| | PAGE | Age of Wisdom, The | William Makepeace Thackeray | 82 | All things Except Myself I Know | FranÇois Villon | 6 | American Girl, An | Brander Matthews | 241 | Amour de Voyage | Rudyard Kipling | 318 | Amy’s Cruelty | Elizabeth Barrett Browning | 68 | Applied Astronomy | Esther B. Tiffany | 291 | Ask and Have | Samuel Lover | 59 | At the Lattice | Alfred Austin | 151 | Avice | Austin Dobson | 177 | | Bachelor Girl, The | Oliver Herford | 300 | Bagatelle, A | James G. Burnett | 228 | Ballad of Bouillabaisse, The | William Makepeace Thackeray | 83 | Ballad of Cassandra Brown, The | Helen Gray Cone | 278 | Ballad of Dead Ladies, The | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | 125 | Ballade Made in the Hot Weather | W. E. Henley | 238 | Ballade of Dead Ladies (After Villon) | Andrew Lang | 199 | Ballade of Dreams Transposed | Gelett Burgess | 325 | Ballade of June | W. E. Henley | 237 | Ballade of Ladies’ Names | W. E. Henley | 236 | Ballade of Old Sweethearts, A | Richard Le Gallienne | 317 | Ballade of Summer | Andrew Lang | 196 | Ballade of the Devil-May-Care | Gelett Burgess | 323 | Ballade of the Summer-Boarder, The | H. C. Bunner | 254 | Be Ye in Love with April-Tide? | Clinton Scollard | 289 | Because | Edward Fitzgerald | 73 | Before the Blossom | Robert Underwood Johnson | 246 | Belle of the Ball-Room, The | Winthrop Mackworth Praed | 64 | Best of the Ball, The | William Sawyer | 123 | Best Thing in the World, The | Anonymous | 223 | Between the Showers | Amy Levy | 304 | Beware! | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 70 | Biftek aux Champignons | Henry Augustin Beers | 206 | Bluebell, The | Margaret Deland | 274 | Borderland | Herman Knickerbocker VielÉ | 269 | Bracelet, The | Robert Herrick | 16 | Brighton Pier | Clement Scott | 132 Love and Age | Thomas L. Peacock | 46 | Love Disposed Of | Robert Traill Spence Lowell | 93 | Love in a Cottage | Nathaniel Parker Willis | 71 | Love in the Calendar | Robert Underwood Johnson | 247 | Love-Knot, The | Nora Perry | 146 | Love Test, A | Carl Herlozssohn | 229 | Lover’s Litany, The | Rudyard Kipling | 319 | Lunch, The | Thomas Bailey Aldrich | 155 | | Mabel, in New Hampshire | James Thomas Fields | 94 | Maid of Murray Hill, The | H. C. Bunner | 262 | Margaret and Dora | Thomas Campbell | 36 | Marjorie’s Kisses | Walter Learned | 209 | Match, A | Algernon Charles Swinburne | 165 | Martial in London | Mortimer Collins | 123 | Merry, Blue-Eyed Laddie, A | Juliet Wilbur Tompkins | 328 | Minuet, The | Mary Mapes Dodge | 168 | Miss Nancy’s Gown | Zitella Cooke | 210 | Mistaken Moth, The | Translated from Wegener | 229 | Modern Dialogue, A | Oliver Herford | 296 | Modern Martyrdom, A | Sam Walter Foss | 275 | My Aunt’s Spectre | Mortimer Collins | 121 | My Grandmother’s Turkey-Tail Fan | Samuel Minturn Peck | 249 | My Love and My Heart | Henry S. Leigh | 157 | My Mistress’s Boots | Frederick Locker-Lampson | 110 | My Pretty Neighbor | Translated from Wegener | 230 | My Wooing | Edwin Hamilton | 213 | | Names | Samuel T. Coleridge | 34 | Nice Correspondent! A | Frederick Locker-Lampson | 112 | Ninety-nine in the Shade | Rossiter Johnson | 190 | | Oh, Tell Me How to Woo Thee | Robert Graham | 27 | Old Collector, The | Beatrice Hanscom | 285 | Old Rhyme, An | Anonymous | 17 | Old Sedan Chair, The | Austin Dobson | 186 | On a Girdle | Edmund Waller | 18 | On a Hymn Book | W. J. Henderson | 252 | On an Intaglio Head of Minerva | Thomas Bailey Aldrich | [344] [345] [346] [347]
|   |