There’s a new heart awaiting a tenant, To whom shall its portals unclose? Dan Cupid is floating his pennant At The Sign of the Lily and Rose. This heart is not offered for selling, The owner all freely bestows A hostelry fit for Love’s dwelling, At The Sign of the Lily and Rose. There’s a happy smile caught in her dimple, That only a debutante shows; And chatter is guileless and simple At the Sign of the Lily and Rose. She’s pleased with the veriest trifles, No artful bewitchment she knows; But Cupid a sigh or two stifles At The Sign of the Lily and Rose. And, indeed, the poor fellow has reason As he thinks of the long string of beaux Who’ll successively stop for a season At The Sign of the Lily and Rose. LOVE PROOF WINDOW SCREENS ADVERTISEMENT Love-Proof Window Screens fill a long-felt want. Easily adjusted. Non-penetrable. With these screens in place, Love cannot fly out of the window when Poverty comes in at the Door. Truelove & Co. Sole Agents 77 Marrion Street ADVERTISEMENT Doctor Iris. Diagnostician for all blindness or eye troubles caused by Love. 24 C Street. Transcriber’s Notes: Punctuation and type-setting errors have been corrected without note. Hyphenation and archaic spellings have been retained as in the original. |