A - Agricultural implements:
- Importation of English, 36
- United States, 36
- Agricultural machinery:
- English importation of, 36
- United States importation of, 36
- Agriculture, Effects of undeveloped economic system on, 23, 24
- ‘Alfalfa,’ Cultivation of, 2
- Antilles, Trade with, 27
- Axes and small tools, U.S. importation of, 34
B - Bahia Blanca, 33
- Bahia Blanca, Docks at, 10
- Banks, Employment in, 22
- Belgium, Trade with, 27
- Boer colony, 24
- Bogus companies, 4
- Bolivia, Trade with, 27
- British houses, Decrease in the number of, 37
- Breweries, 13
- Buenos Aires, 1, 10, 33
- Congestion of port of, 9
- Province of, 4
- Business Houses, Employment in, 22
- Brazil, Trade with, 27, 28
- British and Northern immigrants: their wants not studied, 31
- British exporters, Slackness of, 32
C - Canals, 4
- Capital, Influx of foreign, 33
- Cereals, growth of, 2
- Chaco district, 12
- Chaco, The, 3
- Chicken farming, 24
- Chili, Trade with, 27
- China, Trade with, 28
- Chubut, Welsh colony in, 24
- ‘Colonists,’ 2
- Concentration of Trade in Buenos Aires, 1
- Congress, Tone of, 7
- Consular reports, Moreno, Dr. Francisco on, 25, 26
- CÓrdoba, Province of, 3
- Corrientes, 3
- Cotton goods, Italian importation of, 36
- Cotton growing, 3
- Credit, exaggerated, 38
- Credit, Soundness of National, 18
- Cultivated area in Argentina, Amount of, 56
- Cutlery, English loss of market for, 37
D - Drainage system, 4
E - ‘Empresas,’ The, 6
- Englishmen, Prospects for, 20, 21, 22
- Entre Rios, 3
- Estancias, 2, 3
- Estancias, employment on, 21
- Estancieros, 2
- Exports, Value of, 54, 55
F - Flour mills, 12
- Foreign capital, Important part played by, 16
- Foreign influences, Jealousy of, 7
- France, Trade with, 27, 28
- Fruit cultivation, 3
- Fuel, Scarcity of, 42, 43
G - Gaucho, The, 12
- Gauchos, 2
- Gauges, Diversity of, on Argentine railways, 10
- German houses, Increase in the number of, 37
- Germany, Trade with, 27
- Gold in the Argentine, Scarcity of, 4
- Government management, character of, 7
- Government, want of stability of, 17
H - Hard-woods, growth of, 3, 42, 44
- Havana, Trade with, 28
- Holland, Trade with, 27
- Housing-accommodation, 14
I - Immediate delivery, Expectation of, 39
- Immigrants, Attempts to attract, 20
- Immigrants, Nationalities of, 28
- Immigration of agriculturalists with capital needed, 2
- Immigration, Preponderance of Latin races, 31
- Importation, Tendency in the direction of increased, 12
- Imports, Value of, 53
- Inadequacy of rolling stock, 9
- Interests, Rates of, 6
- Inundations of the Argentine, 4
- Italian immigrants, attempts to attract, 20
- Prospects for, 23
- Their employment in industries, 12, 13
- Italy, Trade with, 27
J - Jobbery, Political, its necessity for success of any enterprise, 41, 42
L - Literature, Scarcity of, on the Argentine, 24
- La Plata, 33
- Loans, Argentine, easily raised, 18
- Their distribution, 19
- Their size, 19
- Locusts, 3
M - Mar del Plata, 10
- Matches, Manufacture of, a monopoly, 13, 15
- Monopolies, Railway, Effect of, 8, 9
- Morality, Public, low standard of, 16
- Municipal loans, a speculative investment, 18
N - Non-partisans unmolested, 17
P - ParanÁ, 33
- Paraguay, Trade with, 27
- ParanÁ, River, 4
- Peon, The, 12
- Piedmontese and Basque ‘colonists,’ 2
- Pillado, M., his disagreement with present economic policy, 46
- his estimate of amount of tax on sugar, 47
- of its effects on the sugar industry, 48, 49, 50
- ‘Ponchos,’ Importation of, 13
- Ports, Construction of, 33
- Portugal, Trade with, 27
- Precarious nature of business in the Argentine, Effect of, 1
- Preference on colonial produce as affecting the Argentine, 19
- Prices, Inflation of, in the Argentine, 1
- Property, Division of, 3
- Proprietary articles, British trade in, 39
- Protective tariff, Origin of, 41
- Public debt, Laxity of morality as regards, 17
- Its causes, 18
- Public works, Demands of, 32
- Mistakes in connexion with, 33
Q - Quebracho trade, employment of Indian labour in the, 12
R - Railways, Dividends of, 6
- Railways, Employment on, —
- Railways, Growth of, 29
- Relative importance of, 30
- Railways, Growth of British owned, 30, 31
- Railway material, Importation of English, 34, 35
- United States, 34, 35
- Railway system, 4
- Raw material, Argentine naturally exclusively a producer of, 7
- Raw materials, Scarcity of manufactures, 42
- Rents, Rise of, in Buenos Aires, 1
- Rivers, Absence of navigable, 4
S - Samborombon, Bay of, project of new port in, 10
- San Nicolas, 33
- Santa FÉ, 33
- Shoe-factories, canvas, 13
- South Africa, Trade with, 27
- Spain, Trade with, 27
- Store-keepers, Power of the, 23
- Strikes, 13, 14, 15
- Cause of frequency of, 15
- Sugar industry, The, 3
- Sugar, manufacture of, 45, 46, 47
- Sugar Trust, The, 49, 50
T - Tariff, Effect of high protective, 3, 12
- Timber, Production of, 44
- Traction engines, Supremacy of Lincoln firms in, 36
- Trade, British, losing of ground, 26
- Trade, Difficulty of obtaining information about British, 25
- Tramway material, Importation of English, 35
- United States, 35
- Travellers, Exclusion of, 38, 39
- Travellers, Inadequate equipment of English, 39
- Tucuman, Centre of sugar manufacture, 46
U - Under-population of the Argentine, 2
- United Kingdom, Trade with, 27, 28
- United States, Trade with, 27, 28
- Uruguay, River, 4, 10
- Uruguay, Trade with, 27
W - Wealth, Natural, of the country, 11
- Welsh Colony, 24
- Wool manufacture, 43, 44