Aesthere to the Rose, The | Punch | 40 | After Browning | | 194 | Amateur Flute, The | | 140 | American, One of the Roughs, A Kosmos, An | | 219 | Ancient Mariner, The | | 61 | Angelo Orders His Dinner | Bayard Taylor | 205 | Annabel Lee | Stanley Huntley | 147 | Answer to Master Wither's Song, "Shall I, Wasting in Despair?" | Ben Jonson | 25 | Atalanta in Camden-Town | Lewis Carroll | 270 | At the Sign of the Cock | Owen Seaman | 248 | Baby's Omar, The | Carolyn Wells | 12 | Bachelor's Soliloquy, The | | 17 | Ballad | Charles S. Calverley | 253 | Ballad, A | Guy Wetmore Carryl | 307 | Ballade of Ballade-Mongers, A | Augustus M. Moore | 322 | Bat, The | Lewis Carroll | 82 | Bather's Dirge, The | Tennyson Minor | 155 | Beautiful Snow | | 324 | Bed During Exams | Clara Warren Vail | 298 | Behold the Deeds! | H. C. Bunner | 319 | Bells, The | Judy | 148 | Birds and the Pheasant, The | Punch | 131 | Biter Bit, The | William Aytoun | 161 | Bo-Peep | Anthony C. Deane | 294 | Boston Nursery Rhymes | Rev. Joseph Cook | 32 | Burial of the Bachelor, The | | 88 | By the Sea | Bayard Taylor | 203 | Camerados | Bayard Taylor | 220 | Cannibal Flea, The | Tom Hood, Jr. | 145 | Cantelope, The | Bayard Taylor | 243 | Christmas Wail, A | | 252 | Cimabuella | Bayard Taylor | 255 | Cock and the Bull, The | Charles S. Calverley | 195 | Cockney Enigma on the Letter H | Horace Mayhew | 49 | Commonplaces | Rudyard Kipling | 97 | Crocodile, The | Lewis Carroll | 43 | Cult of the Celtic, The | Anthony C. Deane | 317 |
> Omar for Ladies, An | Josephine D. Bacon | 5 | Only Seven | Henry S. Leigh | 55 | On Wordsworth | | 51 | Oyster-Crabs | Carolyn Wells | 41 | Poet and the Woodlouse, The | A. C. Swinburne | 224 | Poets at a House-Party | Carolyn Wells | 363 | Poets at Tea, The | Barry Pain | 359 | Poker | | 18 | Portrait, A | John Keats | 15 | Poster Girl, The | Carolyn Wells | 257 | President Garfield | | 240 | Prodigals, The | | 292 | Promissory Note, The | Bayard Taylor | 143 | Propinquity Needed | Charles B. Loomis | 241 | Psalm of Life, A | Phoebe Cary | 127 | Quaeritur | Rudyard Kipling | 277 | Quite the Cheese | H. C. Waring | 302 | Recognition, The | William Sawyer | 180 | Rejected "National Hymns," The | Robert H. Newell | 352 | Remember | Judy | 263 | Rigid Body Sings | J. C. Maxwell | 48 | Rout of Belgravia, The | Jon Duan, 84 | Samuel Brown | Phoebe Cary | 142 | Sarah's Halls | Judy | 80 | Self-Evident | J. R. PlanchÉ | 104 | Shrimp-Gatherers, The | Bayard Taylor | 261 | Sir Eggnogg | Bayard Taylor | 175 | Some Day | F. P. Doveton | 329 | Song | Oliver Herford | 27 | Song | James Whitcomb Riley | 22 | Song of a Heart, A | Oliver Herford | 33 | Song of Renunciation, A | Owen Seaman | 279 | Song of the Sheet | | 98 | "Songs Without Words" | Robert J. Burdette | 327 | Staccato to O Le Lupe, A | Bliss Carman | 200 | Striking | Charles S. Calverley | 64 | Tale of Lord Lovell, The | | 326 | Tea, The | Tom Hood, Jr. | 82 | "The Day is Done" | Phoebe Cary [382] [383] [384] [385]
|   |