- Page
- “I smiled at myself at the sight of all this money. ‘Oh, drug,’ said I, aloud, ‘what art thou good for? thou art not worth to me, no, not the taking off the ground. One of these knives is worth all this heap’” frontispiece
- The representatives of labor and the representatives of capital proposing to have a difference 18
- Then the bubble burst; stock companies all failed 29
- The survival of the fittest 52
- A shadow is not a substance 58
- One way of blowing a dissatisfied party out of existence 70
- This scheme accordingly found many opponents, who alleged that, if it were carried out, it would deprive them of money, and consequently of instrumentalities for making their exchanges 75
- “An instrument of military necessity, once created, remains such an instrumentality for continued use for all time; no matter who it may hit, or what property it may destroy” 81
- The doctors prescribe continued low (fiscal) diet 85
- The Arab and the camel 92
- Milk-tickets for babies, in place of milk 97
- An inflation look ahead 102
- Increasing the volume of the currency 106
- The hungry dog and the shadow 115