Bell, William K. Fifteen million Negroes and fifteen billion dollars. New York, W. K. Bell Publications [1956] 147 p. E185.8.B46 Blair, Lewis H. A Southern prophecy: The prosperity of the South dependent upon the elevation of the Negro (1889). Edited, with an introduction by C. Vann Woodward. Boston, Little, Brown [1964] xlvi, 201 p. facsim., port. E185.61.B66 1964 Bibliographical footnotes. Bradford, Amory. Oakland's not for burning. New York, D. McKay Co. [1968] 248 p. HD5726.O22B7 Bullock, Henry A. Pathways to the Houston Negro market. [Ann Arbor, Mich., Distributed by J. W. Edwards, 1957] 232 p. illus. F394.H8B9 Davis, Robert E. The American Negro's dilemma; the Negro's self-imposed predicament. New York, Philosophical Library [1954] 147 p. E185.6.D35 De Mond, Albert L. Certain aspects of the economic development of the American Negro, 1865-1900. Washington, Catholic University of America Press, 1945. 187 p. (Catholic University of America. Studies in economics, v. 18) E185.8.D4 Thesis (Ph. D.)—Catholic University of America, 1945. Bibliography: p. 163-183. District of Columbia. Dept. of Public Welfare. The improving economic status of the Negro in the District of Columbia. Rev. Washington, Division of Research and Statistics, Dept. of Public Welfare, 1954. 1 v. (unpaged) illus. E185.93.D6A5 1954c DuBois, William E. B., ed. Economic co-operation among Negro Americans. Report of a social study made by Atlanta University under the patronage of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., together with the proceedings of the 12th Conference for the Study of the Negro Problems, held at Atlanta University, on Tuesday, May the 28th, 1907. Atlanta, Atlanta University Press, 1907. 184 p. diagrs. (Atlanta University publications, no. 12) E185.5.A88 no. 12 [HD3446.Z5N3] "Select bibliography of economic co-operation among Negro Americans": p. [6]-9. Edwards, Paul K. The southern urban Negro as a consumer. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1932. xxiv, 323 p. illus., diagrs., maps. E185.6.E35 Bibliography: p. [309]-315. Fein, Rashi. An economic and social profile of the Negro American. Washington, Brookings Institution, 1966 [c1965] 815-846 p. (Brookings Institution reprints, 110) E185.8.F4 "Reprinted January 1966 ... from Daedalus, fall, 1965." Includes bibliographical references. Fleming, Walter L. The Freedmen's Savings Bank; a chapter in the economic history of the Negro race. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1927. 170 p. (Vanderbilt University publications) HG2613.W34F6 1927 "An expansion of a paper ... published in the Yale Review in 1906." Bibliography: p. 17-18, 162-163. Ginzberg, Eli, ed. The Negro challenge to the business community. New York, McGraw-Hill [1964] 111 p. E185.8.G57 "Highlights of a conference held at Arden House on January 15 to 17, 1964 under the auspices of the executive program of the Graduate School of Business, Columbia University." Harris, Abram L. The Negro as capitalist; a study of banking and business among American Negroes. Gloucester, Mass., P. Smith, 1968 [c1936] 205 p. illus. E185.8.H26 1968 Bibliographical footnotes. Henry, Waights G. The Negro as an economic factor in Alabama. Nashville, Printed for the author, Publishing House M. E. Church, South, Smith & Lamar, agents, 1919. 111 p. E185.93.A3H5 Thesis (Ph.D.)—Boston University. "Reference books": p. [107]-111. Hill, Timothy A. The Negro and economic reconstruction. Washington, Associates in Negro Folk Education, 1937. 78 p. (Bronze booklet no. 5) E185.5.B85 no. 5 "Selected readings" at end of each chapter. Holmes, Samuel J. The Negro's struggle for survival; a study in human ecology. Port Washington, N.Y., Kennikat Press [1966, c1965] 296 p. E185.88.H65 1966 First published in 1937. Bibliography: p. 263-290. Johnson, Joseph T. The potential Negro market. New York, Pageant Press [1952] 185 p. HF3031.J6 Miller, Herman P. Poverty and the Negro. [Los Angeles, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of California, 1965?] 30 leaves. ([California. University. University at Los Angeles. Ins