] [TR: KF4757.S73 1950] [TR: Accompanied by] —— —— 1955 supplement, compiled and edited by Verge Lake and Pauli Murray. Cincinnati, Woman's Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, 1955. 256 p. [DLC-LL] Snethen, Worthington G., comp. The black code of the District of Columbia, in force September 1st, 1848. New York, Published for the A. & F. Anti-slavery Society, by W. Harned, 1848. 61 p. [DLC-LL] [TR: KFD1611.5.A34A3 1848] Contents.—The District of Columbia.—Ordinances of the corporation of Washington.—Ordinances of the corporation of Georgetown. Stephenson, Gilbert T. Race distinctions in American law. New York, D. Appleton, 1910. xiv, 388 p. [JK1781.S8] [TR: KF4757.S74 1910] Styles, Fitzhugh L. Negroes and the law in the race's battle for liberty, equality and justice under the Constitution of the United States; with causes celebres. Boston, Christopher Pub. House [c1937] 320 p. port. DLC-LL E185.61.S92 The manuscript of the author's address before the National Bar Association at Baltimore, August 1934, on the battle of th