Abrams, Charles. Forbidden neighbors; a study of prejudice in housing. New York, Harper [1955] 404 p. HD7293.A616 Abrams, Charles. Race bias in housing. [New York? 1947] 31 p. E185.89.H6A2 "Sponsored jointly by the American Civil Liberties Union, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People [and] American Council on Race Relations." Arter, Rhetta M. WINS pilot preview; report of an action-research, demonstration project on the process of achieving equal housing opportunities, Women's Integrating Neighborhood Services, sponsored by the Educational Foundation of National Council of Negro Women. [New York, Research and Action Associates, c1961] 202 p. illus. E185.89.H6A7 Avins, Alfred, ed. Open occupancy vs. forced housing under the Fourteenth amendment; a symposium on anti-discrimination legislation, freedom of choice, and property rights in housing. New York, Book-mailer [c1963] 316 p. maps. DLC-LL [TR: KF5740.A75A48 1963] Bibliographical footnotes. Chicago. Mayor's Commission on Human Relations. The Trumbull Park Homes disturbances; a chronological report, August 4, 1953, to June 30,1955. [Chicago, 1955?] 63 p. E185.89.H6C5 Clark, Henry. The church and residential desegregation; a case study of an open housing covenant campaign. New Haven, College & University Press [1965] 254 p. E185.89.H6C55 Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 234-254). Commission on Race and Housing. Where shall we live? Report. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1958. 77 p. HD7293.C6427 Connecticut. Commission on Civil Rights. Racial integration in private residential neighborhoods in Connecticut, by Henry G. Stetler, supervisor, Research Division. Hartford, 1957. 55 p. E185.89.H6C6 Connecticut. Commission on Civil Rights. Racial integration in public housing projects in Connecticut, prepared by Henry G. Stetler, supervisor, Research Division. Hartford, 1955 [i.e. 1956] 72 p. E185.89.H6C63 Deutsch, Morton, and Mary E. Collins. Interracial housing; a psychological evaluation of a social experiment. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press [1951] xv, 173 p. E185.89.H6D4 Reprint issued by Russell & Russell, 1968. Bibliography: p. 149. Duncan, Otis D., and Beverly Duncan. The Negro population of Chicago; a study of residential succession. [Chicago] University of Chicago Press [1957] xxiv, 367 p. diagrs., maps (part fold.), tables. (Monograph series of the Chicago Community Inventory of the University of Chicago) F548.9.N3D8 Bibliography: p. 355-358. Foote, Nelson N., and others. Housing choices and housing constraints. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1960. 450 p. illus. (ACTION series in housing and community development) HD7293.F62 Glazer, Nathan, and Davis McEntire, eds. Studies in housing & minority groups. With an introduction by Nathan Glazer. Special research report to the Commission on Race and Housing. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1960. xvii, 228 p. maps, tables. (Publications of the Commission on Race and Housing) E185.89.H6G55 Goldblatt, Harold S. Westchester real estate brokers, builders, bankers & Negro home-buyers; a report to the Housing Council of the Urban League of Westchester County, Inc. on opportunities for private open-occupancy housing in Westchester. [n.p.] 1954. 51 leaves. E185.89.H6G6 Grier, Eunice S., and George W. Grier. Discrimination in housing; a handbook of fact. [New York, Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1960] 67 p. (Freedom pamphlets) HD7293.G7 Grier, Eunice S., and George W. Grier. Privately developed interracial housing; an analysis of experience. Special research report to the Commission on Race and Housing. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1960. 264 p. E185.89.H6G69 Bibliography: p. [251]-257. Grier, George W., and Eunice S. Grier. Equality and beyond; housing segregation and the goals of the Great Society. Chicago, Quadrangle Books, 1966. 115 p. maps. HD7293.G72 "Published in cooperation with the Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith." Based on the authors' Discrimination in Housing. Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 101-109). |