I KNOW when milk does flies contain; I know men by their bravery; I know fair days from storm and rain; And what fruit apple-trees supply; And from their gums the trees descry; I know when all things smoothly flow; I know who toil or idle lie; I know the doublet by the grain; The monk beneath the hood can spy; Master from man can ascertain; I know the nun’s veiled modesty; I know when sportsmen fables ply; Know fools who scream and dainties stow; Wine from the butt I certify; All things except myself I know. Know horse from mule by tail and mane; I know their worth or high or low; Bell, Beatrice, I know the twain; I know each chance of cards and die; I know what visions prophesy, Bohemian heresies, I trow; I know men of each quality; All things except myself I know. ENVOYPrince, I know all things ’neath the sky, Pale cheeks from those of rosy glow; I know death whence can no man fly; All things except myself I know. FranÇois Villon. |