Inspired by reading a chorus of spirits in a German play FIRST VOICE.Oh! tell me have you ever seen a red, long-leg'd Flamingo? SECOND VOICE.Oh! yes at Bowling-Green I've seen a red long-leg'd Flamingo, FIRST VOICE.Oh! tell me did you ever see a bird so funny stand-o SECOND VOICE.No! in my life I ne'er did see a bird so funny stand-o FIRST VOICE.He has a leg some three feet long, or near it, so they say, Sir. SECOND VOICE.And what an ugly head he's got! I wonder that he'd wear it. FIRST VOICE.And think, this length of neck and legs (no doubt they have their BOTH.Oh! isn't he a curious bird, that red, long-leg'd Flamingo? Lewis Gaylord Clark. |