Aaron, 16;
character of, 29;
and his sons, 32;
complains of Moses' marriage, 137;
rod of, 198, 207;
intercession of, 207;
close of his life, 235.
Aaronites, support of, 215.
Abstinence, pledge of, 60.
Agag, 307.
Alliances with Christianity, 114.
Amalekites, 312.
Amorites, 157, 253;
defeat of, by Israel, 255.
Anak, sons of, 157.
Angel of the Lord, 281.
Arabah, Wady, 244.
Arad, King of, 178, 243.
Ark, the, 44;
borne before the host, 116.
Arnold, Matthew, 304.
Art, claimed for God, 95.
Assemblies, calling of, 96.
Atonement, for omissions, 184;
great day of, 356.
Azazel, 355.
Baal-peor, festival of, 314.
Baals, the, 295.
Balaam, reputation of, 261;
name of, 262;
his knowledge of Jehovah, 267;
refuses to go to Moab, 268;
his error, 273;
the critical, 283;
first parable of, 292;
prayer of, 296;
second parable of, 300;
third parable of, 305;
fourth parable of, 309;
end of, 320;
like Absalom, 322.
Balak, in anxiety, 261;
and Balaam, 288;
his sacrifices, 290;
bewildered, 305.
Bashan reduced, 255.
Bible, the Word of God, 163;
statements of, 281.
Blessing, the, of Aaron, 67;
of Moses, 116.
Blood revenge, 400.
Boehme, Jacob, quoted, 69.
Boundaries of land, 390.
Brazen serpent, the, 248;
symbolism connected with, 249.
Browning, R., quoted, 275, 294.
Caleb, one of the spies, 151;
honoured, 173.
Camp, arrangement of the, 27.
Canaan, to be explored, 152;
reported on, 157.
Canaanites admitted to fellowship, 183;
to be driven out, 389.
Candelabrum, 78;
symbolism of, 79.
Censers, the two hundred and fifty, 198, 205.
Census, the first, 18;
of all men, 20;
results of, 22;
the second, 323.
Ceremonial duties, use of, 47.
Chaldean soothsaying, 263.
Chittim, 306, 312.
Christ, the Light, 83;
the historical, 88;
Revealer of God, 92;
the True Leader, 109;
sin-bearing of, 126;
sole headship of, 210;
the Healer, 249;
did Balaam prophesy of? 310.
Christian, law, rejection of, 187;
life, ignorant criticism of, 158;
limitations of, 393;
nation, duty of a, 160.
Church, position of the, 20;
a national, 21;
and the irresolute, 107;
helpers of the, 113;
perils of, 115;
mistaken claims of, 176;
unity of, 203.
Civilisation without morality, 372.
Cloud, the pillar of, 89;
in Isaiah, 90;
value of, as a symbol, 93.
Complaints of the Israelites, 119;
against Providence, 119.
Conscience paltered with, 278.
Consciousness, the Divine, 327.
Convocation, holy, 352.
Covetousness, 272.
Daily worship, 345.
Dathan and Abiram, 195, 205.
Dead, defilement by the, 53, 220.
Death, conception of, 3;
desired, 128;
triumphed over, 238;
tests faith, 337.
Delitzsch, Prof. F., quoted, 357.
Discipline, the finest, 238;
of humanity, 325.
Disorder, social, 165.
Divination, 263.
Divine guidance, 268.
Division of land, 330.
Drama of life, 330.
Edom, territory of, 230;
Israel debarred from, 231.
Egyptian worship, 43.
Eleazar, and Ithamar, 31;
installed as high priest, 241.
Eldad and Medad, 130.
Elders, seventy, chosen, 128;
became critics of Moses, 200.
Endeavour, law of, 324.
Enthusiasm of faith, 303.
Ethiopians, 136.
Ezekiel, Sabbath law of, 348.
Faithless is foolish, 161.
Family feast at new moon, 350.
Feast, of unleavened bread, 351;
of Pentecost, 354;
of tabernacles, 359.
"Fill the hand," 32.
First-born, number of, 36;
sanctity of, 37.
First-fruits, day of, 354.
Freedom, illusory, 110;
under Christianity, 209.
Future life, 5;
seems dim, 154;
right view of, 159.
Genealogies, 328.
Gentiles, 266.
Gershonites, 44.
Gifts to be proportionate, 181.
Girls saved alive, 366.
God, modern doubt of, 163;
compassion of, 213;
sole allegiance to, 274, 279;
the Link of the generations, 326.
GoËl, the, 55, 400.
Gospel, light of the, 82.
Government, the Divine, 187.
Greek tragedy, 2, 3.
Guardians of religion, 26.
Heave offering, 184.
Heaven no fable, 155.
Hebrew, the recoil of, from death, 4.
Heifer, the red, 217.
Hierarchy, establishment of, 208.
Hierocracy, 6, 363, 403.
High priest, memory of, 403;
death of, 404.
Hobab the Kenite, 104;
refuses to join Israel, 109;
second appeal to, 111;
his influence, 201.
Holiness, ideas of, 46.
Holy place, symbolism of, 79.
Homeborn, the, 181.
Hor, Mount, 234.
Hypocrisy, danger of, 281.
Impotence confessed, 285.
Iniquity, of tabernacle, 212;
of priesthood, 214.
Insincerity, 270.
Inspiration, 13;
of prophets, 143;
of Moses, 144.
Intrusions on life, 232.
Irresolute, the, 107.
Isaiah, 213.
Israelites, the, separateness of, 7, 295;
religion of, 9;
a holy nation, 25;
not hopeful, 156;
disaffection of, at Kadesh, 160;
Moses intercedes for, 169;
punishment of, not inordinate, 171;
defiant advance of, on Canaan, 174;
refused way through Edom, 231;
no enchantment with, 302;
unable to convert, 319;
their advantages, 324;
purity of race, 328;
religious enthusiasm of, 353.
Itinerary, 382.
Iye-abarim, 250.
Jealousy, water of, 56.
Jehovah, King and Judge, 5;
authority of, 7;
Guardian, 68;
in pillar of cloud, 91;
Protector of Israel, 117;
His call to Israel, 123;
communicates with Moses, 144;
His "similitude," 146;
pardons but punishes, 170;
forbearance of, 225;
worship of, 295;
revealed to Moses, 335;
all time dedicated to, 347.
Jethro, 104.
Jonah, 226.
Joshua, jealous for Moses, 132;
one of the spies, 151;
in practical command, 244;
designation of, 339.
Journal theory, 11.
Judah in the van, 102.
Judgment of murmurers, 120.
Justice, impatient, 315;
right course of, 316;
and blood revenge, 401.
Kadesh, the tribes at, 103;
mustering at, 222;
position of, 384.
Kenites, the, 105, 266, 312.
Kibroth-hattaavah, 134.
Kiriath-huzoth, 290.
Kohathites, duties of, 42.
Korah, revolt of, 195;
his claim, 196;
doom of, 205.
Land law, 407.
Laymen, 202.
Leader, qualifications of a, 340.
Leaven banished from houses, 352.
Legislation in Numbers, 12.
Lepers, exclusion of, 48;
their condition, 48;
no pariahs, 51.
Leprosy, and moral disease, 49;
cases of, 50;
of Miriam, 147.
Levi, tribe of, separate, 7;
service of 25;
in Deuteronomy, 33.
Levites, admitted priests, 33;
given to Aaron, 34;
service of the, an atonement, 39;
consecration of, 40;
duties of, 42;
revolt of, with Korah, 201;
support of, 23.
Serpents, fiery, 246.
Service, age of, 23.
Shechinah, 89.
Sihon, the Amorite, 253.
Simeon, tribe of, 330.
Sin offering, for Nazirite, 64;
not for moral guilt, 65;
the, 349;
a he-goat, 354.
Sinai, 383.
Smith, W. Robertson, quoted, 37.
Spies, the, despatched, 151;
evil report of, 158;
doom of the ten, 173.
Spirit, endowment of the, 130.
Spiritual maladies, 149.
Spirituality, 296.
Standards, 27.
Strange fire, 31.
Strangers, 182.
Symbolism, of Sabbath, 191;
Christian, 193.
Sympathy with Christianity, 112.
Taberah, 120.
Tabernacles, feast of, 359.
Tassels, memorial, 192.
Temple, the, 75.
Temptations, 371.
Theocracy, not hierocracy, 6;
sustained, 319.
Tithes, 215.
Transgressors, high-handed, 185.
Trespass, atonement for, 55.
Tribes, the, in camp, 27.
Trumpets, the silver, 95;
signalled the advance, 97;
in war time, 99;
at festivals 100, 355.
Unbelieving, doom of the, 167.
Uncleanness, ideas of, 46;
by leprosy, 48;
by the dead, 52, 220.
Unity of Christians, 97.
Unleavened bread, feast of, 351.
Urim, 341.
Vaheb in Suphah, 251.
Virtue, safety of, 279.
Vocation of the Christian, 123.
Vows, 344, 361;
of women, 362.
'Wars of Jehovah, Book of,' 251.
Water fails, 224.
Way of the soul, 386.
Well, song of the, 252.
Wellhausen, J., on theocracy, 6;
on Korah, 199;