@23972@23972-h@23972-h-11.htm.html#Page_339" class="pginternal">339 | Bunner, H. C. | | Behold the Deeds | Foss, Sam Walter | | Husband and Heather | 160 | Ideal Husband to His Wife, The | 246 | Meeting of the Clabberhuses, The | 244 | A Philosopher | 242 | Prayer of Cyrus Brown, The | 54 | Then Ag'in | 357 | Gallienne, Richard Le | Melton Mowbray Pork-Pie, A | 472 | Gay, John | | New Song, A | 754 | Gilbert, Paul T. | | Triolet | 120 | Gilbert, W. S. | | Etiquette | 256 | Ferdinando and Elvira | 635 | Gentle Alice Brown | 639 | Mighty Must, The | 376 | Played-Out Humorist, The | 25 | Practical Joker, The | 26 | Sing for the Garish Eye | 875 | Sir Guy the Crusader | 644 | Story of Prince Agib, The | 641 | To Phoebe | 28 | To the Terrestrial Globe | 256 | Yarn of the "Nancy Bell" | 632 | Gillinan, S. W. | | Finnigin to Flannigan | 225 | Godley, A. D. | | After Horace | 320 | PensÉes de NoËl | 336 | Goldsmith, Oliver | | Elegy, An | 740 | Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog, An | 764 | Parson Gray | 741 | Googe, Barnaby | | Out of Sight, Out of Mind | 807 | Graves, Alfred Perceval | | Father O'Flynn | 719 | Ould Doctor Macke | 717 | Gray, Thomas | | On the Death of a Favorite Cat | 557 | Greene, Albert Gorton | | Old Grimes | 766 | Grissom, Arthur | | Ballade of Forgotten Loves | 223 | Guiterman, Arthur | | Elegy | 445 | Legend of the First Cam-u-el, The | 888 | Mavrone | 378 | Mexican Serenade | 902 | Sketch from the Life, A | 121 | Strictly Germ Proof | 87 | Halpine, Charles Graham | Feminine Arithmetic | 191 | Harrington, Sir John | | Of a Certain Man | 282 | Of a Precise Tailor | 322 | Harte, Bret | | Ballad of the Emeu, The | 921 | "Jim" | 652 |
ernal">572 Nairne, Lady | | The Laird o' Cockpen | 703 | Newell, Robert H. [Orpheus C. Kerr] | | American Traveller, The | 757 | Editor's Wooing, The | 389 | Great Fight, A | 697 | Rejected "National Hymns," The | 387 | O'Keefe, John | Friar of Orders Gray, The | 282 | O'Leary, Cormac | | Reflections on Cleopathera's Needle | 105 | O'Reilly, John Boyle | | Constancy | 137 | Osborn, Selleck | | Modest Wit, A | 260 | Outram, George | | Annuity, The | 350 | On Hearing a Lady Praise a Certain Rev. Doctor's Eyes | 368 | Pain, Barry | | Bangkolidye | 334 | Martin Luther at Potsdam | 404 | Oh! Weary Mother | 000 | Poets at Tea, The | 486 | Paine, Albert Bigelow | | Mis' Smith | 119 | Sary "Fixes Up" Things | 192 | Palmer, E. H. | | Parterre, The | 180 | Shipwreck, The | 876 | Palmer, William Pitt | | Smack in School, The | 128 | Parke, Walter | | Foam and Fangs | 544 | His Mother-in-Law | 75 | My Madeline | 773 | Vague Story, A | 74 | Young Gazelle | 918 | Paull, H. M. | | Eastern Question, An | 598 | Peck, Samuel Minturn | | Bessie Brown, M.D. | 120 | Kiss in the Rain, A | 123 | Pelham, M. | | Comical Girl, The | 946 | Perry, Nora | | Love Knot, The | 124 | Philips, Barclay | | Polka Lyric, A | 832 | Philips, John | | Splendid Shilling, The | 316 | Piggot, Mostyn T. | | Hundred Best Books, The | 769 | PlanchÉ, J. R. | | Song | 99 | Pontalais, Jehan Du | | Money | 323 | Pope, Alexander | | Fool and the Poet, The | 363 | Ruling Passion, The | 285 | To a Blockhead | 362 | Porson, Richard | | Dido | 366 | Nothing | 786 | Porter, H. H. | | Forty Years After | 210 | <
tr> Messed Damozel, The | 471 | Traill, H. D. | | After Dilettante Concetti | 474 | Trowbridge, John Townsend | | Darius Green and His Flying-Machine | 690 | Turner, Eliza Sproat | | Little Goose, A | 938 | Turner, Godfrey | | Love Playnt, A | 408 | Tytler, James | | I Hae Laid a Herring in Saut | 216 | | | Untermeyer, Louis | | Owen Seaman | 480 | Robert Frost | 479 | Vandyne, Mary E. | | The Bald-headed Tyrant | 720 | Villon, FranÇois | | All Things Except Myself I Know | 343 | Wake, William Basil | | Saying Not Meaning | 666 | Ward, Artemus [See Charles Farrar Browne] | | Ware, Eugene Fitch | He and She | 109 | Manila | 949 | Siege of Djklxprwbz, The | 96 | Warren, George F. | | Lord Guy | 191 | Waterman, Nixon | | If We Didn't Have to Eat | 57 | Weatherly, Frederic E. | | Bird in the Hand, A | 170 | Thursday | 313 | Usual Way, The | 200 | Webb, Charles Henry | | Little Mamma | 943 | Wells, Carolyn | | Diversions of the Re-Echo Club | 515 | Limericks | 835 | Styx River Anthology | 521 | West, Paul | | Cumberbunce, The | 844 | Wesley, Rev. Samuel | | On Butler's Monument | 370 | Witcher, Frances M. | | K. K.—Can't Calculate | 353 | Widow Bedott to Elder Sniffles | 195 | White, Harriet R. | | Uffia | 877 | Whittier, John Greenleaf | | Skipper Ireson's Ride | 688 | Wilcox, Ella Wheeler | | Pin, A | 132 | Wildgoose, Oscuro | | More Impressions | 509 | Wilkie, A. C. | | Old Song By New Singers, An | 506 | Willis, N. P. | | Declaration, The | 446 | Willson, Arabella | | Appeal for Are to the Sextant of the Old Brick Meetinouse, A | 66 | Wolcot, John | | Actor, The | 287 | Pilgrims and the Peas, The | 621 | Razor Seller, The | 297 | To a Fly | 734 | Yates, Edmund | | All-Saints |