Acadians: ejected, 204 Allerton, Isaac: bribed with seat in Council, 20, 119; refuses oath of allegiance, 126 Amherst, General Jeffrey: replaces Loudoun, 210 Andros, Sir Edmund: Governor, 127; despotic in New England, 127; mild in Virginia, 129; quarrels with Blair, 131; suspends Blair from Council, 131; resigns, 132 Appomatox Indians: hostile, 86 Argall, Samuel: Governor, 6; cruelty of, 7 Aristocracy: effect of slavery on, 152, 153; libraries, 153; mansions, 153; intermarriages, 153; dominate General Court, 153, 154 Armistead, Col. John: Councillor, 119; refuses oath of allegiance, 126 Association: to boycott British goods, 239; successful, 240, 241 Attainder: bill of in 1677, 29 Auditor: duties of, 33; William Byrd, 34; Philip Ludwell, 34 Bacon, Nathaniel: early life of, 84; quarrels with Berkeley, 84; knew Lawrence and Drummond, 84; his overseer murdered, 86; frontiersmen make leader, 87; denounces Berkeley, 87; defeats Occaneechees, 87; elected Burgess, 88; captured, 88; submits, 88, 89; reappointed Councillor, 89; blames Assembly, 90; escapes, 90; takes Jamestown, 90; made general, 90; pleads with Burgesses, 91; master of Virginia, 92; conversation with Goode, 92, 93; at Middle Plantation, 92; plans of, 93; captures Jamestown, 93, 94; burns Jamestown, 94; secret burial of, 94; people mourn, 94 Bacon, Nathaniel, Sr.: ousted from Council, 71 Bacon's Laws: aimed at Berkeley, 91; credit due Bacon, 91; a victory for democracy, 91, 92 Ballard, Thomas: expelled from Council, 20 Baltimore, Lord: visits Virginia, 38; refuses oath, 38; Harvey aids, 43; settles Maryland, 43; recognizes Commonwealth, 69 BarrÉ, Col. Isaac: denounces Stamp Act, 225, 226 Bennett, Richard: favors Parliament, 58; sent to get Puritan ministers, 60; commissioner for Parliament, 64; Governor, 67; Cromwell continues, 70 Berkeley, Lady Frances: marriage, 76; insults Jeffreys, 100, 101; heads faction, 101, 102 Berkeley, Lord John: brother of Sir William, 80 Berkeley, Sir William: limits franchise, 27; appointed Governor, 54; early life, 54; arrives, 55; popular, 55, 56; favors jury trial, 56; gift of houses to, 57; salary, 57; fights for King, 57; defeats Indians, 58; expels Puritan preachers, 61; prosecutes Puritans, 62; proclaims Charles II, 62; defies Parliament, 63; to resist Parliamentary forces, 65, 66; surrenders, 66; under Commonwealth, 68; elected Governor, 73; reappointed by Charles II, 75; dictatorial, 76; greed, 76; marriage, 75; distrusts self-government, 76; use of patronage, 77; corrupts Assembly, 77; the Long Assembly, 77, 78; accused by Charles City, 77, 78; grants of land, 78, 79; people hate, 78; favorites of, 79; asks free trade, 80; denounces Navigation Acts, 80, 81; makes Bacon Councillor, 84; despotism of, 84; sends force against Indians, 86; Indian policy, 86; people in arms, 87; calls an election, 88; captures Bacon, 88; forces Bacon's submission, 88, 89; overawes Burgesses, 89; submits to Bacon, 90, 91; starts civil war, 92; flees to Eastern Shore, 92; executes patriots, 95, 96, 99; illegal seizures, 98; quarrels with Jeffreys, 98, 99; ordered to England, 99; picks Burgesses, 99, 100; sails, 101; death, 101 Berry, Sir John: committee on Bacon's Rebellion, 92 Beverley, Peter: court of oyer and terminer, 170 Beverley, Robert: Green Spring faction, 101, 102; Assembly minutes seized from, 103; testifies against Nicholson, 148 Bill of Ports: Burgesses reject, 128; Spotswood secures, 162-165; patronage from, 163, 164; Gooch secures, 191, 192 Blair, Archibald: hates Spotswood, 172, 173 Blair, Rev. James: defends Harrison, 22; founds college, 31; Commissary, 130; church reform plans, 130, 131; Quarrel with Andros, 131; Andros ousts from Council, 131; restored, 131; ousts Andros, 132; for Nicholson, 133; Nicholson angers, 136; accuses Nicholson, 147, 148; called King maker, 149; called hypocrite, 171; visits England, 175; to be "Prime Minister," 175, 176 Blair, John: meets Dinwiddie, 194; calls Assembly, 209; prepares expedition, 209, 210 Bland, Gyles: executed, 99 Bland, Col. Richard: defends Two-penny Act, 214; for self-government, 216; to submit to Stamp Act, 226; General Committee of Safety, 249; convention of 1776, 255 Botetourt, Lord: Governor General, 232; welcomed, 232; popular, 232; warns British government, 233; promises repeal of Townshend Acts, 234, 235; death, 235 Braddock, General: defeat of, 203 Braxton, Carter: predicts independence, 255 Buck, Rev.: Minister at Jamestown, 5 Buckner, John: sets up press, 117 Burgesses, House of: bribed by Governors, 19, 20; represent people, 25; privileges, 26; franchise, 26; wages, 27, 28; county pays, 28; Speaker, 28; committees, 29; guards elections, 29; as a court, 29; control of taxation, 29-31; act of 1680, 30; rule under Commonwealth, 67, 68; elect Governor, 70; Berkeley corrupts, 77; end of Long Assembly, 87, 88; Bacon's victory in, 88; Bacon's Laws, 91, 92; pro-Berkeley in 1677, 99; protest appeals to England, 114; James II scorns petition, 114; protest fees, 115; sole right to tax, 115; dispute King's authority, 115, 116; reject royal bills, 127; rile Edward Randolph, 128; refuse aid to New York, 128; £500 for New York, 128, 129; name Treasurer, 128, 129; Nicholson wheedles, 138; Spotswood bribes, 163, 164; new election, 164; oppose Spotswood, 165; Spotswood rebuffs, 165, 166; judges elections, 166; strike at Governors' power, 167; Spotswood denounces, 168; deride Spotswood, 171; charges against Spotswood, 173; praise Drysdale, 177, 178; contempt of punished, 179; praise Gooch, 180; growth of, 182; salaries, 183; power of grows, 184; aristocrats in, 184; praise Gooch, 193; protest pistole fee, 197; fee called arbitrary taxation, 197; appeal to King, 198; audacity of, 204; eject Acadian exiles, 204; vote £60,000, 205; emit treasury notes, 5; under constitution of 1621, 21; patronage of, 21; powers of, 23-25; as cabinet, 23; as Upper House, 23, 24; as supreme court, 24; prestige of, 24, 25; Virginia House of Lords, 25; conflict with Harvey, 41-47; arrest Harvey, 46; Burgesses oust, 71; power of from England, 72; dissolve Assembly, 1659, 72; lose fat jobs, 134; Nicholson abuses, 140, 141; six accuse Nicholson, 147-150; represent aristocracy, 151, 152; titles of, 152; respect for, 152; Nott defers to, 154, 155; appeal for peace, 155; Burgesses back, 155; a threat to Liberty, 159; land holdings of, 162; preserve judicial power, 169-171; for large land grants, 178; negative role in Revolution, 242 County courts: undemocratic, 21; Governor's power over, 22; duties of, 31; Governor appoints, 78; taxation by, 78; Bacon's Laws, 92 Coventry, Attorney General: issues quo warranto against Company, 12 Cromwell, Oliver: neglects Virginia, 70; death, 72 Cromwell, Richard: Lord Protector, 72; resigns, 72 Culpeper, Lord Thomas: despotism under, 18; limits franchise, 27; grant to, 82; Governor, 102; Cavalier, 109; delays sailing, 109; brings peace, 110; forces act for "perpetual revenue," 110-112; returns to England, 112; robs soldiers, 113; hangs rioters, 113; Effingham succeeds, 113 Curtis, Edmund: commissioner to Virginia, 64; negotiates surrender, 65 Dale, Sir Thomas: Governor, 6; brings harsh laws, 6; cruelty of, 7 Dawson, Commissary William: meets Dinwiddie, 194; denounces Two-penny Act, 212 Day of Prayer: June 1, 1774, 238, 239 Debts: due merchants, 189; appeals to Privy Council, 189, 190 De la Warr, Lord: Governor, 5, 6; ill, 6; leaves Virginia, 6; humane, 7; sails with Magna Carta, 8; death, 8 Democracy: New World favorable for, 3; yeomen build up, 3; Quary warns of, 35; gains under Commonwealth, 75; Glorious Revolution, 122; small slave holders for, 185 Dennis, Captain Robert: heads commission to Virginia, 64; lost on the John, 64 Digges, Cole: election thrown out, 166, 167; named to new court, 170; Indian Company, 171 Digges, Edward: Governor, 71 Dinwiddie, Robert: Lieutenant Governor, 194; career, 195; backs Assembly, 195; pistole fee, 196-200; calls Virginians republicans, 198, 199; cautioned by King, 199, 200; horrors of Indian war, 201; warns British, 201; sends Washington to the Ohio, 201; asks funds, 201; vetoes bill with rider, 202; wants Parliament to tax, 202, 204; expends funds, 206; resigns, 206; sounds alarm bell, 207; suggests union of colonies, 208 Drummond, Sarah: property confiscated, 104 Drummond, William: hates Berkeley, 80; influences Bacon, 84; Bacon consults, 88; burns own house, 94; Berkeley's brutality to, 95 Drysdale, Hugh: popular, 18; Lieutenant Governor, 175, 176; arrives, 1722, 177; character, 177; opposes huge land grants, 178; upholds House, 178, 179; death, 179 Dunbar, Colonel: retreat of, 203 Dunmore, Earl of: Governor, 236; conduct in New York, 236; treaty with Indians, 243; seizes powder, 244; threatened, 245; suggests "compromise," 246, 247; on the Fowey, 248; escapes capture, 249; asks troops, 249; controls water, 250; in Elizabeth River, 250; seizes press, 250; seizes Norfolk, 250, 251; evacuates Norfolk, 251; threatens bombardment, 251, 252; at Gwynn's Island, 252; leaves Virginia, 253; says Virginia wants independence, 253 Dunmore, Lady: ball in honor of, 239; flees Williamsburg, 245, 247 Duquesne, Fort: Forbes to attack, 209; French evacuate, 210 Durand, William: persecuted for dissent, 62 Dutch: trade to Virginia, 68, 69; trade protected, 69; wars with, 81 Effingham, Lord Howard: despotism of, 18, 118; Governor, 113; character, 113; ends appeals to Assembly, 114; uses patronage for political ends, 118; favors Roman Catholics, 119; leaves Virginia, 120 Elections: Nicholson interferes in, 138; foul play at, 172 Embargo: opposed in England, 59; enforced in 1650, 63 English, William: denounces Harvey, 44, 45; arrested, 45; released, 47 Fauquier, Francis: Lieutenant Governor, 209; erudite, 209; tact, 210; reprimanded, 211, 213; upholds Two-penny Act, 212; London criticises, 213; denounces Camm, 214; thinks Henry extreme, 227; protects Mercer, 228; death, 231 Fees: Bacon's Laws fix, 92; bill to limit vetoed, 167; pistole controversy, 196-200 First Stuart Despotism: influence on colonies, 3 Fithian, Philip: sees drilling in Valley, 244 Forbes, General: to attack Fort Duquesne, 209; takes fort, 210 Fouace, Rev. Stephen: Nicholson jealous of, 143; flees Virginia, 144; testifies against Nicholson, 148 Fowey: powder taken to, 244 Franchise: changes in, 26; under Commonwealth, 70; all freemen have in June, 1676, 88; Bacon's Laws widen, 91; Spotswood tries to restrict, 166; act to limit, 181 French and Indian War: horrors of, 201; Washington warns French, 201; Braddock's defeat, 203; raids in Valley, 205; influence on Revolution, 207, 208 Gates, Sir Thomas: Governor, 6; brings cruel laws, 6 General Assembly: Magna Carta authorizes, 8; under Constitution of 1621, 9; meets, 1619, 9, 10; acts of in 1619, 10; right to tax, 10; Charles I ignores, 13; meets unofficially, 14; Charles I summons, 15; oppose reviving Company, 17; powers of grow, 34, 35; accuses Harvey, 47; reapportions taxes, 56; gift to Berkeley, 57; permits free trade, 59; recognizes Charles II, 62; surrenders to Parliament, 66; ousts Governor and Council, 71; elects Berkeley Governor, 73; powers of, 74; proclaim Charles II, 1660, 74; Berkeley corrupts, 77; Long Assembly, 77, 78; protest grant, 82; ask charter, 85; Bacon demands election, 87, 88; in 1677 picked by Berkeley, 99, 100; bill of attainder, 100; protest seizure of records, 103; Charles II assails, 108, 109; King to initiate bills, 108; no appeals to, 109, 113, 114; "perpetual revenue" to King, 110-112; attempt to repeal revenue act of 1680, 156; Quary on, 156, 157; Queen Anne vetoes revenue act, 157; Jenings dissolves, 159; bill of ports, 162-165; Queen's death dissolves, 164; Spotswood angers, 164; bills to limit Governor's power, 167; use of rider by, 167, 168; thwart Spotswood, 172; protest debt ruling, 189; gift to Dinwiddie, 195, 196; war an opportunity for, 201; vote £10,000, 201; expenditure of funds, 201, 202; vote £20,000 with rider, 202; support war, 203; ask paper money issue, 203, 204; aid to Royal American Regiment, 205; Governor spends funds, 206; right of to govern, 216; last sessions, 248 General Committee of Safety: ablest men on, 249 General Court: court of appeals, 113, 114; Nicholson's violence in, 139; Nicholson packs juries, 139, 140; on Burgesses' salary, 166 Glorious Revolution: 3, 253; forced by British, 253, conflict with Parliament, 3; charter to Virginia Company, 4; assails London Company, 11; offers compromise, 12 James II: scorns Burgesses' petition, 114; repeals act of Assembly, 115, 116; revives a law, 116; favors Catholics, 119; deposed, 120 Jamestown: founded, 2; first Assembly at, 9; capitol at, 25, 26; Lord Baltimore at, 38; Charles II proclaimed at, 74; Bacon's Assembly, 88; Berkeley occupies, 93; Bacon captures, 93; burnt, 94; William and Mary proclaimed, 121; statehouse burns, 1698, 146 James, Thomas: missionary to Virginia, 60; driven out, 61 Jefferson, Thomas: friend of Fauquier, 209; committee of correspondence, 237; answers British "compromise," 247; prefers independence to slavery, 254; on independence, 254 Jeffreys, Col. Herbert: ousts Councillor, 20; Lieutenant Governor, 97; insulted, 100, 101; promises reforms, 101; ill, 102; ousts Beverley, 104; indicts Philip Ludwell, 104, 105; dies, 105; wife imprisoned, 105 Jeffries, Jeffrey: agent for charter, 123, 124 Jenings, Edmund: Councillor, 126; acting Governor, 157, 158; career of, 158; dissolves Assembly, 159; suspended from Council, 179 The John: sails to Virginia, 64; sinks, 65 Johnson, Edward: on God's revenge on Virginia, 61 Johnson, Samuel: denounces Americans, 223 Kemp, Matthew: insulted in House, 179 Kemp, Richard: advises Harvey to leave, 46; carries off Mathews' property, 50; prosecutes Panton, 50, 51; Secretary, 51; escapes to England, 52; acting Governor, 57 Kendall, George: member of Council, 4; expelled, 4; executed, 5 Knowles, Rev. John: missionary to Virginia, 60; driven out, 61 Laissez faire: 177; passing of, 224 Land: Berkeley's grants, 78, 79; rent roll, 135; must cultivate to hold, 162; law defied, 162; Drysdale opposes large grants, 178; much unpatented, 198 Lawrence, Thomas: cheated by Berkeley, 79, 80; influence on Bacon, 84; Bacon consults, 88; burns own house, 94; fate unknown, 95 Laws, Military: severe, 6, 7; cruelly enforced, 7 Lee, Arthur: repulsed in England, 254 Lee, Henry: convention of 1776, 255 Lee, Philip Ludwell: protests paper money, 219 Lee, Richard Henry: 219; protests Stamp Act, 224; committee of correspondence, 237; Continental Congress, 240; convention of 1776, 255 Lewis, Gen. Andrew: at Point Pleasant, 243; bombards Gwynn's Island, 252 Liberty: taxation and, 2; threatened in England, 2; Glorious Revolution aids, 122; new charter to guarantee, 124; Nicholson assails, 146, 147; Council threatens, 159; victory for, 181; Virginians called republican, 198; Bland argues for, 216; Burke on, 240; won, 257 Lightfoot, John: Nicholson upbraids, 141; charges against Nicholson, 147, 148 Littlepage, Richard: refuses to certify grievances, 165; House asks arrest of, 165 London, Bishop of: calls Two-penny act treason, 213 Loudoun, Earl of: praises Burgesses, 205; embargo defied, 205, 206; Governor, 207 Ludwell, Philip: auditor, 34; marries Lady Berkeley, 76; insults Jeffreys, 100; Green Spring faction, 101; indicted, 104, 105 Ludwell, Philip, Jr.: accuses Nicholson, 138; Nicholson challenges, 145; auditor, 168; Spotswood ousts, 169; leaves new court, 170; Spotswood denounces, 171 Ludwell, Thomas: seeks charter for Virginia, 1; fears rebellion, 80; reports disasters, 81; agent for Virginia, 82; presides over Council, 104 Madison, James: convention of 1776, 255 Magna Carta of Virginia: drawn up, 8; De la Warr sails with, 8; Yeardley takes to Virginia, 8; Assembly authorized, 8, 9 Mandeville, Lord Henry: heads commission on Virginia, 13; reappoints Yeardley, 13 Martin, John: member of Council, 4 Martin, Nicholas: denounces Harvey, 44, 45; arrested, 45 Maryland: Baltimore founds, 43; surrenders to Parliament, 67; Virginia seeks to annex, 69 Mason, George: general committee of safety, 249; convention of 1776, 255 Mathew, Thomas: says Berkeley cheated Lawrence, 79 Mathews, Samuel: resists Harvey, 42, 43; opposes founding of Maryland, 43; opposes tobacco contract, 44; compares Harvey with Richard III, 45; arrests Harvey, 46; King orders arrest of, 48; sent to England, 49; his property seized, 50; favors Parliament, 56; Governor, 71; recalled, 71; re-elected, 72; dies, 73 Maury, Rev. James: sues for salary, 214; Patrick Henry attorney against, 215 Menefie, George: Harvey questions, 45; accused of treason, 46; withholds Harvey's commission, 47 Mercer, Col. George: stamp distributor, 227, 228; crowd threatens, 228; will not distribute, 228 Merchants, British: oppose free trade, 68, 69; conflict with planters, 185; Royal African Company, 186; oppose duty on slaves, 186; taxed, 186; Virginians angered at, 188; Virginians in debt to, 188, 189; petition Parliament, 189, 190; protest paper money, 217; renew complaints, 219; for legal tender, 220 Meriwether, Nicholas: Spotswood removes, 164 Milner, Col. Thomas: Nicholson praises, 126 Molasses Act: resented in Virginia, 188 Moryson, Francis: seeks charter for Virginia, 1; agent for Virginia, 81; committee on Bacon's Rebellion, 97 Navigation Acts: Berkeley protests against, 80; impoverish Virginia, 81 Nelson, Thomas: protests paper money, 219 Nelson, William: protests paper money, 219 New Granada: expedition against, 192; failure, 192 New Kent: Bacon invades, 87 Newport, Capt. Christopher: member of Council, 4 Nicholas, Robert Carter: defends Two-penny Act, 216; Treasurer, 222; burns notes, 222; to submit to Stamp Act, 226; day of prayer, 238; prevents storming of Palace, 245; constitution of 1776, 255 Nicholson, Sir Francis: on ideal Governor, 18; use of patronage, 20, 21; power over courts, 22; calls Virginians republicans, 35; Lieutenant Governor, 124; character, 124, 125; abuses clergymen, 124, 125; in New York, 125; cautious, 125; defends prerogative, 126, 127; aids college, 127; Governor General, 133; program of, 133, 134; violent temper, 134; offends Councillors, 134; rent roll, 135; offends vestries, 136; tries to control Church, 136; threatens Burgesses, 137; gives aid to New York, 137; wheedles Burgesses, 138; browbeats voters, 138; abuses Burgesses, 138; threatens Speaker, 139; violent in General Court, 139; packs juries, 139; heckles Council, 140; abuses Wallace, 142, 143; loves Lucy Burwell, 142-145; threatens Fouace, 143, 144; derided in England, 144; challenges Philip Ludwell, Jr., 145; founds Williamsburg, 146; despotism resented, 146, 147; charges against, 147-150; denies charges, 148, 149; Quary defends, 82; Berkeley fears, 83; outbreaks in 1674, 83, 84; Virginia ready for, 85; led by Bacon, 87-96; influence of Bacon's rebellion, 95, 96; causes of, 96; threatened in 1677, 100; in 1689, 120, 121 Richmond, Duke of: supports colonists, 241 Rights, Declaration of: committee to prepare, 256 Robinson, John: Speaker and Treasurer, 28; Fauquier wins support, 210; death, 221; illegal loans of, 221 Rolfe, John: cures tobacco, 15 Sandys, Sir Edwin: Puritan, 8; Treasurer of London Company, 8; gets new charters, 8; Virginia Magna Carta, 8; sent to Tower, 11; fights to save charter, 12; advises restoring Company, 13; champions English liberty, 15 Sandys, George: asks revival of Company, 17 Second Stuart Despotism: influence on colonies, 3, 106-121 Secretary of State: duties of, 33 Sheriffs: political use of by Berkeley, 78; Bacon's Laws, 91; Effingham uses, 118; Nicholson uses, 137, 138 Slavery: effect on aristocracy, 152; cheapens tobacco, 184; small planters buy, 184, 185; slave plots, 186; duty on slaves vetoed, 186, 187; Virginia resents vetoes, 187; Dunmore recruits slaves, 250 Smith, Capt. John: imprisoned, 4; hanging threatened, 5; sole Councillor, 5 Smith, Col. Joseph: accused by court, 178; Burgesses reprimand, 178; Drysdale removes, 179 Smith, Col. Lawrence: sued for quit rents, 135 Sons of Liberty: 229 Speaker: prestige, 28; Nicholson threatens, 139; made Treasurer, 210; Fauquier ordered to separate, 210 Spencer, Nicholas: fears mutiny in 1677, 100 Spotswood, Col. Alexander: able, 18; on Burgesses salary, 27, 28; Lieutenant Governor, 159; career, 160; Orkney his patron, 160; explores west, 161; instructions, 161; act for ports, 162-165; jobs handed out, 163, 164; House angers, 165; to limit franchise, 166; Council balks, 166; vetoes bills, 167; denounces Burgesses, 168; court of oyer and terminer, 169-171; defends new court, 170, 171; foul play at elections, 172; defeated, 172; charges against, 173; seeks flattering addresses, 173; answers charges, 174; Board of Trade upholds, 174; to live in Virginia, 174; Tubal Cain, 175; reconciled to Council, 175; administration of, 176 Stamp Act: dismay at, 224; BarrÉ denounces, 225; ready to resist, 227; Mercer distributor, 227, 228; stamps not landed, 228; Norfolk protests, 229; criticized in England, 230; English merchants protest, 230; repealed, 230 Statehouse: at Jamestown, 24; burned, 1698, 129 Stegg, Thomas: aids Kemp escape, 52; favors Parliament, 58; commissioner for Parliament, 64; lost on the John, 65 Stith, Rev. William: incites against pistole fee, 196 Susan Constant: sails for Virginia, 1 Susquehannocks: fort besieged, 85; torture victims, 85 Taxation: by first Assembly, 10; Burgesses control, 29-31, 115; perpetual revenue to King, 30, 110-112; call fees taxes, 115; protest pistole fee, 197; in colonial history, 225; role in self-government, 225; Jefferson on, 247 Tea: tax on, 236; resistance to tax, 237, 238; banned, 238; Carter refuses, 238 Thompson, Rev. William: missionary to Virginia, 60; driven out, 61 Thrale, John: defends Nicholson, 148 Tobacco: staple of Virginia, 15; Dutch buy, 59; cutting riots, 113; Spotswood's bill of ports, 162-165; prices rise, 163; George I vetoes bill of ports, 168; Gooch's bill of ports, 180-181, 191, 192; slaves cheapen, 184; Gooch argues for bill of ports, 191; A Dialogue, 191; poor standard of value, 211 Tobacco cutting riots: 113. Tories: few in Virginia, 242 Townshend Acts: anger America, 232; unconstitutional, 234 Treasurer: Burgesses name, 128, 129; usually also Speaker, 210; separation ordered, 210; illegal loans by, 221 Utie, John: opposes tobacco contract, 44; arrests Harvey, 46; King orders arrest, 48; sent to England, 49 Vestries: govern parishes, 32; Bacon's Laws, 92; Nicholson attacks power of, 136 Virginia Company of London: charter of 1606, 1, 4; set up despotism, 5; members consider going to Virginia, 7; James I attacks, 11; A True Answer, 11; blamed by commission, 11; rejects King's offer, 12; appeals to Parliament, 12; charter revoked, 12; reasons for, 13; restoring of opposed, 17 Wallace, Rev. James: sermon enrages Nicholson, 141, 142; testifies against Nicholson, 148 Washington, George: warns French on Ohio, 201; expedition to Ohio, 202; commands in Valley, 205; Continental Congress, 240; wears uniform to Congress, 245; commander-in-chief, 245; predicts independence, 254, 255 West: expansion into, 182; aids democracy, 184 West, Capt. Francis: Governor, 37 West, John: acting Governor, 47; sent to England, 49 William III: joint monarch, 121, 122 Williamsburg: capitol at, 146; Nicholson founds, 146; celebrates Stamp Act repeal, 230; day of prayer, 239; powder seized, 244; an armed camp, 248; celebrates independence, 256, 257 Wingfield, Edward: member of Council, 4; ousted, 5; accuses other Councillors, 5 Wormeley, Ralph: supports Dunmore, 242 Wyatt, Sir Francis: receives constitution, 9; Governor, 51 Wythe, George: 219; protests Stamp Act, 224 Yeardley, Capt. George: Governor, 6; brings Magna Carta, 9; calls first Assembly, 10; reappointed, 13; pleads for Assembly, 14; death, 36 Following is a list of significant typographical errors that have been corrected. - Page 7, missing close quote added according to original source text by Brown (of the Court.").
- Page 23, missing close quote added based on transcriber assumption because original source text was not found for confirmation (King in Council.").
- Page 47, "Harvery" changed to "Harvey" (forced Harvey to deliver).
- Page 90, "hubub" changed to "hubbub" (hearing the hubbub).
- Page 123, "aproved" changed to "approved" (he approved of it).
- Page 126, missing open quote added based on transcriber assumption because original source text was not found for confirmation ("but he hath not estate).
- Page 128, close quote removed based on transcriber assumption because open quote is missing and original source text was not found for confirmation (he dissolved them.).
- Page 128, missing close quote added based on transcriber assumption because original source text was not found for confirmation (the King's "goodness").
- Page 143, missing close quote added based on transcriber assumption because original source text was not found for confirmation (to live here.").
- Page 148, "perscution" changed to "persecution" (persecution and injustice).
- Page 170, missing open quote added based on transcriber assumption because original source text was not found for confirmation ("extraordinary emergency").
- Page 171, missing close quote added based on transcriber assumption because original source text was not found for confirmation (the people of Virginia?").
- Page 187, missing close quote added according to original source text by Lipscomb (of a whole country.").
- Page 189, missing close quote added based on transcriber assumption because original source text was not found for confirmation (reports of merchants").
- Page 192, "againt" changed to "against" (expedition against New Granada).
- Page 235, "disappointmnt" changed to "disappointment" (because of their disappointment).
- Page 237, "spirt" changed to "spirit" (the spirit of resistance).
- Page 246, "mazagine" changed to "magazine" (entered the magazine).
- Page 255, "distingiushed" changed to "distinguished" (each distinguished member).
- Page 284, "beseiged" changed to "besieged" (fort besieged, 85;).
- Page 286, "democacy" changed to "democracy" (aids democracy, 184).