- Abad´don, the destroyer.
- Abagtha, Ab-ag´-tha, father of the wine press.
- Abana, Ab-ay´-nah, stony.
- Abarim, Ab´-a-rim, passages.
- Ab´aron, strength.
- Ab´ba, father.
- Ab´da, a servant.
- Ab´di, my servant.
- Abdiel, Ab´-de-el, a servant of God.
- Ab´don, a servant.
- Abed-nego, A-bed´-ne-go, servant of light.
- A´bel, vanity, vapour, mourning.
- Abel-beth-maachah, Ay´-bel-beth-ma-ay´-kah, mourning of the house of Maachah.
- A´bel-ma´im, the mourning of the waters.
- Abel-meholah, Ay´-bel-me-ho´-lah, mourning of weakness, of sickness.
- Abel-mizraim, Ay´-bel-miz-ra´-im, the mourning of the Egyptians.
- A´bel-shit´tim, mourning of the thorns.
- A´bez, an egg, muddy.
- Abi, A´-be, my father.
- Abiah, Ab-i´-ah, the Lord is my father.
- Abi´ahil, the father of light or praise.
- Abi-albon, Ab-e-al´-bon, intelligent father.
- Ab´iam, the father of the sea.
- Abi-as´aph, a gathering or consuming father.
- Abiathar, Ab-i´-a-thar, excellent father.
- A´bib, green fruits, ears of corn.
- Abi´dah, father of knowledge.
- Abi´dan, father of judgment.
- Abiel, Ab´-e-el, God my father.
- Abiezer, Ab-e-e´-zer, father of help.
- Abi-ezrite, Ab-e-ez´-rite.
- Abigail, Ab´-e-gal, the joy of the father.
- Abi´-gibeon, the father of the cup, father of Gibeon.
- Abihail, Ab-e-hay´-il, the father of strength.
- Abi´hu, he is my father, or his father.
- Abi´hud, the father of praise or confession.
- Abijah, Ab-i´-jah, the will of the Lord.
- Abi´jam, father of the sea.
- Abilene, Ab-e-le´-ne, the father of the apartment, or of mourning.
- Abimael, Ab-be-may´-el, a father sent from God, my father comes from God.
- Abimelech, Ab-im´-me-lek, father of the king.
- Abinadab, Ab-in´-na-dab, father of willingness, my father is a prince.
- Abinoam, Ab-in´-no-am, father of beauty or comeliness, my father is beautiful.
- Abiram, Ab-i´-ram, a high father, father of
- fraud.
- Abishag, Ab´-be-shag, ignorance of the father.
- Abishai, Ab-bish´-a-i, the present of my father, the father of the sacrifice.
- Abishalom, Ab-bish´-a-lom, the father of peace, the recompence of the father.
- Abishua, Ab-bish´-u-a, father of salvation or of magnificence.
- Abishur, Ab´-be-shur, the father of the wall or of uprightness.
- Abital, Ab´-be-tal, the father of the dew.
- Abitub, Ab´-be-tub, father of goodness.
- Abiud, Ab´-be-ud, father of praise.
- Ab´ner, father of light, the son of the father.
- A´braham, the father of a great multitude.
- A´bram, a high father, the father of elevation.
- Ab´salom, father of peace.
- Accad, Ak´-ad, a pitcher, a sparkle.
- Accho, Ak´-ko, close, pressed together.
- Aceldama, A-kel´-da-mah, the field of blood.
- Achaia, A-kay´-yah, grief, trouble.
- Achaicus, A-kay´-e-kus, a native of Achaia.
- Achan, Achar, A´-kan, A´-kar, he that troubles and bruises.
- Achbor, Ak´-bor, a rat, bruising.
- Achim, A´-kim, preparing, confirming, revenging.
- Achir, A´-ker, the brother’s light.
- Achish, A´-kish, thus it is, how is this?
- Achmetha, Ak´-me-thah.
- Achor, A´-kor, trouble.
- Achsah, Ak´-sah, adorned, bursting of the veil.
- Achshaph, Ak´-shaph, poison, tricks, one that breaks, the brim of any thing.
- Achzib, Ak´-zib, liar, one that runs.
- Adadah, Ad´-a-dah, the testimony of the assembly.
- Adah, Ay´-dah, an assembly.
- Adaiah, Ad-a´-yah, the witness of the Lord.
- Adaliah, Ad-a-ly´-ah, one that draws water, poverty, cloud, death.
- Ad´am, earthy, taken out of red earth.
- Adamah, Ad´-da-mah, red earth.
- Adami, Ad´-da-my, my man, red, earthy.
- A´dar, high, eminent.
- Adbeel, Ad´-be-el, a vapour, a cloud of God, a vexer of God.
- Ad´di, my witness, adorned, passage, prey.
- Ad´don, basis, foundation, the Lord.
- Adiel, Ad´-i-el, the witness of the Lord.
- Adin, Ad´-din, adorned, dainty.
- Adithaim, Ad-e-thay´-im, assem
master of flies.
- Baal-zephon, Bay´-al-ze´-fon, the idol of the north, secret.
- Baanah, Bay´-a-nah, in the answer, in affliction.
- Baa´rah, a flame, purging.
- Baashah, Ba-ay´-shah, in the work, he that demands, who lays waste.
- Ba´bel, confusion, mixture.
- Babylon, Bab´-be-lon. See Babel.
- Babylonians, Bab-be-lo´-ne-ans.
- Babylonish, Bab-be-lo´-nish.
- Baca, Bay´-kah, mulberry tree.
- Bahurim, Ba-hew´-rim, choice, warlike.
- Ba´jith, a house.
- Balaam, Bay´-lam, the old age or ancient of the people, without the people.
- Bala´dan, one without rule or judgment, ancient in judgment.
- Ba´lak, who lays waste, who laps.
- Ba´mah, an eminence.
- Barabbas, Bar-ab´-bas, son of the father or of confusion.
- Barachel, Bar´-a-kel, who blesses God.
- Barachias, Bar´-a-ky-as, the same as Barachel.
- Ba´rak, thunder, in vain.
- Bar-je´sus, son of Jesus.
- Bar-jo´na, son of Jona or of a dove.
- Bar´nabas, the son of the prophet or of consolation.
- Bar´sabas, son of return, of rest, of swearing.
- Barthol´omew, a son that suspends the waters.
- Bartimeus, Bar-te-me´-us, the son of Timeus or of the honourable.
- Baruch, Bay´-ruk, who is blessed, who bends the knee.
- Barzillai, Bar-zil´-la-i, made of iron, son of contempt.
- Ba´shan, in the tooth, in the change or sleep.
- Bashemath, Bash´-e-math, perfumed, in desolation.
- Bath-sheba, Bath-she´-bah or Bath´-she-bah, the seventh daughter, the daughter of an oath.
- Bathshu´a, the daughter of salvation.
- Be´dad, alone, in friendship.
- Be´dan, only, in the judgment.
- Beel-zebub, Be-el´-ze-bub. See Baal-zebub.
- Beer, Be´-er, a well, the name of a city.
- Beer-lahai-roi, Be´-er-la-hay´-e-roy, the well of him that liveth and seeth me.
- Beer-sheba, Be´-er-she´-bah, the well of an oath, of satiety, the seventh well.
- Be´kah, half a shekel.
- Bel, ancient, nothing, subject to change.
- Belial, Bee´-le-al, wicked, the devil.
- Belshaz´zar, master of the treasure.
- Belteshaz´zar, who lays up treasures in secret, secretly endures pain and pressure.
- Benaiah, Ben-ay´-yah, son of the Lord, the Lord’s building.
- Ben-am´mi, the son of my people.
- Benha´dad, the son of Hadad, of noise.
- Ben´jamin, the son of the right hand.
- Ben´jamite, a descendant of Benjamin.
- Benoni, Ben-o´-ny, son of my grief.
- Be´or, burning, mad, beast.
- Berachah, Ber´-a-kah, blessing.
- BerÆa, Be-ree´-ah, heavy, from ?????.
- Be´rith, covenant.
- Bernice, Ber-ny´-se, one that brings victory.
- Be´sor, glad news, incarnation.
- Be´tah, confidence.
- Bethabara, Beth-ab´-ba-rah, the house of passage, of anger.
- Beth´any, the house of song, of affliction, of obedience, the grace of the Lord.
- Beth-a´ven, the house of vanity, of strength.
- Beth-birei, Beth-bir´-re-i, the house of my Creator.
- Beth´-car, the house of the lamb, of knowledge.
- Beth-da´gon, the house of corn, of the fish, of the god Dagon.
- Beth-diblathaim, Beth-dib-la-thay´-im, the house of dry figs.
- Beth´el, the house of God.
- Bethelite, Beth´-el-ite, an inhabitant of Bethel.
- Be´ther, division, in the turtle, in the trial.
- Bethes´da, the house of effusion, of pity.
- Beth-e´zel, a neighbour’s house.
- Beth-gamul, Beth-gay´-mul, the house of recompense, of the weaned, of the camel.
- Beth-haccerem, Beth-hak´-ke-rem, the house of the vineyard.
- Beth-ho´ron, the house of wrath, of the hole, of liberty.
- Bethjesh´imoth, the house of desolation.
- Beth´-lehem, the house of bread, of war.
- Beth-lehem-ephratah, Beth´-le-hem-eff-ray´-tah or eff´-ra-tah.
- Beth´-lehem-ju´dah.
- Beth´-lehemite, an inhabitant of Bethlehem.
- Beth-pe´or, the house of gaping.
- Bethphage, Beth´-fa-je, the house of the mouth, of early figs.
- Bethsaida, Beth-say´-dah, the house of fruits, of hunters.
- Beth´-shan, the house of the tooth, of change, of sleep.
- Beth-she´mesh, the house of the sun.
- Bethuel, Beth-ew´-el, filiation of God.
- Beulah, Bew´-lah, married.
- Bezaleel, Bez-a-lee´-el, in the shadow of God.
- Be´zek, lightning, in chains.
- Bichri, Bick´-ry, first-born, in the ram.
- Bid´kar, in compunction, in sharp pain.
- Big´than, giving meat.
an>, Eff´-rath-ite, an inhabitant of Ephratah, or a descendant from Ephraim.
- Ephron, Ef´-ron, dust.
- Epicureans, Ep-e-kew-re´-ans, who gives assistance; from the Greek ????????, I help.
- Er, watch, enemy.
- Eras´tus, lovely, amiable.
- E´rech, length, health.
- Esaias, E-zay´-e-as. See Isaia.
- Esar-haddon, E´-sar-had-´don, that binds, joy, or closes the point.
- E´sau, he that does or finishes.
- E´sek, contention.
- Esh-ba´al, the fire of the idol.
- Esh´col, a bunch of grapes.
- Eshtaol, Esh´-ta-ol, stout, strong woman.
- Eshtemoa, Esh-te-mo´-a, which is heard, the bosom of a woman.
- Es´li, near me, he that separates.
- Es´rom, the dart of joy, division of the song.
- Esther, Ess´-ter, secret, hidden.
- E´tam, their bird or covering.
- E´tham, their strength or sign.
- E´than, strong, the gift of the island.
- Ethanim, Eth´-an-im, strong, valiant.
- Ethbaal, Eth-bay´-al, toward the idol, he that rules.
- Ethiopia, Ee-the-o´-pe-a, in Hebrew, Cush, blackness; in Greek it signifies heat, from ????, I burn, and ????, face.
- Ethiopians, Ee-the-o´-pe-ans, Africans.
- Eubulus, Yew´-bu-lus, a prudent counsellor.
- Eunice, Yew-ny´-se, good victory.
- Euodias, Yew-o´-de-as, sweet scent.
- Euphrates, Yew-fray´-tes, that makes fruitful.
- Euroc´lydon, the north-east wind.
- Eutychus, Yew´-te-kus, happy, fortunate.
- Eve, living, enlivening.
- Evil-merodach, Ee´-vil-me-ro´-dak, or mer´-o-dak, the fool of Merodach, despising the bitterness of the fool.
- Ezekiel, E-zee´-ke-el, the strength of God.
- E´zel, going abroad, distillation.
- Ezion-Geber, E´-ze-on-ge´-ber, the wood of the man, counsel of the man, of the strong.
- Ez´ra, a helper.
- Fe´lix, happy, prosperous.
- Fes´tus, festival, joyful.
- Fortuna´tus, happy, prosperous.
- Gaal, Gay´al, contempt, abomination.
- Gaash, Gay´-ash, tempest, overthrow.
- Gabbatha, Gab´-ba-tha, high, elevated. In Greek, lithostrotos, paved with stones.
- Ga´briel, God is my strength.
- Gad, a band, happy, armed and prepared.
- Gadarenes, Gad-a-ree´ns, surrounded, walled.
- Gad´di, my happiness, my troop, a kid.
- Gaddiel, Gad´-de-el, goat of God, the Lord is my army.
- Gadites, Gad´-dites, descendants of Gad.
- Gaius, Gay´-e-us, lord, an earthly man.
- Galatia, Gal-ay´-she-a, white, of the colour of milk.
- Galatians, Gal-ay´-she-ans, born in Galatia.
- Galbanum, Gal´-ba-num, a gum, sweet spice.
- Galeed, Gal´-e-ed, the heap of witness.
- Galilee, Gal´-le-lee, wheel, revolution, heap.
- Galileans, Gal-le-lee´-ans, inhabitants of Galilee.
- Gal´lim, who heap up, cover, roll.
- Gal´lio, he that sucks or lives upon milk.
- Gama´liel, recompense, camel, weaned of God.
- Gam´madims, soldiers placed in the towers of Tyrus; men who came from Gammade, a town of Phenicia.
- Ga´tam, their lowing, their touch.
- Gath, a press.
- Gath-rim´mon, the press of the granite, exalted press.
- Ga´za, strong, a goat.
- Ge´ba, a hill, a cup.
- Ge´bal, bound, limit.
- Ge´bim, grasshoppers, height.
- Gedaliah, Ged-a-ly´-ah, God is my greatness, fringe of the Lord.
- Gehazi, Ge-hay´-zye, valley of sight, of the breast.
- Gemari´ah, accomplishment of the Lord.
- Gennesaret, Gen-ness´-a-ret, or Jen-ness´-a-ret, the garden or protection of the prince.
- Genubath, Gen´-u-bath, theft, garden or protection of the daughter.
- Ge´ra, pilgrimage, dispute.
- Ge´rah, the twentieth part of a shekel.
- Ge´rar. See Gera.
- Gergesenes, Ger´-ge-seens, those who come from pilgrimage or from fight.
- Gerizim, Ger´-re-zim, cutters.
- Ger´shom, a stranger there, a traveller of reputation.
- Ger´shon, his banishment, the change of pilgrimage.
- Ge´shur, the sight of the valley, the vale of the ox or the wall.
- Geshurites, Gesh´-u-rytes, inhabitants of Geshur.
- Ge´ther, the vale of trial, of searching, the press of inquiry.
- Gethsemane, Geth-sem´-a-ne, a very fat valley.
- Giah, Gy´-ah, to guide, draw out, a sigh.
- Gibeah, Gib´-e-ah, a hill.
- Gib´eon, hill, cup, that which is without.
- Gib´eonites, people of Gibeon.
- Gid´eon, he that bruises, cutting off iniquity.
- Gihon<
- Jezrahiah, Jez-ra-hy´-ah, the Lord is the east, the Lord arises,
- Jezreel, Jez´-re-el or Jez-ree´-el, seed of God, dropping of the friendship of God.
- Jezreelite, Jez´-re-el-ite or Jez-ree´-el-ite, an inhabitant of Jezreel.
- Jidlaph, Jid´-laf, he that distils, hands joined.
- Jo´ab, paternity, having a father, voluntary.
- Jo´ah, who has a brother, brother of the Lord.
- Joan´na, the grace or mercy of the Lord.
- Jo´ash, who despairs, burns, is on fire.
- Job, he that weeps, cries, or speaks out of a hollow place.
- Jochebed, Jok´-ke-bed, glorious, honourable, a person of merit, the glory of the Lord.
- Jo´el, that wills, commands, or swears.
- Joezer, Jo-ee´-zer, he that aids.
- Jo´ha, who enlivens and gives life.
- Joha´nan, who is liberal and grants favour.
- John, the gift or mercy of the Lord.
- Jok´shan, hard, difficult, scandalous.
- Jok´tan, small, disgust, weariness, dispute.
- Jon´adab, who acts in good earnest.
- Jo´nah, or Jo´nas, a dove, he that oppresses.
- Jon´athan, given of God.
- Jop´pa, beauty, comeliness.
- Jo´ram, to cast, elevated.
- Jor´dan, the river of judgment, that rejects judgment, descent.
- Jo´rim, he that exalts the Lord.
- Jo´se, raised, who exists, or pardons, Saviour.
- Joseph, Jo´-sef, increase, addition.
- Joses, Jo´-sez. See Jose.
- Josh´ua, the Lord, the Saviour.
- Josi´ah, the fire of the Lord.
- Jo´tham, perfection of the Lord.
- Jubal, Jew´-bal, he that runs, he that produces, a trumpet.
- Jubilee, Jew´-be-lee, a feast of the Jews, every fiftieth year; in Hebrew, Jobel, a ram’s horn, or a trumpet by which the jubilee year was proclaimed.
- Ju´dah, the praise of the Lord.
- Ju´das, the same as Judah.
- Judea, Jew-dee´-a, a country.
- Ju´lia, downy; from ??????, “down.”
- Ju´lius, the same as Julia.
- Ju´nia, from Juno, or from juventus, youth.
- Jupiter, Jew´-pe-ter, as if it were juvans pater, the father that helpeth.
- Jus´tus, just, upright.
lass="sc">Pelati´ah, let the Lord deliver. Pe´leg, division. Pelethites, Pel´-eth-ites, judges, destroyers. Peniel, Pe-ny´-el, face or vision of God. Penin´nah, precious stone, his face. Penu´el. See Peniel. Peor, Pee´-or, hold, opening. Per´ga, very earthy. Per´gamos, height, elevation. Perizzites, Per´-iz-zytes, the name of a people who dwell in villages. Per´sia, Per´sis, that cuts, nail, horseman. Pe´ter, a rock, a stone. Pethu´el, mouth or persuasion of God. Phalec, Fay´-lek. See Peleg. Phallu, Fal´-lu, admirable, hidden. Phalti, Fal´-ty, deliverance, flight. Phanuel, Fa-new´-el, face or vision of God. Pharaoh, Fay´-ro, that disperses, that discovers; according to the Syriac, the revenger, the king, the crocodile. Pharez, Fay´-rez, division, rupture. Pharpar, Far´-par, that produces fruits, fall of the bull. Phebe, Fee´-be, shining, pure. Phenice, Fe-ny´-se, red, purple. Phichol, Fy´-kol, the mouth of all, perfection. Philadelphia, Fil-a-del´-fe-a, the love of a brother; from ?????, love, and ???????, a brother. Philemon, Fil-ee´-mon, or Fy-lee´-mon, that is affectionate. Philetus, Fil-ee´-tus or Fy-lee´-tus, amiable, beloved. Phil´ip, warlike, a lover of horses. Philippi, Fil-lip´-py, the same as Philip. Philistia, Fil-lis´-te-a or Fy-lis´-te-a, the country of the Philistines. Philistines, Fil-lis´-tines or Fil-lis´-tins, those that dwell in villages. Philologus, Fil-lol´-lo-gus, lover of learning. Phinehas, Fin´-ne-has, a bold countenance. Phlegon, Fle´-gon, zealous, burning. Phrygia, Frij´-e-a, dry, barren. Phurah, Few´-rah, that bears fruit, that grows. Phygellus, Fy-jel´-lus, fugitive. Pi-be´seth, the mouth of despite. Pi-hahiroth, Py-ha-hy´-roth, the mouth, the pass of Hiroth, the opening of liberty. Pi´late, who is armed with a dart. Pi´non, gem, that beholds. Pirathon, Pir´-a-thon, his dissipation, deprivation; in Syriac, his vengeance. Pis´gah, hill, eminence, fortress. Pisidia, Py-sid´-e-a, pitch, pitchy. Pi´son, changing, doubling, extended. Pi´thom, their mouthful, bit, consummation. Pi´thon, his mouth, his persuasion. Pol´lux, a boxer. Pontius, Pon´-she-us, marine, belonging to the sea. Pon´tus, the sea; from ??????. Poratha, Por´-a-tha, fruitful. Porcius, Por´-she-us. Potiphar, Pot´-te-far, bull of Africa, fat bull. Poti-pherah, Pot-if´-fe-rah or Pot-e-fee´-rah, that scatters or demolishes the fat. Prisca, Pris´-kah, ancient. Priscilla, Pris-sil´-lah, the same as Prisca. Prochorus, Prok´-o-rus, he that presides over the choirs. Publius, Pub´-le-us, common. Pudens, Pew´-dens, shamefaced. Pul, bean, destruction. Pu´non, precious stone, that beholds. Pur, lot. Puteoli, Pew-tee´-o-ly, a city in Campania. Putiel, Pew´-te-el, God is my fatness. - Raamah, Ray´-a-mah or Ra-ay´-mah, greatness, thunder, evil, bruising.
- Raamses, Ra-am´-ses. See Rameses.
- Rab´bah, powerful, contentious.
- Rab´-mag, who overthrows a multitude, chief of the magicians.
- Rab´-saris, grand master of the eunuchs.
- Rab´-shakeh, cup-bearer of the prince, chamberlain.
- Rachab, Ray´-kab, proud, strong, enlarged.
- Rachal, Ray´-kal, injurious, perfumer.
- Rachel, Ray´-tshel, a sheep.
- Ragau, Ray´-gaw, a friend, a neighbour.
- Raguel, Rag-ew´-el, shepherd or friend of God.
- Ra´hab, proud, strong, quarrelsome.
- Ra´hab, large, extended, public place.
- Rak´kath, empty, spittle.
- Rak´kon, vain, mountain of lamentations.
- Ram, elevated, who rejects.
- Ramah, Ray´-mah, the same as Ram.
- Ramath, Ray´-math, raised, lofty.
- Ramathaim-zophim, Ra-math-ay´-im-zo´-fim, the same as Ramah.
- Ra´math-le´hi, elevation of the jaw bone.
- Rameses, Ram´-e-ses, thunder, he that destroys evil.
- Ramiah, Ram-i´-ah, exaltation of the Lord.
- <
sc">Syrian, Sir´-re-ak, Sir´-re-an, of Syria.
- Syrians, Sir´-re-ans, inhabitants of Syria.
- Syro-phenician, Sy´-ro-fe-nish´-e-an, purple, drawn to; from ????, I draw, and ??????, red palm tree.
- Taanach, Tay´-a-nak, or Ta-ay´-nak, who humbles or answers thee.
- Tab´bath, good, goodness.
- Tabeal, Tay´-be-al or Tab-ee´-al, good God.
- Tabeel, Tay´-be-el or Tab-ee´-el, the same as Tabeal.
- Taberah, Tab´-e-rah or Tab-ee´-rah, burning.
- Tabitha, Tab´-e-tha, in Syriac, clear sighted; she is also called Dorcas, wild goat.
- Ta´bor, choice; in Syriac, contrition.
- Tabrimon, Tab´-re-mon, good promegranate.
- Tad´mor, palm tree, change.
- Tahapanes, Ta-hap´-pa-nes, secret temptation.
- Tahpenes, Tah´-pe-nes, standard, flight.
- Talitha-cumi, Tal´-le-tha-kew´-my, young woman, arise.
- Talmai, Tal´-may, my furrow, heap of waters.
- Ta´mar, a palm, palm tree.
- Tam´muz, abstruse, concealed.
- Tanhumeth, Tan-hew´-meth or Tan´-hu-meth, consolation, repentance.
- Taphath, Tay´-fath, little girl.
- Tar´pelites, ravishers, wearied.
- Tar´shish, contemplation of the marble.
- Tar´sus, winged, feathered.
- Tar´tak, chained, bound, shut up.
- Tar´tan, that searches the gift of the turtle.
- Tatnai, Tat´-nay, that gives.
- Te´bah, murder, a cook.
- Te´beth, the Babylonish name of the tenth month of the Hebrews.
- Te´kel, weight.
- Tekoa, Te-ko´-ah, sound of the trumpet.
- Tel´abid, a heap of new grain.
- Tel-harsa, Tel-har´-sah, heap, suspension of the plough or of the head.
- Te´lieth, goodness.
- Tel-melah, Tel´-me-lah or Tel-mee´-lah, heap of salt or of mariners.
- Te´ma, admiration, perfection.
- Te´man, the south, Africa.
- Te´manite, an inhabitant of Teman.
- Te´rah, to breathe, to scent, to blow.
- Teraphim, Ter´-ra-fim, an image, an idol.
- Tertius, Ter´-she-us, the third.
- Tertul´lus, a liar, an impostor.
- Tetrarch, Tet´-rark or Tee´-trarck, governor of a fourth part of a kingdom.
- Thaddeus, Thad-dee´-us, that praises.
- Tha´hash, that makes haste, or keeps silence.
- Tha´mah, that blots out or suppresses.
- Tha´mar. See Tamar.
- Tham´muz. See Tammuz.
- The´bez, muddy, silk.
- Thelasar, The-lass´-ar, that unbinds and grants the suspension or heap.
- Theophilus, The-of´-fe-las, a friend of God.
- Thessalonica, Thes-sa-lo-ny´-kah, victory against the Thessalians.
- Theudas, Thew´-das, a false teacher.
- Thomas, Tom´-mas, a twin.
- Thum´mim, truth, perfection.
- Thyatira, Thy-a-ty´-rah, a sweet savour of labour or sacrifice of contrition.
- Tiberias, Ti-bee´-re-as, good vision.
- Tiberius, Ti-bee´-re-us, son of Tiber.
- Tib´ni, straw, understanding.
- Ti´dal, that breaks the yoke.
- Tiglath-pileser, Tig´-lath-pi-lee´-zer, that takes away captivity, miraculous.
- Tik´vah, hope, a congregation.
- Timeus, Ti-mee´-us, in Greek, perfect, honourable; in Hebrew, admirable.
- Tim´-nath, image, enumeration.
- Timnath-heres, Tim´-nath-hee´-res, image of the dumb.
- Ti´mon, honourable.
- Timo´theus, honour of God, valued of God.
- Tiphsah, Tif´-sah, passage, passover.
- Tirhakah, Tir-hay´-kah or Tir´-ha-kah, inquirer, law made dull.
- Tirshatha, Tir-shay´-tha, that overturns the foundation; in Syriac, that beholds the time.
- Tir´zah, benevolent, pleasant.
- Tish´bite, that makes captives, that dwells.
- Ti´tus, honourable; from ???, I honour.
- To´ah, a weapon.
- Tob, good, goodness.
- Tob-adonijah, Tob´-ad-o-ny´-jah, my good God.
- Tobi´ah, the Lord is good.
- Togar´mah, which is all bone, strong.
- To´hu, that lives or declares.
- Toi, To´-i, who wanders.
- To´la, worm, scarlet.
- To´lad, nativity.
- Tophel, To´-fel, ruin, folly, insipid.
- Tophet, To´-fet, a drum, betraying.
- Tro´as, penetrated.
- Trogyllium, Tro-jil´-le-um, a city in the isle of Samos.
- Trophimus, Trof´-fe-mus, well educated.
- Tryphena, Try-fee´-nah, delicate.
- Trypho´sa, thrice shining.
- Tu´bal, the earth, confusion.