Two boys beside my knee With eyes so dark and deep; Two snow-white souls, the God of Love Has given to me to keep. My cup of joy o'er-ran That Summer's day, I knew they were my own— My own alway. My fair twin boys—Ah! me, I look for you Out o'er life's trodden paths, And turn anew To Him, who never yet Has failed to hear A mother's prayer for those She holds so dear. Oh! eyes so dark and sweet, May Heaven's light Shine o'er the paths you tread And make them bright. You could not go astray— For all along A wall of prayer, I build So high and strong, The tempters cannot scale Its dizzy height, And lead my darlings out, To endless night. These dimpled baby hands God gave to you Through rock-ribbed hills of life Their way to hew. Nor would I, though I might Save you the test; For well I know, beyond Lies Heaven and rest. This kiss, a pledge I give To live for you; And know full well, that God The rest will do. FROM THE PRESS OF The San Francisco Printing Co. 411 MARKET ST |