
Footnotes have been renumbered and placed after the index (before these notes).

In the text, the symbol of a circle with a dot in the center appears frequently. In the UTF-8 version of this e-text, this is represented using Unicode character U+2299 CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR .

In some places in the text, abbreviations are made using three dots in the form of a triangle. In the UTF-8 versions of this e-text, this is represented using U+2234 THEREFORE .

Where obvious, typos have been corrected in the text and marked with an alphabetic footnote. Details of each change are listed below.

[A] Changed "centry" to "century".

[B] Changed "Pavly" to "Pauly".

[C] Changed "l'Élise" to "l'Église".

[D] Changed "Mara" to "Marx".


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