- Adrian VI., appoints Johannes Magni his legate, 126-127;
- death of, 128;
- orders Gustavus to restore Trolle, 134.
- Albert of Mecklenburg, king of Sweden, 12-13.
- Amsterdam, Magni is sent to, 211.
- Anabaptists, fanaticism of, 165-167.
- AndreÆ (Laurentius), his friendship for Petri, 155;
- writes concerning Luther, 160-161;
- is made archdeacon of Upsala, 163;
- Gustavus writes to, 203;
- sends translation of New Testament, 231;
- addresses Diet of VesterÅs, 248-249;
- is chosen to approach the king, 253.
- AndreÆ (Nils) is made prior of VesterÅs, 226.
- Apostles, authority of, 233-236.
- Arboga, Cabinet meeting at, 42;
- Gustavus quarrels with monks of, 241-242.
- Arcimboldo, is sent as ambassador by Christiern to Sture, 48-50;
- reappoints Ulfsson to the archbishopric, 56-57;
- his withdrawal from Sweden, 58.
- Aristocracy, origin of, 6-9.
- Armigers, origin of, 8.
- Assemblies (county), 4-5 and 8.
- Assemblies (provincial), 4-5 and 8.
- Baner (Sigrid), grandmother of Gustavus Vasa, 2.
- Bible, translation of, 221-223;
- Birgitta, grandmother of Gustavus Vasa, 3 and note 2.
- Bjelke, influence of family of, 16.
- Bleking, is invaded by Norby, 178 and 183-184;
- is granted to Norby, 185;
- hostilities of Norby in, 193-194;
- Norby is driven from, 197-200.
- Bonde, influence of family of, 16.
- Brabant, privileges granted to, 211.
- Brask (Hans), places note under his seal, 103;
- joins the Swedish cause, 103-104;
- avoids the Diet of StrengnÄs, 113;
- is called upon to aid the crown, 129-130;
- informs the pope that Church property is being confiscated, 133-134;
- is called upon to furnish aid for expedition against Gotland, 140-141 and 142-143;
- denounces Fredrik to Gustavus, 145;
- is oppressed by Gustavus, 149-150;
- charges Petri with heresy, 156;
- writes to Magni concerning heresy, 157-158;
- writes concerning Luther, 161-163;
- his love for the Church, 164;
- protests against the marriage of Petri, 169-171 and 224;
- suspects Fredrik, 171;
- writes about Christina, 179;
- writes about Norby, 198;
- writes about SunnanvÄder, 119-120.
- Ghent, Magni goes to, 212.
- Gotland, Swedish Cabinet demands, 18;
- Gustavus plans expedition against, 138-141;
- opening of war against, 145-146;
- decision of congress at MalmÖ concerning, 147-148;
- folly of expedition against, 150;
- Norby offers to surrender, 178;
- retains ammunition of Gustavus in, 192;
- is said to have been handed over to the Danes, 198;
- Gustavus demands, 217;
- Brask goes to, 266.
- Gregory, authority of, 234-235.
- Gripsholm, Gustavus seizes monastery of, 226-228 and 244-245;
- Diet of VesterÅs discusses seizure of, 254.
- Guilds, in Stockholm, 30-31.
- Gustavus. See Vasa (Gustavus).
- Gyllenstjerna (Christina), marries Sten Sture the Younger, 24;
- her character, 32;
- her bravery, 66;
- refuses to parley with the Danes, 67 and 68;
- battles with the Danes, 68-69;
- surrenders Stockholm, 76-77;
- is summoned before Christiern, 82;
- is imprisoned in Denmark, 83;
- her projected alliance with Norby, 172;
- is suspected of conspiracy against Gustavus, 179;
- is said to have been imprisoned by Gustavus, 181 and 182;
- impersonation of her boy, 218-219.
- Hans, king of Denmark, 17;
- his hostility to Sten Sture, 18-21;
- is recognized as king, 21;
- is forced to flee, 22;
- death of, 25;
- his words about Gustavus Vasa, 25-26.
- Hanse Towns, send aid to Christina, 69;
- are said to have sent stores to Christiern, 94;
- privileges granted to, 114 and 209-212;
- importance of Gotland to, 139;
- their share in the congress at MalmÖ, 175.
- Haraldsson (Magnus), is elected bishop of Skara, 133.
- Helgeandsholm, island near Stockholm, 29-30.
- Holland, Christiern II. raises force in, 198;
- Hoya (Johan von), infatuation of Gustavus for, 150;
- honors conferred on, 152;
- is sent as ambassador to Russia, 207.
- Italy, her feeling toward the Church, 120.
- Johansson (Erik), father of Gustavus Vasa, his early history, 3-4;
- hostility to King Hans, 25;
- is member of Cabinet, 26;
- is commandant of Kastelholm Castle, 26.
- Jonsson (Bo), chancellor of the Swedish Cabinet, 193-195;
- fall of, 197-200;
- his complaint to the grand duke of Russia, 208.
- North America, Revolution in, 273-275.
- Norway, Gustavus flees to, 88;
- Knut and SunnanvÄder flee to, 177-178;
- Gustavus writes to Cabinet of, 191;
- pretended son of Sture in, 218-219.
- NykÖping, surrender of Castle of, 40-41.
- Olsson, takes part in storming of VesterÅs, 96-98;
- Oxenstjerna, influence of family of, 15-16.
- Petri (Laurentius), early life of, 155;
- wrangles at Diet of VesterÅs, 252-253.
- Petri (Olaus), his early life and character, 154-156;
- is charged with heresy, 156-157;
- is appointed city clerk in Stockholm, 163;
- holds disputation with Galle, 168-169;
- his marriage, 169-171 and 224;
- holds another disputation with Galle, 232-236;
- is chosen to approach the king at VesterÅs, 253;
- comparison between Brask and, 266.
- Poland, Magni is sent on embassy to, 240.
- Popes, usurpation of, 234-235;
- Prussia, Fredrik's daughter sails for, 199.
ay, 87-88; is recalled, 88; is chosen leader, 89; recruits his army, 92-93; trains his soldiers, 94: captures VesterÅs, 96-98; captures Upsala, 98-99; evacuates Upsala, 99-100; his unsuccessful effort to take Stockholm, 100-101; superintends the manoeuvres of his army, 102-103; wins Brask to his side, 103-104; accepts title of Commander of Swedish Army, 104; prepares ambuscade for Danes, 105; sends force to Finland, 105; lays siege to Stockholm, 105-106; issues "klippings," 107-108; sends to Lubeck for a fleet, 109-110; continues siege of Stockholm, 110-111; recruits his forces, 111-112; calls diet at StrengnÄs, 113; is elected king, 114; enters Stockholm in triumph, 115-116; his successes, 117; charges Christiern with murdering Swedish bishops, 125-126; summons Johannes Magni, 127; is called upon to pay the debt to Lubeck, 128; calls upon Brask to aid the crown, 129-130; strives to improve condition of Stockholm, 131; endeavors to soothe the people, 131-133; writes to the pope for confirmation of the bishops, 133-134; writes to Rome about Trolle, 135-136; writes to Rome again and to Magni, 136-137; deposes bishop and dean of VesterÅs, 137-138; subdues Finland, 138; plans expedition against Gotland, 138-140; appeals to Brask for aid, 140-141; lays the odium of the new tax on Brask, 141-143; communicates with Fredrik concerning Gotland, 144-145; begins war with Gotland, 145-146; takes part in the congress at MalmÖ, 147-148; oppresses Brask, 149-150; holds Cabinet meeting to improve trade, 150-153; his feelings toward Luther, 157-159; writes concerning Luther, 162-163; his purpose in opposing the Church, 163; his treatment of the Anabaptists, 167; holds a disputation, 168-169; discusses the marriage of Petri, 170-171; deposes Mehlen, 173-176; tries to quell insurrection in Dalarne, 176-177; his distrust of Fredrik, 178-179; his distrust of Christina, 179; is opposed in Kalmar, 179-180; summons diet to stay discontent, 180-183; fights Norby, 184; is displeased with Fredrik, 185-186; captures Kalmar, 186-189; his negotiations with Fredrik, University Press, Cambridge: John Wilson & Son. Transcriber's Note: Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Original spellings have been retained. |