Numbers in bold italics refer to pages with illustrations.
pilus 22, 77 Clitopilus passackerianus 77 prunulus 77, 101 Collybia 26, 66, 86, 90, 92, 102, 120 Collybia maculata 90, Plate 24 (91) peronata 92 Coltricia 138 Coniochaeta scatigena Plate 72 (215) Coniophora 136 Coniophora puteana 156, Plate 51 (157) Conocybe 23, 126 Conocybe dunensis 242, Plate 80 (241) lactea 116 mairei 228, Plate 76 (229) tenera 116, Plate 35 (117), 242 Coprinus 23, 128, 207, 212, 218, Plate 71 (213) Coprinus angulatus 218, Plate 73 (219) bisporus 212 cinereus 211, 214, 218, Plate 71 (213) comatus 126, Plate 40 (127) ephemerus 212 ephemeroides 212 filamentifer 214 fimetarius 211 lagopides 218 lagopus 211 macrocephalus 211 macrorhizus 211 miser 212 niveus 212 patouillardii 212 pellucidus 137 Galerina 23, 224, 230 Galerina calyptrata 231 hypnorum 230, 231, Plate 78 (235) mniophila 231 mycenopsis 230, 231 paludosa 224, Plate 75 (225) sphagnorum 224, Plate 75 (225) tibiicytis 224, Plate 75 (225) vittaeformis 234, Plate 78 (235) Ganoderma 137, 146 Ganoderma applanatum 146 Ganoderma europaeum 146, 148, Plate 47 (147) Gasteromycetes 21, 186, 187 Geastrum 186, 192 Geastrum rufescens 192, Plate 64 (193) triplex 192 Geoglossaceae 168 Geoglossum 172, 206 Geoglossum cookeianum Plate 57 (169) Geopyxis carbonaria Plate 74 (221) Gloeocystidium porosum Plate 59 (177) Gloeophyllum 137 Gloeoporus 138 Gomphidius 23, 34, 36 Gomphidius glutinosus 36 maculatus 36 roseus 35, 36 Grifola 139 Gymnopilus 23 Gymnopilus penetrans 72, Plate 16 (73) Gymnopilus sapineus 72 Gyromitra esculenta Plate 65 (201), 202 Gyroporus 74, 88, 102, 104, 247 Mycena bulbosa 223, Plate 75 (225) epipterygia 237 galericulata 68, Plate 14 (69), 88 galopus 88 haematopus 88, Plate 23 (89) leucogala 88, 217 olivaceo-marginata 237 sanguinolenta 88, Plate 23 (89) Mycoacia 137 Myxomphalia maura 236 Naucoria 23, 226 Naucoria escharoides 226, Plate 76 (229) Nectria cinnabarina 180 Neurospora sitophila 220, Plate 74 (215) Nolanea 22, 102, Plate 28 (103), 124 Nolanea cetrata 102, 237 sericea 122, Plate 38 (123), 124 staurospora 101, 102, 122, Plate 38 (123) Nyctalis 24, 247 Nyctalis asterophora Plate 81 (245), 246 parasitica Plate 81 (245), 246 Odontia bicolor 236 Oedocephalum Plate 74 (215) Oidium conspersum Plate 59 (119) Omphalina 25, 100, 102, 232 Omphalina ericetorum 232,
9@60159-h@60159-h-8.htm.html#Page222" class="pginternal">222, 240 Psilocybe semilanceata 114, Plate 34 (115) Pycnoporus 138 Pyronema omphalodes 220, Plate 74 (221) Radulomyces confluens Plate 59 (177) Ramaria 136, 172 Ramaria ochraceo-virens Plate 57 (169), 170, 172 Rhizina undulata 203, 204, Plate 69 (205), 220 Rhizopogon 186, 243 Rhizopogon roseolus 244, Plate 81 (245) Rhodopaxillus 131 Rhodophyllaceae 101 Rhodophyllaceae—spores Plate 28 (103) Rhodophyllus 101 Russula 24, 45, 46, 50, 237, 246, Plate 81 (245) Russula alpina 237 atropurpurea 46 betularum 46 claroflava 45, 46 cyanoxantha 48 emetica 46, 48 fellea 48 foetens 48 lutea 45 mairei 49 nigrescens 49 ochroleuca 45, Plate 7 (47) sardonia 46 xerampelina 49 xerampelina var. pascua 237 Saccobolus versicolor Plate 72 (215) Sarcodon 160 Sarcodon imbricatum 160, Plate 53 (161) Schizophyllum |