Allen, Philip F. | The Horse and His Master | 136 | | Aytoun, William | The Laureate's Tourney | 105 | The Biter Bit | 161 | The Laureate | 163 | The Lay of the Lovelorn | 165 | | Bacon, Josephine Daskam | An Omar for Ladies | 5 | | Barham, R. Harris | Not a Sou Had He Got | 89 | | Bede, Cuthbert | In Immemoriam | 174 | | Bennett, John | What Troubled Poe's Raven | 139 | | Boynton, H. W. | The Golfer's Rubaiyat | 3 | | Brooks, Shirley | A Dreary Song | 20 | Waggawocky | 264 | | Bunner, Henry Cuyler | Imitation | 96 | Behold the Deeds! | 319 | Home Sweet Home with Variations | 334 | | Burdette, Robert J. | "Songs Without Words" | 327 | | Cable, George Washington | The New Arrival | 72 | | Calverley, Charles S. | Striking | 64 | Disaster | 79 | In the Gloaming | 116 | Of Friendship | 185 | Of Reading | 186 | The Cock and the Bull | 195 | Ballad | 253 | Lovers, and a Reflection | 259 | | Canning, George | The Elderly Gentleman | 328 | | Carman, Bliss | A Staccato to O Le Lupe | 200 | | Carroll, Lewis | The Voice of the Lobster | 42 | The Crocodile | 43 | Father William | 67 | The Bat | 82 | The Lobster Quadrille | 114 | Atalanta in Camden-Town | 270 | The Manlet | A Grievance | 85 | Imitation of Robert Browning | 210 | The Last Ride Together | 212 | Imitation of Walt Whitman | 224 | | Swift, Dean | A Love Song | 331 | | Swinburne, Algernon Charles | The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell | 180 | Up the Spout | 215 | The Poet and the Woodlouse | 224 | Nephelidia | 282 | | Taylor, Bayard | Ode on a Jar of Pickles | 94 | Gwendoline | 118 | Hiram Hover | 133 | The Promissory Note | 143 | Sir Eggnogg | 175 | By the Sea | 203 | Angelo Orders His Dinner | 205 | Camerados | 220 | The Nettle | 231 | Hadramaut | 233 | The Cantelope | 243 | Cimabuella | 255 | The Shrimp-Gatherers | 261 | The Lay of Macaroni | 284 | | Thackeray, W. M. | Timbuctoo.—Part I | 183 | The Willow-Tree | 188 | Old Fashioned Fun | 333 | | Vail, Clara Warren | Bed During Exams | 298 | | Waring, H. C. | Quite the Cheese | 302 | | Webb, C. H. | The Lost Word | 246 | | Wells, Carolyn | The Baby's Omar | 12 | The Whist-Player's Soliloquy | 23 | Oyster-Crabs | 41 | The Poster Girl | 257 | The Poets at a House-Party | 363 | | Whiting, Lilian | The Three Poets | 230 | | Wildgoose, Oscura | More Impressions | 299 | | Wilkie, A. C. | An Old S [392] [393] [394] [395]
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