| | PAGE | Address to the Unco Guid, or the Rigidly Righteous | Robert Burns | 86 | Advanced Thinker, An | Brander Matthews | 282 | Æsthete, The | W. S. Gilbert | 260 | All-Saints | Edmund Yates | 237 | Anglicised Utopia | W. S. Gilbert | 252 | Annuity, The | George Outram | 156 | Ape and the Lady, The | W. S. Gilbert | 250 | Ass’s Legacy, The | Ruteboeuf | 7 | Atlantic City | H. C. Bunner | 290 | Ballade of Expansion | Hilda Johnson | 331 | Ballade of Literary Fame | Andrew Lang | 274 | Ballade of Old-Time Ladies, A (Translated by John Payne) | FranÇois Villon | 11 | Battle of Blenheim, The | Robert Southey | 97 | Beauties of Nature, The | Anthony C. Deane | 317 | Bird in the Hand, A | Frederick E. Weatherly | 281 | Boston Lullaby, A | James Jeffrey Roche | 277 | British Visitor, The | From the Trollopiad | 343 | Butterfly of Fashion, A | Oliver Herford | 322 | CacoËthes Scribendi | Oliver Wendell Holmes | 166 | Carman’s Account of a Lawsuit, A | Sir David Lyndsay | 12 | Certain Cure, A | Anthony C. Deane | 316 | Character of Holland, The | Andrew Marvell | 35 | Chorus of Anglomaniacs (From “The Buntling Ball”) | Edgar Fawcett | 275 | Chorus of Women | Aristophanes | 3 | Christmas Out of Town | James Smith | 103 | Cockle v. Cackle | Thomas Hood | 140 | Cologne | Samuel T. Coleridge | 96 | Conservative, A | Charlotte Perkins (Stetson) Gilman | Mary Mapes Dodge | 263 | Lines | Stephen Crane | 337 | Lines by an Old Fogy | Anonymous | 348 | Literary Lady, The | Richard Brinsley Sheridan | 84 | Lost Leader, The | Robert Browning | 186 | Love-Letter, The | Austin Dobson | 267 | Lying | Thomas Moore | 108 | Malbrouck | Translated by Father Prout | 161 | Manly Heart, The | George Wither | 26 | Man’s Requirements, A | Elizabeth Barrett Browning | 163 | Match, A | Punch | 343 | Meeting of the Clabberhuses, The | Samuel Walter Foss | 300 | Midges | Robert Bulwer Lytton | 230 | Miser, The | Edward Fitzgerald | 166 | Modern Puffing System, The | Thomas Moore | 106 | Modest Wit, A | Selleck Osborn | 112 | Mourner À la Mode, The | John Godfrey Saxe | 197 | Mr. Barney Maguire’s Account of the Coronation | Richard Harris Barham | 119 | Mr. Molony’s Account of the Ball Given to the Nepaulese Ambassador by the Peninsular and Oriental Company | William Makepeace Thackeray | 179 | My Lord Tomnoddy | Robert Barnabas Brough | 227 | Net of Law, The | James Jeffrey Roche | 277 | Nora’s Vow | Sir Walter Scott | 94 | Nothing to Wear | William Allen Butler | 213 | Of a Certain Man | Sir John Harrington | 16 | Of Propriety | Charles Stuart Calverley | 235 | On a Magazine Sonnet | Russell Hilliard Loines | 321 | On Don Surly | Ben Jonson | 24 | On Johnson | John Wolcott (Peter Pindar) | 75 | On Lytton | | Wish for Length of Life, The | Juvenal | 6 | Woman | Fitz-Greene Halleck | 132 | Woman’s Will | John Godfrey Saxe | 196 | Would-be Literary Bore, A | Horace | 4 | [358] [359] [360] [361]