Erotic cults. Rites, Periapts. Phallic symbols. Ceremonials. Concepts. Greece. Asia Minor. Egypt. Literary and historical testimony. Erotic manifestations in various ethnic areas. Search for amatory stimulants. Condemnation of pagan mores. Biblical instances. Sacredness of genitalia. Herodotus on Egyptian cults. Bacchic cult in European countries. Pervasiveness of phallus. Phallic emblems. Biblical references. Incantations. Spells. Philtres. Egyptian love song. Near East. Hittite ritual. Babylon. Canaanites. Greece and Rome. Biblical ethics. Hellenistic Age. Baths. Phallic food. Drillipotae. Yellow. Figurae Veneris. Erotic poems. Phallic divinities. Philodemus of Gadara. Dress. Athens. Panders. Biblical—phallic. Power of woman. Woman as an evil. Aphrodite. Love as an end. Initiation. Rites of Venus. Essence of love. Mysticism. Priapic. Asia Minor. Variant names. Generation. Talisman. Floral.
Testimony of the poets. Obscene deities. Amatory philtres. Amatory foods. Bacchic worship. Ovid on erotic practices. Ovid on philtres. Roman generative deities. Rites of Bona Dea. Generative tutelary deities. Phallic breads. Magic love spells. Assignations. Fescennini versus. Lamps. Larentalia. Heliogabalus. Nonaria. Nose and lips. Ovid. Imperial Rome.
Hindu and Arab treatments and practices. Philtres. Other provocative preparations. Islam. Sterility. Potions. Perfume. Arab erotologist. Amatory principles.
Preparation of philtres. Illustrative legendary, historical, and literary anecdotes, allusions, and citations confirming potency of philtres. Divertive philtres. Medieval philtres. Macrobius. Herbs and plants. The Mill. Amatory procedures. French stimulant. Papyri. Lucian. River. Black Art potion. Inducements. Oriental. Flowers, etc. Variety of ingredients.
Philtres. Dispensers of preparations. Occultists and alchemists associated with preparations. Literary and historical references. Manuals and other erotic texts. Priapus as a saint. Phallic Society. Erotic mores in Europe. Clauder on philtres. Northern deities. Belts of chastity. The Congress: and other medieval practices. Divertive invocation. Privileges. Orgies. Boccaccio. Turkey. LoÏstes. Shakespeare. Villon. Sects. Figurines. Demoniac unions. Astrological.