Air—Jullien's Polka Qui nunc dancere vult modo Wants to dance in the fashion, oh! Discere debet—ought to know, Kickere floor cum heel et toe One, two three, Hop with me, Whirligig, twirligig, rapidÈ. Polkam jungere, Virgo, vis, Will you join the Polka, Miss? Liberius—most willingly. Sic agimus—then let us try: Nunc vide Skip with me, Whirlabout, roundabout, celerÈ. Tum laev citÒ, tum dextr First to the left, and then t' other way; Aspice retrÒ in vultu, You look at her, and she looks at you. Das palmam, Change hands ma'am CelerÈ—run away, just in sham. Gilbert Abbott À Becket.