
Acetic acid, 64, 98
Acid, arsenious, process, 231
or bisulphite processes, objections to, 74
boracic, 46
carbonic, 97
fluo-silicic, 175
hydrochloric, 55, 232
hypochlorous, 98
nitric, 66
nitrous, 66
nitro-hydrochloric, 64
oxalic, 98
processes, McDougall's boiler for, 72
sulphuric, 47, 99
anhydrous, 225
sulphurous, 55, 175
test, 224
test, preparation of, 225
treatment of wood, 64
Acids, action of, on cellulose, 2
Acicular fibres, 3
Action of acids on cellulose, 2
Adamsonia, 85
Adamson's process, 77
African esparto, 47
Agalite, 115
Agar-agar, 178
Agave Americana, 8
Alexandria rags, 21
Algerian esparto, 47
Alkali, caustic, 48
testing, 224
Alkalimeter, Mohr's, 223
Alkalimeters, 222
Alkalimetry, 221
Alkaline leys, boiling points of, 243
Alkalis, sampling, 227
Alum, 116
Alum, bleach liquor, 100
cake, estimation of alumina in, 233
concentrated, 119
crystallised, 119
liquor, 240
pearl, 119
porous, 167
Alumina, estimation of, in alum, &c., 233
sulphate of, 100
Aluminium, chloride of, 100
hypochlorite of, 100
Aluminous cake, 119
American combinations for colouring, 167
method of sizing, 123
ochre, 167
refining engines, Mr. Wyatt on, 103
system of soda recovery, 218
wood pulp, 60
Ammonia, 233
Ammoniacal water, 6
Andreoli's electrolytic bleaching process, 96
Anhydrous soda, 225
sulphuric acid, 225
Aniline blues, 166
reds, 166
sulphate of, 8
triethyl rose, 98
Animal size, preparation of, 120, 122
sized papers, 123
or tub-sizing, 122
Annotta, Spanish, 238
Antichlor, 109
Antique paper, 157
Apparatus, disintegrating, 72
evaporating, 205
Aqua regia, 66
Arnot, Mr., on beating-engines, 102
on finishing, 160
Arnot's method of alkali testing, 229
Artificial flowers, colouring paper for, 168
ultramarine, 238
Arsenious acid process, 231
Asbestos, 73, 115
Ash, black, 219
Aussedat's process, 63
Azure blue, 170
Back-water pump, Bertrams', 195
Bagging, old, 10
Balsam, Canada, 179
Baltic rags, 21
Bamboo cane, 10, 18
Bambusa vulgaris, 18
Banana fibre, 10
Bank-notes, water-marking, 147
Baobab, 85
Bark fibres, 6
oak, 166
paper mulberry, 10
Barre and Blondel's process, 66
Bast bagging, 10
BaumÉ's hydrometer, 242
Beakers, 222, 224
Beater, 37
Jordan, 103, 104
Kingsland, 104
Beating, 101
Dunbar's observations on, 102
engine, 103
Bertrams', 105
Forbes', 105
Umpherston's, 105
engines, Arnot on, 102
operations of, 107
or refining, 101
Belgian rags, 20
Bentley and Jackson's boiler, 80
cooling and damping rolls, 189
drum-washer, 185
dry felt self-acting regulator, 186
glazing calender, 155
rag-cutter, 24
engine, 38
single-cylinder machine, 153
web-ripping machine, 198
Benzine, 5, 77
Berlin blue, 168
Bertrams' back-water pump, 195
beating-engine, 105
conical pulp-saver, 144
damping-rolls, 155
edge-runner, 82
esparto-cleaner, 40
large paper machine, 134
rag boiler, 29
cutting-machine, 23
engine, 37
revolving strainer and knotter, 137
revolving knife-cutter, 162
reeling machine, 197
single-sheet cutter, 162
web-glazing calender, 196
willowing and dusting machine, 26
Beetroot refuse, 10
Beyrout rags, 21
Bichromate of potassa, 165
Binders' clippings, 10
Birch, 60
Bisulphite of lime, 71
magnesium, 70
process, Blitz's, 72
Francke's, 68
Graham's, 73
Mitscherlich's, 71
objections to, 74
Black ash, 219
calicoes, 20
cotton, 20
Frankfort, 171
lamp, 166
Blacks, 20
Bleach, 93
liquor, alum, 100
Wilson's, 100
zinc, 99
mixer, 92
pump, Donkin's, 193
Bleaching, 89
agent, 90
with chloride of lime, 92
chlorine gas, Glaser's process, 93
C. Watt, jun.'s, electrolytic process, 94
electrolytic, Andreoli's process, 96
Hermite's process, 96
esparto, 50
liquid, table showing quantity to be used, 244
liquor, 50, 91
preparation of, 92
Bleaching liquors, 3
Lunge's process of, 98
new method of, 100
operations, 89
powder, 92
estimation of chlorine in, 230
Fresenius' method, 231
Gay-Lussac's method, 231
Bleaching, sour, 91
Thompson's process, 97
Young's method, 100
Blending, 112
Blitz's process, 72
Blotting-papers, 21, 181
Blue, 166
azure, 170
Berlin, 168
Bremen, 170
cottons, 20
dark, 170
indigo, 166
linens, 20
mineral, 171
pale, 170
paper, 19
Paris, 169
Prussian, 165
rags, 19
smalts, cylinders, 151
Dunbar's method of treating esparto, 48
observations on beating, 102
Duster, 26
Dusting, 26
Dutch grappe madder, 237
Dyers' wood waste, 10
Edge-runner, Bertrams', 82
Ekman's process, 70
Elastic fibres, 3
packing, 72
Electrolytic bleaching process, Andreoli's, 96
Hermite's, 96
C. Watt's, 94
Electrotypes for water-marking, 146
Engine, beating, 103
Bertrams', 105
Forbes', 105
Umpherston's, 105
Marshall's perfecting, 201
size, French method of preparing, 120
sizing, 115
Engines, beating, Mr. Arnot on, 102
refining, American, Mr. Wyatt on, 103
English green, 172
pink, 172
Envelope, buff, 167
orange-red gold, 167
yellow gold, 167
Eosine, 166
Equivalents, chemical, 224
Esparto, African, 47
Algerian, 47
bleaching, 50
boiler, Sinclair's, 42, 43
boiling, 41
cleaner, Bertrams', 40
Dunbar's treatment of, 48
fibre, 4
Gabes, 47
grass, 10, 16
Mallary's process for, 46
Oran, 47
picking, 40
preliminary treatment of, 40
Carbonell's process for, 46
Sfax, 47
Spanish, 47
Susa, 47
Tripoli, 47
washing boiled, 49
willowing, 41
Young's process for boiling, 50
Estimation of alumina in alum cake, &c., 233
of chlorine in bleaching powder, 230
of commercial sodas, 221
Eucalyptus, oil of, 178
Evaporating apparatus, 205
Evaporator, esparto, 206
Porion's, 208
Roeckner's, 206
Yaryan's, 208
Evaporators, American, 61, 208
Examination of commercial sodas, 221
Feebly-ribbed, or smooth fibres, 5
Felt, 72, 101
Felting, 131
Fern leaves, 10
Ferrocyanide of potassium, 165
Fibre, banana, 10
cotton, 3
esparto, 4
flax, 7
hemp, 8
jute, 4, 8
linen, 4
Manilla, 4
sulphite, and resin, 76
yellow pine, 4
Fibres, acicular, 3
bark, 6
elastic, 3
round-ribbed, 5
smooth, or feebly-ribbed, 5
spiral, 8
straw, 4
various, treatment of, 80
vegetable, micrographic examination of, 5
vegetable, recognition of, by the microscope, 6
Fibrous waste, 11
Finished paper, packing the, 163
Finishing, 157
Arnot on, 160
house, 163
and sizing, 132
First press-roll, 150
Flask, 227
Flax, cellulose of, 4
fibre, or linen, 7
New Zealand, 8, 10
tow, 11
waste, 10
Flocks, 73
Florence lake, 237
Foolscap, 164
Forbes' beating-engine, 105
Foreign rags, 20
Fourdrinier machine, 133
Francke's bisulphite process, 68
Frankfort black, 169
French and English thermometer scales, comparative, 244
measure of volume, 245
rags, 20
weights and measures, table of, 245
Fresenius' method of estimating bleaching powder, 231
Friction-glazing, 157
Fridet and MatussiÈre's process, 66
Furnace, incinerating, 208
Fustians, 20
Fustic, 169
Gabes esparto, 47
Gaine's process for making parchment paper, 182
Gamboge, 169
Gas, chlorine, bleaching with, 93
receiver, 65
Gay-Lussac's method of estimating bleaching powder, 231
German rags, 21
Glaser's process for bleaching with chlorine gas, 93
Glauber's salt, 109
Glazing calender, 154
press, Donkin's, 157
rolls, chilled-iron, 156
web, 154
Glucose, 2
Glue pieces, 122
stock, 124
Glycerin, 120
Graham's process, 73
Grass, China, 10
esparto, 10, 16
sea, 11
Green, copper, 170
English, 172
pale, 170
Schweinfurth, 171
Grey linens, 20
Ground madder, 237
wood pulp, 85
Guillotine rag-cutter, 24
Gum arabic, 169
sandarac, 179
tragacanth, 168
Gunny, 20
bags, 10
Gutta-percha, 147
Half jute and linen, 20
stuff, 39, 101
breaking, 39
Hemp fibre, 8
Manilla, 4, 10
sizal, 8
tarred, 20
waste, 10
white, 20
Hermite's electrolytic bleaching process, 96
High-pressure boiler, 63
Hollander, or rag-engine, 34, 129
Home rags, 20
Hop-bines, 10
Hydrate of soda, 225
Hydrated oxide of copper, 175
Hydro-cellulose, 1
Hydrochloric acid, 55, 232
Hydro-extractor, 94
Hydrometer, BaumÉ's, 242
Twaddell's, 238
Hypochlorite of aluminium, 100
calcium, 3
lime, 92, 98, 230
soda, 8
sodium, 96
Hypochlorous acid, 98
Hyposulphite of soda, 110
Iodide of potassium, 111
Imitation Manilla pulp from wood, 239
Imperial, 164
Incinerating furnace, 208
Indiarubber, vulcanised, 223
Indigo, 98, 166
sulphate of, 232
Ink, lithographic, 180
Introduction of wood pulp, 17
Irish moss, 178
Iron, oxide of, 34
Iron, pernitrate of, 165
sulphate of, 170
Isinglass, 179
Japanese paper, new, 180
Jordan's beating engine, 103, 104
Jouglet's process for waterproof paper, 177
Jute fibre, 4, 8
Manilla, &c., 84
spinners' waste, blotting, 21, 181
blue, 19
breaking points of, method of determining, 240
"broke," 85
or cardboard with two faces made by ordinary machinery, 182
colouring, for artificial flowers, 168
copying, 120
cork, 180
cutting machine, Verny's, 187
double sized, 126
hand-made, 129
new Japanese, 180
machine, Bertrams' large, 134
Fourdrinier's, 133
Yankee, 152
making by hand, 129
by machinery, 133
machinery used in, 184
materials used in, 9
manilla, 85
imitation manilla, from wood, 239
Morfit's process for toughening, 178
mulberry, 18
bark, 10
oiled, 180
old style, 157
parchment, 181
shavings, 58
sizes of, 164
strength of, 240
Parkinson's contrivance for determining, 240
toned, 165
toughening, 178
tracing, 179
transparent, 179
turmeric, 183
varnished, 179
vegeto-mineral, 115
waste, 85
boiling, 86
Ryan's process for treating, 87
water-marked, 130
waterproof, 174
Jouglet's process, 177
for windows, 181
coloured, 165
miscellaneous, 174
Morocco, stains for, 171
printing, 164
satin, stains for, 172
test, 183
wrapping, 178
writing, 164
Parchment liquor, 171
paper, 181
shavings, 171
Paris blue, 169
Parker and Blackman's disinfecting machine, 12
Parting, 131
Partington's process, 71
Pearl alum, 119
Pearlash, 238
Pearl hardening, 114
Peat, 10
Pectin, 6
Pectose, 6
Perchloride of tin, 236
Perfecting engine, Marshall's, 201
Pernitrate of iron, 165
Peroxide of manganese, 94
Petroleum, 178
Phormium tenax, 8
Physical characteristics of cellulose, 3
Picking esparto, 40
Pictet and BrÉlaz's process, 64
Pieces, cotton, 20
linen, 20
Pink, 166
English, 172
Plate-glazing, 157
calender, reversing, 191
planing machine, 190
Poplar, 10, 60
Porion's evaporator, 208
Porous alum, 167
Potash, 74
carbonate of, 235
caustic, 3, 7
yellow prussiate of, 165
Potassa, carbonate of, 235
Potassium, chloride of, 95
iodide of, 111
ferrocyanide of, 165
Potcher, 37
Poucher, 39
PoumarÈde and Figuier's process for parchment paper, 181
Preliminary operations, 19
treatment of esparto, 40
Preparation of animal size, 122
bleaching liquor, 92
lakes, 235
test acid, 225
Press, glazing, Donkin's, 157
Press-rolls, 150
Presse-pÂte, 51
Printing-paper, 103
papers, 164
Prints, light, 20
mixed, 20
Process, Adamson's, 77
American wood pulp, 60
Andreoli's electrolytic bleaching, 96
arsenious acid, 231
Aussedat's, 63
Barre and Blondel's, 66
Blitz's, 72
Carbonell's esparto, 46
Coupier and Mellier's, 80
C. Watt's electrolytic bleaching, 94
Diana's, for making paper with two faces by ordinary machinery, 182
Dr. Mitscherlich's, 71
Eckman's, 70
Francke's bisulphite, 68
Fridet and MatussiÈre's, 66
Gaine's, for making parchment paper, 182
Graham's, 73
Hermite's electrolytic bleaching, 96
Jouglet's, for preparing waterproof paper, 177
Keegan's, 59
Lunge's bleaching, 98
Mallary's esparto, 46
Mellier's, 84
Morfit's, 178
Partington's, 71
Pictet and BrÉlaz's, 64
PoumarÈde and Figuier's, 181
retting, 129
Ritter and Kellner's, 71
Ryan's, 87
Scoffern and Tidcombe's, 174
Sinclair's, 58
Thompson's, 97
Thune's, 79
Voelter's, 78
Watt and Burgess's, 55
Wright's, 175
Young's, 50
Young and Pettigrew's, 66
Processes, acid or bisulphite, objections to, 74
McDougall's boiler for, 72
chemical, 55
mechanical, 78
sulphide, 77
sulphite, 68
Prussian blue, 165
Prussiate of potash, 165
Pulp, ground wood, 85
long-fibred, 111
mechanical wood, 113
mixing colouring matter with, 168
rag, 72
Pulp saver, 143
conical, 144
strainers, 137
Bertrams' revolving, 137
Roeckner's, 140
Pulp, sulphite, 68, 160
wood, American, 60
first introduced by Mr. C. Watt, 17
imitation Manilla from, 239
Pump, vacuum, 149
Quercitron, 166
Rag bagging, 11
boiler, Bertrams', 29
Donkin's, 30
cutter, Nuttall's, 24
cutting-machine, Bertrams', 23
Donkin's, 26
engine, 34
Bentley and Jackson's, 38
Bertrams', 37
pulp, 72
Rags, 11
Alexandria, 21
Baltic, 21
Belgian, 20
Beyrout, 21
blue, 19
boiling, 29
cotton, 10
country, 21
disinfecting, 12
foreign, 20
French, 20
German, 21
home, 20
Leghorn, 21
linen, 10
new, 20
Russian, 21
sorting, 19
treatment of, 19
Trieste, 21
Turkey, 21
woollen, 21
Rattan cane, 10
Raw materials, 10
Recognition of vegetable fibres by the microscope, 6
Recovery of soda, American system, 218
from spent liquor, 204
Red, cherry, 170
dark, 170
litmus paper, 183
ochre, 172
pale, 171
Turkey, 170
Venetian, 166
Reds, aniline, 166
Reeds, 10
Reeling machine, Bertrams', 197
Refining or beating, 101
engine, 159
Jordan's, 103
engines, American, Mr. Wyatt on, 103
Regulating box, 136
Resin, 6, 115
oil, 178
size, 118
soap, 116
Resinous soaps, 179
Retree, 85, 164
Retting, 4
process of, 129
Reversing or plate-glazing calender, 190
Revolving knife, 161
cutter, 162
strainer and knotter, 137
Rhamnus catharticus, 169
Ritter and Kellner's process, 71
Roeckner's boiler, 45
clarifier, 199
evaporator, 206
pulp strainers, 140
Roll-bar planing machine, 191
Rolls, couch, 149
press, 150
smoothing, 151, 152
Rope, 20
bagging, 20
hard, 20
tarred, 20
white, 20
Round-ribbed fibres, 5
Royal, 164
Russian rags, 21
Ryan's process for treating waste paper, 87
Sailcloth, 11
Salt of tartar, 235
Sampling alkalies, 227
Sandarac, gum, 179
Sand-table, 136
t html@files@55757@55757-h@55757-h-21.htm.html#Page_245" class="pginternal">245
Tables and notes,

sand, 149
Tan waste, 10
Tarpaulin, 11, 77
Tarred hemp, 20
rope, 20
string, 20
Tartar, salts of, 235
Tea colour, 167
Test acid, preparation of, 224, 225
for chlorine, 110
liquor, 232
papers, 183
Testing chloride of lime, 232
ultramarines, 239
Thermometer scales, comparative French and English, 244
Thiosulphite of soda, 110
sodium, 233
Thirds, whites, 20
Thompson's bleaching process, 97
Three-roll smoothing process, 194
Thune's process, 79
Tiles, paper, 175
Tin, citrate of, 169
perchloride of, 236
Tobacco stalks, 10
Toned paper, 165
Torrance's drainer, 39
Toughening paper, 178
Tracing paper, 179
Tragacanth, gum, 168
Transparent paper, 179
Treatment of esparto, 40
rags, 19, 29
various fibres, 80
wood, 53, 68
Triethyl rose aniline, 98
Tripoli esparto, 47
Tub-sizing, 122
Turmeric paper, 183
Turkish minium, 170
Turkey rags, 21
red, 170
Turpentine, oil of, 179
Venice, 179
Twaddell's hydrometer, 238
Ultramarine, 121, 165
artificial, preparation of, 238
Ultramarines, staining power of, 240
testing, 239
Umpherston's beating-engine, 105
Unbleached cottons, 20
Vacuum pumps, 149
Vanadate of ammonia, 72
Various fibres, treatment of, 80
Varnished paper, 179
Varrentrapp's zinc bleach liquor, 100
Vat for hand paper-making, 129
Vegetable fibres, micrographic examination of, 5
Vegetable fibres, recognition of, by the microscope, 6
Vegeto-mineral paper, 115
Venetian red, 166
Venice turpentine, 179
Verdigris, 169
Verny's paper-cutting machine, 187
Violet, 171
dark, 172
light, 171
Vitriol, oil of, 57, 90, 106
Voelter's process for preparing mechanical wood pulp, 78
Volumetric assaying, 224
Vulcanised india-rubber, 223
Vulcanite, 148
Washing, American, 61
boiled esparto, 49
and breaking, 34
engine, 37
cylinder for rag-engine, 193
Waste, cotton, 10
cotton-seed, 10
flax, 10
hemp, 10
jute, 10
linen, 10
liquors, recovery of soda from, 204
paper, 10, 85
boiling, 86
Ryan's process for, 87
tan, 10
Water-marked paper, 130
Water-marking, 146
Water-marks, De la Rue's improvements in, 147
Waterproof composition for paper, 177
paper, 174
for flooring, 177
Jouglet's process, 177
for roofing, 177
Watt and Burgess's wood-paper process, 55
Watt's electrolytic bleaching process, 94
Wax, 6, 120
soap, 169
Web-glazing, 154
calender, Bertrams', 196
Web-ripping machine, 198
Weights and measures, French table of, 245
Weights and measures of the metrical system, 245
Wet machines, 57
White cellulose, 76
copal, 179
hemp, 20
lead, 171
linens, 20
Willow and duster, Bertrams', 25
Masson, Scott, and Co.'s, 40
Willowing, 24
esparto, 41
Wilson's bleach liquor, 100
Winding machine, single-web, 188
Wood, acid treatment of, 64
fibre, 53
paper, Watt's patent for, 17
pulp, American method of preparing, 60
pulp, chemical, 54
mechanical, 113
shavings, 10, 55, 77
pulp, sulphite, 160
treatment of, 53, 68
pulp, Voelter's mechanical process for preparing, 78
waste, dyers', 10
Woollen rags, 21
Wrapping papers, 178
Wright's process for preparing cupro-ammonium, 175
Writing papers, 164
Wyatt, Mr., on American refining engines, 103
on American super-calendering, 157
Wyatt, Mr., on sizing, 127
Xyloidin, 67
Yankee machine, 152
Yaryan evaporator, 208
Yellow chrome, 166
gold envelope, 167
lake, 238
ochre, 165, 166
pale, 172, 173
pine fibre, 4
Young's method of bleaching, 100
Young and Pettigrew's process, 66
Young's process for cleaning esparto, 50
Zinc bleach liquor, 99
chloride of, 99
oxide of, 99, 100
salts, 100
soaps in sizing, 121
sulphate of, 99, 119
Zostera marina, 11



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