070-h@57070-h-8.htm.html#Page_53" class="pginternal">53, 54. C Cadoudal conspiracy, 318–328. Caffarelli, General, French capture of Malta, 202. Cairo— March to, 203. Retreat, 217–219. Revolt, war principles of Napoleon, 211. CambacÉrÈs, consul, opposition to arrest of Duke d’Enghien, 324. Cambronne, royalist commander, return of Napoleon from Elba, 1814, 630. Campo Formio, treaty of, 178–187. Cannes, landing of Napoleon from Elba, 1814, 626, 629. Carnot, Memoirs of, 646, 668. Carraccioli, Admiral, murder of, 225, 226. Carteaux, abandonment of Toulon command to Napoleon, 73–78. Castlereagh, Lord, Vienna Congress, 1814, 620. Caulaincourt— Abdication of Napoleon, 588–589. Peace negotiations, 1813–14, 570–571. Cavour, statecraft policy, confession, 374. Censorship of the Press, 1814, 614. Ceracchi conspiracy, 288. Cervoni, Corsican general, Napoleon and Toulon, 75, 76. Champ de Mai, 1815, 641. Champ-Aubert, battle of, 569. Charles, Archduke of Austria— Austerlitz defeat, treaty of Presburg, 344, 347. Defeat of Jourdan and MassÉna, 224. Italian campaign, defeated by Napoleon, 162, 175–177. Opinion of Napoleon, 1814, 6. Renewal of war, 1809, 439–449. Charles, Captain Hypolite, and Josephine, 193, 209, 235. Charles IV. of Spain, abdication, 418–419, 425. “Charter,” issued and violated by Louis XVIII, 1814, 601, 612–618. ChÂtillon Peace Congress, 570. Chinese massacres, comparison with Jaffa massacre, etc., 215, 218. Choiseul, French minister, purchase of Corsica, 14, 15, 26. Church, Concordat of 1801, 302–309, 453. Church atrocities, Bourbon restoration, 1814, 614–619. Cisalpine Republic— Creation of, 195. Italian Republic formed, 329. Reorganization, 286. Coalitions of European powers— 1793, 601–602; landing, 605. Life at, 605–610. Return of Napoleon, 623–628. Political position in France, 627. Reception in France, 623–636. War with Allies, 635, 639–640. Terms of Treaty of Fontainebleau, 595, 608. Elbe, concentration of French forces, 1813, 530, 533. Elchingen, battle of, 341. Elster bridge, French retreat, 1813, 538, 540. ÉmigrÉs, release of, 258, 587. Empire, French— Dreams of empire, 305. Napoleon proclaimed Emperor, coronation, 331–333; anniversary of coronation, 346. Enghien, Duke d’, execution of, 322–327. England— Austerlitz, battle of, consternation at result of, 349. Coalitions, 1793, 83, 115–121; 1798, 222; 1805, 339; 1813, 523; 1814, 566; 1815, 648. Continental system, see that title. Corsica, occupation of, 92–94; withdrawal, 195. Danish fleet seized by, 415–416. Egypt and Malta taken, 292, 312. Encouragement to Austria to war against France, 290, 439. French Invasion of England, 1805, preparations and defeat of Napoleon, 339–340. Napoleon’s hatred of, 83–85. Nelson, see that title. Newspaper abuse of Napoleon, 314. Northern confederation against, treaty of Tilsit, 385. Peace offered by Napoleon, and rejected, 275–277, 339, 430. Portugal, British defeat of French, 427. St. Helena, Napoleon as prisoner of war, 672–676. Vienna Congress, 1814, dispute as to division of territory, 620–623. War declared, 1804, seizures of French property, 315. War loans and paper currency, 353. Waterloo, battle of, 660–667. Wellington, see that title. Enzersdorf, battle of, 446. Erfurth conference, 428. Essling, battle of, Genoa, siege and evacuation, 279, 282, 283. Italian campaign, 162, 163, 168, 175, 176. Melas, defeated at Marengo, 280–286. Menou, General— English conquest of Egypt, 291. Revolt of the Sections, 106. MÉry village, Napoleon at, 1814, 573. Metternich, Austrian diplomat— Austrian mediation—policy, and interview with Napoleon, 524, 554–562. Memoirs, 512–521, 545. Milan— Claim on Corsica, 4. French occupation of, 151–153. Josephine joins Napoleon, 1796, 192. Napoleon crowned King of Italy, 336. Milan Decree, 416. Military of France, see Army. Miot de Melito—designs of Napoleon, 181, 182. Modena, union with papal legations and Cisalpine, 195. Modena, Duke of, peace terms offered to Napoleon, 151, 152, 182. Monarchy, French— Empire, see that title. Limited monarchy under Louis XVIII, 599, 611. Montebello, Lannes’s victory, 283. Montenotte victory, 139–140. Montmirail, battle of, 570. Mont St. Jean, battle of, 657. Moore, Sir J., retreat and death at Corunna, 432, 433. Moreau, General— Conspiracy against Napoleon, 319–328. Coup d’État of 18th Brumaire, 243. Death of, 532. Defeated by Archduke Charles, 161, 162. Desertion of Napoleon, 525–532. Pichegru’s arrest by Augereau, captured despatches, 183. Soissons surrender, 563. War with Austria, Hohenlinden victory, 279, 290. Moscow— Fire, 486. Retreat of French army, 482–499, 504. Moulins, fall of Directory, 18th Brumaire, 239–247. Muiron, saves life of Napoleon, 164. Murad Bey, Mameluke chief, defeat of, 204. Murat, General— Bourbon restoration, 1814, 624. Cavalry leader, qualities as, 633. Russian campaign, 1807, 381, 383. Niemen— Interview with Czar of Russia, 1807, 383. Passage across, 1812, 479, 481. Nile, battle of, 208. Norway, transference to Swedish rule, 623. O Oldenburg taken by Napoleon, 472. Orezzo, Corsican general assembly, 51, 52. Oudinot, Marshal, Memoirs, Erfurth conference, 428. P Paoli, Corsican general— British protectorate plan for Corsica, 92. First meeting with Napoleon, 52. Independence struggle, 12–16. Quarrel and struggle with Napoleon, 60–68, 198. Return to Corsica, 1790, after exile, 51. “Parallel between CÆsar, Cromwell, Monk, and Bonaparte,” pamphlet, 289. Paris— Bourbon restoration, 1814, 583–586. Coronation of Napoleon, 333. Exile of Napoleon from Corsica, 61–63. Fall of, 1814, 576–581. Farewell of Napoleon to National Guard, 1814, 564. Funeral of Napoleon, 1840, 700–703. Military school, Napoleon at, 33–35. Reception of Napoleon, 1800, 287; return from Elba, 633. Return of Napoleon from Russia, 1812, 499–500, 504. Parma, Duke of, contribution to Napoleon, 146, 147. Parthenopean republic proclaimed, 223. Pasquier records, 560, 565. Peninsular war, 417–434. Permon family, early intimacy with Napoleon, 33–36, 64, 98–100, 113, 337, 406. PhÉlippeaux, aid to Turks against Napoleon, 212. Pichegru— Banishment of, 183, 258. Brienne college, 30. Conspiracy against Napoleon, 318–328. Suicide of, 328. Piedmont, invasion of, 87, 138–143, 146, 150. Pisa, war with Genoa over Corsica, 2. Pitt, W.— Administration and policy, 116, 117. Death of, 359. Plague among troops in Egy
"pginternal">3, 4. Vitebsk, delay at, war of 1812, 481, 482. Vittolo, Corsican struggle, 8. Vittoria, battle of, 430, 522. W Wagram, battle of, 447–448. Walewski, Mme., favorite of Napoleon, 378–383. Visit to Napoleon at Fontainebleau, 1814, 594. Warsaw— Grand Duchy of, 374, 472, 480. Napoleon at, 1806–7, 372–381. Waterloo, battle of, 660–667. Regrets at St. Helena, 634–685. Wellington, Duke of— Canova’s statue of Napoleon, anecdote, 368. Invasion of France, 1814, 566. Napoleon’s hatred of, 685. Vimeiro, battle of, 427. Waterloo, battle of, BlÜcher’s coÖperation in war of 1814–15, 648–671. Westphalia, monarchy under Jerome Bonaparte, 351, 384. Napoleon’s policy and advice to Jerome, 412, 413. Old Order restored, 1814, 612, 613. Whitworth, Lord, British ambassador to Paris, 1804, 313. Wilna, delay at—French invasion of Russia, 1812, 481. Wolseley, Lord, opinion of Napoleon, 411. Wurmser, Austrian general, defeated by Napoleon, 159–169.