Achilles, 327.
Adams and Jefferson: A Discourse in Commemoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, delivered in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Aug. 2, 1826, 67.
Adams, John, 84, 87-90, 92-97, 101, 104;
similarity to Jefferson, 70;
example of, 70;
work of, 70;
services of, 73;
career of, 73-81, 97-100;
portrait of, 74.
Adams, John Quincy, 100 and note, 122 note;
portrait of, 123.
Adams, Samuel, 80, 96;
portrait of, 97.
Alfred, 48.
Allerton, Isaac, 7.
Amendment, Thirteenth, to the Constitution, 126 note.
America, popular government in, 18, 20;
constitutional history of, 25;
literature of, 26;
discovery of, 31;
Revolution in, 32;
obligations of, 48, 65;
contributions of, to Europe, 62;
example of, 63.
Americans, sacred trust of, 210.
American Union, the, 56.
Ames, Fisher, 183 and note.
Angelo, Michael, 177.
Athens, 204.
Bacon, Francis, 71.
Bennington, Vt., 38.
Benton, Thomas Hart, 119-121;
portrait of, 120.
Berkeley, George, 178 and note, 201.
Blackstone, Sir William, 167 and note.
Boston, Mass., Massacre, 75 note;
Port Bill, 93 and note;
“Tea-Party,” 93 note;
speeches of Webster at, 67.
Bradford, William, 7.
Brewster, William, 7, 15.
Bunker Hill, battle of, 96;
importance of, 57;
motive for, 58;
consequences of, 59.
Bunker Hill Monument, The: An Address delivered at the Laying of the Corner-stone at Charlestown, Mass. June 17, 1825, 30;
and see 208 and note.
Bunker Hill Monument, The Completion of the: An Address delivered June 17, 1843, 50.
Byron, Lord, 9 note.
Camden, N. J., 38.
Capitol, The Addition to the, 200.
Capitol, United States, in 1851, view of, 200.
Carroll, Charles, 107.
Carver, John, 7.
Charlestown, Mass., 58;
speeches of Webster at, 30, 50.
Chatham, Earl of, 177.
Cicero, 21, 177 and note.
Clay, Henry, 122 note, 194 note;
portrait of, 195.
“Coalition,” the, 122 and note.
Concord, Mass., 55, 96.
Congress, Continental, First, 81.
Constitution and the Union, The, 194.
Constitution of the United States, true principles of, 145;
declared by people to be supreme law, 150, 163;
enumerated powers of, 162;
main design of, 162;
failure of Confederation the cause of, 162;
alterable by the people, not the States, 170.
CortÉz, Hernando, 61.
Declaration of Independence, The, 83-87.
Demosthenes, 9, 204.
District of Columbia, 155.
Electors, Presidential, in the United States, 98 note.
Elizabeth, Queen, 12.
Eloquence, nature of, 89.
Embargo Bill of 1807, 156 and note.
England, religious persecutions in, 12;
idea of liberty in, 60.
Executive Patronage and Removal from Office, 174.
Faneuil Hall, Boston, view of, 68;
speeches of Webster in, 67.
Federalist party, 122 note.
Fillmore, Millard, 211;
portrait of, 211.
Foot, Samuel Augustus, 115 note;
Resolution of, 116.
Foreign influence a foe of republican government, 185.
Franklin, Benjamin, 84, 101;
portrait of, 102.
Freedom, spirit of, 179.
Fries, John, 168 and note.
Gage, Thomas, 79.
Gates, Horatio, 41.
Government, representative system of, 44;
principles of, as held by English colonists in America, 61, 62;
powers of, to be used for the general benefit, 131;
a great untaxed proprietor, 132;
republican, foreign influence a foe of, 185.
Government, United States, source of powers of, 150, 162, 164;
powers of, as related to powers of States, 152, 158, 160, 162;
a new experiment, 180.
“Great Debate,” The, 115 note.
Greece, Revolution in (1824), 45 and note.
Greene, Nathanael, 41.
Hancock, John, 90, 96;
portrait of, 91.
Harrington, James, 20.
Harvard College, 23;
view of, 24.
Hayne, Robert Young, 115 note, 117-122;
portrait of, 135.
Hayne, The Reply to: From the Second Speech on Foot’s Resolution, delivered in the Senate of the United States, Jan. 26 and 27, 1830, 115;
first version of, 173 note;
and see 115 note.
Henry, Patrick, 100;
portrait of, 101.
Hillhouse, James, 155 and note.
Holland, Pilgrims in, 14.
Homer, 177.
Independence, American, 201-204.
Independence, Declaration of, 83-87.
Independence Hall, Philadelphia, view of, 80.
Internal improvements, Webster’s opinions concerning, 129.
Jackson, Andrew, 115 note.
Jamestown, Va., 32 and note.
Jefferson, Thomas, 184 note;
similarity to Adams, 70;
example of, 70;
work of, 70;
services of, 73;
career of, 81-85, 99, 100-106;
portrait of, 82.
Kentucky resolutions of 1798, 147 note.
Lafayette, Marquis de, 39 and note;
portrait of, 40.
Lee, Richard Henry, 83.
Legislatures, State, in relation to national laws, 145.
Lexington, Mass., 55, 96.
Liberty the inheritance of every American, 203.
Lincoln, Benjamin, 41.
Lincolnshire, England, 13.
Livingston, Robert R., 84.
Marathon, 8 and note.
Mason and Dixon’s line, 137 and note.
Massachusetts, in the Revolution, 143;
defence of, 144.
Milton, John, 177.
Missouri question, 126-127, 126 note.
Monmouth, N. J., 38.
Monuments of the past, 53.
National Republican party, 122 note, 174.
Nations, progress of, 41.
Newton, Isaac, 71.
New England, The First Settlement of: A Discourse delivered at Plymouth, Mass. Dec. 22, 1820, 3.
New England, third century of history of, 3;
ancestors of, 41;
religious liberty in, 11;
distribution of property in, 19;
education in, 21;
future progress of, 28;
settlement of, 3, 32;
relation of, to Western improvements, 133-134;
Hayne’s attack on, 136;
relation of, to South Carolina doctrine of nullification, 155;
to the embargo of 1807, 157.
Northwest Territory, 126 note.
Nullification, 116, 154, 165-169;
leads to disunion, 169.
Ohio, 126 note.
“Old Style” of reckoning time, 73 note.
Ordinance of 1787, the, 126 and note.
Otis, James, 76;
portrait of, 77.
Paine, Robert Treat, 79, 96.
Parties, political, in 1812, 141.
Party contests under the Constitution, 138.
Phidias, 9.
Philip of Macedon, 204.
Pilgrims, 5 and note;
purpose of, 10, 59;
new home of, 15, 18;
duty of descendants of, 25;
and see New England, First Settlement of.
Pizarro, Francisco, 61.
Plato, 9.
Plymouth, Mass., 6, 7 and note, 28, 59;
speech of Webster at, 3.
Pope, Alexander, 199 note.
Prescott, William, 36, 54, 57, 58.
Public lands, 128.
Public works bonds of union, 129.
Puritans, 5 note.
Putnam, Israel, 36, 54.
Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 73.
Randolph, Peyton, 83.
Raphael, 177.
Religion, influence of, 27.
Religious liberty in New England, 11.
Religious persecutions in England, 12.
Revolution, American, 32;
survivors of, 35, 36, 38;
influence of, upon Europe, 42.
Revolution of 1688, English, importance of, 181.
Revolution, Webster admits right of, 147;
a law to itself, 164.
Robinson, John, 12 and note, 15.
Rome, commonwealth of, 21.
Salem, Mass., speech of Webster at, 111.
Saratoga, N. Y.,