Archer, Frederick Scott, 58-69
Argentic Gelatino-Bromide Paper, 106
Abney’s Translation of Pizzighelli and Hubl’s Booklet, 109
A String of Old Beads, 309
Bacon, Roger, 3
Bennett, Charles, 102
Boston, 51
Bromine Accelerator, 29
Bingham, Robert J., 87
Burgess, J., 93
Cabinet Portraits, 84
Camera-Obscura, 3
Chronological Record, 126-139
Convention of 1889, 122
Claudet, A. F. J., 29, 86
Chlorine Accelerator, 29
Collodion Process (Archer’s), 68
Collodio-Chloride Printing Process, 81
Davy, Sir H., 9
Daguerre, L. J. M., 9, 43
Daguerreotype Process, 23, 24, 25
—— Apparatus Imported, 29
Diaphanotypes, 71
Dolland, J., 4
Donkin, W. F., 120
Draper, Dr., 107
Dublin Exhibition, 205-226
Eburneum Process, 82
Elliott & Fry, 96
Eosine, &c., 109
Errors in Pictorial Backgrounds, 231
First Photographic Portrait, 107
Fizeau, M., 6, 28
Flash-light Pictures, 118
Gelatino-Bromide Experiments, 91
Globe Lens, 78
Goddard, John Frederick, 28, 79
Harrison, W. H., 87
Heliographic Process, 11, 12, 13
Heliochromy, 88
Herschel, Dr., 6
Herschel, Sir John, 94
Hillotypes, 71
Hughes, Jabez, 55, 75
Hunt, Robert, 117
International Exhibitions, 42, 77, 82, 111
Johnson, J. R., 107
Kennett, R., 96
Lambert, Leon, 98
Laroche, Sylvester, 116
Lea, Carey, 101
“Lux Graphicus” on the Wing, 273-299
Lights and Lighting, 311
Maddox, Dr. R. L., 91
Magic Photographs, 83
Mawson, John, 85
Mayall, J. E., 54
Macbeth, Norman, 120
Montreal, 51
Morgan and Kidd, 106
Newton, Sir Isaac, 3
New York, 48, 71
Niagara, 50
NiÉpce, J. NicÉphore, 9, 11
NiÉpce de St. Victor, 88
Niagara, Pictures of, 140-158
Notes on Pictures in National Gallery, 245
Orthochromatic Plates, 115
Panoramic Lens and Camera, 76
Pistolgraph, 76
Pensions to Daguerre and NiÉpce, 33
Philadelphia, 49
Ponton, Mungo, 22, 103
Poitevin, M., 85, 108
Porta, Baptista G., 3
Potash Bichromate, 22
Pouncy Process, 78
Pictures of the St. Lawrence, 158-169
Pinhole Camera, 117
Pizzighelli’s Platinum Printing, 118
Pictures of the Potomac, 183-196
Photography in the North, 226-231
Perspective, 237-244
Photography and the Immured Pompeiians, 303
Rambles among Studios, 196-204
Reade, Rev. J. B., 15-22, 90
Rejlander, O. G., 98
Ritter, John Wm., 5
Rumford, Count, 5
Russell, Col., 117
Sable Island, 47
Salomon, Adam, 84
Sawyer, J. R., 121
Scheele, C. W., 4, 5
Senebier, 5
Simpson, George Wharton, 75, 103
Soda Sulphite, 109
Swan’s Carbon Process, 80
Stannotype, 107
Sutton, Thomas, 100
Spencer, J. A., 102
Stereoscopic Pictures, 119
Sharpness and Softness v. Hardness, 249
Simple Mode of Intensifying Negatives, 307
Talbot, Henry Fox, 14, 101
Talbot versus Laroche, 54
Taylor, Professor Alfred Swaine, 104
The Hudson River, 169-183
The Society’s Exhibition, 260
The Use of Clouds in Landscapes, 265
—— as Backgrounds in Portraiture, 269
Union of the North and South London Societies, 253
Vogel, Dr. H. W., 109
Washington, 49
Wedgwood Controversy, 80
Wedgwood, Thomas, 7, 8, 9
Whipple Gallery, 52
Wolcott Reflecting Camera, 28
Wollaston’s Diaphragmatic Shutter, 115
Wollaston, Dr., 6
Woodbury Process, 82
Wothlytype Printing Process, 81