UNICELLULAR AND MULTICELLULAR ANIMALS We must now turn to the main project of this book, which is to attempt to trace out the lines along which animal Evolution has proceeded, with special reference to that particular line which leads up to man. Indeed, we shall have to stick somewhat closely to this one main highway, and can but barely pause to glance along the numerous branch roads, interesting though the travelling there might be. It is perhaps necessary to say, at the outset, that the history of the Evolution of man cannot be written as a plain, matter-of-fact tale. Many portions of this history are tolerably well understood, but there are other periods, in some of which notable steps of progress were made, of which no record has ever been discovered. We must therefore expect occasionally to be reduced to speculation, and here and there to meet with controversy and with opposing theories. It is not proposed here to enter into any full discussion as to the origin of life. It may shortly be said that in the existing state of knowledge, no very definite theory is possible. We know that life is associated with a jelly-like or semi-fluid substance called protoplasm, which consists of a very complex mixture of albuminoids. These albuminoids are continually undergoing changes and interactions of a complex kind, the sum total of which constitutes life. Many of these reactions have been reproduced, or imitated, artificially, and have been shown to be purely chemical or physical. The chemical nature of the albuminoids is indeed so complex that some considerable time must yet elapse before it can be completely investigated; and until such time it is obvious Fig. 16.—A typical cell (greatly magnified). (k) Nucleus; (p) cell protoplasm. Fig. 17.—The process of cell division. c, The centrosome, the body which divides first, and which controls the division of the nucleus. To begin at the beginning of our tale, we may ask ourselves what are the lowest, simplest, living things that are known. The question does not admit of any very definite answer. For as we look around among a number of the most simple forms, we find ourselves handicapped in our attempt to judge between them, by a lack of knowledge of their nature. We come upon organisms so small that they appear, even under the most powerful microscope, only as the tiniest specks; whose size is to be measured in hundredths of thousandths of an inch. We even find good evidence that living things exist which we are unable, in any manner whatsoever, to see. Among the smallest known forms, and also among some of the larger, we find organisms that we can only describe as practically structureless, that appear as specks of almost homogeneous protoplasm; but it seems reasonable to suppose that this appearance is due rather to our imperfect observation than to an actual absence of differentiation. It is certain, however, that the lowest of the great groups is that of the one-celled organisms. As all the higher types are built up of large numbers of cells, essentially similar to those which constitute the unicellular forms, it is important that we should know something of the nature of this organic unit. A typical cell is illustrated in Fig. 16. It consists of a mass of protoplasm, with a distinctly differentiated portion called the nucleus. The function of the nucleus is that of directing and controlling the activities of the cell; if it is removed, the remaining portion of the cell soon dies; while, on the other hand, a small portion of the cell, if it contains the nucleus, may frequently live, and build up new protoplasm to replace what was lost. Cells are formed only from previously existing cells, by a process of division, which is usually simply one of halving. This process is begun in the nucleus; it undergoes a complex rearrangement of its parts, the object of which appears to be to insure an absolute equality in the halves, and finally divides in two. The bulk of the protoplasm then separates into two portions, a portion remaining round each of the nuclei. The process of cell division is illustrated in Fig. 17. Now it is a somewhat remarkable fact that we do not know whether or not all the humbler forms of life possess a nucleus. It was formerly believed that a considerable number of one-celled organisms were devoid of the body in question, but in most of such it has been shown that nuclear matter is present, though it may be distributed, in small portions, throughout the cell. If organisms do exist which consist of a cell without a nucleus, we must regard them as the simplest of living things. In any case, the formation of a nucleus, a process by which a kind of central government was formed, was probably one of the great early steps of Evolution. Fig. 18.—Organism of sleeping sickness in blood. The round bodies are red blood corpuscles. Photo: F. Martin Duncan. The life-history of an ordinary one-celled organism may be briefly summed up. It absorbs nourishment and energy, adds to its substance until it reaches a certain fairly definite size, and then divides in two, the halves separating, and going each its own way. In the world of one-celled organisms there is no 'death from natural causes.' The individual is potentially immortal, except in so far as we may regard the individual life as ceasing when division takes place. Death occurs only, as we say, accidentally—for example, from starvation or from the attacks of enemies. A number of simple unicellular organisms are shown in Figs. 18, 19, and 20. The reader will have observed that we have referred to the group under consideration in general terms, and without endeavouring to classify its members as plants or animals. And indeed it is impossible to carry this great distinction down to the lowest group of the organic world. This stands below the first great forking of the tree of life; its members remain in what has Fig. 19.—The bacillus of bubonic plague (× 1000). Photo: F. Martin Duncan. The typical plant lives by absorbing carbon dioxide gas, water, and mineral salts from the surrounding media. These substances, by means of energy which it gathers from the rays of the sun, the plant builds up into organic substances, to be used in the maintenance of life, and for growth and reproduction. This process of chemical construction occurs only in the green, exposed parts of the plant, and indeed can occur only in the presence of chlorophyll, the green colouring matter of the leaves. Fig. 20.—The bacillus of typhoid (× 2500 diameters). Photo: F. Martin Duncan. The animal, on the other hand, lives by appropriating, either directly or indirectly, what the plant has produced. All flesh is indeed grass, in a different sense from that originally intended by the statement. It is this essential difference which lies at the Fig. 21.—Amoeba. K, Nucleus; V, contractile vacuole. Turning now to those of the lower organisms that are somewhat more definitely animal in nature, we may describe the common Amoeba. Microscopic in size, this creature consists of a speck of semi-liquid protoplasm, which is irregular and ever-changing in Fig. 22—Stages in division of Amoeba. K, nucleus. Fig. 23.—Paramoecium. EC, Denser outer layer; EN, inner protoplasm; N, nucleus; PV, contractile vacuole; M, mouth; X, cilia. From Marshall and Hurst's Practical Zoology (Smith, Elder & Co.). Somewhat higher than the Amoeba, and apparently along the main line of progress, stands the group which includes the slipper Fig. 24.—Cercomonas, a form intermediate between the crawling Amoeba type and the free-swimming Paramoecium type. There is another interesting fact in connection with Paramoecium. Under natural conditions, division and redivision continue in the ordinary way for a large and indefinite number of generations. But very occasionally, a process known as conjugation occurs. Two individuals lay themselves side by side, and partially unite; they exchange portions of their nuclear substance, and finally separate again, simple division afterwards proceeding as before. Conjugation, although distinctly different from the ordinary process of sexual reproduction, appears to serve the same purpose. Until quite lately its meaning, and that of the process of sexual reproduction in general, seemed to bid fair to remain a perpetual puzzle to biologists. But at last we seem to be approaching the solution. The characters of a species are determined, it is tolerably certain, by the constitution of the cell nucleus, and accordingly as this varies from one individual to another, so the characters of the individuals will vary. Now, if simple division were to continue indefinitely, successive generations would be produced on the same plan, and the racial characters would in the main remain constant. But conditions of life vary from time to time and from place to place, and the particular type which succeeds best under one set of circumstances may be ill adapted for another. It is therefore an advantage to a race to be capable of variation. And the process Fig. 25.—Stages in conjugation of Paramoecium. meg., The meganucleus; mic., the micronucleus, which divides, and half of which is exchanged; p.b., Polar bodies, which the micronucleus throws off, and which disappear. From Dendy's Outlines of Evolutionary Biology (Constable). There are many groups of one-celled animals other than those typified in the Amoeba and the Paramoecium, but they do not appear to have any significance so far as the descent of the higher animals is concerned, and they therefore do not immediately concern us. We have already mentioned that water is the life medium of the slipper animalcule. It was destined to remain the natural element, both of animals and of plants, throughout many subsequent stages of progress. The reason of this is not far to seek. Active protoplasm consists to the extent of about three-fourths A striking analogy may be drawn between animal Evolution, from this point onwards, and social Evolution. In the latter case we begin with men, brought by a slow process of Evolution to a high state of individual perfection, living in a state of savage individualism. Each thinks and acts for himself, provides his own food, raiment, and dwelling; constitutes his own standing army and police. From this condition of affairs there has gradually been developed the modern social arrangement, by which each individual helps to carry out some distinctly special part of work for the community—be it wheat-growing, cloth-weaving, bricklaying, or the arresting of burglars—and trusts to the community for his requirements in all other directions. These requirements themselves have so multiplied during the course of social Evolution that innumerable forms of activity have sprung up between those occupations which provide the original necessities of life. The essence of the whole process has been co-operation and the division of labour. In the story of animal Evolution we have reached a point where a highly perfected individual cell has been produced, which carries out for itself, and for itself alone, all the activities of life. From now onwards, co-operation and specialisation are the watchwords of progress. There is a clubbing together, first of a few cells, then of hundreds, and finally of millions upon millions, to form the bodies corporate which we recognise as individual higher animals. Division and distribution, subdivision and further Fig 26.—Spondylomorum, a small colony of flagellates. Fig. 27.—MagosphÆra, a colonial flagellate. Our information regarding the early history of this co-operative movement is fragmentary and incomplete, for only an odd species or so seems to survive of the group which we regard as the earliest of multicellular animals. In certain forms which are still essentially unicellular, such as the Spondylomorum shown in Fig. 26, there is a tendency to form smaller or larger cell colonies. When the individual cell divides, the two daughter cells do not separate, but remain somewhat loosely attached to each other, and the process of division without separation continues until a considerable group is produced. From this colony occasional individuals break away and proceed to form new colonies. From such If we turn to the plant kingdom, however, we find a comparatively common organism of somewhat similar form. This is the Volvox, a plant which consists of some thousands of cells, and reaches a size of about a pin-head. It has the form of a hollow sphere, the wall of which is one cell thick, and the cavity of which contains only water. The cells bear whip-like cilia on their outer surface, by whose means the organism is able to move, swimming by a rotary motion round a definite axis. The individual cells are separated by layers of a gelatinous substance, through which, however, pass connecting strands of protoplasm. The cells, of course, contain the green colouring matter common to plants in general. Distributed among the ordinary cells occur a few that are distinguished by their larger size, and by the fact that they lack cilia. These are the special reproductive members of the colony. When the Volvox reaches maturity, these cells begin to divide, and form new growths which take the form of hollow sacs, which project into the cavity of the parent sphere. Later they separate from the wall of the parent, and begin to move about, in the internal cavity, by means of the cilia which they have developed. Finally the parent breaks up and dies, and the progeny are set free to commence life for themselves. Fig. 28.—Volvox. A female, showing egg cells. Fig. 29.—Volvox. Male, showing packets of sperm cells. The fundamental importance of this type is that we have already a division of the life activities. The majority of the cells are concerned in the nutrition of the individual as a whole. These ultimately perish. A minority, however, are fed and protected by them, and these in return secure the perpetuation of the race. This division into a mortal 'body' portion and an immortal reproductive portion is the first and most important division of the life activities, whether in the animal or in the Fig. 30.—Volvox. Portion of a hermaphrodite individual, showing egg cells (O, O1), and sperms (S1 S2 S3). The next great groups of animals are, on the one hand, that of the sponges, and, on the other, that which includes the sea- Fig. 31.—Process of gastrulation in a coral. A, B, Blastula, or simple hollow ball; C, D, intermediate condition; E, F, gastrula, or double-walled flask condition. But there is no known type of animal which, in its adult form, shows quite the simple structure that we have described. Perhaps the nearest approach is to be found in the lower sponges, in which two modifications of the original plan have already been introduced. In the first place, the creature is sedentary, being fixed, in an inverted position, to some solid basis. It has, so to speak, ceased to be a hunter, and is become a fisher. Secondly, Fig. 32.—Diagrammatic section of lower sponge. e, inner cell layer. The other great group of primitive multicellular animals is that of the Coelenterata, and as an example of the most primitive of these we may take the common freshwater Hydra. The Hydra reaches a length of nearly half an inch, and is to be found attached to water-weed and the like in streams. It consists of a hollow tube-shaped body which is fixed by the so-called 'foot.' Two layers of cells form the wall of this tube, these being separated by a thin membrane of gelatinous material. At the upper end is the mouth, which leads immediately into the internal cavity or stomach. The mouth is surrounded by a ring of from six to eight tentacles, which are outgrowths of both cell layers. The cells of the inner layer are large, and bear cilia that protrude into the internal cavity. Their functions are those of digestion and absorption. Part of the protoplasm of the outer cells is modified into a fibrous, contractile substance, which represents the beginnings of muscle tissue. The outer layer also forms a protective skin-like covering. In the outer layer also occur a large number of stinging cells, each of which has a complex mechanism for injecting a fluid poison into any creature which should happen Fig. 33.—Specimens of Hydra on green water-weed. A, Contracted; B, extended; C, specimen with vegetative buds; D, specimen with sex cells; sp, sperm cells; e, egg. Fig. 34.—Diagrammatic section of Hydra. en, Inner cell layer; ec, outer cell layer; c, nettle cell. If now we make a brief general survey of the group to which the Hydra belongs, we find in it two somewhat strikingly different types. On the one hand are sedentary forms that resemble, in a general way, the Hydra; that consist of a tube-shaped body, with the mouth, surrounded by a ring of tentacles, at the upper end. The sea-anemones and corals are examples of this type, in which, however, the structure shows various complexities as compared with that of the Hydra, which complexities we cannot here pause to describe. On the other hand is the well-known Medusa form, of which the common jelly-fish is a typical example. This creature, as is well known, is mushroom shaped, with tentacles round the edge. The mouth is in the middle of the lower aspect, at the end of a short 'stalk.' This type is very different in Fig. 35.—Diagram of Medusa. rad, Radial canals, with reproductive bodies, o; r, ring canal; t, tentacle canal. If the above general conception of the structure of the Medusa be borne in mind, its details will be easily understood. The internal cavity, instead of being simple, has become complicated, through the obliteration of certain parts of it, where the upper and lower walls come in contact. What is left is a comparatively small cavity immediately above the mouth, a number of symmetrically arranged canals radiating out from this, and a ring canal connecting the ends of these with each other. Another Fig. 36.—Diagrammatic section of Medusa. Fig. 37.—Group of Coelenterates—MedusÆ, Sea-anemones, and Corals. Something remains to be said regarding the specialisation of tissues in this group. We have already mentioned the stinging cells, and the beginnings of muscular tissue, in Hydra. The former are a constant feature of the Coelenterates, while the latter reaches a very considerable development in the higher forms, as may be judged from the surprising rapidity with which the Medusa can swim, or from the strength with which the sea-anemone can retract its tentacles and draw itself together. Important, further, is the nerve tissue. This consists of cells whose business Fig. 38.—Diagram of Ctenophore. f, Tentacle; fs, tentacle sac; t, central cavity; tg, upper canal; rud, plate bearing cilia; g, radial canal; r, longitudinal canal; si, sense organ. There is another group of jellyfish-like marine animals which have been given the name of Ctenophora. By some they are regarded as a divergent sub-class of the Coelenterates, by others as a distinct main group; in any case they appear to be important from our point of view. The structure of a typical member is shown in Fig. 38, and a few other forms are illustrated in Fig. 39. Our typical example is pear-shaped, with the mouth at the lower pole. The internal cavity is complex, but is on a different plan Fig. 39.—Group of Ctenophora. Regarding the interrelationships of the various types that we have described, and their respective importance with reference to the descent of man, opinions are somewhat divided. Some believe the Ctenophora to have been derived from the Medusa form, but the more probable view seems to be that they have evolved separately from some earlier and more primitive type than any existing Coelenterate, and that their ancestors have all been free-swimming and ciliated. Now the Ctenophora are considered, on good grounds, to be somewhat nearly akin to the lowest worms, and thus to stand fairly close to the main line of Evolution. If this view be correct, the whole group of existing Coelenterates forms a side branch of the Evolution tree. This fact, however, does not take away the importance of the group in relation to the theory of the descent of the higher animals, for the Coelenterates have certainly retained many of the characters which were possessed by the direct ancestors of man, such, for instance, as the simple digestive cavity, the primitive type of body, consisting of two cell layers, the diffuse and elementary nervous system, and the radial arrangement of parts. Moreover, the course of Evolution in the group, leading from the Hydra to the |