Abraham faith of, 27. Accadian psalms, 3. Acquittal, Job expects, 285. Agnostic, 117. Amiel quoted, 88, 288. Amos, chap. iv. 4, 44. Angel-interpreter, 351. Argument, the reconciling, 392. Arnold, Matthew, quoted, 95. Assize, the Great, 292. Astrology, neglected, 317. Author, his greatness, 6; lives in the poem, 7; member of Northern Kingdom, 15; in the desert, 17; inspiration of, 32; paints his own trials, 68; his brave truthfulness, 224; his prophetic insight, 303. Bene-Kedem, 23. Bible, universality of, 17. Bigot, the, 244. Bildad, character of, 102; his first speech, 135; his second speech, 215; his bitterness, 216; his third speech, 298. Boethius quoted, 288. Book of Job, a poem of the soul, 3; precursors of, 3; poetical art of, 5; date of, 6; autobiographical, 7, 411; style of, 8; problem of, 11; personality in, 12; place in canon, 27; main controversy of, 101; inspiration of, 122; logic of, 295; prepares for Christ, 265, 404. Bunyan quoted, 144. Bushnell, H., quoted, 259. Carlyle, T., quoted, 68, 223. Catholic theologian, 135. ChaldÆans, 65. Chaos, no moral, 273. Christ, sacrifice of, 62; mediation of, 121; his preaching, 276; Redeemer, 242, 404; preparation for, 265. Church, the Jewish, 14. Church, complaints against, 264; its duty, 9. Providence, enigma of, 207; special, 225. Psalms, individualism in, 12. Punishment of sin, 59. Rabbi, the, 368. Real and ideal, 152. Religion, decay of, 16; evolution of, 180. Renan quoted, 399. Revelation, 117. Righteousness, man not saved by, 388. Ruskin, J., quoted, 372, 374, 396. Sabeans, 65. Sacrifice of Christ, 62. Sacrificed classes, 170. Satan, 34; Dante's, 35; Milton's, 35; power of, 36; challenged by the Almighty, 40; his question, 42; disappears, 71. Scepticism, 41, 140. Schopenhauer, 37, 39. Semites, primitive religion of, 180. Servant of Jehovah, 15. Sheol, life in, 183; no hope in, 211; no penalty in, 255. Sin, punishment of, 59; does it bring suffering? 157. Sincerity of mind, 169. Skin for skin, 69. Smith, Dr. Robertson, 43. Social, meliorism, 46; tyranny, 331. Sons of the Elohim, 37. Soulless human beings, 70. Special pleading for God, 171. Spencer, H., 52. Spiritual evolution, 58. Suicide, 97, 124. Teman, 15. Theology and letters, 4; new beginning in, 15. Theosophy, 39. Trouble, wherefore? 282. Universal problem, 403. Uz, 19. Wisdom, of the past, 138, 192; quest of, 313. Woman's life, 75. Worldly prosperity offered to Job, 137, |