Standing to-night beside their little bed, All richly hung with tapestry and lace, I look half sadly down upon my treasures there, My boys, so full of innocence and grace, My little lambs, safe folded for the night, Caught by the god of slumber unaware. The sturdy lad's soft cheek close pressed Against his baby brother's, soft and fair; The smile is still upon the boy's red mouth. On baby's face the roguish dimples lie; The curls of brown, the shining rings of gold, Like sun and shadow tremble as I sigh— Sigh that so much of innocence and grace So soon must leave a mother's tender care— So soon the hurrying years crowd on apace, And bring to each of toil and pain his share. To-day, when poisoned breath from lips profane, Blown harshly from the busy street below, Entered my safe retreat, and brought Quick to my side the lad, his cheeks aglow, His hazel eyes with wonder wide met mine; I could not speak—I stooped and kissed his hand. The shadow passed, my heart leaped up in joy— The words—the sin—he did not understand. But ere the cloud had left his childish face Upon my heart this deeper shadow lay: I cannot always keep my darlings safe; They'll leave the shelter of the fold some day. Strong-willed, strong-hearted, loving boys— Harmonious souls by angels set attune— Oh, may my fingers touch the keys aright! I ask of Heaven than this no greater boon; No greater boon than wisdom from on high To strengthen them against the snares of sin; To teach them how to live and how to die, To hear their Master bid them "Enter in!" So, with my good-night kiss upon your lips I'll banish all the shadows from my heart, And know He'll send His blessed sunshine in, If only you and I will do our part.