Able-bodied, the, attendance at classes as condition of relief, 94;
not to be allowed out to look for work, 80;
but so allowed, 260;
beer granted to, 246-247;
classification of, 32-33;
detention of, 268, 291;
definition or want of definition of, 4, 11, 13, 15, 22-23, 32, 51, 90,
discrimination among, 3-4, 259;
disfranchisement of, 261;
under Distress Committees, 260-262;
emigration of, 260;
employment of, under Poor Law, 4-6, 10, 28, 74-75, 121, 133, 246;
employment of, at wages, 29, 83, 260-261;
families of, 28, 158-159, 170-171, 184;
in Farm Colonies, 260;
in 1834 Report, 3-6, 11, 13, 236;
Ins and Outs among, 288;
ineligible for relief in Scotland, 95, 356-361;
industrial and reformatory institutions for, 235;
labour test for, 36, 84, 154, 156-158, 259-262;
luncheon allowed to, 246;
under Majority Report, 275;
Manchester rules as to, 152;
mental trainer for, 260, 265;
migration of, 260;
under Minority Report, 297;
and Modified W.T. Order, 158-159, 170-171;
and non-resident relief, 53;
outdoor relief to, 4-8, 13, 15, 22-32, 51, 54, 83-87, 90-91, 130, 149, 152-158, 167, 257-259, 260-262;
at Poplar, 260;
power of Central Authority to regulate, 12-13, 21;
and Principle of Curative Treatment, 265;
and Principle of Less Eligibility, 3-11, 83-84, 259-261;
and Principle of National Uniformity, 3-4, 83, 90-91, 257;
relief in kind for, 39, 42, 43, 130;
relief on loan, 11;
in Scotland, 95, 356-361;
Test Workhouse for, 159-164, 243, 358-359;
women as, 3, 15;
and the workhouse, 5-6, 9-10, 32-33, 61, 74-75, 83-85, 91, 121, 128, 134, 140; 151, 154-160, 165, 235-236, 244-247, 259-260, 262, 268;
See also Unemployed and Vagrants;
----Test Workhouse, 159-164, 170, 243, 358-359;
Aged and infirm, 3, 8-9, 12, 51-53, 89 n., 128-130, 132, 148, 229-240, 265, 271;
definition of, 51, 52;
grant of outdoor relief to, 6-7, 8-9, 15, 18, 51-52, 65 n., 84, 128-130, 131 n., 149-153, 207, 229-235, 258, 262, 265;
in workhouse, 56, 61, 71-72, 79, 84-85, 134, 222, 235-240, 242, 243;
separate building for, 6, 9, 52, 83, 85, 121 n., 236, 258;
employment of, 67, 74, 237 n., 246;
diet of, 68, 69, 138, 139 n., 237 n., 240, 242;
married couples, separate accommodation for, in workhouse, 65-66, 81, 236 n., 238;
application of workhouse test to, 52-53, 85-86, 150, 152, 229-230, 258;
boarding out of, 232 n., 241;
in workhouse of another Union, 161;
no national uniformity in treatment of, 84, 234, 258;
statistics of, 130-131 n., 233 n., 235 n.;
Bill for establishment of District Infirmaries for, 49, 52;<
br/> for establishment of Cottage Homes for, 226;
----Poor, Royal Commission on, 231, 232;
Alcohol for paupers, 19, 68, 218, 246-247;
Alcoholism, 304-306;
Allowance system, 24, 87;
Almshouses for deserving aged, 258;
Anstie, Dr., 119;
Apprentices, obligation of householders to receive, 17;
Apprenticeship, 4, 8, 12, 17, 45-46, 113 n., 200-203;
to sea service, 17, 202-203;
payment of premiums for, 45, 46, 50, 265;
"outdoor," 110;
----orders, 45-46, 113n.
Arnold, Sir Arthur, 94 n.
Aschrott, Dr. P. F., vi;
Assistant Commissioners. See Commissioners, Assistant;
Association for the Cure of Tuberculosis, 217-218 n.;
----for Improving the Condition of the Sick Poor, 119;
----of Poor Law Unions, 249;
Asylums for houseless poor, 14, 35, 97;
for insane, 50, 89 n.;
for sick, 89 n., 121;
of Metropolitan Asylums Board, for idiots, 224-225;
Aubin, Mr., 44, 108 n.;
Auditor, disallowance by, of toys for sick children, 189;
of beer, 247;
Bagenal, Mr., 221, 233 n., 234 n.;
Baines, Mr., 117 n.;
Baker, Mr. T. Barwick L., 96 n., 100 n.;
Balfour, Mr. Gerald, 169n.;
Band of Hope, donation by guardians to funds o
deserted, 12 n., 142, 195-196, 250-251, 268;
detention of, 204 n., 268;
education of, 7, 12-16, 73, 82-83, 104-106, 109, 121 n., 146, 180 n., 191-195, 264-269;
emigration of, 142, 250;
farming out of, 44, 108, 187 n.;
illegitimate, 16, 196;
imbecile, 224-228;
in industrial schools, 261-262;
institutional provision for, 83-85, 104, 106-114, 133 n., 184, 187-195, 203, 236, 258, 262-265;
ophthalmic, 189, 192 n.;
orphan, 3, 12 n., 80, 83-84, 104-106, 114, 142-143, 195-196, 250-251, 268;
out-relief to, 16, 43-44, 179-188, Church Army, 171;
Circulars of Central Authority, 21, 22;
Clothing, as outdoor relief, 25 n., 100 n.;
purchase or redemption of, by voluntary agencies, 144;
Cod-liver oil, supply of, 117;
Commission, Royal, on Aged Poor, 231-232;
on the Blind, etc., 189;
on the Feeble-minded, 312, 314, 345, 354-355, 361;
of 1832-1834, 3-11, 257-263;
of 1905-1909, 274-319;
Commissioners, Assistant, 57, 147;
Committee, Departmental, on weighing rations, 249;
on vagrancy, 174;
----Parliamentary, of 1838, 35, 37;
of 1864, 97, 117-118;
of 1888, 174;
of 1892, 167-168;
of 1900, 226;
----of Privy Council on Education, 107 n., 109 n.;
Committees, boarding-out, 196-200;
----Visiting, of lunatic asylum, 222, 223, 224;
----Visiting, of workhouse, 77, 125, 238, 244, 247-248;
----Women's, 189;
Common Poor Fund.
See Metropolitan Common Poor Fund;
Commons, House of, 148, 153;
Compulsion, 270-272;
principle of, 263, 267-268;
in Majority Report, 276;
Constable may take children to workhouse, 181;
Continuous treatment, 276;
Convict, emigration of family of, 141;
Corbett, Mr., 140 n., 145 n., 147 n., 148, 155 n., 157 n., 158 n., 159, 161 n., 162 n., 175 n., 178, 183, 186, 198 n., 251;
Corn-grinding, 75, 164 n., 246;
Cost of Minority Report proposals, 297-300;
recovery of, 294-295;
Cottage homes, 185-187, 226, 258, 264;
Cotton famine in Lancashire, 90 n., 91-93, 105, 142, 166;
Councils of Social Welfare, sphere of, under Minority Report, 311;
Country Holiday Fund, 310-311;
Creed register, 77;
Criminal Lunatics Act (1838), 18 n.;
Cripples, 127-128, 255;
Culley, Mr., 150 n., 158 n., 177 n., 229 n., 253 n.;
Curative treatment, 263-266, 269-272;
principle of, 263-266;
in Majority Report, 275;
Custody of Children Act, 205;
Davy, Mr., 181, 203, 232 n.;
Deaf and dumb, 18, 50, 127, 184, 241;
See also Children, Defective;
Defectives, 50, 74, 85, 127-128, 226-229;
See also Blind, Deaf and Dumb, and Children, Defective;
----mentally. See Unsound Mind, Persons of;
Denison's Act, 105, 179;
Destitution, causes of, 300, 347;
definition of, as regards medical relief, 116, 212 n.;
want of education a form of, 105 n.;
----authority, plea for, in Majority Report, 278-281;
necessity for, in 1834, 278;
not to apply to mentally defective, 279;
connection of, with "moral" defect, 281;
with principle of compulsion, 289-292;
with principle of universal provision, 292-295;
the officials of a, 285;
inability of, to deal with incipient stage, 286-287;
inability of, to search out, 287-288;
inability of, to deal with ins and outs, 288-289;
inability of, to deal with unemployed, 291;
overlapping of other authorities with, 293;
Prof. Bosanquet's argument for, 350-361;
Detention. See Workhouse;
----Colony, 307;
Disciplinary supervision as substitute for deterrence, 316-317;
Dietaries and Accounts Order, 170, 171 n., 240 n., 245, 248, 249;
Diseases Prevention Act, 209 n., 213;
Disfranchisement of able-bodied, 168 n., 261;
of sick, 209, 213, 217;
Dispensaries, Poor Law, 118, 146, 208, 258, 264;
provident, 118;
Dissenters. See Nonconformists;
Distress Committee, 172;
powers and constitution of, 169;
employment of able-bodied by, 169 n., 260, 261, 262;
Distress from want of employment, Committee of House of Commons on, 167;
District medical officers. See Medical Officers, District;
----Nurses Order, 181, 210 n.
See also Nurses;
Divided Parishes and Poor Law Amendment Act, 175 n., 209 n., 245 n.;
Dodson, Mr., 151-152;
Doyle, Mr., 148;
Drink, 304-306;
Drouet, Mr., 108;
Dumsday, Mr. W. H., 197 n.
Ebrington, Lord, 137 n.;
Education, provision of, for paupers, 126, 266-267, 271.
See also Children, Education of;
----Aid Society, Manchester and Salford, 105 n.;
----Department, 180
----Acts (1870-1909), 105-106, 177, 179 n., 180 n., 198, 201, 227 n., 228, 312, 313, 344, 361;
----(Administrative Provisions) Act (1907), 312;
----of Poor Children Act (1855), 105 n.;
----(Provision of Meals) Act (1906), 312, 313;
----(Scotland) Act (1908), 312, 344, 361;
Elementary E
ducation (Blind and Deaf Children) Act (1893), 227n, 228
----(Defective and Epileptic Children) Act (1899), 227 n.;
Emigration, 10, 19, 141-143, 169, 249-251, 260, 266;
Epileptics, 217, 218, 255;
Estcourt, Mr. Sotheron, 96 n., 97 n.;
Factory Acts, 198;
Family, how the Minority Report deals with the, 301-302, 348-349;
Farm colonies, 169-172, 255, 260, 265, 270;
Fawcett, Professor H., 115;
Feeble-minded, 80;
proposed authority for the, 354-355;
Royal Commission on, 312, 314, 345, 354, 355, 361.
See Unsound Mind, Persons of;
Fels, Mr. Joseph, 170;
Fever wards, 122;
Fleming, Mr. Baldwyn, 181-182, 192, 234 n., 254 n.;
Fowle, Rev. T. W., vi, 115;
Fowler, Sir Henry (Lord Wolverhampton), 167, 230 n., 238;
Franchise, extension of, 148;
Free Education Act (1891), 106;
Friendly societies, out-relief to members of, 47, 48, 148, 253-255, 265;
Froment, Mons. G. E. de, vi;
Fust, Mr. Jenner, 190-191;
Gambling, 304;
Gardiner, Colonel Lynedoch, 145 n.;
General Board of Health, 146;
See also Hospitals;
Infirm. See Aged and Infirm;
Infirmaries, Bill for establishment of District, 49, 52;
----Poor Law, 121, 207, 235 n.;
pressure on Guardians to provide, 211-212, 216;
cost of maintenance in, borne by Common Poor Fund, 214;
increasing popularity of, 214-216;
admission to, 214 n., 215;
maintenance in, held to be medical relief only, 217.
See also Workhouse, Sick in;
"Ins and Outs," 132, 192 n., 206;
detention of, 244-245;
Insane. See Unsound Mind, Persons of;
Inspectors of Local Government Board, 147, 181-182, 190, 206, 216, 225, 241;
strict policy urged by, 148-153, 159, 164, 175, 178, 207-208, 229, 232, 243, 251, 252;
test workhouse advocated by, 159-161, 163, 243;
conferences of, 151;
----of Lunacy Commissioners, 125;
----of Schools, 113, 114;
Justices, granting of relief by, 12, 13, 14, 18;
committal of lunatics to asylum by, 18;
detention of lunatics in workhouse by order of, 222, 223;
Kennedy, Mr., 182 n., 187 n.;
Labour colonies for vagrants, 171 n.;
----Exchanges Act (1908), 346;
----Exchanges of Distress Committees, 169, 172, 270;
in Majority Report, Less Eligibility, Principle of, how far applicable, 1, 3, 11, 45, 83-85, 88-89, 109, 112, 114, 117-118, 122, 125-126, 172, 187, 192, 200, 212 n., 250, 256, 259-263, 265-266, 269, 271;
Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, 86, 89;
Lewis, Sir G. F., 89 n.;
Local Authorities, position of, 2, 12;
----Government Board for England and Wales, 146-255, 263;
----Government Board for Scotland, order of, as to phthisis, 344, 345, 352;
Lock Hospital at Aldershot, 217 n.;
Lockwood, Mr., 163 n.;
London County Council, 310;
----Hospital, 63 n.;
Long, Mr. Walter, 169, 218 n., 245, 250;
Longley, Sir Henry, 148, 150 n., 151, 154 n., 159-160, 161 n., 177 n., 207 n., 208, 214 n., 229, 230, 232, 235, 237, 243, 247, 251 n.;
Longman, Miss M., ix;
Lonsdale, Miss S., vii;
Lunacy Acts, 124 n., 222 n., 223 n.;
----Commissioners, 125-127, 133, 221, 222, 224;
Lunatics, 8, 18, 25 n., 49, 50, 63, 89 n., 123-126, 252, 267, 271.
See Unsound Mind, Persons of;
Lushington, Mr., 195 n., 238 n.;
Lying-in cases, 62, 63, 136;
M'Culloch, Mr. J. R., 132;
Mackay, Mr. T., vi, vii, 87 n., 94 n., 105 n., 115, 151 n.;
Macmorran, Mr., 195 n., 238 n.;
Magistrates, police, 162;
Majority Report, 274-295;
repudiates "Principles of 1834," 275;
adopts "Principles of 1907," 275;
pleads for a single Destitution Authority, 278-281;
reverts to "Principles of 1834," 281-283;
summary of, 313-314;
Makers Up, Society of, 94;
"Manchester Rules," 152, 153, 175, 179 n.;
Markham, Dr., 139 n.;
Married couples, separate accommodation for, in workhouse, 65-66, 81, 236 n., 238;
----Women's Property Act, 175 n.
Martineau, Harriet, 85-86, 131;
Master of Workhouse, 70, 72, 74, 76, 77, 238, 244 n.;
Matron of Workhouse, 70, 73, 74, 238;
"Medical extras," 25 n., 48;
----inspection and treatment, in Majority Report, 277;
----Officer, District, 211, 231;
qualifications and remuneration of, 48, 117, 251-252, 264;
inspection by, of boarded-out children, 199;
of boarded-out lunatics, 224;
Medical officer of workhouse, 8, 60, 68-69, 74, 138, 189, 237 n., 246, 247;
appointment and duties of, 71;
----Relief Disqualification Act. 209 n., 217 n.;
----Relief, 4, 8, 13, 18, 117, 123, 143, 153, 210, 211, 219-220, 264;
Medicines, supply of free, to sick poor, 123, 219;
supply of, by Public Health Authorities, 220;
expensive, supply of, by Guardians, 117, 264;
Mentally defective, proposed Authority for the, 354-355.
See Unsound Mind, Persons of;
Merchant Shipping Acts, 17, 202;
Metropolitan Asylums Board, infectious diseases hospitals of, 123, 209 n., 212-213, 214, 216;
establishment of training-ships by, 112;
provision made by, for idiots, 127, 224-225, 227-228;
for "remand children," 192 n.;
expenditure of, 219 n., 243 n.;
----Board of Works, 97 n., 164-165;
----Common Poor Fund, 97 n., 168, 170, 185, 212, 213, 214, 232, 235;
----Houseless Poor Acts, 97, 98, 99;
----Police District, 19, 55;
----Poor Acts, 89 n., 112, 118, 160, 161, 208 n., 214 n., 215 n., 232 n.;
Migration, 144, 169, 260 n.;
"Miners' phthisis," 221;
Minority Report, 274, 296-311;
adopts Principles of 1907, 296-297;
adds to them Principle of Prevention, 297-304;
economy of, 298-300;
the "Moral Factor" in, 304-307;
drink in, 304-306;
unemployment in, 306-307;
voluntary agencies in, 307-311;
summary of, 314-317;
"Moral Factor," the, 304-309, 350-361;
Mouat, Dr., 216 n.;
Mozley, Mr., 185 n.;
Municipalities, relief works undertaken by, 92-94, 165-168;
regularisation of work of, 168;
National Committee to Promote the Break-up of the Poor Law, 274;
----Labour Exchange, 359;
----Uniformity, Principle of, 1-3, 11, 12, 22-23, 83-84, 90-91, 153-154, 173, 174, 234, 256-259, 271;
Nichols, Sir George, vii, 86;
Nonconformists, provision for, 77-79;
Non-parishioners, relief to, 13, 14;
Non-residents, relief to, 53-54, 128 n., 130, 187-188, 232 n., 240-242, 254 n.;
North-Eastern Metropolitan District, 35;
Nurses, for indoor sick, 67, 120, 211, 216 n., 218, 219;
for outdoor sick, 210, 211 n., 258, 264;
in lunatic ward, 126;
for epileptics, 154, 176-178;
to women, 7, 23, 36-38, 42, 83, 90-91, 101-104, 115, 154, 175-179, 258;
Outdoor Relief Friendly Societies Act (1904), 254, 255 n.;
----Relief Prohibitory Order (1844), 23, 25 n., 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 40, 42, 43, 46, 49, 54, 83, 88, 90, 91, 100, 101, 102, 106, 130, 131, 132, 149, 153, 154, 155, 156, 241, 260, 261;
----Relief Regulation Order (1852), 23, 25 n., 27, 39, 41, 43, 46, 49, 88, 90-91, 100, 101, 102, 115, 128-130, 149, 154, 156, 158-159, revival of public interest in, 147-148;
----(Apprentices) Act, 113 n.;
----Board, 25 n., 88-146;
establishment of, 86, 87;
made permanent, 146;
abolition of, 130, 146, 147;
----Certified Schools Act, 128 n.;
----Commissioners, 21-87, 95, 99, 140, 141.
See also Poor Law Inquiry Commissioners;
Poor Law Conferences, 151, 152-153;
----Inquiry Commissioners, 159; Report of, 1-11, 12, 19, 21, 22, 27, 33, 36, 42, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 74, 75, 82-83, 84-85, 88, 95, 106, 112, 115, 118, 121, 128, 131, 141, 148, 160, 210, 229 n., 232, 236, 239, 242, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 263, 267, 268;
----Loans Act, 185 n.i;
----Schools. See Schools, Poor Law
----(Schools) Act, 108 n.;
Poor Relief, Committee of House of Commons on, 97, 117;
of House of Lords on, 174
Preston, Mr. J. W., 215 n.;
Preston-Thomas, Mr. H., v., 179 n., 216, 221 n., 225-226, 246 n.
Prevention, different meanings of, 308
----of destitution, 346-349
----of Cruelty to Children Acts, 180-181, 184
Principles of 1834, 1, 11, 36, 82-87, 88, 91, 148, 149, 151, 164, 256-262, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272;
abandonment of by L.G.B., 237-273;
repudiation of by Royal Commission of 1905-1909, 275
Privy Council, General Rules of Central Authority disallowable by, 21;
Committee of, on Education, 107 n., 109 n.;
public health service of, 146
Provident dispensaries. See Dispensaries
----sick clubs, 48
Public Assistance Authority, only for the undeserving, 282-283;
argument for and against, 350-363
Public Health Acts, 213 n., 219-220
----Authorities, 92, 94, 213, 262;
service of Guardians as, in rural districts, 212 n., 219-220;
medical service of, 219-221
Quatt School, 113
Quinine, supply of, 117
"Rate in aid of wages," 27, 37, 41-42, 102
Ratepayers, consent of required, 19, 54
Rathbone, Mr. W., 120
Rawlinson, Sir R., 93 n., 94 n.
Relatives, contributions from, 126, 150, 152, 229, 261
Relief in kind, 4, 25
----on loan, 10-11, 16, 20, 143, 153, 176, 183-184, 251-253
----works, for unemployed, 90, 92-94, 164-169, 172
Relieving officer, 96, 103, 119, 128, 145, 157, 173, 199, 209, 214, 217, 231, 252;
Remand children. See Children on remand
Rent, payment of for paupers, prohibited, 25 n., 123
Revising barristers, 217 n.
"Revolvers," 244
Ritchie, Lord, 166, 200 n., 203, 204 n., 237 n.
RÖntgen rays, 218 n.
Roscoe, Sir Henry, 94
Salt, Mr., 290 n.
Salvation Army, 171
Sanitary Act (1868), 220 n.
Sanitation, 123 n., 266, 267, 271
Scattered Homes for Children, 185-187, 191, 258
School districts, Act for, 107-108;
combination of parishes into, 16;
in Metropolis, 108, 186
Schoolmasters for pauper children, 73, 107-109, 113
Schools, certified, 111, 147, 185, 195, 241, 255, 258
----District, 16, 45, 108, 111-112, 133, 185-188, 193, 264
----industrial, 187, 241, 262
----maintenance of, for children on out-relief, 104, 105 n.
"Schools for Mothers," 310
----separate Poor Law, 16, 45, 107-114, 133, 185-188, 190, 193-195, 243, 264
----workhouse, 10, 16, 113, 185, 193
Sclater-Booth, Mr., 208, 210
Scotland, Minority Report for,343-363;
overlapping in, 344;
proposed introduction of Principle of Less Eligibility into, 357-358;
application of Minority Report to, 361-363
Scottish National Committee to Promote the Break-up of the Poor Law,343
Senior, Mr. Nassau, 282
Sick in 1834 Report, 6-8, 84, 210;
almost ignored in orders of Central Authority, 82;
asylum districts formed for, 89, 121, 161, 215;
attendance on and nursing of, 67, 136, 146, 160, 211-219, 242-243, 262;
beer for, 218;
compulsory removal of, to workhouse, 209-210;
definition of, 211;
detention of, 268;
deterrence abandoned with regard to, 217, 261-263;
dietary for, 68-69, 138, 242;
disfranchisement of, 217, 264;
domiciliary treatment of, 6-8, 15-17, 46-48, 63, 84-85, 115-119, 131, 143, 149-153, 155, 207
.html#Page_129" class="pginternal">129
Tufnell, Mr. E. Carleton, 45 n., 108 n., 264
Underfed children. See Children
Unemployed, the, 90, 92-96, 98-99, 148-172, 164-169, 250, 257, 261-262;
in Scotland, 356-361;
how the Majority Report deals with, 275-279, 282, 291;
how the Minority Report
deals with, 306, 317, 358-360.
See Able-bodied
Unemployed Workmen Act (1905), 169, 250, 257-258, 261, 297, 312-313, 317;
in Scotland, 344
Unions, list of, 321-342
Universal Provision, Principle of, 263, 266-272;
in Majority Report, 277;
in Minority Report, 298-299
Unsound mind, persons of, 49-50, 62-63, 80, 123-127, 133, 138, 143, 146, 188, 221-228, 242, 268, 270, 279, 297-299, 312;
in Scotland, 354-355, 362
Vaccination, task of work for, 14, 33, 35, 95-96, 99, 172-173, 257, 259.
See also Casual Wards
Vestries, 10, 12; Metropolitan, 166, 168, 213
Vestry of Liverpool, 112, 120, 146, 237
Villiers, Mr. C. P., 134 n., 140, 142
Visiting Committee. See Committee, Visiting
Voluntary Agencies, sphere of; co-operation of, 144-146, 255;
proper sphere of, 307-311
----Aid Committee in Majority Report, 281;
purpose of, 282
Wakley, Mr. Thomas, 117, 132
Watts, Dr. John, 94 n.
Weekly, Mr. John, 188 n.
"Weighting the alternatives," 318
Wethered, Mr., 234 n.
Widows, 6-7, 12, 15-16, 23, 36-38, 40, 42, 79, 85, 101-104, 115, 130, 149, 153, 176-179, 183, 207, 229, 241;
in 1834 Report, 6-7, 36;
with illegitimate children, 37, 115;
statistics as to, 103, 176-179
Wilson, Miss, 120 n.
Wives, 6-7, 12, 15, 36-42, 83, 89, 101, 143, 175-178;
of absentee husbands, 6-7, 15, 36, 40-42, 89, 101, 175-176;
accompanying husbands, 6, 36, 39, 41, 83, 178;
deserted, 6-7, 12, 15, 40, 175-176;
of prisoners, 176-178;
of soldiers and sailors, 6-7, 15, 36, 41-42, 176, 178;
test work for, 39-40
Wodehouse, Mr., 103, 148
Women, 6-7, 9, 15-16, 23-24, 27, 29, 30-31, 36-43, 64-65, 67, 74, 76, 79, 83-85, 89-91, 100-104, 134, 136, 138, 143, 149, 152, 154, 162, 174-179, 196, 254, 257, 258, 261;
in 1834 Report, 6-7, 9;
whether ever "able-bodied," 3, 6, 23-24, 27, 30, 36, 83;
dietary for, 138;
discrimination as to character among, 27, 42, 64-65, 76, 134, 136, 258;
oakum-picking for, 162, 164;
and Principle of Less Eligibility, 261;
statistics as to, 100-101, 178-179;
rate in aid of wages to, 37-38, 42, 100-102, 254;
task of work for, 31, 42, 162, 164, 178;
in the workhouse, 6, 9, 43, 64-65, 67, 74, 76, 79, 134, 136, 196.
See also Wives and Widows
Workhouse, the, in 1834 Report, 5-19;
under the Poor Law Commissioners, 21-87;
under the Poor Law Board, 95-146;
under the Local Government Board, 152-240;
able-bodied in, 5, 83-85, 128, 235, 242;
admission to, 60-61, 71, 80, 247;
aged in, 5, 9, 83, 219, 222, 235, 237, 240-242, 258;
alcohol in, 19, 68, 218;
children in, 5, 7, 83, 106, 113, 181, 222, 236, 258;
detention in, 19, 80, 82, 164, 209-210, 268, 244-245, 276, 289-292;
dietary of, 67-70,