There is nothing impossible to him who will try.—Alexander. If you just get a chance? Oh, certainly, it would be unfair for us grown-ups to expect you, a mere inexperienced youth, to win without giving you a fair opportunity. But what is a fair opportunity? The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.—Gibbon. Opinions regarding what is best for the making of a boy differ greatly. Some assert that a child born with a silver spoon in its mouth is not likely to breathe as deeply and develop as well as one that is born without any such hindrance to full respiration. He that studieth revenge keepeth his own wounds green.—Bacon. Kind parents, a good home training, a chance to go to school, influential friends, good health, and some one to stand between you and the hard knocks of the world all serve to make a boy’s surroundings truly enviable. Under such conditions any boy ought to win. Yet some boys have won without these advantages. The two noblest things are sweetness and light.—Swift. The wise prove, and the foolish confess, by their conduct, that a life of employment is the only life worth leading.—Paley. The world belongs to the energetic.—Emerson. He who hurts others injures himself; he who helps others advances his own interests.—Buddha. He that sips of many arts drinks of none.—Fuller. There is a higher law than the constitution.—William H. Seward. Abraham Lincoln was born of very He that has no cross will have no crown.—Quarles. What a fine demonstration of the power and efficacy of self-help! It is quite enough to convince any boy that there is no difficulty he cannot overcome when once he has formed an invincible partnership between “MYSELF AND I”A strenuous soul hates a cheap success.—Emerson. Myself and I close friends have been Since ’way back where we started. We two, amid life’s thick and thin, Have labored single-hearted. In every season, wet or dry, Or fair or stormy weather, We’ve joined our hands, myself and I, And just worked on together. All that is great in man comes through work, and civilization is its product.—Smiles. Though many friends have been as kind And loving as a brother, Myself and I have come to find Our best friends in each other, For while to us obscure and small May seem the tasks they bend to, We’ve learned our fellow-men have all They and themselves can tend to. Ability and necessity dwell near each other.—Pythagoras. Myself and I, and we alone, You and yourself, good neighbor, Each in his self-determined zone Must find his field of labor. That prize which men have called “success” Has joy nor pleasure in it To satisfy the soul unless Myself and I shall win it. The only amaranthine flower is virtue.—Cowper. Dr. Arnold, whose long experience with youth at Rugby gave weight to his opinion, declared that “the difference between one boy and another consists not so much in talent as in energy.” “The longer I live,” says Sir Thomas Buxton, another student of human character, “the more certain I am that the great difference between men, between the great and the insignificant, is energy, invincible determination, an honest purpose once fixed, and then death or victory. This quality will do anything in the world; and no talents, no circumstances, will make a two-legged creature a man without it.” The secret of success is constancy to purpose.—Beaconsfield. Says an old Latin proverb: “Oppor The only knowledge that a man has is the knowledge he can use.—Macaulay. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul.—Addison. There is a sufficient recompense in the very consciousness of a noble deed.—Cicero. When Thomas A. Edison went out into the world to make his way, he had received only two months’ regular schooling, but his mother had early impressed upon his mind the thought that he must atone for his lack of school training by developing a taste for reading. His biographers tell us that the “Penny Encyclopedia” and Ure’s “History of the Sciences” were in his hands at a time when most boys, having become acquainted with stories of adventure, look for mystery in every bush and resolve to become pirates and Indian fighters. There are many stories of his early acuteness. One relates how when a boy of twelve or fourteen he was employed in selling papers on a railroad train in Michigan, and upon receiving advance news of a battle of the Rebellion fought at that time he secured fifteen hundred papers on credit, telegraphed the headlines to the stations along the route, and sold his wares at a premium. It was after this exploit that he conceived the idea of starting a daily paper of his own. Securing some old type from the “Detroit Free Press,” The only failure a man ought to fear is failure in cleaving to the purpose he sees to be best.—George Eliot. The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.—Disraeli. He needs no tears who lived a noble life.—Fitz James O’Brien. “Yesterday’s successes belong to yesterday with all of yesterday’s defeats and RIGHT HERE AND JUST NOWI don’t think much of a man who is not wiser to-day than he was yesterday.—Abraham Lincoln. “If I’d ’a’ been born,” says Sy Slocum to me, “In some other far-away clime, Or if I could ’a’ had my existence,” says he, “In some other long-ago time, I know I’d ’a’ flourished in pretty fine style And set folks a-talkin’, I ’low, But what troubles me is there’s nothin’ worth while A-doin’ right here and just now.” Hurry not only spoils work, but spoils life also.—Lubbock. “Them folks that can dwell in a country,” says Sy, “Where they don’t have no winter nor storm, And the weather ain’t ready to freeze ’em or fry, By gettin’ too cold or too warm, Have got all the time that they want to sit down And think out a project so great That it’s just about certain to win ’em renown And bring ’em success while they wait.” I cannot hear what you say for listening to what you are.—Emerson. Says Sy, “Folks a-livin’ here ages ago, Before all the chances had flown For makin’ a hit, wouldn’t stand any show To-day at a-holdin’ their own. Good times will come back to our planet, I ’low, When I’ve faded out of the scene; But it hurts me to think that right here and just now Is a sorry betwixt and between.” At that I got tired a-hearin’ Sy spout, And says I, “Sy, you like to enthuse Regardin’ the marvelous work you’d turn out If you stood in some other man’s shoes; But while all your ’might-’a’-been’ praises you sing, It’s worth while recallin’ as how That no man on earth ever does the first thing That he can’t do right here and just now!” Honest labor wears a lovely face.—Decker. Jean Paul Richter, who suffered greatly from poverty, said that he would not have been rich for worlds. “I began life with a sixpence,” said Girard, “and believe that a man’s best capital is his industry.” I am a part of all that I have seen.—Tennyson. Thomas Ball, the sculptor, whose fine statues ornament the parks and squares of Boston, used as a lad to sweep out the halls of the Boston Museum. Horace Greeley, journalist and orator, was the son of a poor New Hampshire farmer and for years earned his living by typesetting. Thorwaldsen, the great Danish sculptor, was the son of humble Icelandic fisher-folk, but by study and perseverance he became one of the greatest of modern sculptors. In the Copenhagen museum alone are six hundred examples of his art. If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it.—Marcus Aurelius. Benjamin Franklin, philosopher and A thing is never too often repeated which is never sufficiently learned.—Seneca. Any man may commit a mistake, but none but a fool will continue in it.—Cicero. John Bunyan, author of “Pilgrim’s Progress,” which is said to have obtained a larger circulation than any other book in English except the Bible, was a tinker. Linnaeus, the great Swedish botanist, and most influential naturalist of the eighteenth century, was a shoemaker’s apprentice. As a matter of fact, a man’s first duty is to mind his own business.—Lorimer. George Stephenson, the English engineer and inventor, was in his youth a stoker in a colliery, learning to read and Books are lighthouses erected in the great sea of time.—Whipple. John Jacob Astor began life as a peddler in the streets of New York, where his descendants now own real estate worth hundreds of millions. Civility costs nothing and buys everything.—Lady Montague. Shakespeare in his youth was a wool-carder. Cheerful looks make every dish a feast.—Massinger. Thousands of other examples might be mentioned to show that lowly birth is no barrier to lofty attainment. It has been truly said that genius ignores all social barriers and springs forth wherever heaven has dropped the seed. The grandest characters known in art, literature, and the useful inventions, have illustrated the axiom that “brave deeds are the ancestors of brave men,” and, as Ballou has told us, “it would almost appear that an element of hardship is necessary to the effective development of true genius. Indeed, when we come to the highest achievements of the greatest minds, it seems that they were not limited by race, Character, good or bad, has a tendency to perpetuate itself.—Hodge. So we see that it is something within the boy rather than conditions about him that is to determine what he is to become. A boy with a good mind with which to think and a determination to do, is pretty sure of doing something worth while. The whole world knows that so much depends on whether or not the boy cultivates a determination to KEEP A-TRYINGDo not hang a dismal picture on your wall, and do not deal with sables and glooms in your conversations.—Emerson. Say “I will!” and then stick to it— That’s the only way to do it. Don’t build up a while and then Tear the whole thing down again. Fix the goal you wish to gain, Then go at it heart and brain, And, though clouds shut out the blue, Do not dim your purpose true With your sighing. Stand erect, and, like a man, Know “They can who think they can!” Keep a-trying. Pray for a short memory as to all unkindnesses—Spurgeon. Do to-day thy nearest duty.—Goethe. Had Columbus, half seas o’er, Turned back to his native shore, Men would not, to-day, proclaim Round the world his deathless name. So must we sail on with him Past horizons far and dim, Till at last we own the prize That belongs to him who tries With faith undying; Own the prize that all may win Who, with hope, through thick and thin Keep a-trying. WATT DISCOVERING THE CONDENSATION OF STEAM