INDEX - Accomac,
- farms and tithables of, 58; 79.
- Allen, Arthur,
- Allen, William,
- Allerton, Isaac,
- Ambrose, Robert,
- Anbury, Major,
- describes Virginia upper class, 158.
- Andros, Sir Edmund, 29; 35; 52;
- hesitates to deprive wealthy of land holdings, 143-144.
- Archer, George,
- deals in servants, 49;
- extensive landowner, 79.
- Armetrading, Henry, 79.
- Artisans,
- became planters in Virginia, 27;
- called for in broadside of 1610, 28;
- on the plantations, 156-157.
- Ashton, Peter,
- Austin, James,
- Avery, Richard,
- his cattle, 101;
- inventory of, 106.
- Bacon Nathaniel, Sr., 109; 110.
- Bacon, Nathaniel, Jr.,
- describes poverty in Virginia, 91;
- rebellion of and Navigation Acts, 92-93;
- says peoples hoped in Burgesses, 109; 113.
- Baker, John,
- Baldwin, William,
- Ballard, Thomas, 109.
- Ball, William,
- Baltic,
- English trade of, 8;
- Denmark controls entrance to, 9;
- wars endanger trade to, 9;
- cheap labor of, 16; 17;
- tobacco trade to, 118-119;
- trade to injured by wars, 131, 148.
- Banister, John,
- Barbadoes,
- complain of Navigation Acts, 94.
- Barnett, Thomas,
- servant, Burgess in 1629, 74.
- Bassett, William,
- Beer, George Lewis,
- defends Navigation Acts, 86-87;
- says trade restrictions did not cause Bacon's Rebellion, 92;
- statement of concerning county grievances, 93;
- denies that serious opposition existed to Navigation Acts, 93-94.
- Bell, Richard,
- Bennett, Richard,
- estate of described, 108.
- Bennett, Samuel,
- Berkeley, John,
- conducts iron works in Virginia, 18.
- Berkeley, Lord John, 90.
- Berkeley, Sir William,
- describes servants, 34;
- describes early mortality among servants, 39;
- estimates servants at 6,000 in 1671, 41;
- instructed to prohibit foreign trade, 69;
- permits foreign trade during Civil War, 69;
- calls Virginia land of opportunity, 75;
- proclaims Charles II, 84, 111; 89;
- describes poverty of Virginia, 90, 91, 92, 93;
- controls Assembly, 94;
- goes to England to combat Navigation Acts, 94-95;
- plans to establish manufactures, 95;
- denounces Navigation Acts, 95-96; 98;
- secures body guard, 111;
- elected Governor prior to Restoration, 112;
- fears King's resentment, 113;
- small planters turn against in Bacon's Rebellion, 113;
- estimates slaves at 2,000 in 1670, 124; 125; 160.
- Beverley, Robert, Sr.,
- extensive dealer in servants, 48, 109; 113.
- Beverley, Robert, Jr., 61;
- imports slaves, 130;
- describes pride of poor whites, 155.
- Bibbie, Edmund,
- Binns, Thomas,
- Bishop, John,
- Burgess and landowner, 78.
- Blackstone, John,
- Bland, John,
- remonstrates against Navigation Acts, 88-89; 93.
- Blair, Rev. John,
- asks funds for college, 50, 136.
- Blewit, Capt.,
- sets up iron works in Virginia, dies, 181.
- Board of Trade,
- arrears of quit rents reported to, 51;
- Nicholson writes to concerning rent roll, 52;
- says servants not slaves, 60;
- Berkeley protests to, 95, 119;
- asks reasons for emigration of Virginia whites, 140;
- seeks to limit size of land grants, 143;
- again alarmed at emigration from Virginia, 145, 147, 157.
- Bolling, Mrs. Mary,
- Brent, Giles,
- Bridger, Joseph,
- deals in servants, 48; 109.
- Briggs, Gray,
- British Empire,
- beginnings of misunderstood, 14;
- begun, 19;
- important rÔle of tobacco in, 27.
- Broadnat, John, 128.
- Broadside,
- in 1610 calls for settlers for Virginia, 28.
- Browne, Robert,
- Browne, William,
- Bruce, Philip Alexander,
- describes small planters, 54.
- Brunswick,
- land patents in small, 145.
- Bullock, William,
- denies that servants are slaves, 60.
- Burgesses, 54,
- petition King, 65;
- complain of high freight rates, 72;
- freedmen among, 73-75;
- Navigation Acts and, 94-95;
- represent interest of small planters, 109;
- defy the king, 110;
- petition of, 110;
- rule Virginia, 1652-1660, 112;
- growing influence of, 109.
- Burwell, Francis,
- patents land in James City, 77.
- Burwell, John,
- Burwell, Lewis,
- deals in servants, 48; 109.
- Burcher, William,
- Bushood, John,
- Butt, Thomas,
- Button, Robert,
- Button, Thomas,
- owner of Button's Ridge, 49.
- Byrd, William I,
- says rent rolls inaccurate, 52; 109;
- uses slaves, 130.
- Byrd, William II,
- gives reasons for emigration to Carolina, 146.
- Carter, John, 109.
- Carter, Robert,
- Carleill, Capt. Christopher,
- urges trade with America, 11.
- Carolina,
- Cattle,
- plentiful in Virginia, 101.
- Chambers, William,
- servants and slaves of, 59.
- Chandler, John,
- Charles I,
- considers smoking harmful, 26;
- tries to limit tobacco planting in Virginia, 27;
- tries to limit English tobacco crop, 63;
- limits price of tobacco, 65;
- regulates tobacco trade, 67-69; 70;
- defied by Assembly, 110; 111.
- Charles II, 33;
- proclaimed in Virginia, 84; 111; 93; 96;
- not restored in Virginia before Restoration in England, 112;
- tyranny of, 114.
- Charles City,
- plantations small, 53; 54;
- farms and tithables of, 58; 79; 81.
- Chastellux,
- describes poor whites of Virginia, 152;
- notes indolence of poor whites, 155.
- Chew, Larkin,
- dealer in Spotsylvania land, 154.
- Claiborne, William,
- deals in servants, 116;
- tobacco exports to, 120;
- fights to preserve her monopoly of slave trade, 126;
- seeks to control tobacco trade on continent, 149-150.
- Honey,
- produced in Virginia, 102.
- Hotten's Emigrants to America,
- gives lists of servants, 42; 73.
- Houses,
- comfortable in Virginia, 103-104.
- Howlett, William,
- Immigration,
- volume of in 17th century, 35-36;
- fixes character of eastern Virginia, 36;
- not restricted to servants, 36.
- Indentures,
- system of, 32;
- terms of, 61.
- Indians,
- desire to convert, 14;
- revere tobacco, 24;
- unsuited for laborers, 30.
- Industry, 22;
- pictured in Virginia, 28;
- Virginia not suited for, 29.
- Inventories,
- throw light on distribution of servants and slaves, 59; 73;
- typical examples of, 106-107.
- Iron,
- smelting of exhausts forests, 8;
- could be smelted in Virginia, 15;
- early manufacture of in Virginia, 17-18.
- Isle of Wight county,
- farms and tithables of, 58; 79.
- Jackson, William,
- James I,
- forced to use tobacco, 25;
- considers smoking harmful, 26;
- regulates tobacco trade, 67.
- James II,
- James City county,
- plantations and tithables of, 58;
- landowners listed as headrights in, 76-77; 79;
- slave plot in, 128.
- James River,
- Jamestown, 14;
- glass furnace at, 18;
- streets of planted with tobacco, 25; 86; 111; 112.
- Jefferson, Thomas,
- says slavery made whites lazy, 155.
- Jeffreys, Jeffrey,
- Jennings, Edmund, 109;
- describes slave plot, 128-95; 98;
- retard growth of population, 98-99;
- design of, 116.
- New Albion,
- describes abundance of food in Virginia, 103;
- advises settlers in Virginia as to clothing, 104.
- New Description of Virginia,
- presents optimistic picture of Virginia, 63;
- puts price of tobacco at 3d a pound, 66;
- describes foreign tobacco trade, 69;
- describes Virginia houses, 104;
- cites cases of wealth in Virginia, 107.
- New Kent,
- farms and tithables of, 58.
- Newport, Capt. Christopher,
- returns to England in 1607, 15;
- brings iron ore to England in 1607, 17.
- New Jersey,
- manufactures of lure Virginia whites, 141.
- Nicholson, Sir Francis, 29; 50;
- orders accurate rent roll in 1690, 51;
- again attempts rent roll in 1699, 52;
- completes rent roll, 52; 54;
- makes rent roll accurate, 55, 97; 114;
- gives reason for migration from Virginia and Maryland, 140, 141;
- sues Col. Lawrence Smith for arrears of quit rents, 143;
- testifies to large land grants, 144.
- Norfolk,
- plantations of small, 53;
- farms and tithables of, 58;
- slave plot in, 129.
- Northampton,
- farms and tithables of, 58; 79.
- North Carolina,
- Northern Neck,
- omitted in rent roll, 50; 54; 55.
- Norton, Capt. Wm.,
- brings glass workers to Virginia, 19;
- dies, 19.
- Page, Matthew, 109.
- Page, Mann,
- Pagett, Anthony,
- Parke, Daniel, 109.
- Patent Rolls,
- in Virginia Land Office, 34;
- average grants in, 47;
- show large dealers in servants, 48; 73;
- reveal names of freedmen, 74-75.
- Pattison, Thomas,
- Pearson, Christopher,
- Pelton, George, 102.
- Pennsylvania,
- manufactures of lure Virginia whites, 191;
- migration to, 139-146.
- Perfect Description,
- numbe
ohn Thoroughgood, 75.
- Tithables,
- those listed as, 56;
- in Surry, 56-57;
- number of in various counties, 58.
- Tobacco,
- history of Virginia built on, 20, 23;
- Indians revere, 24;
- first cured in Virginia by Rolfe, 24;
- Virginia suited for, 24;
- ready market for, 24;
- extensively used in England, 24;
- used by James I, 25;
- Virginians turn eagerly to culture of, 25;
- send first cargo of to England, 25;
- London Company displeased at culture of, 25;
- England reconciled to, 26;
- Virginia's only hope, 26;
- Crown tries to divert Virginia from, 27;
- cultivation in Virginia universal, 27;
- shapes immigration, 29;
- requires unskilled labor, 29;
- prosperity of freedmen hinges on, 62;
- amount of one man could produce, 63-64;
- over production of in 1640, 63;
- price of prior to 1660, 64-67;
- account for migration of 1618-1623, 64;
- rich returns from, 64;
- restrictions on trade of, 67-69;
- growing of in England prohibited, 67;
- tax on, 67;
- illegal foreign trade in, 68-69;
- reËxported from England, 70;
- Virginia underbids world in, 70;
- returns from, 71-72;
- freight on high, 72;
- effect of Navigation Acts on, 85-96;
- foreign trade in prohibited, 85;
- requires world market, 86;
- planting in England prohibited, 87;
- exports of to Spain, 87;
- reËxported, 87;
- planted in Holland, 88;
- glut in England causes price of to drop, 89-91;
- exhausts soil, 105;
- Charles I makes offer for, 110;
- trade of revives, 115-116;
- production of increases, 115-116;
- returns from, 116;
- reËxports of, 116-120;
- production of abroad, 117;
- duty on yields crown large revenue, 121;
- price of still low at end of 17th century, Punctuation corrections:
Pg. 3 - added closing quotes (not even beggars;") Pg. 142 - added quotes ("It should be inquired into," he said, "how it comes to pass ...) Pg. 151 - added period (for themselves only. Making) Pg. 152 - added opening quote ("illiberal, noisy and rude,") Pg. 172 - Footnote [5-29], added closing quote (to the Government.") Pg. 251 - added comma after "George" (Archer, George,) Pg. 252 - changed "." to ";" (Carolina ... 99-100; 139-146.) Pg. 254 - added comma after "Benjamin" (Harrison, Benjamin,) Pg. 254 - added comma in Freedmen (what became of, 43;) Pg. 257 - changed comma to semi-colon (Plantations ... listed in rent roll of 1704-5, 53;) Spelling Corrections: Pg. 87 - "exlusive" to "exclusive" (1) (secured exclusive privileges) Pg. 88 - "nigher" to "higher" (profit higher at home?) Pg. 124 - "butt wenty" to "but twenty" (there were but twenty) Pg. 125 - "chieftians" to "chieftains" (the native chieftains) Pg. 156 - "Birtish" to "British" (upon British imports) Pg. 162 - added Chapter Title "Notes to Chapters" as shown in the Contents. Pg. 176 - "Britain" to "British" (in Footnote [7-23] ... British Public Record Office) Pg. 191 - "ped" to "per" (per Robert Rivers) Pg. 208 - "Sgeriff" to "Sheriff" (Henry Royall Sheriff) Pg. 215 - "Shreiff" to "Sheriff" (the Sheriff is to be allowed) Pg. 215 - added "A" at head of alphabetical list of names. Pg. 223 - "Sherif" to "Sheriff" (Tho Parker Sheriff) Pg. 245 - added "D" at head of alphabetical listing of names. Pg. 252 - "Spotsvylvania" to "Spotsylvania" (Chew, Larkin ... dealer in Spotsylvania) Pg. 255 - "gratned" to "granted" (Land, ... large tracts granted,) Pg. 257 - "Eir" to "Sir" (Sandys, Sir Edwin,) Pg. 258 - "centry" to "century" (Sickness ... abates before end of 17th century,) Pg. 259 - "Thorouhggood" to "Thoroughgood" (Thoroughgood, Adam, ... brother of Sir John Thoroughgood,) Footnote and Anchor Corrections/Notations: Footnotes and their anchors have been renumbered to include the chapter number, thus the Chapter 3 Footnote #5 becomes [3-5] in this e-text. Footnotes without anchor points are not hyper-linked. Pg. 19 - A second anchor to Footnote [1-18] has been corrected to anchor Footnote [1-19]. Pg. 87 - Chapter 5, Footnote anchors skip from [5-2] to [5-7], and again from [5-33] to [5-35]. No anchor points for Footnotes 3 through 6 or 34 appear in the original text though the footnotes are included in the "Notes to Chapters" beginning on pg. 162. Also; Pg. 115 - Chapter 7, Footnotes skip from [7-2] to [7-4]. No reference point for Footnote 3. Pg. 163 - Footnote [2-19], no page number was given. (p.--.) Pg. 179 - Footnote [8-54], in reference to Philip Fithian, Journal and letters, p. 130 appears twice in original text and has been retained. Appendix - Information contained in the Rent Rolls appears to have been set out verbatim for each VA county or Parish. Inconsistencies appearing in the original text, which have been retained include: a. Inconsistent punctuation of abbreviations; b. Inconsistent representation of abbreviations; c. Missing end of line punctuation; d. Inconsistent alphabetization of proper names; e. Inconsistent spelling of proper names; f. Inconsistent mathmatical calculations; Other notes and corrections: Printer or Author regularly used "country" in place of what are VA. counties. Pg. 251 - Index listing for Ball, William, no page reference given. However this name is referenced on page 153. Pg. 253 - "558" to "58" (Index listing for Essex, ... farms and tithables of, 58.) Pg. 258 - Index listing for Smelting ... begun at Falling Creek. No page reference given. However reference to both Smelting and Falling Creek appear on page 18. Word variations: "Perfect Discription" and "Perfect Description" "pre-eminence" and "preËminently"